Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
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9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Hello everyone! Are you still accepting new characters?

We are accepting Ideas for new characters. Feel free to jump into the discord! Link is in the main OOC post

A collab between @Hedgehawk & @HaleyTheRandom; Featuring Zach & Erin.

Zach had too much to drink. Matter of factly, he couldn't actually remember what he had done at the party. He drank, he knew that. But he couldn’t quite recall doing anything else. He had a bit of a walk around, discovered what the commotion was out in the garden. Carlisle had ended up getting frozen, and the barrier had fallen. Fantastic. While the other males had offered to help or had been conscripted by Lilith to help move Carlisle, Zach had decided to very much not do so. Carlisle was a liability and to be perfectly honest had it all coming. He had been a drain in college and yet again here at the coven, he was a drain once more.

Naturally everyone seemed to be going back into the household, leaving him alone in the garden. Taking one more swig from the whiskey bottle he let out an audible sigh as he realized that it was empty. He casually tossed the bottle into the bush as he made his way inside to join the rest of the gaggle. It seemed everyone had congregated into the dining room. In getting Carlisle to the basement, everyone now had seen what had happened. It didn’t long however for things to really kick off, and those werewolves turned up. Zach was in no state to fight. The full bottle of whiskey was now starting to kick in properly. He attempted to stagger forward, trying to create a physical barrier between the werewolves and some of the females of the group.It was his odd way of trying to be helpful. Thankfully none of the werewolves even got close as several coven members went forward and broke free.

Eventually the Werewolves retreated and Zach lowered his guard with a rough pant. He needed more drink, or perhaps, maybe, a pillow to lie with. He knew it was going to be hard. Nearly every girl here was aware of his antics. That was the one thing he missed about college: The female pool was bigger, and it was easier to swim in and pick up new fish. Here however, he was going to have to really let off his charm. He scanned the room for people to work over, and his eyes rested on Erin. Now that would be a catch. He would saunter on over to her, pressing his body up against the nearby wall before looking over to her. ”Well, that was something. Once again, Carlisle somehow manages to ruin a party.”

Today had been an absolute whirlwind for Erin. From arriving to New York, to kidney punching a werewolf - the mere thought of any of today's events gave her a headache. As the crowd dispersed, Erin soon found herself alone as Delaney disappeared to find Rowan, and Serena was probably off flirting with some girl.

The blonde had made her way over to the drink table, doing her best to find something to drink. How she had ended up being one of the only sober people here this evening astonished her. As her eyes settled on a half bottle of Rum, Erin scrunched up her face in disgust while grabbing on to her consolation prize. She had acquired a taste for the alcohol after being friends with Delaney for years - but that didn’t mean that Erin enjoyed rum. Pouring some into a solo cup, Erin retreated to one of the corners of the large room before propping herself up against a wall and beginning to observe the scene around her.

She had been one of the lucky ones when it came to the fight. Most of her friends had jumped into battle, leaving Erin to fall back and protect some of the younger Coven members. She had gotten a few bumps and bruises, but it was nothing compared to some of the injuries others around her had seemed to acquire.

A familiar voice broke her away from her thoughts, her eyes falling on someone she definitely did not want to see.

”Seriously?” Erin scoffed. ”You really couldn’t come up with a better opening than that?”

Zach for a second didn't know what to say. It was like his brain stopped working. A moment later, he finally piped up. "Sorry." He half mumbled half slurred. "I forget most people didn't have to experience college with Carlisle. It was interesting. Always hanging off Miles side like a lost puppy" Zach let off a chuckle before taking the final sip of Whiskey from his solo cup. He then sighed softly "You did good tonight. With the Werewolves, and that other girl, whatever her name is"

The more that Zach spoke, the more Erin drank. She allowed the liquid to burn in her throat, rising with the anger swelling inside her chest. Zach was an absolute dog. While Delaney may have wanted to act like she had forgiven and forgotten - Erin wasn’t so big on taking the high road.

”Hayden,” she replied simply. ”Her name is Hayden, and you’d do well to get to know her and the rest of your Coven members names, honestly. ‘Would help if you showed up for a meeting from time to time, hm?” she questioned him, looking him up and down as if she was sizing up her next target.

Well this wasn't going how he planned it. He knew he was out of practice with the trip back and everything, but drunk girls normally swooned over his bad boy vibes. He popped open the new bottle of whiskey and took a deep swig. He watched Erin drink the rum before raising his own bottle.

"I was moving back in, only just managed to get everything in place. Parents didn't want me cramming up their place so I had to come back from college and find my own place right away… So that's her name…" He would hold out the nearly full bottle of whiskey infront of Erin " Have some whiskey hmmm? Better than that rum crap you are drinking. Still, I forgot how badass you can be when protecting people. Everyone things that Serena is the bad girl and Erin is the Softie innocent one. But when it comes down to it, Erin got those vicious powers" He said with a slight joking chuckle.

Completely bewildered as to why Zach had even dared to approach Erin of all people, she quickly snatched the bottle from him - realizing that she wasn’t drunk enough for any sort of conversation with him. As she pressed the bottle to her lips, the blonde took a large sip and nodded her head in recognition towards his compliment. Surely he wasn’t expecting their conversation to be all sunshine and rainbows.

”What is it that you want from me, exactly,” she questioned him, a storm brewing behind her blue eyes. ”You don’t really expect me of all people to welcome you back with open arms, right?” she continued on, taking another drink from the bottle and adding one more thought as the liquid sloshed. ”Especially after what you did to Cupcake.”

"Well, I know what I want"He said with a suggestive smirk "Always liked taller women" Hearing the rest of her cements though, Zach let out a small sigh. He really wished he kept the drink now. He could have used a stiff shot right now. "Look, it's not my fault that she got hooked on the good stuff. I made it clear from the start, I don't attach to people, I do what I please. That's her problem. You want a one night stand, I am your guy. Anything deeper, go find someone else"

Zach smirk made Erins skin crawl, her knuckles turning white around the bottle of whiskey as he continued to choose his words poorly. ”You’re expecting that from me?” she questioned him in shocked disgust. ”Please get out of here before I fuck you up worse than Kolbys whore.”

"Woah, calm down a bit girl. I think all the fighting has gotten you wound a bit. Take another drink and relax. You have been through a lot tonight. You just need to unwind" Zach would change his tone to a disarming one. He was trying to be careful here. He didn't want to totally blow his chance. "I am just trying to say that I think you are a beautiful girl and you deserve some relaxation. And I am here to help with that. Why should Serena be the one to have all the fun?"

Fighting back the urge to gag, Erin quickly raised the bottle and swung it at the side of Zach’s head. She had had enough bullshit for one night, and was tired of him piling it on. It was a little out of character for her to be so volatile, but honestly she had thought the world would have been better off without Zach for a while now.

Zach let out a yell as he felt the bottle smash into the side of his head, sending shards of glass everywhere and dousing him in the remaining alcohol. He leant against the wall, holding his head. "God damn it woman. What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He let out a low growl, having to resist the urge to try and swing at her. He wasn't that kind of person, even if he had just been embarrassed. "... You have no idea what you are missing out on"

As a pleased expression appeared upon her face, Erin let the remaining glass fall from her hand and onto the floor with the rest of the broken bottle. Zach should have known by now that Erin didn’t make empty threats. Why he had kept pushing her for sex of all things she’d never understand. He had to have lost the remaining brain cells he used to have at college. She knew that Zach would never swing - but deep down, she really wished that he would.

Shrugging her shoulders, Erin wiped her hand clean on her dress before taking a drink from the previously acquired solo cup in the other. ”Oh please,” she mocked him, her voice sour. ”I wear heels bigger than your dick. The only thing I’m missing out on is syphilis.”

Zach had his fair share of rejections. It was par for the course. But for some reason this one hit harder. He had always considered Erin an easy target to pick up. Compared to the rest of her extended family, Erin had always come across more as the loner type. This shouldn't be happening. This was embarrassing. Raising his hand to the side of his head, he ran his fingers along the impact site, using them to shift glass shards out of hair, as well as seeing if she had managed to draw blood. After pulling his fingers away he could see the tips of them now covered in crimson. It wasn't thick, but it was enough to signal that he had been hurt. "Please, you haven't had dick this good in your life. If I was so shit why do you think Delaney kept begging for more"

”This conversation is over,” Erin retorted, turning away from him and attempting to weave through the crowd. If Zach kept going down his current path, he’d have a lot more to worry about than a concussion.

Seeing Erin try to walk away, Zach would reach out and attempt to grab Erin by the wrist to hold her in place for a moment. "You are making a big mistake, girl. You don't want to walk away from any of this" He would then let pull on her wrist to try and bring her back.

Feeling the grip around her wrist, Erin yanked her arm from Zach's grasp. Quickly turning back around to face him, she balled up a fist and hit him on the same side of his head as the bottle - aiming specifically for the temple this time.

Sharply inhaling through her teeth, the blonde tried to shake the pain out of her hand, watching him slump to the floor with another smirk on her face.

Delaney would be proud.

Featuring Alistair & Daphne

Alistair was just about to fling another insult at another newly arriving freshman when he caught the eye of someone he knew. Listening to her words, Alistair turned to face her, and that was when he got a proper view of her clothes. He arched his own eyebrow in response to what his eyes were telling him.She wasn’t exactly leaving a lot to the imagination wearing just the jacket. Still, Alistair couldn’t exactly take his eyes off her. He took a moment to bite the corner of his lip slightly while looking her up and down. He wasn’t being discreet about it. He wanted her to know he was doing it.

”What are they going to do? Leave? Nah. I have all year to do what I like to them” He commented back at her original remark. ”So you're wearing that just to get at me huh?” He asked.

Daphne's lips curled into a mischievous smirk, well aware that his eyes were tracing her curves. With her jacket barely concealing the lacy bodysuit beneath, it was a deliberate invitation for attention. Her fashion choices always hovered between barely appropriate and just enough coverage, yet she never failed to exude a sense of elegance. And while she always dressed for herself, she found it amusing whenever Alistair wondered if her daring attire was a deliberate ploy to provoke a reaction from him. In response to his remark, she retorted, "Contrary to what you may believe, not everything I do revolves around you." Her voice held a playful edge. "Although I won't deny that it is somewhat enjoyable to toy with you," she added, feignedly adjusting her top of her lingerie, but in reality, drawing more focus to her cleavage.

”Uh-huh, And those DMs we traded over summer?” Alistair came back with. It was a constant game with the two. Who would break first? Who would give in? But Alistair knew what he wanted this time. He liked the games, but he also liked other things too. ”Now, We only have another year before I depart. SO, better make this year count.” He replied with a soft smirk, his eyes taking in her clothing ‘adjustment’.

A soft laugh escaped Daphne's lips as memories of their racy messages danced in her mind. It was remarkable how a single uneventful evening had ignited a series of daring exchanges between them. From Alistair's shirtless display to her own mirror selfie, revealing the provocative lingerie she had worn that night. "Those pictures," she quipped, her tone tinged with playful revelation, "were merely to satisfy your thirst for me while I was away. Obviously."

The game of seduction they had played, the constant back-and-forth, had become an exhilarating dance between them. Each seeking to maintain an upper hand, testing the boundaries, and daring the other to succumb to their yearning. Daphne's smirk deepened as she responded to his remark about making this year count, it almost sounded like a challenge. She refused to yield. "You're right, just one more year..." she mused, her tone laced with defiance. After all, they had only surrendered to their lust only once before. Surely, she can continue her streak until his graduation day. "I'm sure there are plenty of impressionable sophomores who can fulfill your needs and make this year truly unforgettable for you," She explained with a hint of sarcasm. "In fact, with Homecoming just days away, you'll have the perfect opportunity to employ your charm on an innocent, unsuspecting newcomer," she taunted, a touch of malicious amusement in her words.

”Well, that is true. Will have to have a look closer at the time” He then placed his hand on her shoulder. To the observers around them it simply looked like they were embracing and greeting each other as friends who had missed each other over the summer. Alistair however leaned in to whisper into her ear. ”Or you know, I could keep my eyes on the target; you. I know you like to think you are winning this little contest, but deep down I know you want me. And the longer you resist, the more you will squirm. And the more I will enjoy it”

Daphne leaned in, her body subtly inching closer to his as she caught his whisper; her vanilla scent intermixing with his cologne. Alistair's insufferable arrogance was undeniable, and yet, there was a flicker of truth in his words. While she enjoyed sex - like really enjoyed it - she believed her desires were always under control, a hunger she could restrain. As he drew closer, she took the opportunity to delicately hold his belt, her fingertips slipping behind it to caress his lower abdomen, teasingly tracing invisible lines. Her voice dropped to a sultry whisper, the words laced with a mix of confidence and mischief. "Oh, Alistair. It's cute that you think you're in control," she breathed into his ear. "I'm the one thing you want, but can't have, and it kills you," she continued, her mocking words dripping with seduction. "You had a taste, and now you want more. Perhaps one day, I'll let you have your fun again, but for now..." Her voice trailed off, leaving an air of anticipation. Her gaze fell to his crotch, a devilish smirk playing on her lips. "Down boy," she concluded with a tantalizing hint of control, stepping back and retrieving her hand in the process.

There wasn’t a lot that Alistair could do or say. She was right. But at the same time he was fairly sure he was as well. They both wanted each other, both wanted to give in. Their lives would be alot more exciting if they were to give in, but both were far too stubborn to do such a thing. Alistair gave off a small smirk as she pulled away. ”Well, we will have to see won’t we hmmm? Now I do believe you better get going, your… help looks like they are nearly finished. Perhaps we can meet after assembly, maybe I can give you a bit of ‘help’ with that belt of yours. It seems to be giving you trouble”

Daphne glanced over her shoulder at the bustling helpers attending to her belongings, her blue eyes meeting Alistair's gaze once more. "Now that you mention it, this belt is quite bothersome. I might need one of the football players to lend a hand," she playfully teased. Before turning away, she gave his arm a quick, knowing squeeze. "We’ll catch up soon. I'm curious to hear about the chaos you plan to unleash this year," she said with a touch of genuine warmth, a reminder that beneath their complex dynamics, they were still close friends. With that, she followed behind the last of her helpers, lowering her shades to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun.

Summer in New York was always so unbearable. It wasn't that Priya hated it. It was her home, after all. She was glad to see her parents, or at least what little time she had with them. Her mother, exhausted from running as many shifts as she could, was saving up to retire early. Her father, on the other hand, was simply tired and saw driving her to Edgebaston Academy as just another chore. Their dynamic was an odd one, but the duo was so consumed by their own circles that they never questioned it. For most of the summer, Priya had spent her time volunteering at her old acting school, the one she used to attend after regular school hours during middle school.

Before she knew it, the summer had come to an end. All she really wanted was to leave the city and get back to North Carolina. She longed for the fresh air, open spaces, and the nearby sea breeze that occasionally wafted over the campus. Edgebaston Academy had become her sanctuary since her freshman year, when she had earned an acting scholarship that allowed her to attend. The campus boasted some of the best performing arts facilities she had ever seen, and Priya couldn't wait to return to the stage and showcase her talent once more.

Finally, the day arrived when Priya's father reluctantly drove her to Edgebaston Academy. His weariness showed in his eyes as he maneuvered through the bustling New York streets and out onto the interstate. Priya understood that he wasn't emotional about her leaving; it was simply the fatigue and the feeling that this was just another task on his long list of responsibilities. If anything was just an inconvenience.

As they pulled up to the imposing iron gates of the school, Priya's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She stepped out of the car, her gaze fixed on the grand entrance of Edgebaston Hall. The building stood tall, emanating a sense of history and tradition. It was here she was greeted by the sight of Alistair LeRue and Marabeth. She could already tell this was going to be tense.

Her father helped unload her luggage, a heavy silence hanging between them. Without a word, he nodded to her, conveying his unspoken message: "Make the most of this opportunity, Priya. Work hard, follow your dreams, and don't let anything or anyone hold you back." He meant well, even if he was self-centered. Priya nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with gratitude. She hugged her father tightly, cherishing this brief moment of connection before he retreated back to the car.

With a deep breath, Priya turned to face the entrance of Edgebaston Academy. She ducked away around Alistair, avoiding his gaze while giving Marabeth a quick wave. After successfully avoiding a free mockery from Al, she made her way over to Edgebaston Hall. Unlike most of the seniors, she couldn’t exactly afford anything on the fourth floor, and ended up spending her entire school life in the same dorm room: 111.

Entering her dorm room she took a moment to breathe in and take in the scent. It had been cleaned that was for sure, but she could still smell the slight lingering scent of some of her perfumes from last year. It was bringing back memories for the past year at the school: The countless hours she spent here practicing her lines and her parts. Closing the door she would place her bags down at the end of the bed and lay back on the bed, letting the yet to be made sheets eat her up whole. A content sigh escaped her lips. She was home.

Location: Coven Household

Time: 09:10PM

Carlisle was exhausted, shattered, tired and completely out of it. While he had been trying to put on a brave face for Lilith. He wanted nothing more right now to curl up into a ball and go to sleep for a very long time. He watched as Lilith and Miles walked away together. A sigh escaped his lips. He didn't know what to do or think regarding the Lil and Miles situation. His brain had been overload with information over the past few hours, and his poor brain was in no state to process it all. Hearing Kirstie's exclamation about how lame the party was just caused Carlisle to sigh heavier. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

"When you are all done partying see yourself out. I will deal with everything tomorrow" Carlisle declared to the rest of the party goers. He then began staggering off towards the stairs, leading upto the second floor in the entrance hall. If a gone tried to speak to him or see if he was okay he would just wave them off. He didn't want to know right now. Unlike healies, there was nothing to deal with rapid exhaustion. He was going to need to rest. He could deal with the barrier tomorrow. Right now there wasn't enough energy in his tank to be able to do anything magical.

It was a slow and steady climb, and Carlisle looked to be struggling as he held onto the handrail as if his life depended on it. Well actually. It kinda did. He would stumble into the master bedroom. His new Coven bedroom. It was a nice little suite. He then moved forward and climbed onto the bay window to the side of the bedroom. It gave him a nice little view of the front of the Coven. From here he could look out onto the stars and the treetops. He used to sit here as a teenager when he needed to unwind and relax. It was a safe space for him to ponder and reflect. And boy did he have alot of that to do.

There was no more denying it. He was broken. Lil and Miles was the final item that had destroyed the fragile and vulnerable psyche that was Carlisle's mind. He was in two minds: He wanted to be happy for his two best friends. But at the same time he wanted to scream and demand that Lil loved him back. He wanted his happiness. He was fed up with being second best to Miles. But Miles had sacrificed so much for him. At least in Carlisle's mind.

Before he could ponder more, his eyes drifted downwards. They settled on two people lying on the ground and staring at the stars. Once his eyes made out the forms of Lilith and Miles kissing, his heart hurt again, feeling like it was shattering in two. That should have been him. He should have been making out with Lilith and enjoying the stars. Yet here was, sitting alone in his bedroom, barely hanging onto his life. He was a failure. He was a fuck up. He was such a fuck up that his own best friends had decided to leave him alone when he was at his weakest. He couldn't blame them. But if Lil or Miles had eyes as black as the void and struggled to climb the stairs, he would have been there the entire time. Regardless of what happened before hand.

A lone tear ran down his cheek. His broken form curling up more into the fetal position as he struggled to keep looking out the window. He was both repulsed and enthralled by looking at Lil and Miles getting comfy. His brain really couldn't figure it all out. With a whimper, and another tear, Carlisle watched as Lil and Miles went off into the night. Pressing his forehead against the window pane, Carlisle began to bawl his eyes out. Whimpers, became howls, the music from below hopefully disguising his emotional weakness.

It hurt. Why would it not stop hurting? How did he make himself feel better? His hand gripped the opposite wrist and he began to dig his nails into the skin. The pain he felt caused him to lightly gasp. It hurt, but it felt good. It felt right. This was his punishment. He deserves it. He would keep pressing harder, nails pushing into the skin as his head still stayed resting against the window. He just kept applying more pressure, until a lone, tiny speckle of blood began running down his arm. He gave a heavy releasing exhale. Did it make him feel better? A little bit. Was it enough? No.

And this was the duality of Carlisle, he wanted to be there for his friends, while also caving their skulls in. He couldn't decide which path was the right one. And he wasn't sure that he wasn't ever going to be able to. The only thing he could think of, was that he was certainly to blame for it. Everything was his fault. Wiping the blood stain on his shirt, he moved over to the bed and collapsed on it. His thoughts are still running around his brain like super cars. Does it ever get easier to deal with? Rejection? He pondered. He couldn't change the outcome of tonight. Lilith had rejected him. He was going to have to learn to deal with it. But not tonight. Tonight he wanted to have his moment. Have his paddy, and release his emotions. Pulling his legs to his stomach as he lay down across the entire bed, Carlisle rested his head awkwardly on a pillow and once more began to cry. He would continue this for a good hour, before eventually the exhaustion kicked into overdrive and Carlisle cried himself to sleep. In a household full of people: Why did he feel so alone?

Location: Coven Household

Time: 9:05PM

The party certainly did drag on. In Fact it reminded Kirstie of the parties she attended back at college. She was always on the sidelines. Back at High school, she was used to being the life of the party. Everyone who was anyone would want to be near her. They would all be competing for her attention. Even those who hated her. Tonight however, no one seemed to be as much as batting an eyelid to her. It was almost as if everyone had forgotten High School had existed.

She had always felt vulnerable in the coven. None of her old entourage were a part of it. So she would bully and boss her way at school, and then come here, on her own. Turns out people are much more likely to defend themselves when it is a one on one situation. Kirstie walked over and picked up a bottle of vodka, popping off the lid she necked some of it neat. With a cough she put the lid back on the bottle before trying to integrate herself into the party. However she noticed that people wouldn’t bite back and talk to her. Whenever she tried to say more than a sentence, people seemed to just turn their back. Okay. She saw how this was. You go away for a while, and people think they can forget who you are and the power you wielded?

But how to fix it? Normally she would make an example out of someone. Plot some kind of prank or rumor that would eat away at her target. But for some reason, at this party she was drawing blanks. Lilith was the obvious target. She might have gone away to college, but the raging desire to knock that bitch down a peg or two still burned within her. If anything it had gotten worse since now she had pulled into the coven. This was always Lilith’s domain, and High school had been hers. Now with no more High school, the balance of power had been decidedly shifted. Kirstie was starting to feel like more of a caged animal.

Kirstie was about to start her ramage and find Lilith. However she was abruptly stopped when she saw Lilith enter from the garden seemingly guiding a group of people who seemed to be holding an oddly frozen Carlisle. Everyone seemed to be gathering in the dining room and despite her overwhelming urge to smack Lilith, she refrained from doing so. Something was clearly going down. It didn’t take long however for things to truly kick off. The coven was accosted by some male and a bunch of werewolves. Kirstie had kind of regretted not being here earlier in the day so she would be caught up. It seemed that everyone had the fight on hand. Kirstie hung back, picking up an empty bottle of gin and holding it just in case someone tried charging forward towards the back of the group. In a few minutes, the fight was seemingly over and the group had retreated. Everything seemed to simmer back down again.

But everything was awkward now. Did you carry on with the party? Or is that the end of it? Her eyes once more fell onto Lilith, who was now going into the basement. Five or so minutes later they emerged once more and Lilith was in tow with Miles. Lilith had decided that she had enough of the party.

”This party fucking sucks” She said aloud. Quite loud actually. But she didn’t care if anyone heard her. Carlisle didn’t know how to throw a fucking good party. This felt more like a junior school prom than an actual social party. With that little tantrum, Kirstie stormed off out of the household, back towards her car. Opening the door she turned on the engine and revved it, not caring if she was slightly drunk while driving, before taking off and driving into town, looking for an actual bar to get pissed in.

Lucien looked around and watched as everything was going to shit. He knew that it was going to be tough to try and get Victor. But he didn't expect this to go south so quickly. He spent most of his time glaring at Lilith. She was a cocky little shit that's for sure. And most likely the biggest obstacle to his plans. Seeing that most of the werewolves were now either damaged, dead or near death, Lucien let out a growl and sent out a psychic pulse, trying to cause everyone In the room to recoil in mental pain. At least for a moment or two.

"Don't think this is the end of it Victor. This coven can't protect you forever!" He hissed as he looked over at Lil one more time "And your days are numbered too bitch". With that, he ordered the remaining Werewolves to run, the group staggering and sprinting out of the front door and making a beeline to the Coven gate. At least he still had the curse on Carlisle. There was no way the Tanner barrier was going to be put up again anytime soon. So he could come back and attack whenever he wanted.

Carlisle was getting frustrated. Angry. Enraged even. After seeing that vision of what had happened between both Miles and Lil, he had wanted nothing more than to escape these binds that kept him stuck here on the astral plane and then return home. While seeing Miles and Lil together still vexed him, that was a secondary issue to him right now. He was more concerned with Lil's feelings surrounding her grandpa John.

"You are a so-called deity. Take me back, give me a way to get back to the world of the living." Carlisle demanded. This wasn't a request. This was an order. Charon on the other hand was casually sitting on the bench, playing with the apple core from his previous snack with his one hand.

"Well, I can send you to the afterlife, no problem at all. Sending you back to the world of the living though. That I can't do. Not without the proper authorisation on the otherside."

"Fine! Fine. I will find the correct authorisation. I will create my own way out of here!" Carlisle looked around the platform. Looking over at the exit he had before to find his "answers". He began to walk over to it as Charon protested.

"Where are you going!? Come back. You don't need to go anywhere at all!"

Carlisle simply ignored the male, Ignoring his plea as he carried on walking off. Once he reached the exit, he took a look back over at Charon before stepping down the steps and once more into the unknown of the Astral Plane.

As Carlisle walked further and further into the unknown, he had lost his footing somewhere along the way. Falling down the stairs, Carlisle eventually landed on soft green grass.

Looking up, he would be met with a strangely familiar scene before him. The flowing river, the overgrown trees and the birds chirping in the wind; He was at Montgomery River. The only thing that appeared out of place was the young blonde woman skipping from one rock to the other - and she was laughing at him.

With a soft groan, Carlisle rose to his feet, his hand rising on instinct to check to see if it was broken. Thankfully not. Seeing the female laugh at him and seeing where he had ended up, a small look of confusion was plastered on his face. "It's not that funny" Carlisle frustratingly quipped as he rose to his feet. "So I know where I am. But who are you?" Carlsie asked, not sure if he wanted to actually hear the answer.

At his frustration, the blonde laughed even harder, stopping to catch her breath as she nearly doubled over.
”Forgive me,” she responded with a thick southern drawl. ”It’s just - you’re exactly as she described.”

Once she had regained her composure, the young woman continued to hop across the last few rocks so that she stood in front of Carlisle. Still having the high ground, she leaned over with one hand on her knee, the other hand reached out towards him in greeting. A mischievous glimmer in her eye, the blonde chuckled once more.

”Cordelia Montgomery. The pleasure is all mine, really.”

His body almost froze when she heard the name. Of all the people who would see him now, a Montgomery was the last person he would have wanted. But still he had to be polite. He took her hand and shook it, not quite sure if that was the greeting she had envisioned. "I would introduce myself but It seems you know who I am. Say. When was the last time you spoke to Lil? Not in the past couple of weeks? Last few hours maybe?"

Now that the introductions were out of the way, Cordelia took a seat on the large rock beneath her, crossing her legs as she did so. Eyes narrowing as he questioned her, the young woman pursed her lips.

”My granddaughter and I speak regularly - and when we don’t I keep an eye on her. Knowing things is sort of… how do you kids say it now-a-days… Ah, yes. It’s sort of ‘my thing’. I know a lot more than you think,” she retorted, looking him up and down.

Arms now crossed across her chest, Cordelia began to rip into Carlisle.

”I know that Lilith cares about you, and you care about her - even if those levels of caring may be different. I know she had a vision, and your rinky-dink dumbass ignored it. How you’re always begging her to clean up your messes, and the one time she can keep you out of actual trouble, you just disregarded her like she was trash. I know that you’re too busy acting like a stupid love sick puppy to actually harness your powers. And I know that for some odd reason, you think you deserve the world - when you have done nothing for it in return.”

Eyes as hard as the stone beneath her, Cordelia patted the spot beside her.

”Now humble your damned self and come sit.”

Carlisle was screwed. This interaction had gone in the complete opposite direction so quickly. He wanted to argue back. But the reputation of Cordelia Montgomery was one that he didn't want to test. So he simply composed himself and complied with her request, moving over to her and sitting on the spot next to her. "I never expected her to bail me out of trouble. And if she was ever in trouble I would have done the same. It's just that she never really got into trouble. She was too good for that" Okay. So maybe Carlisle couldn't resist arguing back a bit.

Rolling her eyes, Cordelia sighed. ”My granddaughter is one of the most flawed human beings to ever grace the planet, Carlisle. I think that you, I, and a lot of others know that.” Now turning her attention to the water running on her other side, Cordelia took a moment before speaking again. ”Us Montgomerys have never been too good for anything - especially Lilith. She wants to live life to the fullest - even if most of hers has been ugly. She was never ‘too good’ to get into trouble, you know? She just doesn’t want to bug you with her problems - never has, really. You might think that you’re a burden, but Lilith knows that she is - and that’s why she’s never asked you for help. Not because she’s too good for it, but because by protecting you from herself, that’s the way that she shows that she cares.”

"Your granddaughter is amazing" For a moment his thoughts about Miles and the party washed away and he focused on just Lil as a person. "I know she is strong headed. Doesn't want to open up or feel like she is putting on someone. I know she thinks she is doing that to be helpful and caring to me. But I am the reverse of that. I want to be there to help. A problem shared is a problem halved and all that. Lil means enough to me that I would gladly take on any challenge if it made her life easier." With a soft sigh, his brain snapped back to reality. And his tone changed somewhat, now more stern, but also restrained.

"But that matters little now. I set off a chain of events that most likely we won't be able to recover from. The irony being I wanted to help, but became a burden. And then pushed her away from me. I wonder if I hadn't kept getting myself on trouble, if the answer to my question would have been different from 'No Dice'"

Frustrated and clearly at her wits end, Cordelia raised a hand and swiftly smacked Carlisle on the back of his head.

”Stop fuckin’ whining,” she groaned. ”There’s literally nothing that you can do when it comes to how Lilith feels for Miles and vice versa. The two of them were actually written in the stars. No matter how hard you, or Lilly, or Miles - or anyone else - try, they’ll always come back to each other. The Universe has always had great plans for Lilith - and she’s going to need her friend by her side.”

"Wow, okay, so I never had a chance from the start. She this is why divination magic was always so cool" Carlisle would yelp as he was hit around the back of head. "Okay, okay, I get it. So more importantly, what is possibly one of the greatest Abjurers of all time doing here speaking to me in the Astral Plane?" His tone was one of genuine curiosity as to what was going on.

Shrugging her shoulders, Cordelia was now munching on some strawberries that had appeared out of thin air. ”You’re the one that fell into my space, dude. I can’t give you all of the answers, can I? Just stare into the water or something and tell me what you see.”

Okay. That wasn't what he expected as a response. But he did as she said. He turned around, taking a moment to focus on the water. He wasn't quite sure what he was actually looking for. After a few minutes he shrugged his shoulders. "I just see myself. Sad old myself

Cordelia’s patience grew more thin with each passing second. With another huff, she turned her attention back on Carlisle. ”That right there is your problem. You’re absolutely insufferable, ya know that?” As she spoke, her head tilted slightly to the side in observation and disappointment. ”’Woe is me. I’m Carlisle. I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m so weak. I’ll never be a good leader,’” she mocked him. ”Cut the shit, man! You’re an Aston for crying out loud!”

"Can you blame me though? My own mother spent my childhood telling me that I was useless. She spent more time trying to figure out how to turn me into a witch rather than training me. The people who taught me weren't exactly Abjurers." Carlisle would turn back to look at Cordelia "I was always told that Warlocks were stronger than witches in their chosen field, but growing up, it always seemed like me and Lil were at the same level."

On abjuration, yes,” Cordelia stated matter of factly. ”I don’t blame you for your circumstances - but I do blame you for not rising from them and creating excuses for yourself.”

”I didn’t know what to do while growing up. And after college, I didn’t really figure out how to do anything useful. But I am guessing by your tone, you are about to change that. And it isn’t going to be easy, and you are going to enjoy it” Carlisle replied, standing up and taking a precautionary step backwards.

Rubbing her brows with her thumb and ring finger, Cordelia did her best not to flip out on the young man before her. ”I didn’t think it was possible to get a headache in death until I met you,” she grumbled. Standing up herself, the blonde stretched her arms over her head before looking at Carlisle once more.

”The thing about Aston women is that they’ve always been bitches, you know? I’d say it’s shocking the way that your mother has treated you - but it’s not. Multiple generations of your family have done the same to their children, and it continues to roll down hill. That doesn’t mean you all get to wallow in your own shit though.”

Cracking her knuckles, Cordelia held her hands out in front of her, palms facing upwards. Nearly no time had passed before a baseball sized orb had appeared in her hand - almost invisible, but still shimmering ever so slightly.

”First things first,” she stated, her eyes flicking up to meet his. ”Can you create a ward? Or at least a shield of some sort.”

Hearing about how Aston women were always like his mother. That was something new. That oddly gave him some solace. ”Wards? No, I had never been taught anything about wards. Shields though: Well I do maintain the Tanner Barrier. Well. Did.” With that he cast shield on himself, a faint blue aura-sphere surrounded Carlisle as he eyed up her shimmering orb.

Clearly frustrated once more, Cordelia's concentration broke as the orb in her own hands dissipated. ”How can you be so full of self-loathing and arrogance at the same time? Maintain is pushing it. The Tanner Wards only exist for as long as my bloodline does. You may have patched it - but not having Lilith help you was a serious mistake.”

Crossing her arms again, Cordelia took a moment to think. ”You know the basics, so I guess that’s something. Can you project your shield at all, or is it just a personal thing?”

”So, hang on. Even being a supposedly powerful Abjurer, I can’t make the barrier proper without the help of a Montgomery?” Carlisle asked, trying to ignore her comment about being self-loathing and arrogant at the same time. He focused for a moment and managed to project the shield, casting it so that it was protecting Cordelia instead. ”Yep. Nice and simple” He said with a smile.

”I’m sure that you could make a barrier just fine - just not the one for Tanner. The Montgomerys have been on this land since the dawn of time. If you want proper protection for Tanner - you need a Montgomery.” Observing him once more, Cordelia didn’t look impressed. ”How good is your control? Does it have to be a full body shield? Try focusing it into your hands - not touching you, just levitating. Like I did.”

”Of course I can do that” Calirlse focused on his shield and projected it infront of him, only being a meter tall and wide. Carlisle was quite proud of how well he was doing, but at that point the blue hued shield began to flicker as Carlisle was struggling to maintain control of his shield. ”Why is this happening? I never cast a shield on myself, it is always projected, why can’t I control it now?”

Focusing on her breathing, Cordelia took a deep breath in before slowly exhaling. ”Because you’re being cocky. Cocky and confident are two different things, and you lack confidence. Severely.” Hands now held behind her back, she did her best to give an encouraging nod his way. ”Try again. Focus on believing in yourself - not one upping me. You could never do that.”

"Okay, here we go" Carlisle refocused and projected the shield around him like before. That wasn't hard. He was used to projecting his shield like that. He would then try and repeat the same move from before, moving the shield infront of him and just infront of him. He would be able to hold it, it would occasionally flicker, but it was alot more stable. He just hoped that she didn't try to attack it.

Summoning a small flame in her hand, Cordelia tossed it forward at Carlisle’s shield - easily breaking through.

”You really have to do better than that,” she grumbled. ”Honestly - let me just spell it out for you. Learn how to project the shield. Put power behind it. Learn to grow the barrier and its power. Learn your power. If you want to break the curse, learn what I said, and then figure out how to project the proactive barrier over yourself. It should copy the curse, and you should be able to dispel it. I don’t want to give you a play by play, but you really are a pain in my ass, and if you spend too much time here it’s going to give you literal brain damage.”

It seemed that annoying Montgomery's was a special ability of his. The fact that Cordelia was able to easily break his shield so easily. He listened to her words, clearly she was trying to paraphrase as she probably wanted him out of her hair. "Okay, I get the idea. I will work on it. I will become powerful. I will become the strongest Abjurer in the world. Sounds cheesy, but I will do it" Carlisle said with a chuckle. "Abjuration warlocks are rare and Abjuration council warlocks, well, I think I have been the only one. So finding spellbooks to cater to that power, are impossible to find"

Slowly blinking, Cordelia shook her head in disbelief. She knew Carlisle had potential - she had seen it and discussed it with Lilith. However in this current moment, Cordelia wanted to banish him to Tartarus.

”For the love of the gods - talk to Lilith. She can help you and she has far more patience than I. Just because you’re a warlock doesn’t mean witch spells don’t apply to you. We all draw our power from the same place.”

"I know that" Carlisle said with a chuckle "It's just warlocks have a higher concentration of magic in a single school, whereas, witches have slightly less power but can dip into multiple schools and mix them up." Carlisle sounded pretty smug with himself. Not intentionally, but he liked to show off that he knew things. " Ima head back to the station before Charon sends out a search party or something. It was nice meeting you. I would say let's meet again, but that would mean I have to be dead again"

”Why are you speaking to me as if I don’t know things?” she questioned, glaring daggers at him. ”You’re being condescending and it’s another horrible trait that you carry from your lineage. You can regurgitate a textbook - that’s great. Stop being so conceited when you have nothing to be proud of. The Universe brought you here so that I could teach you and you have done nothing but be an ass. Your lack of personality is more tragic than your lack of magical capability.”

"I wasn't trying to be condescending" Carlisle defended himself. He was going to start commenting about how actually condescending that Cordiela has been saying that the 'universe' was doing things. But he didn't exactly want to get himself in anymore shit. He might be in the Astral plane, but he was fairly sure that Cordelia could still end him permanently. "Okay, I am listening. No sassy comments, no elitestism"

Waving a hand dismissively, Cordelia jumped to the rock across from where Carlisle now stood by himself. ”Hone your powers. Break the curse. Find your friends. Don’t be a douche. Now get out of here.”

Carlisle would watch her and seeing how nimble she was. He took a moment to relax and focused on trying to really structure his shield properly. He pictured in his head that he was focusing on that stream of water from before, trying to see more than his own reflection. It wasn't easy, and Carlisle was wasting magical energy and wasn't regulating his magical pressure at all. But he was able to cast a much stronger version of his shield. The bubble surrounded him as the blue hue was much stronger. "I am not going to lie, this feels nice, but weird. It feels like I am floating in water"

Watching his display, the blonde rolled her eyes and summoned a gust of wind, breaking through Carlisle's shield once more and knocking him down. ”We can literally do this all day,” she shrugged. ”But you have places to be and I have better spirits to chat with.”

Carlisle hit the ground and looked slightly dejected. He thought he had it that time. Getting back up he would nod to her and simply walk towards the exit. He stopped for a moment before turning back and looking back at Cordelia "Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I know I can be a pain at times, but I mean well. I just don't know how to communicate" He gave off a meek smile before turning back around and walking back up the steps to get back to the station.

Arriving back at the station, Carlisle looked around. It seemed nothing had changed at all. He couldn't really get used to the fact no one was around. Charon was still sitting on the bench looking slightly pissed. Carlisle sauntered on over, looking slightly more confident in himself. "Well joke is on you, I know a way back now." He said with a confident smile on his face.

"That's cute and all, but do you actually know how to perform it? Cause if you can’t actually do it, then you are basically useless.” Charon commented non-chantly, crossing his legs as he leaned back on the bench, looking over at Carlisle.

”Well not exactly. But I have a rough idea on what to do!” Carlisle protested as he walked off towards the center of the platform. ”if you excuse me, I need to go and concentrate”. Reaching the center, Carlisle took a moment and inhaled, trying to relax. He closed his eyes trying to focus.

He was trying to copy the hand movements that Cordelia has shown him, trying to focus on his physical body rather than his astral one. It took many attempts. Far too many attempts than Carisle would have liked to admit. By the end of it, he was panting heavily, body hunched over from the sheer amount of force he was trying to pressure through. Eventually however he was able to focus on his physical body and began to cast the de-cursify wards.

Back in the physical realm Small symbols would start to form in a circle around Carlisle. Once they had full formed, there would a small flash of bright light form them, as Carlsile’s australia body got flung back towards his physical one. A second later, Carlisle was back. He lay on the basement floor, shivering, covered in sweat and his eyes, well, they looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, as black rings and bags covered them. He felt so exhausted and weak.

Also, why did his face hurt so much? He rubbed his face as he looked at his surroundings. Slowly climbing back to his feet, struggling to maintain balance, Carlisle began to walk towards the basement exit. He hated this place and was petrified of it.

Another year was due to start at Edgebaston Academy. Tomorrow the school would be packed with parents dropping off their kids and students settling back into their dorms. Being part of the crowd was something that both Alistair and Persephone LeRue did not do. They were trailblazers at the front of every trend and fad. People did things because they said so. So of course they weren't going to arrive with the masses. The duo had in fact arrived earlier this morning with their 'help'. Daddy had been in hand to say goodbye, they were due to go back to LA later that day.

The duo themselves now had to find a way to occupy themselves. Alistair had come up with a great idea to give the duo something to do as well as show off to the rest of the student body. The pair had managed to 'acost' a set of master keys to the school so that they could access all areas. Not that any of the staff were actually going to stop them from doing what they wanted. Not unless they wanted Daddy on the phone explaining how it would be such a shame if that donation for the new arts center was to be pulled.

Their little plan was to use their instagram accounts to live stream a tour of the school. In reality it was a ploy for them to show off all the stuff they had bought. As well as joking and jesting about the other students at Edgebaston. Alistair swung the keys in his hand as he handed his twin sister a selfie stick. ”Okay. So we have the keys. Probably best to use your account. You have far more sheeple than I do”

Persephone stood before her brother, thumbs flying across her phone as he led her to the front of the LaRue building. As he stops to give her the selfie stick a smirk forms on her pink painted lips. "Gimme a sec," she says before opening the white handbag that hangs from the crook of her elbow and pulling out her compact mirror. She eyed her reflection in it, making sure all her makeup was flawless from her concealer to her pastel pink eyeshadow that complemented her pink and white outfit. Approving what she saw, the woman nodded and put the mirror away before grabbing the selfie stick with her perfectly manicured hand.

"So, where to first?" she asks, mounting her phone onto the end of the selfie stick and opening up her instagram.

Alistair laughed as he watched his twin look at her mirror. Alistair himself took a moment to make sure his belt was nice and tight. Didn’t want to embarrass himself. He quickly pulled out his own phone, checking the notifications: Nothing.

”I guess we start at the front gate, move through poor person central, and then maybe hit up the main building. I want to show off the new music room that daddy paid for though.” he said with a smirk on his face as began to take off towards the entrance.

"We have to finish in our room. The new bathroom is worth showing off," Persephone replies. As they get to the front entrance she extends the selfie stick and ensures the grand front entrance is in frame, she turns the camera to selfie mode then starts the stream.

"Good morning my little worker bees! It's your queen 'Sephone. I'm at Edgebaston Academy and my brother and I thought we'd take you all on a lil tour with us. For you who don't know Edgebaston is, like, a super prestigious school. Like, just look at this place! It's almost as nice as our estate," she claims before turning the camera to face the front entrance of the school.

"My dear brother's going to be our guide, so, take it away, Ali," she says before panning the phone camera to focus on him.

”Yes, this is it. The prestigious Edgebaston Academy. Founded in Who-Know-Who-Cares Old times, and today acts as our personal playground” Alistair opens his arms wide to show off the gates, before kicking the gate door open with some force and sliding his sunglasses down onto his face. It was sunny outside afterall. He would then lead Persephone over to their first Target: Independence House, The building's exterior was old fashioned, borderline Historic. Asides from Cavendish Hall. It was the oldest building.

”In order to give back to the community, each year we take in a certain number of students whose parents either didn’t love them, or perhaps their parents died, or more likely are drug abusers knowing the rest of this state. We house them here in Independence House. Named as such because that is what they are now. It’s an alright building I guess. If you can’t rub two nickels together.” While talking, Alistair walked into the building, beckoning Perspehone to follow him.

"In other words," Persephone says, turning the camera to face herself, "This is where they place all the povos," She then pulls a sour face before turning the camera back to the hall. She tip toes across the boundary to the hall, a whiney "Ewwwwwww," escaping her lips. She was acting as if it were some rat infested dump. In all honesty the hall wasn't all that bad, just far from her high standards.

”So as you can see there isn’t exactly alot here. A few basic little common rooms. Ohhhh look! They actually have a TV. It’s so small though. I would offer to donate my old one. But I think it would be the most expensive thing in this building. Look how tacky these sofas are though.

Persephone laughs at her brother’s joke. "I don't know how anyone can sleep in this dump. I guess it's better than Juvy," she states.

”Only Just” Alistair retorted back, waving Persephone to follow once more as they opened up one of the bedrooms. It was plain, simple, but functional, containing a single bed, a small set of drawers and a writing desk. ”I mean look at this. How can anyone live like this?” Alistair asked as he climbed up onto the bed and lay on it, shifting his back to try and be comfortable. ”Look at me, I am a poor person!” he joked as he raised his hands to cover his face pretending to cry ”God this bed is so hard and uncomfortable!”

"I don't even wanna try. Can we move on? I swear if I stay here any longer I'm gonna catch, like, malaria or something," Persephone remarks, waving Alistar to open the door back up for her. She wasn't going to dare touch that thing.

”I would be more worried about catching ‘poor’ ” Alistair remarked as he opened the door and the duo escaped the building, catching the not quite sea breeze. ”But yes peeps, that is what true poverty looks like. Thankfully we will never have to experience that. Generally speaking, these students are to be avoided.”

"I find they need to be put in their place a lot, like what makes you think you're better than me? You literally have nothing?" Persephone replies, leaving the selfie stick around the school so it could all be seen. "This place kinda looks a lot better when you can't see that place. Like, look at this, so much nicer!

Persephone turned on her heel to face the main campus building. "Next destination?"

”Normie Hall?“ He asked rhetorically before taking off towards Edgebaston Hall. ”So this is Edgebaston Hall. It's not as tacky as super-poor land. But make no mistake, these people are still poor af. They just get nicer beds because most of them are paying” Alistair would point out the architecture, given that it had both a 60’s and a 80’s vibe since it was built and then expanded on.

”We don’t want to hang around here for long though. We are going to go to the central building. And I hope the principal isn’t already walking around.” Alistar started skipping around as he led the duo down towards Cavendish Hall. There was a janitor who was peacefully sweeping up some freshly cut grass into a nice big pile to get collected later. As he walked past, Alistair kicked it, sending small blades of grass everywhere. The older man looked as if he was going to say something or complain over Alistair's somewhat hyena-ish laughter, but after receiving a small, but noticeable glare from Alistair backed down. The duo kept on moving. ”It is always nice when people know their place”

As Alistair kicked through the grass clipping Persephone walked through the now concaved pile, dragging more clippings with her pink stilettos. "As if the principal can do anything if he is, daddy essentially owns the school at this point,"

"Yeah, but you know people like to pretend they have power" As they approached Cavendish Hall, Alistair smiled "So Cavendish Hall is at the centre, and mostly houses the staff and offices, but it also has the cafeteria. But more importantly it houses my favorite room. Alistair lead the around the side of the building until they reached a side door that head the words 'Music Room' "Here it is. The best place in the school. Asides from our suite"

Persephone couldn't help but roll her eyes as her brother led her, and her beloved viewers, to the music room. "Yeah, yeah, it's fine, I guess. It's got nothing on our suite though!" she prods as her brother wanders through his favourite spot. Whilst the music room was impressive Persephone was more a fan of the concert hall, being more of a theatre and cheer girl herself.

"Workers, you'll love love love our suite. Daddy's paid for some impressive upgrades,"

"Yes, the upgrades are really nice. But not as much as I love this place" Alistair smiled as he opened the door to go inside. Alistair walked inside and showed off the room. It had been refitted to have loads of new instruments and equipment. All of it had been specifically upgraded due to Alistair being allowed into the advanced music program. "I can't wait to use it all. Just wish I didn't have to share it with the others like that upstart Fiona"

"Yes, yes, we love your little instruments. Can we move on? My fanclub are waiting for the main attraction. An exclusive, never-before-seen look into the LaRue suite!"

Alistair looked a little disheartened at his sister's response. Sometimes he felt that while they spent every waking moment together, they only really focused on her interests. With a slight shuffle, Alistair made his way back to the door and into the outside world. ”Yes, Yes. I get it. The main attraction. SInce you are so hyped do you want to lead this bit?” He asked, offering to take the stick from her.

"Absolutely!" Persephone cheers, handing her brother the stick and running a hand through her waves to make sure they were in place. She then leads her one person camera crew to the entrance of LaRue Place.

"Welcome, my little worker bees, to LaRue place. Daddy put, like, thousands of dollars into making sure this place is, like, the epitome of luxury," She then swings open the doors to the hall. A concierge woman standing at the desk looks up to greet the pair but before she can say anything Persephone tosses her bag and pink blazer at the woman. "They can go to their place in my room," she instructs before turning to the phone camera.

"Try hundreds of thousands" Alistair commented as Persephone continued her speech. "What makes out suite special is we have our own private entrance, that way we don't have to deal with the riff raff"

"Yes, very much so. So, let's check out our room!" Persephone prods before walking to the large ornate doors that lead to the LaRue suite. With a large grin she swings the doors open to reveal the main room of the twin's suite. Large ornate walls filled with expensive art, lush couches facing a very large TV and the glass doors to the balcony. "Welcome to the closest almost all of you will come to luxury like this!"

"Pretty sure most of your followers are probably stunned by the idea of wealth this grand" Alistair chimed in before walking over to the couches abs lifting the armrest to reveal hidden compartments with various buttons and cupholders. "The best part is that it's all custom made"

"Even better though! Follow me," Persephone walks to the room on the right. A big pink glittery star with her name adorned the door. She swung the door open, revealing its tall pastel pink walls. A 4 poster bed with white drapes sat at the centre of the room. A large desk with neatly sorted supplies and a modern sewing machine sat on the side of the room. On the other end stood a large set of double doors.

Persephone beelines to those doors and flings them open. Before her stood a large walk-in wardrobe. The wall to her left had individual shelves, each holding a pair of shoes that were all in pristine condition. The right wall was similar but the shelves were full of bags and accessories. In the middle of the room was a screen on a stand. "Welcome to my wardrobe! I have clothes and accessories from the best designers all over the world! And the best part!" She taps the screen a few times. This is followed by a slight humming as part of the back wall rolls forward revealing itself as a clothes rack, this particular one sporting a collection of blue jackets. "Ta-da! Daddy truly spared no expense,"

”Yep, He really didn’t but somehow most of the suites construction budget went on the wardrobe” Alistar commented. He would move the camera around so that everyone could comment on just how many clothes, shoes and accessories this place held. ”I am fairly sure this place is bigger than most poor peoples houses, and we just use it to store clothes! Well, you do.” Alistair would move the camera back up to focus on Persephone directly. ”Is there anything else in particular you want to show everyone?”

Persephone chuckled at her brother’s comment. "Nope, I think that’s it. I’ll bid you all goodbye, loves, until next time!” Persephone blows a kiss to the camera before snatching the phone from the stick to end the stream. She turns to her brother with a smile forming on her lips. "I am so ready to rule the school. Wanna go through the class lists to see who to avoid?”

”I think that is pretty obvious. We avoid everyone unless they have a LeRue suite number lower than 10” Alistair said with a small smirk on his lips. ”I want to know who is going to have the first fight of senior year, or the whole year in general. That shit is so funny when you see people flail their arms around like monkeys.” Alistair would go back to the entrance to Persephone’s bedroom door. ”Want to grab some food?”

The sun rose over the school campus, and everything was peaceful. The day before the grounds had been perfectly pruned and tended to, well, the parts that Alistair and Persephone didn’t try to sabotage for laughs. The faculty staff had arrived at 6am, getting every set up. The first day was always a hustle and bustle as people arrived and got settled into their dorms. Classes were suspended on the first day, and the only mandatory event was the assembly at 2pm. The rest of the day was filled with plenty of tours and taster sessions. Various clubs were planning to set up stalls throughout the day to try and attract new members for the school year.

Staff were at hand over at the entrance to Cavendish Hall. They were around to give out maps, tours and more importantly room allocations and keys. Alistair was at the front gate, taking the time to greet people and smile. Though in reality he was actually taking the time to mock people while being polite. His focus was primarily the new Freshmen joining, but he was an equal opportunities mocker. He would be lying if he wasn’t excited to see certain people again though. A certain person in particular, as he had to spend the summer being driven crazy being away from them.

”You are going to come to school dressed like that? Thank god we have a uniform” Alistair chimed to a badly dressed freshman.


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