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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


Check it!


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It was late at night in one of the many branches of The Church, and only a single man was there. Father O'mally, an old man who had served with The Church for over 20 years, he was too old, and too tired to be an Executor any longer, but he could still comfort the next generation. And tonight a young member of the Templar Knights requested to confess to him. Father O'mally knew little about this young man, but he knew he had committed various acts for The Church. He couldn't help but wonder what had the man so spooked.

A slim figure in a suit of armor entered the church. He removed his helmet, revealing a very shaken young man. The young man slowly began walking to the confession booth, every step echoed throughout the large, empty church.

Father O'mally closed his eyes as he heard the man sit down in the booth.

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."

Father O'mally smiled, and spoke in a warm voice. "Tell me of your sins child."

The man in the suit of armor hesitated, and then responded. "I..I've been caught up in something I believe to be heresy, father." The man speaks quietly. "I was brought before a man in gold, through means I do not understand. And he transmitted things into my mind. Knowledge of a war, and a ritual to participate." The man's voice became more and more shaky as he spoke. "I had to summon some..some thing a massive mad man, with wrath like the demons of hell, and a horrid aura pouring off of him." The man seemed to be on the verge of tears, he was scared, confused, and worried he was going to hell.

He took a moment to recompose himself, before continuing. "After I performed this ritual, and summoned the beast." The man paused. "This marking, that the man in gold described as command seals, was suddenly burned into my flesh, I understand that, with those command seals, I can order the monster around." The man's voice was already quivering again. "Father, have I summoned a demon?"

Father O'mally was silent, for a long time. "I cannot say, not yet. Tell me more child." The father said kindly, though there was worry in his voice.

The armored man breathed in, and out. "Okay, Father." He took a moment to compose himself, and continued. "The reason I was supposed to summon this beast, is for something called the holy grail war, I believe i'm supposed to fight others who have also summoned people, or..whatever they are. And if I succeed, I am granted a wish. But I believed it just to be the devil's temptation."

The Father thought long and hard on this, and then recalled something. "Wait here child, I believe I have something that will shed light on this situation."

The man responded. "Okay."

Father O'mally went off deep into the church, following complex tunnels, down and down and down. Eventually, the old man found a book. He flipped through it, and frowned. The poor soul wasn't being tempted by the devil, but his fate wasn't much better either.

The old man returned to the man in armor, handing him the book, before returning to his position, on the other side of the booth. "What you are going through is not the temptation of the devil, child. Now win this war, for the church.”

A long silence passed over the Church, the only sounds being the turning of pages.

“Thank you father.”

The armored man walked out of the Church without another word.


The man in armor, Alexander Guttwold, stood before a massive man, a war axe strapped to the hulking figure's back, and a large red beard reaching down to his chest.

"Berserker, or whatever your real name is, I will be your master."

Berserker's emotionless face did not change, but the massive man slowly nodded, and the unlikely duo silently walked off into the night.

Just waiting for approval from Dawnscroll, then i'll move both master and servant into the Char tab.
@Dawnscroll @Slime so is my Master approved? or should I work on something?

Mainly I wanna know if my original magic is shattering any rules or not.
"The Endless Desert: K'num"

The desert was silent, and still, there was no creature scuttling, no man talking, the only two figures conversing were a god, and his old friend. They talked for many hours, calmly, and reasonably. Until a decision was met. "I'm glad you've finally calmed down my lord, your temper was worrying me." The old Djinn spoke. The desert god inhaled, and exhaled. "My hero is a fucking camel Al, I think I have the right to be a little pissed off." Thu-mmmok breathed in, and out. "Tell me there's some good news, anything really." Al Sabbath stayed silent for awhile, deep in thought. Several minutes passed.

"Well, the camel is feared." The Djinn finally broke the silence of the desert. The god responded. "What do you mean the camel is feared?" Al Sabbath fidgeted. "Well err..Stories about him began to be told, about a hero so competent, he doesn't need to be human, he's become a bit of a widespread legend, my lord." Thu-mmmok let out a long, weary exhale. "So they think the camel is some kind of bringer of pain and destruction?" The Djinn nodded. "Oh god." Thu-mmmok responded.

Just as the desert god began to lose a bit of his faith in humanity's intelligence, a message arrived, from Kilgarrah himself no less, a challenge for- Oh god no, you had to be joking. The god spoke. "..A tournament, for our chosen champions." Thu-mmmok turned to the camel: it was still eating bits and pieces of dried grass. "I'll send him off." Thu-mmmok exclaimed, a look on his face that Al had only seen once before: the desert god just made a terrible plan. "Sir, perhaps that's not the best ide-" The Djinn was cut off. "Oh I see, you have a better idea of what to do with the camel." The Djinn stayed silent. "So its settled, the camel will participate in this event, if he survives, then he will become even more impressive in the eyes of the public: if not, I can claim a hero that isn't a fucking camel." Thu-mmmok sent Louis the Camel off almost immediately, providing supplies left behind in the desert, including an enchanted Khopesh. Blessing the Camel with several abilities, alas Thu-mmmok was not the god of knowledge, wisdom, or anything like that: so it was still a camel.
Sorry sorry, i'm still here. Just got a bit preoccupied by other things, i'll attempt to post soon.
@Hoopy with proper organization i'd say it could work fine. Besides one of the RPs I enjoyed the most had a bit more than 14 people (It has been more than a few months since it ended, so I don't remember the exact number.), of course those people tended to interact with each other, but I wouldn't worry much.
@Slime Wow! Thanks for that info, i've edited my CS to add Sky as his alignment, as I think that's probably the thing that fits the most.
@Chotgoriin Tell me about it, I still feel like I totally butchered the magic system with my master. And I spent a week researching it.
Well I managed to think of something, of course I need approval when it comes to these custom magic abilities, critique would also be greatly appreciated. @Slime @Dawnscroll

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