Avatar of HenryJonesJr


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Dad and I lounge on the couch, some meaningless college football bowl game on the screen, and the sun begins to slowly sink down below the horizon. Neither of us have changed out of our pajamas all day, which I would consider a perfect Christmas day. Well, Mom being here too would be a perfect day. But this is about as good as one can get from here on in. And I'm not going to complain about that one bit.

"So are we going to talk about it?" Dad asks after stuffing a cookie into his face.

"Talk about what?" I ask, not looking up from spinning the new drumsticks Dad got me. "The training thing again? I think I'm at least gonna go check it out, yea. Worse comes to worst I'll just run away or something."

"That's not what I meant and you know it," he looks at me sideways. "I was talking about the Stacy and Watson Cold War at dinner last night. We almost didn't need to refrigerate the leftovers."

Looking up, I meet his gaze. He's worried. Of course he's worried. Why wouldn't he be?

"It's complicated, Dad," I shake my head.

"Is it? My experience as a teenager says nothing that happens at your age is all that complicated," he deadpans.

"Really? Not even being bitten by a genetically chaotic spider, getting superpowers, and having to save the city time after time? You had a much more interesting childhood than you'e ever let on, Dad," my eyebrows raise at him.

He tilts his head at me, "You know what I mean, Gwen."

"Dad...she's just become ridiculous. Her and Harry both. Acting like the own everything around them, and they're better than everyone else," I explain. "And we got in a fight about it. She threw back that I haven' t been...well present recently. She's not wrong on that front. But still, she won't even admit that she's been totally different ever since Oscorp got the Goblin line into production."

"Sometimes that happens, sweetheart," he tries to explain. "But you want to be there for her when she realizes the mistakes she's made. We all do things we're not proud of when we're young. But you don't want to lose a friend like MJ over something like that. Okay?"

"Yea." I know he's right, but it doesn't make me feel any less mad at her.

Before either of us can say another word, a breaking news bulletin comes across the TV, interrupting the game.

"Sorry to interrupt your Christmas day, ladies and gentlemen, but we have breaking news coming across our desk. Several Manhattan banks have been robbed in the last hour, all reporting what could be massive explosions ripping off the vault doors, with masked men awaiting the money from outside. Police assume more robberies will be committed before the night is over, and are urging all citizens to stay at home and stay off the streets to ensure their safety. We'll update you with any additional information as it comes in. Now, back to the game."

Saved by the crime, I guess.

"Looks like superheroes don't get the night off," I say to dad as I head to my room to change into my suit. "I'll keep you updated."

"I might go into work as well," he said, heading to check his phone. "They may actually use me on this one."

"Sounds good," I nod to him. "Be careful."

"Yea...you too."


It doesn't take me long to follow the trail of blown out banks littering Manhattan this snowy Christmas night. The flakes started to fall as I began swinging into the heart of the city. On a normal Christmas, it would be the perfect cap to the perfect day. Now it just means things are going to be even more of a mess.

So far I haven't seen any flames in the destroyed banks, but it definitely looks like some kind of bomb went off in them. A few cop cars are at each site, but so far I haven't seen a huge response from them. The perils of calling people in on a Holiday, I assume. No one expects a crime spree on Christmas night.

Man, my life is starting to sound like a Monty Python sketch.

Not only are the streets devoid of cop cars, but there's not anyone milling about. Not all that surprising, Christmas is a kind of night where New York is quiet. But the utter lack of anyone is a bit creepy, if I'm being honest. The warning must have gotten out pretty well. Either that or people are celebrating a lot harder than they usually do on this night.

"So where are you going next?"

I don't need to search for long, though. Two blocks down, the first floor of a building blows out like a can of Coke stomped on from above, showering the street with glass and debris. A black van speeds towards the front of the bank, and men in yellow, old-timey hockey masks jump out and begin shuttling money from inside.

One of the men tosses a bag towards the van, and I snatch it out of the air with a webline, "Well someone is going on the naughty list for next year!"

"It's Spider-Woman!" he yells as I toss the bag of money back at him, knocking him off his feet.

"I'm gonna be honest," I land on the van, "I really don't understand why you guys are always so surprised to see me. Who the hell else is going to show up when you're robbing banks?"

"Waste her!"

With that, the gunfire starts. They always have to try and shoot me, don't they. Guns. So uncivilized.

The bullets fly around me as I corkscrew through the air, using my Spider Sense to stay perfectly safe. As I do, I fire weblines, clogging their barrels and causing them all to misfire. I land in the middle of them, and shake my head, "You guys never learn. I think I know what your New Years resolution should be."

"Down!" a voice yells from inside the bank, and all the guys in the yellow masks drop to the ground. Before my reflexes can save me, a pressurized vibration of air slams into me, sending me flying back. My hip hits the top of the van, sending a sharp pain radiating down my leg and causing me to windmill through the air until I land hard on the pavement.

Groggily I look up to see the men finish loading the van. They all get inside, and I see the one who just blasted me. He's wearing some weird, red and yellow padded suit, and on his arms are chrome, metallic devices that hum with a potent energy. He waves at me mockingly before saluting me.

The van speeds off and I try and shake the cobwebs out of my brain so I can give chase.

"I swear to god, next Christmas all I want is no super villains."

The Spectacular Spider-Woman

Jingle Bell Shock!

I like Mister Negative too, but not to the point where I'm okay with him getting a proverbial rocket strapped to his back to make him more important than like 90% of Spidey's villain lineup.

I dunno. I’ve seen plenty of stories with the other guys taking the lead. It was fun to see something different than the norm
Meh. I like Mister Negative. I’m good with it.
On the subject of cosplay, I just finished putting together my Halloween costume, and I think the outcome is appropriately sinister:

Oh man it looks awesome!
Watching a bit of Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina here on a slow work day and I think Kieran Shipka isn’t new choice for a live action version of my Gwen.
Post up. Will format later, but wanted to get it posted.

I definitely don't have the passion for the show tonight. My drumming is fine, I'm too good at it for it to be otherwise. Sorry, I know that comes off as conceited, but I'm a damn good drummer. Before the whole superpower thing came along, this is what I was best at. This is what defined me. Sure I'm smart. Sure I'm probably better-than average in the looks department. But here behind a snare I am truly at home.

Not so much at home when I'm wearing this damn Elf costume though. I look like Buddy the Elf's emo younger sister. I can't take it, even if MJ swears this is the last time she'll make us wear costumes.

It probably says something about me that I willingly dress up as a spider and jump around the city, but when my friend asks me to do it for our band I rebel against it. Maybe Dad is right. Maybe I really do have too much of an issue with authority.

Playing at a consistent venue has been nice, though. The place pays us decently enough, and the acoustics aren't terrible for an old Queens bar. A soft yellow light illuminates the inside, creating a homey feel when mixed with the Christmas sweaters that adorn the patrons.

So far no one's cat-called me here, which is a plus, especially considering the costumes. I feel like if we had gone with some of the
other places we were looking at, I would have broken a few hands by now. Bars willing to throw some cash at a girl, punk-slanted band
normally aren't going to be the most reputable places, so we really lucked out.

The set ends, we get a healthy amount of applause, MJ grabs the tips out of our bowl, and we head to the back to change.

"Good set, everyone," Glory smiles as she rips the elf hat off her head. She waves it at MJ, "Can I burn mine. Please let me burn mine."

Mary Jane merely crosses her arms and glares at her bandmate.

"Jeez," she puts her hands up, "it's just a joke. Relax, girl."

"Yea, MJ," Betty adds in. "Let's all remember the Christmas spirit."

"She's a mean one, Mrs. Grinch," I mumble under my breath and the other two laugh in a squeal.

"Do you have something to say?" our lead vocalist and my best friend shoots my way. "Because now would be the time to say it."

I look into her eyes, and realize she's felt as much tension the last few weeks that I have. Wearing my heart on my sleeve is a habitual problem. Maybe karate guy from tonight is right, I do need to do a better job of controlling my emotions. Or maybe I've just waited way too long to tell MJ how much of a witch she's been since Harry's Dad became the de facto mayor. Either way, this is coming to a head now, and I'm not going to be the one to back down.

"Maybe I do, yea," I rub my right arm with my left hand, showing how uncomfortable this is making me already. I don't want to like...friend breakup with Mary Jane. But I do need to tell her how shes making me feel like shit. "For the past few weeks you've been acting like this is your band. Like we're all here for you, and not to have fun and play our music. And outside of the band, ever since Harry's Dad got the big-"

She throws her hands up in the air, "I knew it! I knew you were jealous of how much Harry's been spoiling me since the Goblin line came out. Well I'm sorry, Gwen, but my boyfriend is rich and that's how he likes to treat me."

I recoil like I've been slapped, and Glory and Betty merely cover their mouths in shock.

"You think I'm jealous? Of money? Do you even know me?" I ask with my eyes narrowing at her. "I don't give two shits about how much money Harry spends on you. The MJ I know wouldn't either. That's why I'm pissed. Because my best friend is turning into a shallow trophy wife. You expect me to be okay with that? Well, newsflash, I'm not. So either cut this Kardashian bullshit or find another drummer."

She looks down at her feet and up to the ceiling, never making contact with my eyes. I don't know if she's pissed or embarrassed, but either way it's probably not good for me. I can feel the tension radiating off the other two girls standing next to me. There is no way this is going to end well.

"Well maybe we should find another drummer then," she says after an interminable pause.

I turn and leave, "Good."


The Next Day

I flip the card the man gave me around in my hand, watching as it changes from the dragon emblem to the address and back again. I haven't decided if I'm going to track him down or not. Sure, he's offering to train me to fight better, something so many people have told me I definitely need. But he's also a rando guy who showed up on a rooftop and challenged me to a fight after mocking my inability to take down the Cat the other night.

So let's just say I'm conflicted. Having the night I did last night with Mary Jane doesn't help things either.

"You say he offered you training?" Dad asks, the trepidation showing in his voice. He's been the one pushing me to get some training. He said it right after our run in with the Black Tarantula, and he's been on my case about it ever since. But even he probably can't see this as a good idea. Stranger danger and all that. "What was your read on him?"

All I can do is shrug, "Hard to get a read on him. He was calm. Didn't seem like he meant me any harm. And what he showed on that roof, he could have taken me down, more likely than not. But I'm not discounting that this could be a trap."

Dad slides the knot of his tie up to his throat, making sure it looks okay for the dinner we're headed to, "You want me to check the address out first? Do some scouting for you?"

I shake me head as I make sure my dress is laying okay, "No. I don't want someone spotting you and putting two and two together. I don't want anyone else to know who I really am under the mask."

"Good point," he admits. "You ready?"

"Yea, let's go."


"Hello! Welcome! I'm so glad you could come tonight," Aunt May welcomes us into the house, and Dad hands her a bottle of wine. I give her a big hug.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, May," I smile and meet her gaze, full of vibrancy even at her age. Even after what happened with Ben, she's still the same, happy, loving woman she's always been. It's a miracle. It keeps me going. It also keeps me terrified of the day she finds out the truth. About how Ben is dead because of me.

"Yea, May, we wouldn't want to be anywhere else," Dad smiles broadly. "Something smells delicious."

"Typical," I roll my eyes.

"Can I take your coats?" Peter asks after he gives me a peck on the cheek. "And we're having turkey, Captain Stacy. Will all the trimmings."

Dad's eyes raise, "Just for the four of us? I can put away the food, May, but that's an awful lot."

"Well, it's not just the four of us," Pete says sheepishly. "MJ and her mom are coming too."

My eyes go wide as I glare at Pete, "Let me help you with the jackets, Peter."

He winces when I use his full name, knowing that it means I am definitely not happy with him right now. I'm sure May invited the Watsons, but I could have at least gotten some warning.

"I know, you think I should have given you some warning," he says as we drop the coats off in his bedroom. "But then you wouldn't have come. You need to be cool with her."

"I'll be cool with her when she stops acting like a-"

"None of that," he stops me. "Not tonight. Now come on. We'll have some cookies before dinner."

"Yea. That'll help me feel better."


"And I come around the corner, and there Ben is, balancing on the ladder like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon," Dad says between a forkfull of mashed potatoes. "And he looks down at me and says 'George...I seem to be in a bit of a pickle'. I swear I've never laughed so hard and was so scared at the same time."

Everyone around the table laughs, but it's the sad kind of laugh that people have when remembering someone who's passed. It's like a spasm of joy tinged with pain at the end, so you don't really know how to feel afterwards. Ben stories are the best. At least they were the best. Before he was taken from us that is. Now I just wish he was here to make more of them.

MJ and I catch each others' glance fleetingly before looking away. We haven't really said a word to one another outside of our hellos. I don't think Pete's reconciliation is going to happen tonight. But at least we're not screaming at one another.

"Well, Ben always insisted on putting up the Christmas lights himself," May chuckles and takes a sip of wine. "Even Peter couldn't convince him to help."

"Nope, always told me that the lights were for me to enjoy, not to work on," Pete smiles sweetly at his plate. "I always did enjoy them."

"Always the best on the block," MJ adds. "Now if we put them up against Gwen's mom's designs? Then that would be a competition."

I look up and half-smile at Mary Jane, and she returns the gesture. Mom loved Christmas more than most. She always drew up some crazy display for Dad to put on the house every year.

"Yea, the two of them had quite the friendly rivalry," May nods. "Poor George always got the worst of it."

"I had to basically do two houses. One actually putting up the lights, and two making sure Ban didn't fall off a ladder,' Dad looks down and wipes away a tear, I'm not sure from sadness or the laughter. He picks up his glass, "To the people we lost too soon. Hopefully they're somewhere celebrating together."

"Here, here," May raises her glass as well.


As we get ready to leave after a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner, Mary Jane manages to corner me as I go to get the coats, "So are we going to talk about last night?"

"No," I respond, putting on my coat. "I"m sorry if I came off as harsh, but I mean it, MJ. You've changed."

"And you haven't?" she shoots back. "You've been aloof? You haven't been showing up for practice? Maybe I'm not the only one to be at fault."

"Yea, well, sometimes people have shit to deal with," I hiss. "And at least I haven't become a raging gold digger. Merry Christmas, MJ. I hope Harry got you something shiny. I'm sure that's what you're hoping for."

I regret the words immediately, but don't wait around to see their outcome. It is a low blow. It's something I would never consider saying to her. Not in a million years. But maybe I'm not in control of my emotions. Maybe it is time to talk to rooftop karate guy.

Dad and I say our goodbyes to May, Peter, and Mrs. Watson, and step back into the cold. I can tell Dad wants to ask about what's wrong, but instead he puts his arm around me and we walk home in silence.
I'm gonna ask a Sep question that I know most of you motherfuckers are gonna answer because it's about how you write. And some of you seem to love doing that more than actually fucking writing your posts.

What creator or piece of media directly influences your stories and characterizations for this game?

The answer doesn't have to be comic book related, but who or what do you draw the most inspiration from when you're writing? Is it a TV show, a certain writer's run on a comic book, maybe a movie or book series? What of the previously mentioned things influences you the most when you sit down to actually write?

This is an easy answer: Joss Whedon,and specifically Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss, IMO, just does the kind of comic book writing that I love, and the fact that he can mix the quippy dialogue I like with the more heavy themes and emotional beats that make you really fall in love with his characters. Plus I'm using the idea of having a bunch of normal people/friends who help the super powered badass teenage girl save the world thing he does so well.

There's also stuff from the game...but I blame the game on being so damn good and fitting in with what I was already doing.

So, I have my post ready, but it's rather short, at a little under 2000 characters. Should I take some time to beef it up, and is it okay for me to do so?

My opinion: A short post is better than agonizing over trying to put together a long one, especially if your're trying to get going with your character. We're still a "Casual" game for a reason. Once you get your feet under you and feel good about the direction of your character, then you can get into the bigger posts.
So I played some of the Fallout 76 Beta last night, at an ungodly hour because some smart guy at Bethesda decided that the UK Servers would test at the same time as the American servers.

Initial review: I enjoyed it. Straight out the vault me and a couple of people teamed up, went exploring together. Killed some monsters, looted some buildings. The main quest is kinda cool, it's geared towards helping you learn the ropes with lots of little area specific quests/daily events. I think it'd be cooler if the raiders you saw weren't all dead, I feel like they don't go in to explain enough on why there's no-one else alive in Appalachia... at least not as far as I have seen as of yet.

I'm going to be working on my post some more now.

Cool. I’m still on the fence about getting it, but glad to hear you had fun with it
Should have another post up tomorrow, and then hopefully another by Friday. I’m definitely hitting my stride for the season and I got wild shit coming. Have no plans Saturday and am planning on getting caught up with the IC thread. Don’t want to fall a ton behind like I did last season.
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