He was rail thin with long, greasy black hair,

He was rail thin with long, greasy black hair,
<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>
<Snipped quote by Moskau Spieluhr>
Is there any chance you'd be willing to place Mari in another city such as Hub City or Dakota? Other than that we have no issues with the sheet or character and rather like it.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Exciting to hear, and that seem fair. Gotham City does seem to be a bit crowded.
However I'll only agree to move Mari to Dakota city if I get to write with @The Bork Lazer. ;)
I've really enjoyed their posts so far and I'm curious to to see what happens with the influx of "Bang Babies" in Dakota City.
Oh look @Master Bruce is here. Lurking.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
Just reading the IC thread. So far, everyone's been doing a great job and I applaud the game's universe as it's slowly building.
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>
So does when does the Angsty Bat Arrow make an appearance?
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>
So does when does the Angsty Bat Arrow make an appearance?
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Exciting to hear, and that seem fair. Gotham City does seem to be a bit crowded.
However I'll only agree to move Mari to Dakota city if I get to write with @The Bork Lazer. ;)
I've really enjoyed their posts so far and I'm curious to to see what happens with the influx of "Bang Babies" in Dakota City.
@Lord Wraith so coming up to a month since launch, does that mean we're going to be doing awards cause...
<Snipped quote by Sep>
I mean, you'd be wrong. :P
But I also would rather wait longer than a month, if not until the end of the Season.
Internet's out for days and my post is trapped until I can find some way to move it from air-gapped to somewhere I can send it from... or just re-write the thing entirely.
I have a 12-14 hour shift coming up in 3 days time though, so worst case scenario I guess I'll re-write the whole damn thing then.
Might mean I miss the deadline by a couple days though.
<Snipped quote by Hound55>
We have a deadline?