Avatar of Glitter Guppy


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8 yrs ago
By order of me, Lady of the Lore, I am not allowed to go to bed until I finish this post on pain of *insert creative punishment here*.


::Who Is Glitter Guppy?::

Hi! I'm Lor. I've been role-playing since 2006, bouncing around between multiple sites, dipping my toes in different creative pools. In fact, I've been a long-time RPG member (PlaysWithFire was my old name, if anyone recognizes that {probably not}), but lost track of the website after the multiple crashes a few years ago and ended up taking a break from this website. I'm big into Sci-Fi and Fantasy (Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, The Tudors, Harry Potter, True Blood, Spartacus, etc), so naturally that's what I love to write about, but I'm also a fan of mixed historical fiction and apocalyptic of any flavor.

I love to write complicated damsels, both distressing and in distress. I'm a huge believer in the power and ability of the ordinary human race, and I like to try and integrate that into my work when I can. I don't much care for blatant horror or gore writing, but I won't shy away from getting my hands dirty or shedding some In Character blood when needed.

I go with the flow during story progression and don't make a big deal about anything unless someone's being purposefully mean or troll-y. Outside of writing, I am a child of the Performing Arts (voice, piano, dance, acting, etc) and a huge pasta enthusiast. I go to Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions around the USA and costume as various characters from films and TV, I play a variety of MMOs (7 Days To Die, Guild Wars 2, WoW, SWTOR, etc) and games (Halo is a favorite, as is Mass Effect and The Sims 4). I LOVE music, it inspires me when I'm creatively blocked and calms me when I'm freaking out on an airplane, and it's not hard to trigger my Excitable Mode. I fangirl over good stories and fun characters SO hard. <3

I'm more of a player and not a very good leader, so I prefer to respond and react instead of guide or control a narrative (OOC and IC), but I'll do my best to fill whatever role the group needs at the moment. Smaller groups are better, I get overwhelmed easily so I have to work to make sure I don't over-promise and ensure burnout doesn't happen. Not to say I CAN'T do giant groups, I just prefer smaller. :P

::My Role-Play Preferences::
  • Interested In: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural (not the TV show) and Paranormal Phenomena, Post Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, and I'm sure this list will grow!
  • SLOW POSTER! You have been warned.
  • I prefer smaller groups (in my experience, anything greater than 5 or 6 writers gets absolutely lost in translation), I enjoy one-on-one as well.
  • I also enjoy forming OutOfCharacter bonds with other writers.
  • I tend to treat character applications as works of art, and like to spend some time crafting them.

::Role-Play Exclusives::
Things To Know When Writing With Me
  • I am a VERY slow poster due to offline circumstances, but I AM paying attention, so rest assured I will post for you at my earliest convenience and will try not to hold anyone back. If this is a problem for you, talk to me, we'll work something out.
  • I try to keep OOC communication flowing, so if I'm going to be offline for a bit, I will try to let you know.
  • I always say quality over quantity. That said, I do tend to make Starkiller-sized opening posts, but try to keep things smaller after that. If you have trouble post-splicing my words or need clarification on something, ask away! Happy to explain.
  • I am a big fan of both spontaneous unplanned RP and pre-planned RP. If you have ideas for something, even if you think it doesn't work or sounds crazy, please share!
  • I am happy to offer other methods of communication if we're involved in a plot together and you need to reach me quickly. I use Discord, let me know if you'd like my info, and don't mind looking into your preferred application if that don't work for you.

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