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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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It was a warm and pleasant evening. Red lines pierced the clouds as the sun settled slowly.
Lyah stared up at the stars that lit up the clear night sky above her. She looked to the boy walking next to her, struggling with the goat he was pulling along.
"Do you think he knows?" She spoke softly.
Misha looked at his childhood friend with a puzzled expression. "That he's the sacrifice? Doubt it. Goats are stupid... What did you bring anyways?"
Silently she fished a neatly folded piece of cloth from her bag.
"Open it up! I want to see."
"It's the cloth."
"...That's... That's not really a good sacrifice is it?"
"It used to belong to my mother, and it's the only thing I still have of her."
Misha looked at the cloth with skeptical amusement. "Oh... And you think the gods will like that?"
"They'll understand it."

The two walked in silence along the dusty road. In the distance they could see the temple at the edge of the village.
There was a large fire, and they could hear the festivities from far away.

"Are you nervous?"
"A little"
"Do you know who you'll sacrifice to?"
"The gods choose their champions among us, if the gift is fitting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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With his hands in his pockets he walked down the path to the village. Tarvin was humming a tune. He was in good spirits. For three days he had traveled to get there in time. Probably he could have done it in two, but he didn't want to hurry. On his way he had stolen a few things. Nothing their owners would miss too much. He made it his thing only to steal from those who could afford it, even though it probably would be easier to steal from those who couldn't. He didn't know why he did that. Was it otherwise to easy, or was it for the same reason he sometimes donated some of his gold to the poor. He didn't give it much thought and started to sing out loud. The sacrifice was feeling heavy in his backpack while he walked towards the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Zaya sat in the middle of town.
She was playing, with rocks.
She would find a rock, a pretty one, and then search for bugs and crawleys.
When she found a good big one, she would smash it with the stone.
This was her favorite pass time, she did it almost every day, she would do it until the rock was stained with the insides of the bug, or until something bigger to play with..

Normally, she would do this until the sun set, but today was different.
Today was the feast.
Zaya looked at the sun, it was about time.
She picked up her favorite rocks (she kept the best ones) and ran to the back of the tavern, where she slept.
Every feast has food, and this was the biggest feast of all, she would sleep with a full stomach for weeks.
Zaya took her jute blanket and bound it around her shoulder like a bag.
Tonight would be good.
Zaya ran towards the temple, on the edge of town
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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The fire crackled as the bellow blew into it. It warmed the sweaty skin of Lod, who wept his brow as he threw another tree on the pyre. It had to be high and hot before people started to sacrifice.

Lod looked around the temple courtyard, proud of his work. The smell of the burning green pines behind him filled the whole cathedral. Three fires burned brightly. One was small, in a pit with a roster above it. Another was slightly bigger, with an altar in front of it. The last one, the one he just finished, was enormous. It stood right under the central tower, so that big sacrificed could be thrown into them from the balcony.

It was the one where most human sacrifices would be brought.

This information fazed Lod little. It had been done before, so it would be done again. Most of the sacrifices would be food, or tokens dear to the one giving it. But sometimes people would throw themselves, or others, into the fire. That is why Lod burned fresh pines, so that the smell of burning flesh wouldn’t make the other visitors sick.

Lod was done, soon he would be paid for his effort, like any other year. He walked to a big barrel and filled a tankard with Mead. He sat down and fondly drank the golden honey brew. Soon the people would arrive, so Lod sat quietly, enjoying the crackling sound of the pyres.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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Mayor Vizlin.
It had a nice ring to it. He liked the title. It wound remind anyone with the nerve to forget that Vizlin was not to be trifled with. He was the mayor, the boss, the leader of this village and land, and people would respect him. The title. Whatever. Preparations for the feast were well under way, and it would be a night to remember. According to Leann, the most beautiful woman of the town and his wife by his right as a mayor, people were flocking in from all over to bring their sacrifices. They should be bringing me gifts, not these damned gods who think they're so important! Perhaps he should make another round through the village, just to make sure no-one forgot who was boss. Mayor. Whatever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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The old head priest sat on his high chair as he looked down on the festivities.
He smiled when he saw the young girls dance. He snickered when he saw the young men stand by the side, daring each other to go dance with the girls or boasting who had the best gift. Mayor Vizlin marched by. The old priest nodded politely. The man always seemed to make a point out of showing everyone who was in charge here. Still the priest didn't mind. He watched contently as the villagers trickled in. Enjoying the excitement they brought. He could almost feel energy return to his brittle bones.

The smell of roasted meat and fresh wine filled the evening. The warm summer breeze ran trough the few gray hairs left on his head.
Such a nice evening for a party it was. It almost calmed his worries. It had been a long time since he'd had visions so dire.
There was something coming, he knew that much. Only the gods know what. But whatever it will be, whatever will come. Travels End will have champions to save it.
The citizens of Travels End loved their gods with all their beings, and the old priest had faith that the gods loved them.

The old priest turned to see Lod, who was sitting by the fire with a drink.
He slowly descended from his high chair and walked over to the man he'd known when he was a child to sit down next to him.
"It's going to be a special night tonight. Many people with great hopes and plans. What about you Lod."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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An old man, his face so full of wrinkles it looked like a plum, walked down the road towards the radiating temple. In his right hand he was holding the arm of a young boy. The old man walked bent under the weight of his age, but walked steadily regardless. The young boy's short legs weren't nearly long and strong enough to keep up with the old man's pace, and he was almost skipping alongside the old man's saunting steps. He looked a little concerned and nervous, but excited nonetheless. The old man was smiling, almost just as excited as the young boy.

"See Ronnie? Over there. That's where the great pyre is burning. Ooh I can already feel it's warmth. Your old pop used to light those things back in the day you know..." The old man said nostalgically. Pausing his steady tread, he was about to lift the little boy on his shoulders to help him see, but immediately felt his back refuse. A bit awkwardly they continued making their way to the pyre.

A bit concerned, Ron looked up at his grandfather. "Why are we going here gramps?" he knew already, because his grandfather had explained him over a million times now, but he was still very nervous about the grand sacrificial celebration. "Because I went here when I was your age, and so did your father. It's tradition!" He said with a happy smile, but with a strictness in his voice that made certain that Ron would go to the pyre, wether he wanted it or not. "And I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Ne'er in me life have I seen a god extend his torn upon a sacrificer." He assured his grandson, this time with sincere empathy in his voice. "Who knows!? Perhaps one of the gods will even choose you!" Ron wasn't convinced "But grampa!" he said softly. "That's what I am worried about!" Relentlessly the old man paced onwards to the temple, his concerned grandson in his wake.

When they finally did reach the temple, the old man scurried through the crowd, making sure his little boy could sit as close to the action as possible. "Now don't you worry Ronnie, you'll be just fine if you sit right here!" The old man whispered as he put him down with a few other children attending to the sacrificial feast. He then walked off to meet some of his old pals who were within the crowd, leaving Ron sitting timidly between the younglings, staring at the pyre with great eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Gorbo Grandman said
When they finally did reach the temple, the old man scurried through the crowd, making sure his little boy could sit as close to the action as possible. "Now don't you worry Ronnie, you'll be just fine if you sit right here!" The old man whispered as he put him down with a few other children attending to the sacrificial feast. He then walked off to meet some of his old pals who were within the crowd, leaving Ron sitting timidly between the younglings, staring at the pyre with great eyes.

'Hey, pssst, over here!'
Half hidden behind a market stall, a few meters away from Ron, a girl his age clothed in rags was waving at him.
'Come here!' she hissed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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akje said
The old priest turned to see Lod, who was sitting by the fire with a drink.He slowly descended from his high chair and walked over to the man he'd known when he was a child to sit down next to him."It's going to be a special night tonight. Many people with great hopes and plans. What about you Lod."

Lod stood up as the old priest approached, but only to hand him a glass of wine. “ n’thing special yer grace, just my own traditions as usual.” He took a small silver trinket from his pocket. “First thing I bought today, from my last salary.”

Lod sighed as he sat down besides the old man. He turned to him, with a puzzled look on his face.
“In all my years I have never had to make the big fire. The last time, old whats-its-name made one, but that was because it was his last. Why waste so much lumber? I mean, the last time something happened was ages ago, and then only big flowers appeared.”

“Not to disrespect the gods, of course…” Lod added hastily, drinking from his tankard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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MasterOfMetal said
'Hey, pssst, over here!' Half hidden behind a market stall, a few meters away from Ron, a girl his age clothed in rags was waving at him.'Come here!' she hissed

At first Ron pretended he didn't hear the girl at all. His grandfather had explicitly told him to stay away from the strange children. "Those little pests spread their diseases all over the place! Make sure to wash yerself when you meet one, or you'll be dealing with the polio in a whim of an eye!" The 'wise' words still resonated in his mind. But when the girl tried to catch his attention again he couldn't help but look up. He hesitated. Should he really comply and come over to the girl? Well... She didn't really look like a stranger. She was more like... A commoner! Grandpa hadn't said anything about commoners! So he'd be fine in that regard, as long as he washed himself tonight, just to be sure.

On hands and feet he crawled over to the girl, passing through the jungle feet and legs of the attending villagers. Finally reaching the stand he leant to it's side, breathing heavily. "Hi there..." He wheezed in between his breaths. "I'm Ron, who are you... And why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Ron asked, with the innocence and insensitivity of a true child, he himself wearing decent clothing bought with the well earned money of his working father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"It's to show we care. So the gods will feel welcome and wanted." The old priest droned his trained reply.
He sighed. "So says the doctrine, truth is. I believe it's to give the people peace of mind. They see an abundant party with a giant pyre, no expenses held. They will see that we can afford it. They will feel safe and happy. The festive mood will inspire them to bring great gifts, make promises to oneself or just enjoy a well deserved party."

The old man stared into the fire, the light from the flames lit up his parchment like skin to a warm hue.
"This is a time to feel alive. To make changes and to enter a new chapter in your life my boy."

The priest looked at the silver trinket, it wasn't to him to judge worth.
"Maybe this time you bring something truly special. Something that means something to you. A young man like you should have ambitions."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Gorbo Grandman said
At first Ron pretended he didn't hear the girl at all. His grandfather had explicitly told him to stay away from the strange children. "Those little pests spread their diseases all over the place! Make sure to wash yerself when you meet one, or you'll be dealing with the polio in a whim of an eye!" The 'wise' words still resonated in his mind. But when the girl tried to catch his attention again he couldn't help but look up. He hesitated. Should he really comply and come over to the girl? Well... She didn't really look like a stranger. She was more like... A commoner! Grandpa hadn't said anything about commoners! So he'd be fine in that regard, as long as he washed himself tonight, just to be sure.On hands and feet he crawled over to the girl, passing through the jungle feet and legs of the attending villagers. Finally reaching the stand he leant to it's side, breathing heavily. "Hi there..." He wheezed in between his breaths. "I'm Ron, who are you... And why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Ron asked, with the innocence and insensitivity of a true child, he himself wearing decent clothing bought with the well earned money of his working father.

The girl smiled at him, her eyes big and green.
'Come with me, I want to show you something'
She said with a twinkle in those big eyes.
She turned around and took a few steps before looking back to see if Ron was following.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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MasterOfMetal said
The girl smiled at him, her eyes big and green.'Come with me, I want to show you something' She said with a twinkle in those big eyes.She turned around and took a few steps before looking back to see if Ron was following.

Now Ron really started to worry. Who was this girl, thinking she could simply take him anywhere without even telling her name!? He felt a little offended, but his curious nature compelled him to follow the girl. Excitement and adrenaline started to pump through his veins. He was going on an adventure.

"Hey, wait up!" He called out to her as she started to move. "What's your name!"

In the meantime, the man responsible for Ron was already drunkenly exchanging stories with the other old sods in town, completely unaware that his grandson was being taken away by a notorious stray girl
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Wodgev said
It had a nice ring to it. He liked the title. It wound remind anyone with the nerve to forget that Vizlin was not to be trifled with. He was the mayor, the boss, the leader of this village and land, and people would respect him. The title. Whatever. Preparations for the feast were well under way, and it would be a night to remember. According to Leann, the most beautiful woman of the town and his wife by his right as a mayor, people were flocking in from all over to bring their sacrifices. me Perhaps he should make another round through the village, just to make sure no-one forgot who was boss. Mayor. Whatever.

This city is quite big, Tarvin thought while walking trough the entrance. Looking at all the houses he didn't pay much attention to the road. BUMB. He walked into a man. "I am sorry sir," Tarvin spoke and made a deep bow. The man looked quite important. He hoped he hadn't offended him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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"How dare you?!" Vizlin nearly screamed. "Watch where you're going!"
Vizlin stomped away before the man could answer the question. His face was red, and steam was metaphorically coming out his ears. That was the second peasant to get in his way this evening, and for some reason he couldn't explain, he felt as if it wouldn't be the last.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Wodgev said
"How dare you?!" Vizlin nearly screamed. "Watch where you're going!"Vizlin stomped away before the man could answer the question. His face was red, and steam was metaphorically coming out his ears. That was the second peasant to get in his way this evening, and for some reason he couldn't explain, he felt as if it wouldn't be the last.

When the man walked away a big smile showed on Tarvin's face, which he quickly hid. He looked around, shrugged his shoulders and dissappeared in the crowd, putting the shiny object in his backpack. There it lay along with the other four. Five objects from five greedy mayors, he hoped that would please the gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Lyah and Misha arived at the festival grounds. Music was playing and there was food and drink everywhere.
"Misha what's wrong?" Lyah wondered why Misha had suddenly stopped.
"I think I recognize that guy."
"Over there." Misha pointed out a young man about their age with a large backpack.
"I think that could be Tarvin."
"Could be, it's been years. Hey! Tarvin!" Misha waved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Flin stepped closer to the fire. For years after his father had been killed at a previous festival, he had kept to himself in the forest. The young man was an accomplished tracker now, always called upon when a child was lost, or some lord wished a boar hunt. He wasn't too fond of the wealthy noblemen, and the new mayor really irked him. Nobody liked the pompous fool, with his airs of superiority, and the incessant complaining. Speaking of the mayor, Flin spotted his extravagant robes through the crowd, and ducked back towards the temple. The old priest was there, but Flin had no wish to discuss matters of religion right now. He was still a little angry at the gods for taking away his father, and his mother before that. The rational side of him knew that it couldn't have been their fault, but he still felt he deserved to be angry.

The smell of mead made his stomach turn, and scenes from his first festival flashed through his mind. He quickly dismissed the images, not wanting to relive the agony, and smiled at a young pair running past. "Don't get lost now!" he called to the boy and lass. "Today's my day off!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin stood on the edge of the festival. He didn't really want to go in there. He did like people. Why couldnt he honor the gods in his own way? Not that he really wanted to honor the gods. They had never done anything for him. But he wasn't going to challenge them either. Growling under his breath he stormed into the festival. He just wanted to get this over with. He ignored the children running through the area. He needed to go his sacrifice done so he could get out of the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah and Misha arived at the festival grounds. Music was playing and there was food and drink everywhere."Misha what's wrong?" Lyah wondered why Misha had suddenly stopped."I think I recognize that guy.""Who?""Over there." Misha pointed out a young man about their age with a large backpack."I think that could be Tarvin.""Could be, it's been years. Hey! Tarvin!" Misha waved.

Wondering where to go next he enjoyed himself at the festival. At a stand he bought a few sweets. When he turned around a shout caught his attention. Two familiar faces were standing in the crowd. He ignored them and walked right past them. Waiting a few moments until he could feel their disappointment. He then turned around, a broad smile showed on his face. "Got you." He handed a few of the sweets over to them. "It has been so long. You two surely have grown. Look at you Misha, no problems at all handling that goat. And you Lyah, you have become a real beauty. Wait I got a present for you." Tarvin searched through his many pockets. Having many pockets is very useful, except if you need to find something. When he found what he was looking for, he directly handed it over. A beautiful small golden ring that looked like a string of wool for Lyah and a small decorated dagger for Misha. After he made sure they had put them away safely, he looked at Lyah. "How is your mother doing? I still have that letter she gave me. Never opened it like promised."
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