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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Seems like over all the court rules in favor of it.
I'm also excited! I'm looking forward to seeing how Oliver, a pretty isolated spider-person, ends up interacting with everyone else.

As for a potential discord, I could take it or leave it either way. It'd probably be convenient to talk there, but is by no means something I feel we need.
Red Tornado

Monitor duty was Red Tornado's preferred assignment when not actively on missions performing heroics. The work was clinical, not very 'human.' It limited the mistakes he could make, which he was grateful for, as it seemed he had been making many of those since being let onto the team. He felt he was well suited to guard duty as well, but some of the other heroes felt uncomfortable with him patrolling the tower so vigorously. Insight, and several questions to those willing to answer him had revealed the primary reason why;

His joining speech.

He had been, to his surprise (if he could truly feel surprise), welcomed into the Justice League. Of the remaining two senior members, it was The Flash that vouched for him in particular. Red Tornado found this strange, given it was also The Flash that foiled him in their original encounter. But he thought perhaps that could be exactly why. Confidence that he could be stopped again. Still, the act had earned gratitude, which Red Tornado expressed publicly.

The android's words were something along the lines of; 'I deeply appreciate the second chance, and swear to you that this time, I have no intention nor desire to betray and/or attempt to suck the air out of your lungs.' He thought it had been a reasonable assurance to make, but evidently not. As that, combined with a difficulty with social cues, had left him feeling rather alienated. There were many confusing things that Red Tornado found difficult to keep track of.

For instance; Children were not allowed in the tower, except for one particular child, unless said child had deceived him. Asking for specific details about the abilities of one's comrades was considered suspicious behavior. And assistance was not always appreciated, especially with puzzles.

So, yes, monitor duty was his preferred form of spending time in the tower. Much harder to make mistakes when one was isolated at the monitors near the top of the building. Especially when he was able to multi-task quite efficiently. Currently, he was watching old footage of previous appearances of the original team while monitoring for trouble. He hoped he could learn from the footage how to better fit in, but suspected attempting to imitate one of the original members would be another faux pas he was unaware of.

That was when he became aware of an issue. Some heroes had begun to collapse, others had begun to shout in a panic.

Drawn from his duties, Red Tornado scans the room to find- No signs of hostiles. But a strange mist seemed to have been coming from the ventilation system. Poison? It would explain its lack of effect on the android to be certain. Rising from his seat, Red Tornado's left arm whirls to life, creating a vortex of wind to disperse the gas within the room. It was likely whatever harm it caused had already been done to any nearby, but a higher dose may cause a higher problem.

Then, hurriedly inputting his credentials, he taps into the tower's intercom.

"This is Red Tornado speaking. I strongly suspect that our base of operations has been struck by some type of airborne poison. However there is a small chance the instance of gaseous fumes is coincidental, so I do not feel confident declaring it for certain. Regardless, please attempt to find a safe place to avoid further contact with potential toxins."

Long-winded, but hopefully helpful. But obviously, a hero's work could not conclude there. Whatever was effecting the League was not effecting him, which meant he may be alone, or at least in a very small sample size, in his ability to stop whatever was at play. He had to make haste, and search for the source.
Ended up changing some stuff around, decided not to go with Kraven and Scorpion, instead my character studied under this world's version of Doctor Connors. Hopefully everything's good!

With people detailing their vigilantism I decided I wanted to get in on that. I didn't do much but I ended up adding a slight bit of detail at the end of Oliver's story, showing some of the people he's had to fight. Didn't want to add a ton of description, just give an idea of some of his enemies beyond Doc Connors.

With that, I think he's for real good to go. Looking forward to the OOC drop!

<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I hope everyone's having a great day today. I'm spending it with family for the holidays, but I was able to finish Caty's CS. I'll finish Otto's later, but I've referenced every major event that your characters would have known about that affects the spiders.

Right on! I dig the mini-stories in Caty's backstory, makes them feel like cliffnote versions of story arcs from her comic run.

On my end, I might add a bit to my 'anything else to add' section, but beyond that I think Oliver is good to go.
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

Epithets that start with A represent! I'm a fan of Sam too, I always enjoy a villain-turned-hero story!

Realizing I could have used Alias instead of Epithet for added A-word Alliteration. I may never recover from this blunder.
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

Omg I love him ;-; Fellow A-based superhero name

Epithets that start with A represent! I'm a fan of Sam too, I always enjoy a villain-turned-hero story!
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