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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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@Prints Avoid @InnerFlame @GubGar@Dragonfly 9
How's it going~?

Trying to figure out the right character to slot into this, sorry for delay! I like to make my characters based on what other people make, and am aiming for a balance of mundane without being boring to counter-balance all of these bombastic personalities.
Considering running with the idea of a bureaucrat working for the Kalos government. Maybe someone who accepts the invitation at first in order to touch bases with the gyms to ensure everything is up to code, but gets swept up in the idea of doing something exciting for a change.

Not certain if I'll finalize that, but I think the concept has legs.
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

A little of both tbh. I will be using plot beats from the games, but given the cast of characters, some things will likely change. Call it a reimagining.

I'm usually a fan of original plots as opposed to re-using pre-existing ones (just preference, not trying to yuck anybody's yum), but a reimagining strikes enough of a balance that I should be alright. Consider me on board.
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

Most Pokémon RPs that I’ve joined, have some reasoning for the characters to be older. Because like you say, most people don’t want to be 10-12 year olds. In this case, I’m hoping the characters became successful at something (I.E. André became a Movie Star) and didn’t have time to go on a Pokémon Journey, even though they all talked about and dreamed of going one together.

I’ll be honest, the plot of this RP is a recreation of the X and Y games, but with our characters as the protagonists/rivals, and adjustments made to include Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde into the story. (As opposed to just one of them, and no Zygarde.)

So yes, there will be Gyms/Contests, There will be random mischief, and most importantly the characters trying to rekindle their friendship.

I’ll take any input. ^^

Curious about specifically what you mean by recreation of the X and Y games. Is the plan to hit the same plot beats 1 for 1 with the exception of expanding the story to include all three legendaries?

Or do you mean recreation in the sense of using it as a template and altering/expanding from there?
I think that either option, 18-19 or older both work. It'd be weird if the grown adults went through the same routine as the young trainers but I don't think the base idea of trainers starting off as adults is too difficult a work around.
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

There’s still room! Only 2 people have expressed interest so far. I’m hoping for a group of 4-6 including me. If I get a lot of people interested I can make it uhh… not first come first serve.

@AwesomeZero5 Can I assume your interested since you liked the post?

I spoke to Innerflame on Discord.

Right on! Currently thinking of a bit of a dour character to counter-balance the movie star (plus the idea of old friends going their separate ways and turning out radically different seems fun).

I've always liked the idea of having a character being someone who works in the governmental side of the Pokemon world just because it has to suck having a job like that in a world like Pokemon.

So I may go with something like that, or have the character more involved in the training/coordinating scene to be the tryhard of the group who is taking this way too seriously. Either way, the story concept provides some fun material to dig into for character creation.
I'd be game if there's still room! But no sweat if you'd rather keep it smaller.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: A low-end hotel room, somewhere within Kyoto.
Interacting with:@FatPrincess

That.. was not the shock and awe he had expected. Jan's first impressions of his master were; sharp. Dangerously sharp! Both in wit and in observation. He had to confess, what little he knew of magecraft before his death was negligible. That lack of intel, filled in with information from the Grail made him wonder, was sharpness such as this commonplace among Magus? If so, it was perhaps for the best Jan had never walked down that particular path in life. He'd have struggled to match wits! He held no illusions about his life, he was a wise tactician, and a strong military leader. That was about it. Cleverness was better left to his lovely Marie. Ah, now she would have excelled as a Mage. As she excelled at all things, of course!

"You've no need to worry there. My faith is ingrained deep within me, it is true! But I have always had an open mind. Even against those who wished me ill! Besides, if an object as Holy as the Grail saw fit to permit you as master, it would be foolish for me to second guess."

Fortunately, afterwards more proper greetings followed. It seemed there was no true venom in her earlier statement, or if there was, it had been set aside. That was good, he did not wish for conflict to arise between allies! Especially not the one keeping him anchored in this land of the living.

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Grimmelshausen! And the shoddy dwellings can easily be remedied, so worry not. I am happy to once again walk the earth with great purpose. As I am certain you are aware, warfare happens to be my expertise-"

"I know almost nothing about you."

Most kings recorded within the Throne of Heroes would take great issue with this, that one dared call upon them without truly knowing them, without paying proper homage to royalty. It was, after all, the duty of a King to be the grandest possible. To be a beacon to their people. So to be unknown.. well, it was similar to a snuffed torch. Unable to shine light upon their subjects.

While not a legendary king on the same level as Arthur or Alexander, Jan was certainly not like most kings.

"Oh my! How embarrassing for me to brag as if my exploits were obvious. I hope you can forgive my boisterousness, I fear I let my excitement get the best of me. And Marie is not here to bend my ear about it!"

As a larger-than-life presence eager for battle, one would not expect humble to be a trait ascribed to this Rider. But after his greatest victory, he rather firmly directed the honor and praise away from himself, and towards God and the Hussars. A good trait for a hero, but an unfitting one for a king. It seemed instead of taking offense, he was instead chastened by the admission.

"I fear it is my own fault I am not as well known. To spare you a droning lecture I shall keep it brief; Whilst I was dominant on the battlefield in my era, and commanded a great company of cavalry, I was merely a passingly decent ruler. Poland suffered no losses while I was king, but it did not do much growing either."

He spoke with a sort of reluctance saved for long-past mistakes that, while no longer weighed heavily on the mind, were clearly still embarrassing. No deep sorrow for a failing, but more self-criticism for the lack of remarkability he showed in all facets other than the battlefield. He did not fail his people, after all. But he certainly believed he could have done more for them. Jan smiles wryly, and waves away the hesitance with practiced ease. No need to dwell on it now, it would not help anyone.

"Regardless, you needn't worry you've summoned a dullard or a lesser spirit. Whilst my sweet Marie was far better suited to the court, I find myself quite comfortable in battlefields such as this Grail War."

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: A low-end hotel room, somewhere within Kyoto.
Interacting with:@FatPrincess

The magic circle that the German mage stood over begins to spill over with golden light as the summoning ritual occurs. A sign of powerful magics being worked, of something being dragged through the veil into the realm of modern man. The light grows taller, forming a pillar from floor to ceiling, as a shape begins to gradually grow visible within the glow. The figure was tall, though not overly so, with a broad build that suggested a great musculature. But beyond that, they were too obscured to make out specifics.

The chant continues, as the link grows stronger. The magics pulling this figure into this world nearing their completion. Just as the spell nears its end, the figure begins to think once more. Not yet fully manifested, but just enough to take in that they once again existed as more than spirit. They did not hunger. They did not hear the voice of their wife. Which meant there was only one reason for them to breathe, think, be.

It must have been for War.

"-If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!"

The chant is complete, as the figure grows more defined. Information rushes into their mind, granting them an understanding of where they were, and more importantly; why they were here. The Holy Grail War.. A chance to return to the battlefield once more, in the name of a Holy Artifact. Only one gift would be sweeter, but perhaps.. That could come later. The light reaches a fever pitch, and then vanishes all at once. Replaced with a now fully defined man standing in the center of the magic circle.

"I have heard your call, and it has been answered! Rejoice, my Master! For you have brought forth the Savior of Christendom! I, the servant who represents the class of Rider, accept your call to action!"

The booming voice of the Rider-class servant was of a deep octave, joyful and intense all at once. And with his words, the contract between Master and Servant was sealed.

Said servant was a large man with strong facial features, well-kept blond hair, and an extremely cared for mustache. His body was not that of a bodybuilder with zero body fat. It was far closer to a powerlifter, bulky, and clearly immensely muscular, but not without fat. He wore a strange mixture of half-plate and fine noble clothing (said clothing being red and white in its coloration), and had a six foot lance strapped to his back, making the lance only slightly shorter than he was.

Perhaps most notable about him, was that for a split second after he had fully manifested, before the light faded fully away, the large shadow that he cast had a pair of massive wings.. Only for them to vanish the next second.

"So.. This is the modern world. It is humble, I have to confess! Bwahahaha! But no matter, no matter! I am certain it can be improved upon. Well met, Master! Shall we exchange proper greetings, now that the formalities have been dealt with?"

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