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With that, the first Thor chapter comes to a close, with a short chapter coming next before a longer Chapter Three.


Star-Lord rocketed towards the explosions and flashes of light he saw in the distance, his Walkman blaring into his ears. Even from this distance he could see the landing craft touching down on the streets of Knowhere. Beneath him, he could see people fleeing from the attack. It made his blood boil, if he was being honest. Quill was in most things for himself, that much was sure. But he made his living conning and stealing from rich assholes and jackasses. He couldn't stomach people picking on the weak, and he wasn't gonna let that pass.

He brought himself low to the ground as he approached ground zero. He weaved in and out of the fleeing civilians, using his impeccable flying skills to do so. He knew approaching the enemy from below would give him the opportunity to take them by surprise with the rocket boots. It looked like the invaders were using the square a few clicks away as a staging area.

What he saw in the square took him aback. He saw the attackers, and they were unlike anything Peter had ever seen before. They looked like a mix of insects and robots. Their dull-purple skin shined in the light, with segments at the joints revealing it to be a kind of exoskeleton. But weaved int with their natural armor were gold accents that looked both like armor and wiring. It glowed with currents running through it, like a luminescent communications. Their mandibled faces chattered with excitement as they fired into the escaping crowds.

"I don't know what the hell you are, but you're not killing anyone else!"

He opened fire with the Element Guns, ripping through them easily. But they kept coming. One after another, almost like they had no love for their friends. Maybe they didn't. They looked like bugs. For all he knew they were some sort of hive mind. What was best for the colony was best for the individual. Losing one meant nothing when there were hundreds more to take their place.

The wave of the creatures climbed over the dead bodies of their kin to get towards him. They fired at him with lance-like rifles, pushing him back into the air. While there, he saw a pair of sleigh-like attack skiffs coming towards him.

Before they reached his location, however, a dumpster flew through the air and took the two of them out. Quill shook his head in amazement before peering down to the street. There, brandishing two swords and smeared in the creatures' blood was Thor. Quill had never seen anyone who looked as natural in the thick of battle as his new traveling partner.

Thor rushed into the throng of alien creatures, slashing and hacking with the swords. He cut through them as if they were nothing, and before Peter could blink dozens of them laid at Thor's feet. The man seemed to gain strength with ever invader he cut down. He beckoned more and more to come at him, tearing through them as if they were characters in a video game.

Suddenly the hum of more of the attack skiffs came in over the music in Peter's ears. He looked and saw they were making a beeline for Thor. Instead, he moved to cut them off.

"Watch out, big guy!" he called to his new partner as he swooped over the gargantuan man's head, opening fire with his weapons. He watched as the blast tore through the control module of the front skiff, knocking it off course. It wobbled back and forth before the pilot lost control completely, slamming into its partner and causing both craft to go up in a fiery explosion.

"Well struck, Peter Quill!" Thor called to him, reveling in the victory.

"Thanks! But call me Star-Lord!" Peter corrected the barbarian.

"HA! I will do no such thing!" Thor chuckled deeply at Quill as he bashed two of the aliens' heads together. "Star-Lord! HA!"

"Come on, man," Quill grumbled to himself.


The heat of battle was like a save to Thor's troubles. While he reaped Chitauri as if they were wheat in a field, they still managed to score some shots on him. Still, the small cuts and burns their weapons left on him did nothing but fuel his berserker rage further. The pain melded with the high of battle like the most powerful ambrosia he had ever tasted. One Chitauri fell in front of him and was immediately replaced by another, as if they had been made to be felled by him.

Overhead, Peter Quill buzzed about like the Greek God Mercury taking out the flying Chitauri buzzards. He was showy, and Thor did not enjoy the use of firearms, but the God of Thunder had to admit the boy was skilled. He had a way of baiting the invaders into a trap, often resulting in the destruction of multiple fatalities for the aliens.

As effectively as they were sending their enemies to the gates of Hel, Thor knew that the they wouldn't be able to do this forever. Eventually the Chitauri would be able to overwhelm them. That's how they had conquered countless civilizations before Thor and Odin had taken them off the board. They were ravenous monsters. They consumed and moved on before consuming another world. Thor had always been disgusted by the way they did not think twice about extinguishing life.

All that being said, he had to admire their tactics, and he knew that they would win here eventually.

<Thor,> the voice of Cosmo echoed through his head. <The station's defenses are almost completely powered up. All you have to do is keep the ones on the ground occupied.>

<Understood, Cosmo,> Thor responded.

"Quill!" he called to the man flying around above him. "Come down here! I require your assistance!"

The rocket-booted pirate touched down a few yards from the Asgardian, firing his guns and cutting his way towards Thor, "What do you need, big guy?"

"We need to keep their focus here," Thor directed him. "The station is going to destroy the main craft, but we need to make sure the landing troops are attacking us."

"Hey, I don't do anything better than being a distraction," Quill chuckled next to Thor.

"Well done," Thor rumbled. "Let us make Valhalla proud!"

The two warriors rushed into the remaining invaders. They worked well together, Thor had to admit. He tore into the advancing hordes while the guns of Star-Lord kept the skiffs at bay. While Quill was mostly unremarkable, Thor was happy to know that he could hold his own in battle. It meant he was a mortal of worth. At least there was that small miracle.

As the took out the last of the ground troops, a loud humming filled Thor's ears. He looked up to see one of the eye sockets of the Celestial begin to glow. It fired a crimson beam outward at the Chitauri cruiser, which promptly exploded into a brilliant ball of green.

"Bitchin'," Quill marveled.

"Aye," Thor nodded. "Bitchin' indeed."

<Thank you for zhe assist, god,> Cosmo's voice announced the dogs presence as he padded into the square. <And yours as vell, comrade.>

"Is that a psychic Russian dog?" Peter recoiled.

"Yes. I take it they are not normal?"

"Hell no, dude," Quill motioned in amazement.

<I don't suppose you vill help clean up the mess?>

"Nay, Cosmo," Thor shook his head. "Our quest continues."


The Milano took off from the docking bay and moved to make a jump. In front of Yondu, his screen lit up, showing the ship's likely coordinates. The ship blinked from his view, and he turned to his second in command, "Did we get the jump coordinates?"

"Yes, Cap'n," Kraglin responded with a gap-filled smile. "But why we goin' after Quill? Sure he's been trouble, but he always comes through in the end, don't he?"

"Yea, he does," Yondu shrugged, but put the wanted poster that just came over the bounty hunting network on the ship's main screen. On it, both Quill and his blond friend appear, with a number with way too many zeroes to ignore next to them. "But sometime it don't make sense to ignore a pay day."

With that, the Ravager frigate jumped off to follow the Milano.
So IDK if anyone else saw it over the weekend, but SHAZAM was awesome. A ton of fun, and a great family-type movie. Easily my favorite of the DCEU movies to date.

Anyway, hoping to have a post up tonight.
Basically my endgame (21 days) for Thor is to have him find not only a new family, but his place, his true place, in the universe. Not the warrior, but the hero. And the rest of the Guardians will come along to realizations of their own.

On the same note, I won’t have a Thor post up until Sunday unfortunately. Hoping to get 3 or so posts up next week though. Want to get through the next chapter quickly as there isn’t a ton to it
Hoping to finish off Thor's first chapter tomorrow. If not, probably won't be done until Sunday.

A haze hung over the dim bulbs in the diner, as outside the trademark fog of San Maria had rolled in off the bay. It reminded the older man sitting at the counter of the days before smoking had been banned in the states in public places. He cursed the nanny state. Those were the days. Could light up whenever he damn well pleased. Now he had to find an underpass to hide under if he wanted to smoke. Fucking Americans.

The younger man next to him pushed his pancake remnants around his plate. The boy, no older than seventeen, had a dark olive complexion and curly black hair. He was agitated, though he that wasn't anything new.

"We should move in now, sir," he looked up at the older man. The boy was talented, for sure. But he was impetuous. He was too eager, which led to sloppy mistakes. But that's what happens when you're a kid. Patience would come with more experience. "What's the point in waiting? We know where she is."

The older man sighed and rubbed his creased, bearded face with a leathery hand the size of a catcher's mitt, "Because we're not here to make waves. Why do you insist on making things harder than they need to be."

"I do not. I like making things as quick as they can be," the boy responded. "We know we don't have much time. We know what failure means."

"We're not gonna fail," the man rolled his brown eyes. "We've prepared for this for a long time."

"No, you did," the boy shot back. "I was indoctrinated into it."

The man winced at that. He often forgot how little time had passed since he found the boy and taken him under his wing.

"You're right," he admitted. "But you've still got the skills."

"That I do, sir," the boy nodded. "Shall we put them to use?"

"We shall."


Clara found herself wedged between the floor the metal tank of the bunker's water purifier as she fiddled with it. It had been letting in a little too much grit for her liking, and she wanted to head of a possible clog before it became a real problem.

"Can you hand me that ratchet?" she asked her brother who sat a few feet away by the toolbox.

"Sure thing," he picked it up and tossed it over to her. "So how mad are you at Art and Lud right now?"

She should have expected this conversation to come up sooner rather than later with Bach there. He wasn't one to let things simmer. It probably came from being the youngest in the family. He always needed to know anything and everything as quickly as possible.

Clara didn't want to talk about it, if she was being honest. One of the reasons she came to the utility room was to get her mind off of things. She often found that letting her arguments with her brothers peter out was more effective than brooding on them. They never listened to her as-is. What use was it to dwell on it?

This one was a bit different though, she had to admit.

"Mad? I'm not mad," she responded after a few moments of silence. "But I am annoyed. Believing this silly superstitious crap. It's ridiculous. We're not some holy chosen warriors. We're a bunch of science experiments trying to survive. Putting our neck out severely decreases those chances."

That was the gist of it. She knew they were special. She knew they were gifted. But she also knew that they were being hunted at all times. If they weren't careful it would mean the end of all of them, and that was the last thing she wanted to happen.

"Yea, but like, if we don't help what if other people die?" Bach asked, twirling a screwdriver in his hands. "I don't want that to happen."

He was right, of course. Bach loved the humans. He was fascinated by them. He spend more time watching them than doing anything else, especially his chores.

"I know, B," she pushed herself from under the tank. She looked into her brother's eyes, and saw nothing but sincerity there. He was so pure and innocent, she almost had to laugh. Somehow the hell they lived through at IDRG hadn't taken that from him. For that, Clara was thankful. "We'll help where we can. But we need to be smart."

"I'm, like, always smart," Bach winked at her.


Angel couldn't get the past few days out of her head. Granted, that was to be expected when you had come across four giant, talking frogs who your boss said were alien invaders. Still, there was something about the way that Dyer talked about the frogs that made her question his motives. While they were obviously naturally off putting, there didn't seem to be anything outwardly malicious about them.

She had ran over the events of that night over and over in her mind, trying to remember anything that may have been threatening. Nothing came to mind however. They wanted her keycard, and returned it. Other than that they were being apologetic, almost.

She rolled her desk chair in her room over to a map of San Maria hanging on the wall. The young woman took a pack of pushpins along with her and sighed, "What the hell are you doing here, girl?"

Her hand hovered over where she had run into the frogs before, and she pushed a pin in before running a string to the IDRG Pyramid, marking the two places she had known the frogs had been.

"I'm going to find you," she nodded to herself and pushed the chair back, admiring her simple work. "I don't know what you are, or where you came from, but I'm going to find you. And I'm definitely going to make sure you don't knock me out next time."


The IDRG building sat in the distance like a beacon cutting through the fog, taunting Mozart with its omniprescence in San Maria. It was the kind of building that you could see no matter where you were in the city. After they had initially escaped, it represented nothing to him outside of the chance of them being recaptured. now, however, it was the reminder that there were more like them being held in that place. More poor creatures that never asked to be made and unmade into living weapons, these ones without the ability to free themselves like he and his siblings had.

Now the Pyramid no longer brought fear to his heard. Instead it filled him with a silent rage.

"You can stare at it all you want," Lud croaked as he took a seat next to his brother and handed him some sushi. "You're not gonna bring it down with your mind. Unless you got some power you haven't been telling me about."

"No, no psychic powers that I know of," Art shook his head and picked up his chopsticks. "If I did I'd be making you or Bach do my chore days. I have a lot of Star Trek to catch up on."

"Why not Clara too?" he asked, popping a roll into his gaping bullfrog mouth.

"Easy," Art shrugged and took another bite of his own, elbowing his brother in the side, "telepathy only works on the weak minded."

"Oh, very funny Obi-Wan," the largest frog groaned. "Almost like you've practiced that one."

"Hey, you walked into it," Art finished off his sushi. "Where do you get this stuff anyway?"

Lud winked at his brother, "Blind chef a few blocks down. Smelled good when I was exploring the city. He came out and found me in the alley. Offered me some. And now we have a hook up."

Ludwig and Bach had been exploring the city more than he and Clara had. Art had wandered to the redwoods forest a few times. But Lud and Bach were fascinated by the city. They loved watching the people and the energy flow through it. But Lud had been the one to notice everything wrong with it. The Bayside Bandits had moved into San Maria and were beginning to set up shop, consolidating their power in a city not prepared for their onslaught.

"Well, I am not sorry about that."

The two brothers sat there quietly and enjoyed the views of the city. Other than the one building that rose above the rest, Art already considered this his home. It was beautiful in its own right, and it was mostly full of good people. Well, he figured it was full of good people. He wasn't sure, of course. The only person he had ever met that wasn't trying to capture him he had knocked out with his own bodily poison. So maybe not the best start at making friends, but he wanted to protect the people of San Maria none the less. Who knows what else IDRG was doing in their labs. The whole city may have been in danger.

"So about that dream...," Lud broke the contemplative silence.

"Hey I thought you were on my side?" Art turned to Lud.

"I mean, I am," he shrugged. "At least when it comes to helping to stop IDRG. We've already seen what they can do. We can't sit around. That ain't in my blood. If there's a fight, I'm gonna fight. But being 'chosen' or whatever? You've been looking for a purpose ever since we escaped IDRG. Maybe the dream isn't necessarily it. Maybe it's just helping where we can. Look around at this world we were born into. Clearly it needs all the help it can get. We can do that."

Art looked down at the street. Thanks to the fog the brothers were completely obscured from the people walking below. His brother had a point. They could be the heroes of this city. They had all the requisite skills. They could just focus on that and he could forget about the dream.

But he couldn't. Yes he wanted to help the people of San Maria. But what they were chosen for...he felt it was too important to throw to the side. Until they figured out what the dream meant, helping here would do.

"Yea, I think we can," Art patted Lud on the shoulder. "This place...we'll keep it safe."

"Good," Lud smiled broadly. "I know just where to start."
Bit shorter of a post than I wanted to have up, but I'm hoping to have another by the end of the week to finish up my first chapter.


The galaxy swam around Thor as he went from point to point, triangulating the location of the nearest Asgardian cache. He used the old way of triangulating the stars, as the Asgardian wayfarer of old. The mortals' computers were impressive, and allowed them to travel in ways Thor had never thought they would be able to obtain. But they still missed the finer details of how the galaxy worked. As always, they were far more interested in how quickly they could do things, rather than doing them correctly.

He studied intently until it clicked for him. The nearest cache was not far at all, and, even better, it held a weapon he was intimately familiar with.

"Finally some good tidings," Thor smile=d to himself. "It is time to begin the hunt."

As he turned to leave the observatory, however, a small tremor seemed to shake the entire station. He steadied himself as Cosmo appeared once again before him.

<Come, god,> the dog's voice permeated Thor's consciousness. <Zhe station is under attack.>

"What foul being would attack a civilian space port!?" Thor raged at the injustice.

<We don't know,> Cosmo grunted. <And that's one of the problems. They jumped in before we could muster our defenses. Our guns can keep the capital ship at bay, but they've dispatched landing ships that have slipped by them.>

"Good," Thor smiled.

<Ve have very different definitions of good,> the do looked at the God of Thunder with confusion.

"If there was no landing party, there would be none to fall by my hands," Thor's smile widened. "And what's the point of a battle if that happens?"

<You need help,> the dog barked. <But if we're going to survive, we'll probably need you.>

"Aye," the god nodded. "I require a weapon."

<Follow me.>


The alarms that began blaring through Knowhere nearly shook Quill out of bed. The pink Kree woman beside him stirred with a fright. He motioned for her to stay in bed as he stood and moved over to the station information screen located in the room. When he turned it on, he quickly found out the situation.

Turning back to her, he asked, "You have somewhere safe to go?"

"Yes, why?" she asked with a tinge of panic in her voice.

"The station is under attack, get there as fast as you can," Quill warned as he made sure his Element Guns were primed for battle. "I've got a job to do."

Peter Quill was nothing if not impetuous. He desired wealth like all pirates, but there was a heroic streak in him. What he desired more than anything in the galaxy was fame. He wanted people to know his name. He wanted them to be in awe of him. Up until this point, that wasn't working out too well, to say the least. But saving the people of Knowhere from some sort of attack? Instant fame for sure.

He twirled his guns and holstered them on his hip, flung his Ravager duster on, and pressed the universal translator unit on his ear, which instantly unfolded and covered his face in a protective mask.

"Time for the legend of Star-Lord to grow!"

With that he kicked open the window, fired his rocket boots, and soared towards battle.


Thor felt the weight of the two Thanagarian swords Cosmo had provided him. They weren't the kind of weapon he'd usually gravitate towards, but they would do in a pinch. Sadly, they were not made of the race's famed Nth Metal. Those would have been a bounty worth celebrating. But in his current state, he could not complain. They would help him fight, and, considering his recent history, he could have used a good one of those.

"Does thou knowest who attacks the station?" he asked the psychic dog as he left the station's armory testing the swing of the swords in his hand. Yes, they would do.

<No,> the dog sounded worried. <Our records don't have a read on zhe larger ship or zhe troop transports. I vas actually hoping you could give us a hint.>

The two of them strode into Knowhere's command center, where aliens of all the different races that called the station home scurried about frantically. Cosmo motioned towards the large hologram in the center of the room, and what Thor saw chilled him to the bone.

There, floating in front of him, was a curved dagger of a ship, which he knew was partially organic. It looked like a wasps nest, with layers of meteoric metals and organic clay folded over top of one another in layers.

"Impossible," he hissed at the sight. "It cannot be."

<Vell it is,> Cosmo retorted. <I take it this is not a happy sight?>

"Aye," Thor nodded grimly. "Those are Chitauri cruisers. The Chitauri were conquering parasites, feeding off one world before moving to the next. They were a powerful fighting force."


"Aye, my father and I fought what we believed to be the last of their kind defending an Asgardian stronghold," Thor was lost in time, thinking back to that day. He missed his father now more than he had in any moment since Ragnarok. "At least I believed it so."

<Vell, bad news,> Cosmo deadpanned. <You vere wrong.>

"I can see that, dog," Thor gritted his teeth. "But they will not escape this time."

The God of Thunder stormed out onto the streets of Knowhere. Around him the panicked citizens raced for somewhere to find shelter. He could see the defenses of the station firing out towards the cruiser, keeping it from getting close enough to do damage. But he also saw the smaller troop transports making it through the fire, at least some of them. He could see the Knowhere security forces bracing for the troops.

Screams, yelling, and crying filled his ears. Lesser beings would cower at such a situation. Mortal men would have fear in their hearts. But not Thor. Thor felt alive in moments like this. He thirsted for battle.

Raising the swords above his head, he let out a massive war cry.
Should have a post up tomorrow
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

To add to this, I don't think I'd be looking to give the thumbs up to a second concept for anyone until mid-season at earliest.

I think Season 2 should be the first consideration at the earliest, personally. People like to amass characters and then burn themselves out.

I know I have a second character concept I'd try, but I'm more than content to wait until Season 2 for that.
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