Avatar of Hedgehawk


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9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
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9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

A collab between @Hedgehawk & @Sailorsadie ft. @HaleyTheRandom
Starring: Carlisle, Willow & Lilith

Carlisle couldn’t really focus all afternoon. A briefing with his mother about how to act around the Guild during the handover party. Not that any of it actually sunk in. Carlisle was still thinking about Willow and the consequences of him kissing her. He wasn’t regretting it, far from it, but a part of him wasn’t quite sure what was going on and if he had made a wise choice. Still he was looking forward to the date. He had still wondered how long Willow had been into him, and how he had been too stupid to realise it.

He was right outside Huskers Bar and Grill at the exact time that he promised he was. He had opted for a casual suit to wear for the evening. He checked his watch to make sure he was on time. He then began to develop a sinking feeling that Willow might not actually turn up and this was some kind of trick on him.

After finishing up with work for the day, Willow had hurried home to get ready for her big date with the guy she’d been in love with for years. She had a mini panic attack in trying to decide what to wear, but ultimately decided on a little black mini dress. She had straightened her hair and added kitten heels and large hoop earrings to the ensemble. Taking a glance at the clock, she swore under her breath when she realized she was going to be late.

She hurried to her car and pulled up to the bar about five minutes past their scheduled meet up time. Quickly parking, the woman stepped out of the car, smoothed out her dress, and walked to the door. Willow’s face immediately brightened and she beamed when she saw him. ”Hey, sorry I’m late. You look great.”

Carlisle would be lying if he hadn’t spent the last five minutes panicking if he had been set up. Seeing her however, caused all of his anxiety to go away, and a whole new sensation to take over his body, as his eyes wandered over the dress that adorned her figure. It was very seductive that was for sure. ”No No, it is fine. You look even greater.” Carlisle replied with. It wasn’t smooth at all, far from it, but his nerves were making this all very difficult for him. Holding out his arm to wrap around hers, he would give her a soft smile as he would escort her to the entrance of the bar and enter together.

Her grin widened at his compliment. She couldn’t believe that after all these years, this was actually happening. She might have to give Lilith a thank you gift for finally cutting ties with him. Hell, she’d give her an entire bouquet if Willow could finally call Carlisle hers. Wrapping her arm through his, she gave a slight nod of her head and walked into the bar. She looked around and cleared her throat, her eyes immediately focusing on Lilith. Great. Why didn’t I think she’d be working tonight? This is going to be awkward.

Letting out a breath through her nose, she nodded to the hostess as they were led to a small table in the back. Willow took her seat, smoothing down the back of her dress before sitting. She crossed her legs at the knees before returning her attention to Carlisle. ”Thank you for this. I haven’t been out in forever.”

Carlisle would also noticed Lilith at the same time as Willow did, and Carlisle almost froze. The duo hadn’t really spoken much in the week since the events of the sunday dinner, Carlisle had always gave her a wide berth as he could have sworn that he heard growling as he even got close to her. Moving to the table with Willow, Carlisle did his best to look away from Lilith, hoping that by some divine miracle, she did not notice. ”I should be thanking you. I have never actually really been out really” ’Well done Carlisle, really selling yourself here aren’t you’

Her brows furrowed in question when he mentioned he hadn’t been out. What had he been doing all this time? She thought for sure he had at least gone out a few times before. With a shake of her head, her grin pulled at her lips as she studied him. ”Well, I’m honored you chose me to go out with.” A blush crept up her neck and she shrugged her shoulders. ”I’ve been wanting to go out with you for quite some time.”

”Oh really, how long?” Carlisle asked. He was genuinely curious about this, but at the same time knew that he was going to kick himself when he found out how long it actually was. This entire time he had been so fixated on everything else, or more specifically someone else, that he had completely let the thing skip him by.

Damn her blushing. She could swear her face was red and she suddenly felt very hot. Would she really admit how long she was crushing on the guy? Honesty was always her best policy, both in work and her personal life. Letting out a breath to steady her nerves, she shrugged her shoulders. ”I’ve had a crush on you since school, Car. But you’ve always been interested in, well. Someone else. So I never acted on it.”

School…wow… okay. Carlisle was struggling to process how he could have missed the woman's signals for nearly 6 years. Though granted, three were away at college. ”The whole Me and Lilith thing. That was only really the past year while everyone else was in college, and we were here alone. Since school though? And even after all this time, you still wanted to be with me?” There was a level of disbelief in his voice. Not at her for liking him, but for the fact she was okay with waiting as long as she did.

”I’m a patient woman.” Willow gave a small shrug of her shoulders as she dipped her head. Or a crazy person. Maybe both, who knows? She let out another small breath before looking back up at him. ”I was shy in school, and focused on my studies. So I couldn’t have been with anyone anyway. But, yeah. After all this time…I still want to be with you.” She felt as if her makeup was going to melt off with all the heat that was emitting from her face.

At this point Carlisle's brain just stopped processing what was going on. Was this really all happening? He had never really had anyone interested in him before. Sure Miles and Lil had conversations with him, but never this deep, or about loving someone. Carlisle was at a loss to what to say. Or more precisely, so nervous that he didn’t know how to act and his fear of screwing things up was stopping him from saying anything. Eventually after a moment of awkward silence the awkwardness was enough to override his fear and cause him to open up. ”I guess I am a lucky guy then.” He said with a nervous laugh.

Blinking, she rose a brow and grinned at him. Was he interested in her too? Sure, he had kissed her back at the Coven house. But did that kiss actually mean something, or was it just a test to see if they had chemistry? Willow knew she had felt something with the kiss, but didn’t know if he did as well. She shrugged her shoulders and tucked her hair behind her ears- a nervous trait. She didn’t have to be nervous, though. This date would go great and maybe they could see about being a couple. She cleared her throat at that thought. She was clearly getting ahead of herself. This was a date, sure. But would anything come of it?

Then she realized she hadn’t responded to him. She let out a breath and shrugged her shoulders. ”I didn’t mean to make this awkward or put you on the spot. You have no obligation whatsoever to feel the same about me. I just wanted to let you know where I stand. This isn’t just some game or a fleeting courtship to me. There’s actual feelings behind me being here tonight. And I just want to make that known upfront. You can do whatever you want with that information, but that’s where I stand.”

”What!? No! You aren’t being awkward at all. If anything, all of this is on me. I am just so nervous about saying or doing something that will cause this to go wrong. Like… I haven’t had any interest in me. And yes, I think you are really beautiful and I think you have a great personality. And when we you know…kissed… I really felt something. So much so I can’t focus on anything else all day.” Carlisle stroked the back of his head as he looked over the menu for the grill casually. ”Suppose we should pick some food”

She couldn’t imagine her face being able to flush anymore, but she bet it did. She probably resembled a beet at this moment. With a small laugh, she looked down at her menu and tried to hold back the squeal that was sitting at the back of her throat. Willow couldn’t believe she had made that much of an impact on him with that kiss. Then again, she had been hardly able to think of anything else either. Willow nudged his foot with hers and gave him a shy smile. ”I haven’t been able to really think about anything else, either…” Biting her bottom lip, she grinned and looked back down at the menu. Their waitress should be by sometime soon and she wanted to be prepared just in case it was Lilith. That’d be my luck…

On the other side of the bar, Lilith had been busy working her Friday night shift. The end of the fall season had brought unusually large golfing groups into Huskers tonight as they looked for one last outing this year without their wives.

Dutch Beaukema happened to be one of them.

He was a friend of Husker himself, and had been coming in and out of the bar for years. Dutch was an older man - around seventy-five years of age if Lil had to guess - who stood at a daunting six feet, four inches tall. He was a pervy old shit, but his money was good and he had a heart of gold. Most people couldn’t stand to serve him, mostly because they didn’t know how to talk to him. Dutch was the sort of man that liked to dish shit out and take it back in - preferably ten fold.

Hair thrown back into the usual mess that it was, Lilith ran around the restaurant filling in for the multiple people who had called out that evening. First and foremost, she had to cover her own shift. Then she had been given a seven table section on top of the barstool seats she usually had to serve because Kylie the waitress had called out; not to mention everyone was taking turns playing dishwasher because Ryan had decided to bail that afternoon as well. Being short staffed while serving Dutch’s party of thirty was a literal nightmare - but at least Lilith knew she was going to be tipped well.

As the hostess came to tell her that a new table was sitting in her section, Lilith turned to look back over her shoulder, seeing Carlisle and Willow walk through the door. Taking a deep breath, Lilith sat down the three pitchers of beer that she currently had in hand in front of Dutch and his friends.

”Lilith,” Dutch said, looking over at her in his drunken state. ”Have I told you how beautifully breathtaking you are tonight?”

Her lips formed into a thin line while she took a split second to figure out how to respond. Eyes full of mischievous sparkle, Lilith began to fill the mens empty beer glasses as she spoke.

”Now Dutch,” she sighed, tilting her head to the side as she turned on her southern charm and gave him a playful scolding look. ”Calling me pretty doesn’t make up for how much of an ass you’ve been tonight.” Her response had gotten a few ‘oooohhhhs’ and whistles in return before she quickly added: ”And with all the times you’ve been divorced, we all know that ain’t the first time you’ve heard them words.” As they both laughed along with the crowd, Dutch tried to wrap his free arm around Liliths waist, prompting her to slap the older man on the shoulder as her brow furrowed. ”Don’t you go startin’ your shit back up on me Dutch. Put all the bills on one tab - because we both know you love me - and then have the boys tip me thirty percent for all the shit yeens put me through tonight.”

”Y’all heard the girl,” Dutch yelled out into the bar. ”Grab your wallets and start throwin’ them twenties on the counter.”

Shaking her head, Lilith clapped him on the back once more before walking off with a laugh. Her smile still lingered as she approached Carlisle and Willow’s table.
”Evenin’ guys. You already know who I am - so no need to introduce myself,” she began, now pulling her pen and serving book from the apron tied around her waist. ”Can I get you guys started off with something to drink? Then we can move on to the dinner specials if you’d both like.”

Seeing Lilith come over, Carlisle nearly slunk into his seat, wanting to disappear. He didn't know exactly how Willow was going to react, but from his point of view, he was finding it strange that Lilith was being polite. Sure, it was her professionalism talking, but it still took Carlisle by surprise. "Well, I think to start with I will have a bottle of light beer, how about you Willow? Pick anything you like, it is a date afterall!" He said with a very nervous chuckle.

Great. Awesome. And Carlisle’s acting weird. This is going to be a fun night. While she didn’t necessarily have anything bad towards the woman, she didn’t like how much pull Lilith had on Carlisle. She knew it wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t help but just want her to be completely out of his life. Willow didn’t want to be a rebound or a second option. Yet with Lilith, she felt that was all she could ever be.

Glancing over at Carlisle, she gave him a small grin at the nervous chuckle, which all but confirmed how tonight was going to go. She cleared her throat and looked back up at Lilith, a grin on her face for the woman. ”Hey, Lilith. I’ll start with a glass of berry sangria, thank you.”

Scratching down some brief notes, Lilith couldn’t help how her eyes cut to Carlisle in his moment of awkwardness. A date? Good for him.

Sure. A date with a girl who looked like her - maybe even acted like her from time to time - at the place she worked. What on earth was this boy thinking? At least it was a start.

Fighting the urge to grab Carlisle by the ear and pull him into the kitchen for a speech, Lilith returned Willow's smile. ”Excellent choice, my dear. I’ll get that put right in for you guys.”

Keep it professional, Li, she thought to herself, turning on her heel to walk back behind the bar and begin to grab their drinks. As she squatted down to grab Carlisle’s drink from the beer cooler, the young woman let her facade drop for just a brief moment. Taking a few deep breaths, Lilith stood back up behind the bar, reaching above her on the drink rack to grab the proper glass for the sangria.

She had taken a little extra time making sure that everything was right for the two of them. It was a little hard to make bottled beer look fancy, but Lilith was sure to grab a frosted glass to go with it. The young woman had spent just a few extra seconds adding extra garnishes and such to Willows sangria - topping it all off with a bright purple hibiscus flower before walking the drinks back over to the table.

”I hope you guys enjoy those,” she spoke as the drinks landed on the table, already beginning to overthink the situation. Hopefully Willow hadn’t latched on to the fact that Carlisle had said ‘a beer’ in a bar full of beer - or the fact that Lilith had picked what Carlisle had always told her had been his favorite. She had been the girlfriend who had to compete with the girl best friend before - and she didn’t want that for Willow. Lilith didn’t want to make her feel like that, or screw this up for them unintentionally. Second guessing herself, the thought of transferring their table to another server quickly ran through her mind as she rambled off the evening’s specials.

”So tonight the app feature is garlic knots with a side of marinara. Entree wise we’re offering an eight ounce filet, cooked to order, served with mashed potatoes and mixed veg. I’ll let y’all ponder over that while you look at the menus, unless you have any questions for me right now?”

"Ohhh the Filet sounds really nice" Carlisle chimed as he looked at the menu. He forgot how nice Huskers was. He didn't really come here, or really go out often, mostly down to his anxiety of being near new people or places. This was a real change for him. "I think I will go for that. Is there anything that catches your eye Willow?" Feeling slightly more relaxed now, Carlisle would smile at Lilith, trying not to be awkward.

Wrapping her hands around her drink, she took a sip while Lilith spoke and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. She cleared her throat and looked back over at Carlisle, her eyes watching at how he interacted with the waitress. It was still very clear that he was trying to put Willow at ease, but she didn’t know if her nerves would be able to survive the night. She had a strong feeling that she was a rebound.

Giving him a small grin, she glanced back at the menu before looking back up at Lilith. ”I’ll just take the salmon with the veggies.”

Lilith did her best to keep her eyes somewhere between the two of them, looking back and forth between the pair so that her eyes didn’t rest on either of them for too long. She stood their writing down their order, silently hoping that she hadn’t beaten whatever best friend telepathy her and Carlisle had shared out of him.

’Don’t fuck this up, she thought, hoping that he could catch the vibe.

”Awesome choices,” the brunette responded, nodding her head as she collected their menus. ”How would each of you like your dishes cooked? Chef recommends medium for both.”

Carlisle would nod to Lilith at the mention of having his meat done medium. He then smiled once more "That sounds fantastic" He took a small swig of his beer, noticing that it was his favourite. Clearly Lilith had saved his ass again. Looking over at her, he could pick up the vibe. He knew he couldn't screw this up. He was just nervous about saying anything.

”Medium sounds great, thanks Lil.” She grinned at the woman before her eyes went back to Carlisle. Willow didn’t want to be a rebound. She had to find some way to ease herself into his life, to take up a part that wasn’t marred by the woman in front of them. She just hoped she’d be able to do so, for the sake of her own heart. Looking back at Lilith, she grinned. ”And the drink is perfect, by the way.”

”Thank you,” Lil replied, now smiling herself. ”So is that dress. You look stunning. Now if you guys will excuse me, I’ll go ring this in and give you two some time to chat.”

As Lil walked away, Carlisle smiled at Willow. And perhaps that was the catalyst that caused him to realise what was going on. ”I know what this looks like…” He started with a soft sigh, taking a gulp of his beer to calm his nerves. In reality his parents had forbade him to drink, as apparently he couldn’t control it. ”I know this looks like some kind of rebound thing. Where I get with anyone because Lilith turned me down. But it isn’t. So in the interest of transparency, if you want to ask me anything about me and Lil go ahead. I won’t tell any lies or hold anything back” Hopefully this would help calm Willow’s nerves, but also his own too.

She blinked at his words. It was definitely not something she thought he would ever bring up. But, it was growth. Progress. Willow couldn’t help but grin at him. He may think that this isn’t a rebound thing, but she knew a part of it always would be. Hell, it was Lilith Montgomery. Who could really compare to her? Clearing her throat, she took another sip of her drink before speaking. ”Okay…You say this isn’t a rebound thing. So. What made you ask me out on a date? Or hell, kiss me? You’ve never shown any interest before.”

”Well…” It seems Willow has opened up on a tough question. One that could destroy everything if he didn’t respond correctly. But he did have a good response. Well. He thought so. ”... It was a combination of two things. Like, I don’t know why, but my brain suddenly registered the way you were looking at me. Like had I really been that stupid to not notice that someone had been looking at me in that way. Secondly, my brain just felt something different. I felt attraction. I kissed you because I wanted to confirm what my heart was telling me. And yeah. I like you.”

”Oh.” She couldn’t help the blush that crept up the sides of her neck. Willow nodded her head slowly as she played with the straw in her drink. ”I won’t lie and say the kiss completely surprised me. But, it was a good surprise.” Her eyes flitted over to Lilith and studied the woman before looking back at Carlisle. ”So whatever you had going on with Lilith is over?”

A lump formed at the base of his throat. Don’t make me say it his brain fired back. He knew this was coming. He would have to face this one day. He liked Willow, but to say it now, this early, this raw… Carlisle wasn’t ready. But. He knew that if he didn’t, Willow would never trust him. She would always have that doubt in her mind. Carlisle let out a deep, almost defeated sigh.”We were never a thing to begin with. There was nothing going on. I had feelings for her, which rather than just admit, I let build up and up to the point where it became critical. Then Miles came along and I felt scared and it caused me to lash out and try to shoot my shot in the worst possible way. I don’t want to make that kind of mistake again.”

Willow nodded along silently as Carlisle explained everything. She watched his face and studied his expression. She realized how tough this was for him to explain. So, they weren’t a thing? She knew he had a thing for Lilith. Hell, everyone knew. Willow just didn’t know that it wasn’t reciprocated. Her teeth sucked in her bottom lip as she thought about everything he was saying. She cleared her throat and tried for a joke. ”Well. If it makes you feel any better, you won’t make that mistake with me. Cause the feelings are definitely there.”

”Well, if my track record on women is to be believed, I am going to screw up in oh so many other ways. I am sure mother would say that I would test the patience of that love of yours” Carlisle said with a very nervous laugh. It was a laugh, but he was using it to disguise his genuine fear of screwing up around her. ”This is embarrassing, but I haven’t really done a date thing before. So what do we talk about?”

”Everybody screws up, Car. It’s just how we respond and react that makes all the difference.” She could feel her social worker side coming out, and she had to take a deep breath to not let her work interfere with her relationship. Willow cleared her throat, but then couldn’t help a small grin when she realized he’d never been on a date. She’d been on a couple, but nothing that had sustenance. She wanted this time to be different. Willow shrugged her shoulders. ”Well. We talk about our likes, our interests. See if we have anything in common other than initial attraction to each other.”

Carlisle stopped for a second. What did he like? Could he even say that he had hobbies? Hanging around with Miles was really just because he tolerated him, and dragged him to parties. He never really ever did things he wanted to do. Infact he had been like this for so long, he couldn’t even think of things he would want to do. ”Well…. I uh…um… I like to watch movies? I try to play games, but rarely find the time. The coven takes up so much of my life the past few years. My mother would just keep me working. Lilith was the only one who would pull me away from the cycle.”

Nodding slightly, she tilted her head in thought. It wasn’t fair to him that he was a young man who didn’t know how to have fun. That’s what Willow could provide to him. Some fun. Lilith wasn’t in the picture anymore, as far as she could tell, so she could be the one to occupy his time. Thinking about what they could do, she finally gave a slight nod of her head before speaking. “Okay. So. Movies. We could go to the drive in or the theater? Or just take a day and hang out at Pinewood? I like to bowl and play arcade games, so that could be really fun.”

”Yeah it does sound really fun. I have never really tried bowling. I am sure I would throw myself down the aisle and hit the pins myself.” Carlisle said with a laugh. ”After this whole handover ceremony, we could try and get to Seattle? Maybe even go to the beach.” Carlisle tried to suggest, trying to keep the conversation flowing. But just sitting next to Willow was enough for him.

As she continued to drink, her liquid courage was running through her veins and she found herself beaming at him. She loved that he was planning to do more things with her. Was Willow finally getting what she had wished for since high school? It looked as if she might. She nodded her head and sat back once her drink was finished. ”I love the ocean. Sounds like another date, Car.”

”It does” Carlisle said with a soft smile. He then looked over at Willow before leaning over the table and kissing her on the cheek. ”Sitting in the sand holding hands with you while the sunsets. That sounds amazing. We could make it a small holiday. I am sure the coven could cope without us for a few days.”

Why did her cheeks have to blush so damn hard? Blowing out a small breath to even out her nerves, she beamed more and nodded at him. ”It does sound perfect. The coven would survive, I’m sure of it. I’ll just have to look at my schedule and see if I have a break in between patients. But we can totally make it work.”

”Well I am sure we can figure it out” Carlisle said with a smile. He would then sit back down and get comfortable one more time. ” I hope you don’t think sending time with me is like interacting with your patients. I know I can be difficult to work with. ” Carlisle said with a slight huff.

Her brows furrowed and she quickly shook her head. ”I don’t mix business with pleasure. While yes, it can be difficult at times since I just like to help people, I really try to leave the shrink at the office.” She cleared her throat and shifted in her chair. ”I really hope you don’t think I do that to you. Sometimes it happens, but I really try to not let it.”

”No…No… I just don’t want to be a burden. Sometimes I feel that I come with alot of baggage that people have to deal with. I sometimes think that with mine and MIles’s and now Mine and Liiths’s friendships, that I cause the people I am with alot of hassle.” Carlisle let out a little sigh, finishing off his beer bottle and he looked down a bit.

Seeing him hang his head in defeat pulled at her chest. She took a breath and reached over, cupping her hand over his. Giving it a light squeeze, Willow lowered her head so she could look into his eyes. She gave him a soft grin and shook her head. ”Car…If I thought you were going to be a burden to me, I would have never accepted this date. I never would have been vulnerable enough to finally tell you what my feelings are. I’m all in on this, okay? There’s nothing about you that’s a hassle or a burden to me.”

Hearing that she was all in on this should have reassured Carlilse. Instead it caused him to feel even more pressure to perform. He didn’t wanna let her down. He had tried to learn from Miles. But he was far too confident and suave for Carlisle to emulate properly. ”Well… If you say so. Just expect me to eventually geton your nerves trying to help. That seems to be a common theme. Haha. Oh this date is going fantastic He nervous laugh, once again made an appearance.

Shaking her head slightly, she took a moment to search his face. She could tell he was still nervous and holding back a bit. How could she convince him that, despite everything he was saying about himself, she still maintained feelings for him all these years? Willow liked him for him, flaws and all. Biting the inside of her cheek, she reached up and put a hand against his cheek before leaning in, her lips brushing across his. She pulled back slightly and grinned. ”I like you for exactly who you are, warts and all.”

”I have warts?!” Carlisle exclaimed as he pulled back and ran his hands down his face, trying to detect any kind of trace of what she had just mentioned.

Willow couldn’t help a small laugh. She shook her head and brushed some of his hair away from his eyes. She loved his eyes. ”It’s just an expression, Car. I just mean that I like every part of you, even the things you don’t like about yourself. I wouldn’t be here tonight if there wasn’t anything about you that I couldn’t handle.”

”People can like the bad parts of me?” Carlisle asked as his brain struggled to keep up.Not even his own mother would confirm if she actually loved him. Whenever he asked she would deflect the question. So he wasn’t used to someone saying that they were here through thick and thin. Lil and Miles had said it sure, but not to this depth. To this degree. ”Best thing I can do is try and live upto your expectations”

Her brows furrowed in concern at his question. Had he never been fully accepted by anyone before? Willow searched his face and tilted her head as she studied him. At his next statement, a grin stretched across her face and she shrugged her shoulders. ”I have no expectations, Carlisle. You have absolutely nothing to prove to me, okay? I like you. Really like you. Just for who you are.”

Hearing how she said that she really liked him caused Carlisle to blush slightly as he felt the heat raise to his head. He wasn't able to say anything as the food had finally been delivered. He smiled to Lilith and thanked her before picking up his knife and fork and beginning to eat. "Wow this is really good"

Sitting back in her seat, she grinned at Lilith in thanks before digging in. She groaned at the first bite and nodded her head in agreement. ”So’s this. I rarely come out to Huskers anymore. I should change that. Their food is always great.”

Soon their drinks were refilled and the meal went by without a hitch. It wasn’t as awkward or embarrassing as she thought it would be, especially with Lilith being their waitress. She actually happened to be really sweet with the both of them and very considerate of her time. Maybe she was okay with this whole situation. When the food was gone, Willow sat back and put a hand on her stomach. ”Well. I’m thoroughly sated. Thanks for suggesting we do this. Tonight has been a really good night and I can’t wait to do this again with you.”

"It has been an amazing experience. I have honestly enjoyed this" Carlisle would pay the bill, leaving a $50 tip for Lilith. Even though he knew the Montgomery family didn't need the money, he still wanted to show his appreciation. Helping Willow up, Carlisle would lead the duo out of the bar. Standing on the street he would smile. "Honestly, this has been one of the best nights of my life"

”Good.” Looking around them, she ran a hand through her hair and let out a deep breath. She didn’t understand how this could have been one of his first dates, but she wasn’t about to argue or complain against it. The night had been pretty great for her as well. She smiled at the man and leaned over to him, brushing her lips against his in a soft kiss. Her arms wrapped around his waist and hugged him during the kiss.

Carlisle let out the softest of moans as she kissed him. He would return the kiss back, placing his hands around her back and holding her close as he tried to embrace her. He would hold the kiss for a while, taking the time to savor and enjoy the moment. She tasted equesitive. He eventually pulled away and smiled towards her. "That felt like a dream come true." He spoke softly.

A blush crept up her neck and into her cheeks before nodding her head. ”Maybe now things are turning in your favor, Carlisle Aston.” Pulling further back, she tucked her hair behind her ears and let out a breath. ”We should definitely do this again sometime soon. I need to be getting home though, I have an early patient.”

A part of Carlisle wanted to tell Willow to stay with him for the night. But at the same time he didn't want to push his luck. He wasn't Miles afterall. "Look after yourself okay? Text me when you get home" He mentioned, pulling her in for one more kiss on the lips.

Smiling against his lips, she gave him one final kiss before pulling away for good. Willow kissed his jaw and ran the back of her knuckles against his cheek before nodding. ”Goodnight, Car.” Stepping back, she waved her fingers and headed off to her car, a stupid goofy grin spread far across her face.
Aloysius gave off a small smile. "Mother really did pull the wool over your eyes. So when dad passed, the trust was created. Both myself and mother were signatories on it and we could release the money to you when you were 16, provided that we were okay being custodians and authorised any big purchases. finishing bus last peice of pizza, Aloysius carried on. "Did you ever check the accounts? I have been putting $500,000 in that trust fund every six months since taking over the company"
"Well that is true. She is a petty person. But then again, so long as she feels like she is in control you can sway her to your way of thinking." Aloysius would keep eating at his pizza as Lola kept talking. "Hang on... 18? That isn't right. Access to the trust fund was to be allowed at 16. Who told you 18? Mother?" He had always wandered why Lola had always said she was broke, even though she should have had access to the fund. Now it made perfect sense. "I am guessing she also told you that she was the only one who could open the fund for you as well"
"I am stuck, and I have mother pushing me into things. I can't beleive she actually thinks I would be capable of being able to remove the De Silvas and take over the Guild for us. Does she not understand what a massive undertaking that would be" Aloysius finished off his pizza and slowly finished off his drink after that. "We could always just move away, Give mother the company and just let her be a bitch to others."
"I don't know. From my point of view, the relationship was working. I think both of us agreed on that. it was doomed thanks to the interference of others outside of the two of us." Aloysius would look back over at Lola. "Maybe I am just a little upset still. Between losing Dad and then losing Salem, it seems I struggle to hold onto anything in my life. If I am being perfectly honest. I don't even know what i want out of life right now"
Aloysius almost recoiled at the way that Lola reacted. It certainly wasn't the kind of response he was expecting from her. She apologised sure, but it still took him off guard. with a soft sigh he picked at the crust of his pizza.

"No No, it is fine honestly. I shouldn't have bought Salem up. I know that i mention her alot sometimes" Aloysius commented as he tried to disarm the conversation and try to at least put Lola at some ease. it was true that he was lovesick over Salem. He had hoped that she was feeling the same way. The duo had a bond when they were together, and while it was a bit confrontational at times, they did care for eahc other and try their best to make it work. Then politics had to get involved and ruin everything.
"We are doing good. Still making weapons and selling them. Mother has started backing off now and letting me actually run the place. But it is really boring you know." Hearing her talk about High School reminded him of his own days there. The Guild had a secret stake in one of the New York High schools, so generally, high ranking Magi were sent there to be educated. "I remember High school. The gym, me and Salem used to go their after school when it was empty and fight in there. It was our way of honing our powers outside of training classes."
"We can totally do that. I know it is a hard, almost impossible endeavour, but I want to try my best to do so." Aloysius took a slice of his pizza and took another bite. He was starting to think how he was going to explain to Salem and the rest of the Guild about the crystal if anyone caught him with it.

In an attempt to distract himself he would try and innocently change the subject. "So how is school going? Classes and everything going okay?"
"She doesn't know. And from my point of view, she doesn't need to know. I am not bringing him back for her. I am doing it for us. If I ever succeed, I don't want her anywhere near him" Aloysius picked up the first slice of his pizza and took a bite, It was good pizza, even if a bit of grease dripped off the side.

"If this works, then we are moving away from mother. Set up a new life in Japan with dad. Away from the Guild or any of this power game stuff"
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