Big name, use your/color font of voice
A g e : How older is your demon slaying potato?
G e n d e r : How does your demon slaying potato identify?
B r i e f B i o : Tell us a brief summarized story of your potato's history.
P e r s o n a l i t y[+]
[-]____________________________________________________________________________________________B r e a t h i n g S t y l e
S t y l e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the teachings & mechanics of the breathing style you use. If it is a branch or derivative breathing style, list what style it roots from and how that style is incorporated into it.
Form ___ :❀
Form ___ :❀
Form ___ :____________________________________________________________________________________________N i c h i r i n B l a d e
B l a d e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the color, what the color represents, and any other identifiable or noteworthy factors of the sword in which your potato will slay the demons with.
____________________________________________________________________________________________O t h e r U n i q u e T r a i t s : List other things that might be important about your potato. Plot relevant stuff not listed in your bio, heightened shounen-protag senses, the power of friendship, anything that you haven't listed above that needs to be put on paper-- put her down.