Avatar of Guardj


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Same kind of status as always from me. Just a little more drastic. Taking a break for reasons. Be back in a week or two if I'm feeling better. And sorry for the double post.
4 yrs ago
Same kind of status as always from me. Just a little more drastic. Taking a break fo
4 yrs ago
Seems like all my statuses are "Sorry if replies come slow or aren't great" lately. But, sorry if replies come slow or aren't great . Mental state keeps making writing a challenge.
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4 yrs ago
To my partners and co-writers: Starting today I'm taking a much needed several days to a week long mental health de stress break. Im not dropping any games, I just need to rest a minute.
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This user is a general waste of space. Capable-ish writer, generally able to write in the high casual to low advanced bracket when motivation strikes. Very much prefers a casual attitude about RP though, and is sometimes over-encumbered by life.

Most Recent Posts

I don't think I can be in this one, given RPs as a collaborative thing but this needing to be something contentious between the characters, and me not getting how to make that work well really.
I'll PM you my discord, rather than public post it here lol.
Did you have any plots in mind that could work within the medieval fantasy, or futuristic setting themes?
I've got some pirate characters I haven't been able to use in a while. I'd be interested in maybe talking through plots and plans at least to see if we're compatible.
Hey man, I'm really curious how this would work. I used to really dig Primal Rage back in the day. Blizzard was my favorite! But I'd like to hear more about having an RP within this world and how it could work out.
Bumping for a new week.
Hello everyone! Hope this post finds any of you generous enough to click my humble interest check well. Thanks for your time, and hopefully you'll find something that piques your interest below!

About Me

I've been writing for over decade now, but, I've been out of the game for a while for a variety of reasons. I'm looking to get back into it though! Which is where you come in. Hopefully...

I think I would honestly best describe myself as literate, but lazy. Somewhere in the range of three to five paragraphs is really where I think I could be comfortable now days, but if we really connect and I can push my muse, I'd love to be able to get back to the point I can write more.

Schedule wise, I don't have the ability to post every day. Lots of other responsibilities and stuff, you know? A quality post every three to four days, maybe even once a week, is probably the best I'm going to be able to do. If I can't keep up that schedule though, I'll do my best to let you know, since I love to talk and goof off with my partners OOC too.

About You?

I'm not the type to make hard set rules. But, knowing what I like in an RP might help you decide if you think we mesh well.

First, I really enjoy the reading and writing aspect, so I'm looking for someone else who feels the same way. Posts that are the most enjoyable to read are not too short, are detailed, contain the character's emotions as much as their actions, and add to the plot. The kind posts that I can tell you had fun writing, are the ones I'll have fun reading.

Also, since I mentioned my own schedule being hectic and my posts not being more frequent than one or two a week -or less- then I'm perfectly comfortable with, and in fact prefer someone who has their own things going on, and understands, maybe even prefers, a slower pace.

Some of my favorite roleplays have been with people who were learning my language as a second language. It's not about grammatical perfection, Hell, I've probably made some mistakes here in this post. But effort is awesome! And I can't write well with people who don't want both my best, and their own.

Oh, actually there is one hard and fast rule. I can't write well in first person, or with people who write in first person. Sorry if that seems weird. But, third person please.

About our RP

I enjoy playing multiple characters, so if you also did, that'd be great. There are way more than just two people in the world, and I definitely don't have the energy to write them all. (The exception to this is if I'm DM/GMing for you in something like an adventure story. But this is a special case and will require planning and input from you in other ways.)

My main characters are usually men, because I'm a man, and it's easier to be inside my own psyche. I will write women too, though, as side characters.

If you want romance in the story, let me say up front I'm really only any good and writing MxF romance. Not that there's anything wrong with any other kind, I just can't do it justice in writing. But if you don't want romance, that's also fine, I'm mostly here for action and adventure and stuff too.

Another big thing is communication. If we're in a roleplay, and you're not happy about anything, please ask me to change it. That's very okay with me. I want you to be happy and comfortable. I'd rather change a plot than lose a partner and/or upset someone. Or if you're just not into the idea after all, and want to discontinue an RP, please let me know that as well.

Finally, I guess the last, and probably most important thing is that I am over twenty one, and would prefer to write with others who are also over twenty one. Not because of any kind of sexual content, honestly, but just because of violence or other potentially objectionable things. when I think 'mature content', I'm mostly referring to emotional and intellectual maturity. That being said, if there is going to be sexual content, I'm okay with that being in the RP, but I will admit writing it isn't my strong suit and we'd probably both rather have a fade to black than cringe through my attempts at smut. And the 'over twenty one' rule is very important and non-negotiable in the case of that kind of content.

Now, on to the good stuff. Or at least in my opinion. My plot hooks. I may include some suggested pairings with them, but the story concepts are the big thing here. Rather than figure out what two kind of characters we should lock ourselves into, I prefer to come up with the setting and plot, and then we can just be whomever we think fits into that.

In addition to these story ideas, I have a ton of characters lying around that I just desperately want to get to play. So if you liked what I had to say, but didn't feel a connection to any of these plots, feel free to offer your ideas and I'll see if I have anyone that fits them.

If you made it all the way to the end, thanks for reading this far!
Are you looking for PBP dungeons and dragons? Or for a session based game?
Hey everyone. First things first, User ID aside, you can call me Josh. Or whatever you like, really! Though, I'd prefer it were something nice.

About Me

I've been writing for well over decade now, which is undisputedly long enough to know better. But, I just can't help myself. I don't intend to brag on myself here, but I believe I can write pretty well. I'm quite literate, but I can also be a tad lazy sometimes. Somewhere in the range of three to five paragraphs is really where I'm comfortable now days, but if we really connect and I can push my muse, I'd love to be able to get back to the point I can write more, and better. Scheduling wise, I work a full-time job, as well as trying to work on a house. So I don't have the ability to post every day. A quality post every three to five days is about my speed. If I can't make that schedule though , I'll do my best to let you know, since I do love to talk and goof off with my partners OOC too.

About You?

I'm not the type to make hard set rules. But, knowing what I like in an RP might help you decide if you think we mesh well. First, I really enjoy the reading and writing aspect, so I'm looking for someone else who feels the same way. Posts that are the most fun to read are the ones that aren't too short, have detail, and carry the character's emotions as well as add to the plot. They're posts that I can tell you had fun writing. Also, since I mentioned my own schedule being hectic and my posts not being more frequent than 2 or 3 a week -or sometimes less- then I'm perfectly comfortable with, and in fact prefer someone who has their own things going on, and understands -even shares- my own slower pace. Some of my favorite roleplays have been with people who were learning my language as a second language. It's not about grammatical perfection, Hell, I've probably made some mistakes here in this post. Effort is awesome, and I feel it's a reflection of how engaged we are in a roleplay. That said, I'm not going to berate someone for simple errors either. As a last note though, I really don't enjoy writing in the first person for roleplays.

Thoughts on RPing together

Firstly, I enjoy playing multiple characters, so if you also did, that'd be great. There are way more than just two people in the world. My most main characters are usually male, as it's easier to be inside my own psyche. I'll have female characters as well though, especially as side characters to flesh out the settings. If you want romance in the story, let me say up front I'm really only any good and writing man and woman romance. Nothing wrong with any other kind, I just don't do it justice in writing. And, last but not least, the big one is communication. If we're writing together, and you're not happy, ask me to change something. That's cool. I'd rather work with that than lose a partner. If you just don't want to write with me any more, please let me know that, too. Talking about RPs though, tone is important. I'm not a fan of grimdark stuff. That said, I do enjoy grit, so dark moments that are uncomfortable to the characters are fine, as long as they don't overwhelm the whole RP. Fantasy is good. 'Dark fantasy' can become... no thanks?

Now, on to the good (at least in my opinion) stuff. The plots. I just can't get behind using just the word "pairings" really. Rather than figure out what two kind of characters we should lock ourselves into, I prefer to come up with story ideas, and then we can just be whomever we want in that story idea. I guess I should call these ideas 18+ for content. Not because of anything sexual, though. I'm fine if that happens, and also fine if it doesn't. But when I say mature, I'm referring to emotional and intellectual maturity.

Story Prompts

I also have a ton of characters laying around that I just desperately want to get to play. So if you think you've liked what you hear from me, but aren't into my plots, hit me up with your ideas and I'll see if I have anyone that fits them. Well, that's about it. Hopefully I hear from some of you.
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