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    1. Gorbo Grandman 10 yrs ago


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I also loved how you incorporated almost everything in one single post. You wit-gifted storytelling genius you... :)
MasterOfMetal said
'Hey, pssst, over here!' Half hidden behind a market stall, a few meters away from Ron, a girl his age clothed in rags was waving at him.'Come here!' she hissed

At first Ron pretended he didn't hear the girl at all. His grandfather had explicitly told him to stay away from the strange children. "Those little pests spread their diseases all over the place! Make sure to wash yerself when you meet one, or you'll be dealing with the polio in a whim of an eye!" The 'wise' words still resonated in his mind. But when the girl tried to catch his attention again he couldn't help but look up. He hesitated. Should he really comply and come over to the girl? Well... She didn't really look like a stranger. She was more like... A commoner! Grandpa hadn't said anything about commoners! So he'd be fine in that regard, as long as he washed himself tonight, just to be sure.

On hands and feet he crawled over to the girl, passing through the jungle feet and legs of the attending villagers. Finally reaching the stand he leant to it's side, breathing heavily. "Hi there..." He wheezed in between his breaths. "I'm Ron, who are you... And why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Ron asked, with the innocence and insensitivity of a true child, he himself wearing decent clothing bought with the well earned money of his working father.
An old man, his face so full of wrinkles it looked like a plum, walked down the road towards the radiating temple. In his right hand he was holding the arm of a young boy. The old man walked bent under the weight of his age, but walked steadily regardless. The young boy's short legs weren't nearly long and strong enough to keep up with the old man's pace, and he was almost skipping alongside the old man's saunting steps. He looked a little concerned and nervous, but excited nonetheless. The old man was smiling, almost just as excited as the young boy.

"See Ronnie? Over there. That's where the great pyre is burning. Ooh I can already feel it's warmth. Your old pop used to light those things back in the day you know..." The old man said nostalgically. Pausing his steady tread, he was about to lift the little boy on his shoulders to help him see, but immediately felt his back refuse. A bit awkwardly they continued making their way to the pyre.

A bit concerned, Ron looked up at his grandfather. "Why are we going here gramps?" he knew already, because his grandfather had explained him over a million times now, but he was still very nervous about the grand sacrificial celebration. "Because I went here when I was your age, and so did your father. It's tradition!" He said with a happy smile, but with a strictness in his voice that made certain that Ron would go to the pyre, wether he wanted it or not. "And I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Ne'er in me life have I seen a god extend his torn upon a sacrificer." He assured his grandson, this time with sincere empathy in his voice. "Who knows!? Perhaps one of the gods will even choose you!" Ron wasn't convinced "But grampa!" he said softly. "That's what I am worried about!" Relentlessly the old man paced onwards to the temple, his concerned grandson in his wake.

When they finally did reach the temple, the old man scurried through the crowd, making sure his little boy could sit as close to the action as possible. "Now don't you worry Ronnie, you'll be just fine if you sit right here!" The old man whispered as he put him down with a few other children attending to the sacrificial feast. He then walked off to meet some of his old pals who were within the crowd, leaving Ron sitting timidly between the younglings, staring at the pyre with great eyes.
Name: Vincus Viére
Titles: God of the open mind and the gifted spirit. God of companionship. The great storyteller

True name: Ivondras Zúr
Gods use this name without any strange effects. Mortals percieve the name completely differently however. It is invoked by an emotion that is out of the spectrum of human emotions, the same way humans cannot percieve infra-red light. When a mortal is about to discover Vincus' true name, a feeling of amazement and wonder takes control of them, increasing until the emotion is so strong that it cannot possibly be natural for a human to comprehend. When the emotion reaches it's highest potential, the name reveals itself to the mortal. Then the mortal dies, their last thoughts being those of ultimate 'eureka'.

“Art is a form of communication that surpasses all boundaries. It is a message from one’s exposed core to that of another. It can unite and inspire emotions. It can open eyes to things that cannot be seen.”

Vincus Viére looks like a young man somewhere in his twenties. Long, voluminous black hair flows down to his shoulders, framing his face. He has a sharp, well shaven jaw and deep blue eyes, that always seem to look straight through you. Usually, a friendly smile will adorn Vincus’ face.

Relatively tall but not very broad, Vincus does not look like a man of strength. He wears loose, simple but neat light brown robes, and doesn’t have any other accessories or features on his person. This is how Vincus will usually appear in front of other gods.

Mortals who depict him, however, constantly seem to change his appearance. The variety of different depictions is vast, and even Vincus himself is not sure what the mortals believe he looks like.

Symbols: Vincus has no true symbol.

Portfolio: Art, Emotions and Commuion

Vincus Viére is the god of art, emotions and communion. Now at a first glance these domains seem like a strange selection. A bunch of random picks? Just taking what I think is cool? Not really. I got this idea from the pyramid of maslow. It’s the top three layers that these domains represent. Self-actualisation and creativity equal art, self-esteem and confidence equal emotions (taking it broadly, I admit) and friendship and family equal communion. His main domain is still mostly art though.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Vincus’ servitars are the materialization of pure emotions. Often they are mistaken for demons or succbi, but often they can be quite helpful if approached correctly. Vincus’ prime servitars are not bringers of emotion however. They are bringers of inspiration, and are there specificly to inspire the people of the world to become who they truly are. These servitars are often disguised as humans themselves, taking roles such as priests, teachers or bards.

A rapier or a quarterstaff. Though these are the most common, he has been depicted with various other weapons as well.
Animal: The wolf. Cliché? I think not. What better communion is there than the one of a wolf pack?

Though Vincus isn’t a very renown god, various people sacrifice to him now and then.
Families, some small tribes and in very few occasions cities have tried to sacrifice to him to give them the strength of unity. Artists have attempted to plea him for inspiration. To bestow his divine intervention on them and give their creative spirits purpose again. Some people suffering from depression have sacrificed to Vincus’ to beg him to release them of their pain.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
akje said
Aaand.. I'm back. I just read the whole text. Some really good stuff in there.Going to think up a post that makes sense chronologically with all this then.

Aye. Just mentioning that my application is right here:


I'd love to know if I'm accepted or not.

akje said
Is that a furry Kyrogue?

In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Gentlemen. I hope you are still accepting new characters. Here's mine. I hope it fits in your concept.

Name: Vincus Viére
Titles: God of the open mind and the gifted spirit. God of companionship.
True name: Ivondras Zúr

“Art is a form of communication that surpasses all boundaries. It is a message from one’s exposed core to that of another. It can unite and inspire emotions. It can open eyes to things that cannot be seen.”

Vincus Viére looks like a young man somewhere in his twenties. Long, voluminous black hair flows down to his shoulders, framing his face. He has a sharp, well shaven jaw and deep blue eyes, that always seem to look straight through you. Usually, a friendly smile will adorn Vincus’ face.

Relatively tall but not very broad, Vincus does not look like a man of strength. He wears loose, simple but neat light brown robes, and doesn’t have any other accessories or features on his person. This is how Vincus will usually appear in front of other gods.

Mortals who depict him, however, constantly seem to change his appearance. The variety of different depictions is vast, and even Vincus himself is not sure what the mortals believe he looks like.

Symbols: Vincus has no true symbol.

Portfolio: Art, Emotions and Commuion

Vincus Viére is the god of art, emotions and communion. Now at a first glance these domains seem like a strange selection. A bunch of random picks? Just taking what I think is cool? Not really. I got this idea from the pyramid of maslow. It’s the top three layers that these domains represent. Self-actualisation and creativity equal art, self-esteem and confidence equal emotions (taking it broadly, I admit) and friendship and family equal communion. His main domain is still mostly art though.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Vincus’ servitars are the materialization of pure emotions. Often they are mistaken for demons or succbi, but often they can be quite helpful if approached correctly. Vincus’ prime servitars are not bringers of emotion however. They are bringers of inspiration, and are there specificly to inspire the people of the world to become who they truly are. These servitars are often disguised as humans themselves, taking roles such as priests, teachers or bards.

A rapier or a quarterstaff. Though these are the most common, he has been depicted with various other weapons as well.
Animal: The wolf. Cliché? I think not. What better communion is there than the one of a wolf pack?

Though Vincus isn’t a very renown god, various people sacrifice to him now and then.
Families, some small tribes and in very few occasions cities have tried to sacrifice to him to give them the strength of unity. Artists have attempted to plea him for inspiration. To bestow his divine intervention on them and give their creative spirits purpose again. Some people suffering from depression have sacrificed to Vincus’ to beg him to release them of their pain.
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