Avatar of HereComesTheSnow


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20 days ago
Current yeah i work in area 51, it's pretty chill. usually you just get a tweaker roll by on a "spiritual journey" once a month. they tend to go away once you put a few AIM-9s downrange on their flying saucer
2 mos ago
man is closest to god after an ice cold beer in the warm shower. his mind and body are freed. next closest is behind the wheel in a scool zone, also with an ice cold beer in hand. study this well.
3 mos ago
yeah mom its me can you come pick me up me and the boys were wondering if pulling a potato peeler over tommy's behelit would wake up the little guy in there and it started screaming.. thanks love you
4 mos ago
they should let me into the presidential debates as like a stage hazard. i should be like the negligent drivers in onett, plowing into whichever seniors don't heed the warning that i'm coming
5 mos ago
frantically flipping through my notebook as i realize i'm late for my monthly bit. bomb. bomb. caesium capsule meets stomach lining. bomb. murder confession. bomb. need new material before they bomb m
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Gerard Segremors

@The Otter

"I sent my knife through a spell-slinger's eye, that was one of the highlights." He countered, free hand whipping forth in the motion every mercenary knew, most were good at, and a select few fully mastered. Being in the second cohort was good enough for most anyone. Good enough for him, so far. "I couldn't get out of the way of all the arrows from the Talderians, but their ace couldn't get the dent from the Mordhau out of his helm. Bought me time to do the old gorget can-opener."

Best fight of his life, even with all they'd done... Gerard wouldn't expect anything less. Even the Demonbreaker, towering, glimmering juggernaut of holy steel that toyed with he and Serenity like children... the wraith that he had been paled to his life, and paled to Agrahn as well.

"Florian... I would bet." he grunted, "Wish I'd gotten him, might have gone out something cleaner... Agrahn was a monster. Spent the whole time wrecking me with each swing. Took all I had just to keep him from cutting through me outright. I think the only thing I got in on him was..."

A finger brushed an errant lock of coal aside from his gaze. Long, he remembered thinking at the ball, longer than ever. The brow beneath echoed with a soreness it never earned.

"Well, he told me my head was pretty hard."
Gerard Segremors

@The Otter

A rough laugh, tension going slack as an all too familiar sentiment was shared. This was why he could loosen up 'round Fionn— they were, at their cores, the same kind of animal.

"Fuckin' wolves got me." Gerard replied. "Some shiny Illithane Knight too. Plus—"

He paused, considering things...

"Talderians, I think. The really really old style emblems gave 'em away and breastplates. They had an archer cohort, too. Never thought I'd get to see anything like that, but..."

He felt the rush of blood, the flicker of battle-flame in his breast. The showers of sparks as steel danced against steel. The grin he bore spread wider— pulling at the corners, showing fangs.

"Fun's the word for sure, our honored forefather's disdain aside."
Gerard Segremors

@The Otter

His eyes slid up to meet Fionn's, preempting a half-turn of the head. Within the amber depths that greeted the Velt native, there wasn't any artifice to be seen— instead, a quirk of intrigue similar to his own. His suspicions were well-founded: it was something new, rather than slipped free from hidden depths.

"Too well, actually." he began, grimacing as he rolled his wrist, sending the held length of steel into spiraling patterns of infinity, an eight knocked to the side. Weak cuts, but perhaps sufficient to parry a lighter strike. Nothing sufficient to defend against him... but work for familiarizing the grip. These days, he thought often of sword and axe.

"A bowl of dust turning into a field of steel and blood. As if I'd gone back."

Between them, there was no need to elaborate where "back" meant. The sober recount continued.

"Only I woke after Sir Agrahn, straight out of the painting in the hall," he pointed with the tip. "Punched a hole straight through my gut. Felt the whole thing. Before that, felt how easily he could have crushed me at my best."
Gerard Segremors

@The Otter@Krayzikk

With a half-hearted wave and a pensive frown, Gerard sent the man on his way.

"Guess we've all been on edge," he huffed, fiddling around with the blunt as it laid in the sun-warmed grass, a bed of soft, forgiving green that made the long-stomped earth beneath find new life. It certainly seemed to hold true to his eyes, if nothing else— the exchange here, his own inability to get out of his own head accelerating to the point even Sir Renar seemed to note it as abnormal...

"Damned dreams."

It came as a mutter in undertone, happening to fall in a lull between the morning breezes as his grip closed around the hilt of his feder, holding it aloft ahead of him in a hand. The flashes ran through his mind— insurmountable pressure above, agony erupting from below. Cold words washing disdain over the burn of the rising thrill.

'Fighting desperate' indeed.


Gerard Segremors

Gerard Segremors

@The Otter@Krayzikk

"I'm pretty sure everyone here has said attacking the legs is a bad idea to me today. Or at least not encouraged it."

Verloren Haufen were the front of the front lines. Tip of the spear. In any troop, if you had to throw men into an unwinnable situation for the chance of pulling it free from the brink, they were your charge. Double the pay, but so many more times the risk— A mentality that was impossible to break within its numbers was the primary necessity. Anything less, and facing death would make the unit crumble.

"If I promise I understand, can we move past it?"

Gerard, here, was starting to get concerned about the state of affairs. How'd we get here? He had been internalizing the lecture for little more than a minute, what happened?
Gerard Segremors

@The Otter

So it's not that, then.

He frowned, a puff of wind carrying dissatisfaction into the void that had been carved between the inimical dumbasses by the ongoing miscommunication. The problem with going for the legs... lunging like a low wolf...

Alright, what the hell was it, if the incoming admonishment wasn't "Quit throwing yourself so far forward for that stuff," then?

His arms folded, he closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable from three feet to the right.
István Shilage

Another of the stone-carved effigies loomed within the assembled forces behind the Steel Princess casting his gaze down through the steel of his helm to spilt iron on the floor, the metallic scent upon his nose familiar as any. Fresh enough that it shone a brilliant ruby even in meager torchlight, cast from above by the mercenary's hand, Istvan saw no need to speak presently— he was roughly in agreement with the rest of the lot, and his words would redundantly murk the air where silence would give clarity.

Some arcane trickery had occured, be it a last-ditch effort to consolidate power by the higher ends of the fetid cult or the sublimation of the gambit they'd initially drawn up. A second raid concurrent with theirs was by all reasonable assumption out of the question; the spilled essence too localized, the surroundings too immaculate (save for structural vandalism, of course) by half. He was well-schooled in many areas, but the whims of magecraft did not fall within their number— though an imaginative mind pondered at the possibility of their unwitting participation in some ritual of bloodletting, given the fervor and number of cultists their theater had drawn forth.

Whatever had been done was to be preempted, at least prepared for. Idle chatter would distract.
Gerard Segremors

@Psyker Landshark@Raineh Daze@The Otter@Krayzikk

"Right, Nach. Misspoke." the reply and acceptance was equally swift. Genuine mixup. Though, there was likely something to the idea that Indes had taken Nach's place in his internalized combative hierarchy of initiatives— as hard and uncompromising as the thirst for Vor had been hammered in, was it possible it had skewed his interpretation on the whole? Fighting on the front foot was like breathing— even simultaneous counters had an alien air compared to simple insistence on pressure, pace, and persistence. "And that..."

His brow furrowed, expression twisting into something quite perturbed by the discovered answer to Fionn's rhetorical question. His right hand closed into a fist, then one finger rose beneath his flummoxed gaze.



"Sir Erich,"


"That bloated undead just before him,"

A trio stood tall in the passing breeze, looming larger than they had any right to. They may not have formed a proper excuse within that "W" shape, but they did bring up a pattern that was worth, if not alarm, a certain level of consideration. He returned his gaze to Fionn all but apologetically, well aware of how this wasn't necessarily the point.

"Quite a few, actually. It's weird, now that I think about it."

He cast the three impudent soldiers into the reserves with a wave, folding his arms after a nod of greeting to the approaching Sir Nicomede, the exchange on arcane matters already lost on him, bereft of any spark of mana that he could think of, from the first word. the thoughtful frown he often wore slid back over his features like an old glove, and his brow furrowed as the mind set to work.

"I think we drive at the same point, though— these examples are boiling down to distance control. Her stance and weapon elongate the engagement, giving her more room to bait out overextensions and less commitment behind the change in level than I'd need, since the longsword naturally demands we square up more to utilize both hands for cutting power and leverage. She can keep her feet on a line and play with distances more readily by simply bouncing in and out, where I'm getting in much closer to leverage my frame and build. Bear down on people, use the bind to isolate their sword and nullify cleaner, quicker strikes, not give them room to breathe."

... Good soldier, good soldier, we need a conclusion to drive this to. Theory is well and good, but useless without application.

"So what do I take from that, then— Angle in? Can't be right, I already know to move laterally. Getting ahold of the faster party is generally a good idea, dictate the terms of engagement..."


"I'm an idiot, Fionn. Solid posture."

He'd walked right past it through all that.
Gerard Segremors

@Psyker Landshark@Raineh Daze@The Otter

At mention of his name, Gerard's gaze perked up from the dull feder he'd been halfway through yanking free from the rack— had Fionn been more insistent on pulling Sir Renar into a spell of back-and-forth bickering about his absence earlier in the day, the younger of the two ex-mercs was indeed planning on kicking off the circuit directly himself. If nothing else, his own approach would have been tailor-made to feed the pair that were better schooled situational insight, with the emphasis on aggression forcing exchanges and drawing Lilia's pressure responses forth. Giving them a rough preliminary on how she worked by simply forcing work onto her—

But all things being equal, he welcomed Renar to take it for himself, indicating as much with an compliant lift of the hand as he marched over to Fionn's side, and set the ad-hoc blade onto the soft grass before him as his frame dropped to meet it shortly after. One elbow propped onto a knee, he leaned forward and let his chin rest upon the palm as the bout commenced— seated, but far from languid. His amber gaze, so often clouded by the rolling fog of overthinking, was sharp and alert.

Too often, he let instinct and repetition do most of the heavy lifting when it came to the heat of battle, as there was little room for anything else beneath the rushing sensation. Training, similarly, drew upon leveraging his conditioning and fierceness in spars while he continually strove to polish form on his own. It had gotten him this far. It was growing clear that it wouldn't get him much further— much to the imminent vindication of the other three in their nascent circle of iron sharpening iron. They'd get their ribbing in soon enough.

His gaze flicked back and forth between the dueling pair as the opening salvos were loosed between them. Those instincts had been a crutch for very good reason, it was worth noting— the hunch they'd given him was correct. The girl was quick. Were it not for how he'd dialed in his focus, he might have lost the motion within the burst that had begun it. With her rapier, a low swipe for the ankles, cloaked in mist that melded into hoarfrost into rime.


Let them if they chose, then. His unwitting stubbornness had begun to chip, they'd earned the gloating.

"Kinda the same thing that I do, in a sense of offensive effect."

This was an opportunity to learn the lesson everyone had been trying to pound into his head— and gain those insights for himself. His focus had centered upon that task, and those thoughts were drawn forth as they were formed by mind and tongue in equal measure, floating through the air in a low murmur even as his eyes continued to dart from fighter to fighter.

"The distance is different given the weapon and stance, stretches the ranges out to something more even with most polearms than other swordsmen. Speed's higher. Magic's offering additional lines of attack, but the theory's all the same. Starting by trying to kill the base and mobility, initiating with surprise by shifting vertical levels, and then it's immediately lateral movement and going for pokes while the enemy's still navigating the first range— and then getting dirt in the eyes, too. That one gets everyone once."

The prattling was clearly more for his own benefit than anyone else's, but Fionn Mackerracher lived and breathed the finer details on a scale that seemed to be beyond even intuitive— no better sounding board Gerard could think of, and he was right next to him.

"Different details and method, but same principle. Seizing the initiative and adding a new problem every time it looks like he's got a chance to breathe. This is one other way to do that, work to end."

He frowned thoughtfully, then let it fade— glancing to his friend with a wry, almost needling smirk.

"You wanna lecture me about the part where she sat in indes before the dirt though, don't ya?"
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