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'Thirtythree' Nil had started counting after the first few hours, there was a lot to do for the unprepared anti-air defenders, but it was very repetitive and that was fucking with Nil. 'Thirtyfour' the bomber slowly fell from the sky leaving a trail of flame in its descent, there were now many of these bombers flying over, they were larger and slower targets than jets so naturally Nil began targeting them. 'Thirtyfive' thirtyfive planes she counted so far and also the amount of chocolate bars she would eat back at HQ, at least if there were enough left, of if they would go back to HQ at all, if only Nil started counting earlier she could have eaten fifteen or maybe twenty more, well it was no use now, Nil wasn't going to change the rules of her little game while in the mid of it.

'Thirtysix' the anti-air corps had been tasked with an impossible task and everyone knew it, even if the city was equipped with a few more AA missile launchers and interceptor jets it would hardly make a difference, the chinese were starting to cover the city's sky and shower it with their bombs. 'Thirtyseven' the scenery wasn't pretty either, as would be expected most emplacements and large vehicles had already been destroyed by precision air-to-ground missiles, the soldiers had all scattered in the trenches and foxholes that littered the ground, hiding and shooting their MANPADS before going back to cover again. 'Thirtyeight' Nil was doing pretty much the same thing, just shooting more than a single projective each time, moreover she had her hair fully hidden under her coat with a hood and cap on top of it all, it was very uncomfortable but at least it covered her glow from jets and drones.

'Thirtynine' but at the end there was only one thing that every soldier stopped to look at, even if for just a second, the Wall of Light being bombarded from a distance, it was truly spectacular, huge explosions rumbling and cracking on an impenetrable barrier, a display of lights and distant noise that would be deafening for anyone close to the barrier, also a reminder that even with everything that had been thrown at them real hell was over there, not further away than a mile.

'Forty' it was time to take break, just a minute to look at the barrier while it was being bombed, there wouldn't be a scarcity of bombers anytime soon and if the battle kept going for so long, could she even eat that much chocolate?
Through the power of Excel I've added an accuracy table and also reworked the abilities

edited and it looks good (or at least better than before), tell me if anything needs to be adjusted

wrong button pls delete lol

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