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I’m hoping to have a post up tomorrow or Thursday
Sorry, didn’t get to work on a post today. But will definitely have one up tomorrow
Hoping to have a TMNT post up tomorrow

John Bishop watched behind dark sun glasses as the battle raged. Gilad Anni-Padda leapt off the ground and delivered a devastating blow to the large creature, before he slammed down onto the ground viciously. He split his head open as he crashed down. He'd be fine, of course. But the Fist and Steel of the Earth was reckless as always. Good. If he would ever come to his senses he'd become one of the strongest beings on the planet. John didn't want to have to deal with that.

The other one was impressive as well. Some sort of mechanical suit. He was fast, powerful, and dangerous. He had heard stories about a being like this before, out of Japan. Allegedly he had killed a few Kaiju out of the public eye decades ago. Alien ones, not the ones who were sleeping across Earth. Bishop wasn't sure if his men could handle the one in the armor, but as the monster fell, he figured he was about to find out.

"Good lord - are you ok?" he called to him.

Figuring that he'll not be getting a response, he looked over his shoulder towards the police and called for their assistance.

"WE NEED AN AMBULANCE HERE, NOW!" he shouted as he continued comforting the fallen warrior.

Bishop motioned to his men, who spread out around the two metahumans, "Don't worry about him, son. He'll be fine. Well, maybe not in the long run, but not much can keep the ol' Eternal Warrior down."

The one in the armor studied Bishop with confusion, which caused the EPF agent to smile with satisfaction. He liked knowing more than these freaks. They always thought they were so powerful. They always figured they were so much better than normal people. But he knew better. He knew that the only thing that made them different was the damn powers. Other than that, they were just as flawed as anybody. He liked making them realize that.

"Now you, on the other-hand," Bishop smirked, "I don't know who you are. And frankly, I don't care much. But I know you're showing an immense amount of power, which makes you a threat to these United States. Which means I'm authorized to place you under arrest. So how about we all go to headquarters and have ourselves a chat?"
Alright so I've been unable to write since I got my computer fixed right before Christmas with few exceptions, but here's where my headspace is at.

Huntress will take some honest restructuring to work now that Batman's place in her opening arc is unavailable due to said player being unavailable to play the character at this point in time. This puts me at a loss and I've been thinking long and hard how to contribute to the game in a positive and constructive way. I'm still re-energizing for writing and with a new year comes new focus, but I really don't know what to do here. Admittedly, the "year one" focus of the game has put me at loss a few times over as my strengths as a canon superhero writer is definitely not in year one scenarios -- but I did structure some ideas for both Bekka and Helena so I'm not sure if the issue is concept for me but execution. Really, I'm at loss at what to do.

I actually wanted to talk about this. I was going to bring it up to @Master Bruce and @Morden Man, but I was thinking after this "season", it might behoove the game to jump forward a year or two to get away from the need for origin stories. That way those of us that were writing an origin can finish, while it also clears the game to bring in legacies and "later" characters.
<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

So when does our unofficial haitus end? Two weeks from you posting this. Asking for a friend.

Yea. I’d say the “hiatus” is over and everyone is on the clock
I'll have a post up for the EPF tomorrow morning

"Marko!" I call as I slam down on top of the super villain, driving my fist through his sandy face. "Why don't you pick on somebody your own genetically altered size!"

"How is it that you always show up when I'm tryin' ta pull of a job?" the Sandman grumbles as he tosses a crate of something my way. I duck underneath it, and it smashes into a wall, spraying the room with splinters.

"Okay, Marko. I'll tell you my terrible secret," I respond as I motion for the police officers, and my Dad, to get out of the warehouse. "I'm stalking you, Flint. I just can't get enough of following loser criminals around New York."

"Raaaaaaah!" he turns his hands into sand wrecking-balls and swings them down towards me. I manage to make it out of the way in time, and they crack and crumble the concrete floor of the warehouse, sending a spray of pebbles into me. "Why are you so damn annoying!? The Octopus is right about you! Nothing more than a kid playing dress up!"

"Who does he think he is? My father!?"

I snatch two fire extinguishers off the walls nearest to me, and bring them in a violent arc towards Marko's head. They smash together right in front of him and explode, sending pressurized CO2 all over the place. I can hear the yelp of surprise and frustration come out of my opponent as the chemicals blind him. At least I assume that's what they do. I still don't understand if Marko sees like we do, or if he even still feels pain. Or anything for that matter.

Pete is fascinated by Flint. He says what happened to him should be impossible. I would agree, but then again I would have said being bitten by a radioactive spider would have meant my painful, horrible death instead of super powers. So maybe possible just doesn't mean what we think it does in our world. Who knows.

The biggest problem with the impossible Sandman, though, is that he's a bear to take down. Water helps, and it seems like the CO2 is affecting him more than I figured it would, but he still keeps coming. I have no idea how I'm going to put him in jail for good.

The chemical fire suppressant eats away at his limbs, and partially disintegrates his body. He falls apart completely before reforming in a smaller version of himself, leaving behind the parts I had covered with my impromptu move.

"You think you're so smart, dontcha?" he growls at me. "But we still got away with the drugs. And you ain't gonna stop us. We're gonna get our revenge, and leave you in the dust!"

Suddenly, the part of him that he left behind leaps off the ground and surrounds me in a choking sandstorm. I fight against the buffering particles, as they start to fit between my mask. I can feel the sand trying to choke me, and I fire off a desperation webline. It hits something solid, and I pull myself out of the maelstrom, ready for Marko to press his advantage.

But instead I find myself alone in the warehouse. It was nothing more than a diversion. Yet again the Octopus's lackies got the drop on me and came out ahead.



"So the fire suppressant destabilized Sandman's bonding ability?" Peter asks as he spins around in his desk chair, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. "I can definitely work with that. I'm done homework for the week anyway. Maybe I can mix the web-bomb and a fire extinguisher? Seems easy enough."

"Well that's good, because I think I'm gonna have to fight them on their own turf," I grumble.

It's not my first choice. I already know Tombstone doesn't want me there, and the last thing I want to do is set off a gang that more or less rules a part of the city. But I can't keep dancing around the Octopus and his drugs. Sooner or later I'm going to have to deal with him, and at this point it's gonna have to be sooner.

During my run in with the Sandman, the cops who I bailed out, including Dad, followed the truck into the Bronx. They were lucky to get out of the area with their lives. Not only did they get attacked by the Pale Horses, but the Octopus's lair now has its own defenses.

Dad says the police are taking a beat to decide how to continue, but I already know that an assault is coming. There's no way the new mayor is going to let both the Octopus and Tombstone's haven slide for long. When that time comes, a lot of people are going to die. No way can I let that happen.

"You're gonna risk Tombstone getting mad at you?" he raises his eyebrow.

"No choice," I shrug. "Better that than a bunch of dead cops and metahumans in the middle of New York. Besides, I seriously doubt they're going to get the Octopus. Dude always seems to be one step ahead of me. I can't imagine he won't see them coming from a mile away."

"Good point," he concedes. "Do you have a plan?"

I nod, "Yea. So I'm going to need those new web bombs ASAP."

"Yes, ma'am," he winks. "You wanna help me build them?"

I sidle up next to him, "Thought you'd never ask."
Actually, got a good question, but what would be a good suggestion for what to do first as Rock, after leaving San Fran behind? Head out and cross paths with Bumblebee, or head straight for New York? Given its a hub of activity and all, not because of the antics currently ongoing. Mainly because I don't think Doctor Light would be aware of the Supernatural boys(as in Hellboy and crew), unless it fit for some reason, so Rock would be basically just on his own, drifting until he finds someone who needs his help. I mean, knowledge of Monarch might make sense, but they're in Japan.

In short, help, I dunno how to get rolling as the Blue Bomber-

It's really up to you. I see this game having a looser structure. I don't want to dictate everything everyone does. Basically I have big event plans, but will let people do what they want until those happen. I'd say if you want to go meet up with other players, that's viable, or write solo for a while.

The Turtles will probably be "hidden" from other PC characters for a while, so they're more of a solo story for now. That's part of the reason why I'm using government agencies and the like to interact with players.

So I made up my own science lab for Utonium to play around in, anyway I was thinking it might be a cool tie in to have Atlas labs be partially involved with secret projects such as a certain robotic Kaiju. It would make sense for Monarch to be behind such a project and for them to outsource a lot of the work to different locations, so all the parts and knowledge wouldn't be in one place until they were ready to bring them all together.

I think having some secret labs involved in a Mecha G project would make a lot of sense. Sounds good to me.
@HenryJonesJr I'm done on my end. He's pretty much unconscious so... yeah.

Yea I wanted to make sure Blue tommy was finished before posting.
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