Avatar of Guy0fV4lor
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    1. Guy0fV4lor 7 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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3 yrs ago
Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
3 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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3 yrs ago
Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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4 yrs ago


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(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

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As the creature faded from existence, Reinhardt jerked his head to one side then the other; as series of soft pops sounded from his neck. With a deep breath, the Knight's expression returned once more to the usual stoic slate he was known for. Checking the condition of his weapons, Elias then turned to the Mages=-- eyeing her up and down to assess her condition.

Fortunately, the only wound seemed to be to the girl's pride.

"There's no need for thanks. I was simply doing what was necessary."

The knight continued about the clearing; gathering his scattered equipment back into the canvas wrap. A small frown formed on the knight's lips as he eyed the thin trickles of blood that slowly dripped from his bandaged hands before he would wipe them clean on his pants.

Hefting the canvas once more onto his shoulder, Reinhart would turn to the Mage once more-- "There's food, lodging, and bath in the city nearby. You look like you could use the rest-- and I'm headed there myself. Would you like to accompany me?"


The moment the Valtem's grip faltered-- Finnegan's instinct for survival overtook any begrudged plans of diplomacy he may have previously held onto as he lashed out with a kick; desperately struggling to create as much distance as he could between himself and the enraged fish that threatened his life. Despite the bravado he had shown minutes before; the thoughts passing through the apostle's head only involved distancing himself from his enemy, and clutching at the sword that remained embedded in his shoulder as whispers continued to build in his ears...

Pulling at the sword in his shoulder, a gentle prayer escaped his lips as he fought to gain his bearings.


Reinhardt's smile froze on his face as the second half of the Mage's exclamation reached his ears. The Knight had gotten so caught up in the rush of a fight without stakes that he'd nearly forgotten why he'd come out here to isolate himself in the first place. Gone was the jovial smile from before; replaced by his usual stoic expression.

"Better it be a second rate like me than anyone else..." he muttered under his breath.

Elias' feet dug in as he faced the oncoming tentacle, his chest igniting with orange light as he gripped the hilt of his axe with both hands-- and meeting the tentacle with a downward swing!


A suppressed scream passed through Finnegan's clenched teeth as the blade thrust through his shoulder. Instinctively; he reached toward the offending weapon, grabbing at it pitifully with his right hand-- as if trying to dislodge it from his shoulder in a desperate attempt to escape the flood of pain. The palm of the Apostle's right hand grew warmer each time it neared the bleeding hole torn in his shoulder; cooling only slightly as it slipped down the body of the Valtem's blood-slicked blade.

Between violent huffs of air, illusory chants slowly built in Finnegan's ears as he struggled to escape his escape his assailant-- panic and fear welled in the Apostle's heart as he endured the most harrowing injury of his entire life. The moment Sella had looked toward her companion; Finn's panicked hand tightly grasped the horn from his belt, lifting it to his lips...

With all of his might-- he blew.


The grin cresting the edges of Reinhardt’s face grew ever wider at the sheer rage of the miniscule Magus, "I'm afraid I'm often far too busy to familiarize myself with the proper treatment of girl's butts."

As the tentacle reached down to grasp at him, Reinhardt's body twisted; his foot slamming into the ground as a molten glow suffused his chest. In a fluid motion-- Elias swung the blade of his axe upward as he attempted to launch himself back from the tentacle's reach!


Finnegan tenetively retreated two steps further as the Valtem responded, his expression turning ever more venomous as he listened to the words of the first of the two. The Apostle's mouth curled into a snarl-- and then into a cruel, hateful smile, "You two and the broodmother?"

An icy chuckle carried on Finnegan’s breath, "Your broodmother is dead... And if I scream loud enough? Maybe whatever ripped her in half'll make it's way back and finish the job."

"The only reason I'm even talking to monsters like you is because I'm more afraid of what the things that killed your broodmother and sisters will do to the village."


A chilling jolt shot down Finnegan's spine like electricity as his spear was split in half within his very hands by a sudden spurt of water magic. For a moment, his steeled resolve faltered in the smallest amount; his footwork retreating a few steps back as he continued to hold his spear (or what was left of it) in a defensive stance.

"Hah-- seems we agree on one thing... Humans shouldn't have a damned thing to do with child-eating monsters like you." the Apostle sneered with disdain as he carefully backed away; observing the two Valtem with caution as he prepared to escape, "But when you run away; and return too late to save your sisters--" he continued; his tone becoming resolutely cold, "Just remember you chased off the only human stupid enough to consider helping you... Even if it goes against my every instinct."


A slight grin played at the edges of Reinhardt's face as he rushed forward toward the oncoming attack; the sheer indignation in the voice of the previously haughty mage touching a cord of joy in the knight's stern heart. "But of course not milady--" Elias belted loudly as his hand short forth grabbing the diminutive magus; his feet twisting in a pivot to minimize loss of momentum as he continued barreling forth, "This lowly warrior couldn't imitate a shadow of your wit even if only hoping to mock it!"

Noting that the tentacle seemed not to care whether it's summoner lived or died-- Reinhart's sprint launched in a low, powerful, somersault, landing into a slide; the mage held tightly to his chest, just in time to barely avoid the downward swing of the fleshy mass above.

As his slide neared it's end, Reinhardt shoved the mage forward; sending the poor girl's butt skidding across the dirt; as far from the tentacle as he could get her. With a hard kick, the knight threw himself into a four-point stance; swiping a one-handed axe off the ground as his momentum shifted-- rushing to make a deep slash near to the tentacle's base!


Finnegan's jaw clenched tightly as he crept to the side of the passageway; opposite from Soyala, as he listened intently to the voices that approached the larger chamber. From what he could discern, the Valtem were indeed fighting something; and only staying due to the Broodmother's insistence to remain in the area.

A chill passed down Finnegan's spine.

Something wasn't right with this situation.

When the voices mentioned 'bringing back their sisters' Finnegan's face paled.

There was only one reason he could think of for a Broodmother refusing to leave an area; and the "missing sisters" all but felt like confirmation of the Apostle's fears... Something... Or someone... Must've stolen the tribe's young; and were now waging a borderline war against the Valtem in secret to cover their tracks.

And the Village was suffering for it.

"If an entire tribe goes missing and Dawn gets blamed-- the Village wouldn't stand a chance against the retaliation of their kin." Finn whispered in response to the Huntress' seeming enthusiasm; shaking his head. Much as he hated the very notion of giving any quarter to man-eating monsters... The alternative was facing an unknown foe strong enough to tear a Broodmother in half whilst fighting off continuous raids of pissed off Valtem warriors.

With a deep breath, Finnegan steeled his nerves as a silver glint of resolve shone in his eyes.

"Stay right there. Let them think I'm alone unless they decide to try something."

Not allowing the Huntress the time to protest, Finnegan rounded the corner; spear leveled at the source of the approaching voices from a low stance, "Stay where you are fishfreaks!" he declared confidently, "I'll only kill you if give me reason to!"


Reinhardt's practiced motions with the blade in his hands paused abruptly as the ritual the diminutive mage had been casting; as if on cue, went to shit.

Calmly, the Knight relaxed his posture as he looked both the stranger and the tentacle that gripped her from top to bottom. Based on the Woman's outcry, it seemed safe to assume that this sort of thing had happened on more than one occasion; perhaps calling the quality of the spellcaster's skills directly into question. From the looks of things, the girl didn't seem to be in immediate danger-- it was likely that she would remain helpless and humiliated within the tentacle's grasp until her magical power ran out.

The only issue was that this particular ritual apparently drew magic in from the surrounding environment as well to sustain it's function-- therefore offering no guarantee that the ritual would collapse once the Woman's magic ran dry... In fact, Reinhardt wasn't particularly certain if the fact she was supplying the ritual with energy was the reason she had yet to be harmed.

A small smile creased the edge of the Knight's cheeks.

Had this been any other day where he had duties to attend such a situation would be an annoyance, but today it would prove a welcome opportunity to blow off some steam as well as allow a chance for further honing of his skills.

The indignation suffered by the previously (and still) arrogant mage was still a welcome bonus.

"My name is Elias." Reinhardt replied as he gripped the canvas full of weapon, flinging it's contents to scatter around his newly provided foe. "Distress not damsel!" he mused loudly; mimicking the tone the Woman had used when talking down to him previously, "This gallant Knight shall save you from the clutches of this vile beast!"

A faint glow emitted from Reinhardt's chest as he crouched low, hurling his sword toward the tentacle's top-- surging forward as if ready to snatch whatever it may drop!
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