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2 yrs ago
Current Wandering aimlessly through the void.


"We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow-worm."

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It seemed they were all in the same boat, they had no idea what was going on. Aruther looked over the group and then himself as he wondered if maybe he was dreaming? 'No this feels to real to be a dream.' He thought before he noticed a the crowed that had gathered start to part and a group of armed...soldiers..guards...well what ever they were they had sharp pointy swords and looked angry. He tighted his grip on the anchor he held as he watched them encase them in a semi circle. 'There trying to box us in so it's harder for us to run or they don't like our answers. Smart.'

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire." He mumbled to himself as he got ready in case he had to defend himself. The leader of these stated barking at them to explain themselves. This caused Arthur to chuckle. 'Oh I wish I could. Though I guess that does answers what they are.' He thought as the others tried to diffuse the situation. Arthur just stood back and tried his best to look nonthreatening, and probably failing. 'Lets hope they are better at talking than me, otherwise we are so fucked.'

He looked once again at the crystal embedded in the back of his hand and then at all the others then back to the leader of guards and was reminded of one of his a few CO's he'd worked under, the hardass no nonesense kind. 'Let's hope I'm wrong. And there goes the fancy one lying through there teeth. Welp they tried.' He shook his head as the fancy girl winked at them. If they lived through this he was going to strangle the little gremlin.
Arthur woke coughing up sea water, the last thing he remembered was that asshat Bill pushing him overboard. He looke down to find he was dressed in his uniform but instead in some sort of leather getup. He was also sitting in a coffin that seemed to be full of salt water and starfish? He poked one of the little critters and saw the crystal embedded in the back of his hand. He started to examine it with a raised brow. "Well it doesn't seem to hurt at least." He said as he finished looking at his new body art and examined his surroundings. There seemed to be quite the crowed around him and a few other coffins, with three othe people who looked just as confused as he felt.

He watched the crowd carefully as he started to stand, thats when he noticed three other things in his makeshift tidal pool. A bag, a set of what looked like black harpoons, and old fashioned anchor and about five foot of chain. He didn't know why but he had a feeling he'd probably should take them and well his gut was usually right. So he grabbed the bag that was somehow still dry and the harpoons and slung them onto his back and grabbed the anchor before stepping out of his soggy coffin and heading towards the others who seemed out of place. "Hey you two wouldn't happen to know what the hells going on would you?" He asked as he cautiously approached the guy with the wide brimmed hat. "Cause I have no clue where I am right now."
Name: Arthur Baker


Country on Earth: America, Florida

Appearance: Arthur is 6'5 and 180lbs. He his best described as large, or as some describe him a moutain of a man. He is well built but not overly sculpted. He has shoulder length red hair that is well kept if a bit wild. He has emrald green eyes. On his back he has a large tatto of an anchor that takes up almost his entire upper back with then name Robert Baker seemingly freshly branded into it and below it states simply 1976-2020, he also has a tatto of a humpback whale on his calf breaching the surface of the ocean.(Still looking for a decent pic)

Personality:Arthur is a very quiet, serious person when you first meet him but if you get to know him you will find he is kind, loyal, and protective if a bit hot headed. That being said getting close enough to find this out isn't easy as he tends to not trust easy. He tends to have trouble controling his temper, especially if someone he cares about is in trouble.

Brief Backstory: Arthur's family has always been in the military from his grandparents, uncles, aunts, dad, even his brother. So it came as a surprise when he decided to not join the military and instead become a civilian mechanic. Most of his family accepted his decision, except his father. It never got too bad and despite this him and his father still had a decent relationship even if it was a bit strained.

Arthur has always been good with his hands and he enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and putting them back together, sometimes better than before. After his father passed he got his tattoo and enlisted in the navy as a mechanic. He had been in the navy for three years when something finally went wrong, he got into fight with another crew member and they lost it and shoved him, accidently knocking him over board. He hit his he on the way down knocking him out. They never found the body.

Adventurer Class: Deep-One Reaver (Berserker/warlock with and ocean/eldrich theme, patron is gm's choice)

Starting Common Gear:Worn shark leather armor, quiver with five black whale bone harpons, a large knife made from a very large shark tooth, simple seal skin bag, scrimsaw kit, fishing kit.

Special item: Old Anchor and chain- it is covered in runes and seems to be able to be able to caue a flash freeze arond it on impact in a small area around it.

Notable skills or abilities: He seems to be able to increase his increase his strength and speed up to three fold for short bursts, the tatto of the whale glows with a deep purple light and seems to move when he uses this.

He is able to resist a deadly blow once and keep fighting, the anchor will glow with a deep purple light and then appear to rust over when this activates, rust will disappear once recharged.
(other tattoos can be granted by his patron)
Im interested if this is still accepting.
Burt grunted as he fell on his backside once again, it seemed that his small statur had him at a disadvantage. He stood up and dusted himself off, wincing slightly as a he found yet more shallow cuts on his person. Despite the rough start he still had a smile plastered across his face, though it did diminish slightly when he saw the state of the gate. It seemed that his plan to pedal his services would have to be put on hold. 'I still might be able to scrounge a few things up.' He thought to himself as he watched Jay enter first.

He was a bit surprised when Mira offered to tend to his scrapes. "Thank you for the offer but despite my size I'm not made of glass, and if whoever did that is still around we may need you to tend to more serious wounds than these." He said as he slung his heavy crossbow and loaded a bolt. "Or they are gone and have left and I am being paranoid but I for one am not to confident they aren't still here, so I suggest we proceed carefully." He continued into the village though he hung a bit behind Jay as he did. He looked around carefully for anyone, or thing that might be lurking in the shadows. "I wonder what caused such destruction?" He wondered to himself as he scanned the area. "Judging from the fire I'm guessing something intelligent."
Burt examined each person as they made their introductions his wide smile never leaving his face. As the hooded and masked figure spoke and seemed to offhandedly remark about not taking autograph he raised an eyebrow at the statement but otherwise distribute comment. He seemed to study each individual carefully but quickly, though his eyes did linger on the now unshackled prisoner. 'Someone exiled out here, may be desperate. Wonder if he'd be open to some clinical trials once I get some supplies.' He thought to himself before turning back to the human who called himself Jay. "I would be delighted to accompany you, though I had planned to check it out even if no one suggested so." He said with a chuckle.

He needed to make some coin so he could restock so to speak, and he could do so by plying his trade and fixing the odd gizmo or do hikey. As much as he wanted to explore the unknown he didn't have the supplies to do so safely, or as safe as one could get out here. He had spent years working on controlling his impulsiveness and he wasn't about to let it get him killed now. "Welp if you want to join me then come on, it should be easy to keep pace I am very small and so have short legs." He set off towards the settlement, he did keep an eye out in case he noticed anything useful or interesting or shiny....or particularly interesting rocks.
David sat back as he listened to the mayor his frown having somehow grown even deeper. It seemed like there quiet little town had been visited by a group of raiders. They had taken over a factory and even had a few hostages. David snorted at that as he was sure that was the main reason the mayor was so adamant about saving the hostages. He had stopped petting Honey and had clinched his fists so tight he early drew blood. He didn't like most people but raiders well he didn't really see them as people, worse than locusts just pests that needed kill'n.

He was pulled out of his anger induced stupor to his name being called, along with a few others. It seemed Nicholas wanted them to take care of the raiders. This caused his frown to morph into a cruel smile. If there was one thing he was all ways up for it was a good old raider hunt. He listened as the rag tag group that was his 'team' start to ask questions and make plans. A few of them he agreed with like the old ghoul, especially the end bit, and others he didn't like Conor who seemed to want to take a softer approach. He went back to petting Honey who was carefully watching the others, every now and then she'd clean her eyes with her tongue. That was when Walker seemed to ask a pretty important question going forward. If this group was going to work, they'd need a shot caller.

"I agree with Walker, we need someone to keep this cluster fuck on the tracks. Cause it ain't bout to be me, I don't like people on the best of days so I don't think I'd be too good at leading them." He said as Honey started to let out a faint raspy rattling purr as he scratched her under the chin. "And since it seems I'm the only one thinking it, Are we getting paid? I mean most people in town know, so you should know, I don't work for free." He knew that asking to get paid most likely wouldn't earn him any favors and honestly, he didn't give a dame.
Burt had spent the majority of the ride either watching the scenery or fiddling with the bits and bobs he'd brought along. He seemed to vibrate with excitement as he wondered what new and interesting things he could build to meet the challenges of such a rough land and what new exotic ingredients he could experiment with. He had a constant wild smile on his face almost the entire trip. He hoped to find a few desperate people he could pay to help 'test' his new elixirs on. Though he hoped the people here were a little more understanding 'You accidentally melt someone's husband with a prototype cure for the red pox and suddenly you're the bad guy.' He thought to himself as he went over what little supplies he'd been able to escape with. He'd bought passage on the first carriage headed out this way he could find. He'd always wanted to see the frontier and see what he could learn from it, but his work had always kept him from going, until now.

It was only a few hours later that they arrived at their destination. Burt hopped out and gave a good stretch as even for someone of his stature had felt cramped after so long in that wooden box. He listened to the coach man ask if he'd had any questions and he'd thought about that for a sec. "I would have to agree with my skinny friend here that I personally am fine, though I will point out that I think you should get your cart checked, that axel sounded a little wobbly to me." He said before turning towards the town. "Any who I for one am ready to see what horrors and wonders this place has to offer!" He said with a chuckle. "Oh I hope to see them all." He glanced at the bookish human to his right, then to the rest. "I'm Burt, it's a pleasure to meet yall."
David slowly stalked forward as he freed an arrow from his quiver and lined up the shot with the Rad-Stag in front of him. He'd been tracking it for the last three hours, we'll him and Honey. The albino gecko was beside him crouched low and concentrating on the two headed deer, ready to leap into action and chase the prey down if it ran off after being shot. David moved a bit closer and pulled the string of his bow slowly back. He took a deep breath and then as he let it out, and that was about the time the bell rung. It threw of his aim slightly and so instead of a clean kill it hit it a bit lower and probably hit a lung instead of the heart. David cursed as he drew another arrow and ran after the now fleeing deer but Honey was faster. With a Running leap she locked her jaws onto the Rad-Stags back leg left leg and brought it to the ground. David quickly lined up a shot and put the struggling animal down. "Good work girl!" David said as he pat Honey on her large head. "We'll be eating good tonight, and the hide will sell for a decent amount." He looked over the corpse as he removed his arrows, luckily none had snaped during the things struggle. "I'll probably have to go see what that bell was about, if for nothing else then tell'em off." He slung the small deer over his shoulders and headed home.

He put the body in the large cooler in front of his shack it was hooked up to a small generator nearby. Then without wiping of the blood he and Honey headed for the town hall. Now even most days people give him and Honey a few strange looks but today he was covered in blood and looked especially sour. So people were probably starting a bit more than usual. He entered the Town hall and quickly took a seat towards the front, which probably told most how he felt as he mostly kept to the back unless something had gotten under his skin. He had honey curl up in the seat to his right and patted her absent mindedly as he waited for the meeting to begin.
@Zeroth seems fine to me.
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