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The pace at which Daigo was pulled slowed down at the additional weight, albeit it kept going. Eventually, as the four neared the mirror, the hand raised itself up, consequently pulling up all four students. There wasn't any warning aside from the change in movement, and in what seemed like a blink, they were then pulled into the mirror. There was nothing but darkness at first, and one could mistake it for an unpleasant dream if not for the chill that would run up their spines. Once they were through, the gym returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

On the Other Side, the four promptly fell through as the hand paused for a moment, though its grip on Daigo remained. The room they were now in was similar to the one that Noriaki had previously visited: there was nothing but bare walls all around them with only one way to go. The only exception was the mirror behind them, its color inky black as before.

A small spot remained clear but was slowly closing, though a brilliant blue light shined through it. Consolidating on the ground, the cat leapt through as its body took on the blue light, promptly erupting into a burst of flames that reached the ceiling. When said flames died down, a young woman stood in its place, opening her eyes to reveal the same pair of mismatched eyes as the cat. However, Noriaki would notice a few changes from before. For one, she no longer bore the same armor, instead clad only in a short, black dress and a pair of tassals hanging from her elbows. The second and much more noticeable difference was the addition of a pair of cat ears that were clearly not there before, and with a second glance, one would notice her tail swaying quietly behind her.

At her presence, the hand immediately released Daigo and grew in size, its fingers sharpening into claws. Letting out a scoff, she snapped her fingers, a blue flame producing a card in front of her. "Come, Lorelei!" She called, beckoning forth a creature behind her. As the hand shot forth, Lorelei released a spell of ice, resulting in several icicles shooting up and piercing through it. The effectiveness of the attack may have been questionable, but the hand yanked itself back, slithering away and through the open door.

Flipping her hair behind her back, the blonde took a step forward, listening intently. After a few seconds, she visibly relaxed, turning back to the other teenagers. Once her mismatched eyes landed on Noriaki, she lit up. "There you are!" She grinned. "I was wondering when my Devil was going to come back to me."

"The two of you will be friends before you know it," The extremely dry and completely unconvincing response from Vice Principal Taniguchi could not have been delivered in anything that would have even remotely been anything but disdain, but there it was. The expectation had been laid out and there was no room for discussion; Maki's compliance was, at best, a convenience but little more to him. Suzuki was a little surprised, but not entirely relieved.

Still, at the very least she would give Maki some sort of recognition. "Your cooperation is appreciated," Her response was sincere, at least. "Now, as to what your duties entail, that will be up to Nakano. From what I'm aware, the council usually gathers a few times a week in the Student Council Room with Nakano herself being there every afternoon, but I don't think you'll be there every day. For now, go on over to the room and introduce yourself."

"And remember that we will be keeping a close eye on you going forward," Taniguchi added, ending his side of the conversation as he rejoined the other teachers.

Suzuki resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but she looked back at Maki. Letting out a small sigh, she crossed her arms. "I'm a little surprised by you, if I'm honest. I heard nothing but good things from Kaibara-sensei, but this...even you have to recognize targeting Nakano was wrong, right?" She stared down hard at Maki, searching her face for something to convince her. "I understand you've been going through a rough time, but there are better ways than this to let out all that anger. Have you considered speaking to Chitose, the school's counselor?"

Maybe he should have gone second after all.

Only when Varis' back was turned did Eris tenderly rub the many, many sore spots all along his abdomen. While his mood wasn't nearly as bad as the redhead's, he had to admit he wasn't fond of being used as an outlet for his anger. The lesson was mostly wasted on Varis and Professor Gaunt going back and forth, but it was essentially pointless. He really thought blocking his senses would have helped more, but maybe he was too used to pain? Next time he'd try it from a different angle or something.

Letting Varis rant and rave all he liked, Eris offered a token agreement here and there. It wasn't that he entirely disagreed, but between his busy schedule and certain developments, he didn't realize that they shared their next class, too. Dedicating the early evening to his new beau was as soothing as a porcupine in a good mood, but it couldn't be helped.

Honestly, Eris wasn't entirely sure why he made the decisions he did in regards to his choices this semester. He had convinced himself of sensory enhancement earlier, but did he really want to spend over an hour listening to someone drone on and on about the Noilas when he could probably learn everything from the library? At least the Dark Age Eceonomy had made him curious and the Noble History would hopefully give him more information on Cydril that wouldn't draw more attention than was necessary, but it was starting to feel like he was getting his information in an extremely roundabout way. He was usually more sure of his decisions and often calculated his choices, but recently he was starting to doubt everything.

And of course, one of the most pressing issues was walking in front of him.

No. He had come this far, doubt was for the weak and uncultured and he had laid out nearly every brick possible for this ideal outcome. Regret? He didn't know the word. But deep down he had to admit the entire Cydril nonsense was starting to unnerve him. As soon as he could figure out what exactly he was dealing with, he could banish all the lingering questions. Yeah, that had to be it--he was patient, he was used to waiting for things, but he had too many loose threads at the moment. But he'd have to be more careful than before, no doubt--the princess was aware he knew of the Sinnenodel, and he was still highly suspicious of her.

Bringing himself out of his thoughts, Eris ran a hand over his face and gave Varis an intrigued look. For now, all that needed to be shut away at the back of his mind. He had to continue to play his part for now. "I worry for this school, I truly do. For such an esteemed academy, the princess hasn't had the best track record in professors," He made his contribution in regards to the initial complaint, though he didn't even have to pretend--that woman's face was going to haunt his nightmares tonight, that was for sure.

Still, he did decide to lighten--or possibly worsen--Varis' mood. "Royal line, you say? Perfect, now I can doze off and just have you give me a proper lecture of everything the professor gets wrong," He couldn't help the joke, giving Varis a dazzling smile. "Lucky me, I get to indulge myself in having more of our night together."

Lilie nodded with great enthusiasm, taking Bar's words to heart. He wasn't just knowledgable on the element, but magic as a whole--that's what she expected from a resonance researcher. With his words in mind, she was more than ready for Round Two, but she had to admit that Johnathan was giving her an exercise in caution. He was more excitable than she was! It was nice to practice with someone who had just as much enthusiasm, but she often found herself adjusting to try to match his energy. Her true nature often peaked out at times, too, her magic being more cautious than usual as she tried to get used to the sensation.

Still, it worked out in their favor, with time flying by so fast that she was actually really disappointed that the class was done. The tingliness in her fingers felt weird, but she realized that despite the initial shock surprising her, it helped her understand how she was using her own magic a little more. She gave Johnathan her thanks and a wave of goodbye, but she ended up hanging back a little. She really, really wanted to talk to Bar some more, but she wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Then again, Esi was a little quirky, too, so maybe it was just a water mage thing?

Glancing down at her phone, she figured she had a little time. Approaching the professor, she decided to er on the side of politeness. "Thank you so much for the lesson today, I feel like I really learned a lot," She told him, beaming. "Your words were spot on! I mean, I know it's your job, but it was just super informative."

After maybe half a second of pause, she continued, "I did have some more questions pertaining to the lesson! You said when it comes to handling larger quantities, does that mean the more magic we use the more risky it is? Or is it because we're so close to our element as primaries? Does that mean it's easier for us to tap into our magic for more power? Or is it harder because we're just as susceptible to be overwhelmed by it?" She was basically bouncing in place, her voice picking up in pitch as she fired off one question after the other.

The cat focused on the dim glow of the unnatural butterflies, outright ignoring Noriaki's threat. She did end up dropping the other sneaker as she approached the mirror, lifting a paw and touching the glass. One butterfly sank in, enveloping the reflection in a pleasant, soothing glow. The reflection blurred itself until it was completely gone, making the mirror look more like a slate than anything. The entire gym was then enveloped in a similar blue light, reminding the students of their dream in the Velvet Room.

"God dammit! You guys need to get the fuck out of here, now, before—"

As the cat's meows cut him off, however, the blue quickly turned to black. Noticing the difference, she let out a hiss, slowly backing up. Much to everyone's surprise, something slowly came out of the mirror, looking a lot like someone trying to stretch out melted plastic. Eventually, it resembled a hand, reaching more and more until its shape was solidified, and it stopped in place. After a few seconds, it seemed to make a decision as several other hands slowly broke apart from it.

With an impressive speed, it zipped out, taking a hold of Daigo's ankle. There wasn't any warning before it hastily decided to drag him towards the mirror, the miniature hands making sure it had a good hold of his leg.

Maki's greeting did little to convince the Vice President that his action was in the wrong, solidified by his weary look over at Suzuki, who had no choice but to close her eyes and pinch the bridge of her nose. Momoji wisely chose to remain silent, crossing her arms and leaving the trio as she decided to wait for her own student. While Suzuki appreciated the lack of comment, she wasn't exactly thrilled at any of this.

Vice Principal Taniguchi remained relatively composed. "It seems the summer break did little to curb that attitude. A shame, but rest assured, we will not accept it," He stated. "Your penchant for slander is as far as we will allow it. For penance, you'll be joining the disciplinary committee under Nakano-san until we can be sure you've learned your lesson."

Sora stifled a yawn as he walked through the hallway, rubbing his eye. He had finally gotten away with falling asleep at his desk! And then promptly stayed there while everyone else had left. But at least he didn't get in trouble! Despite knowing he was likely to get caught out in the rain, he still needed to thank his senpai and return the camera.

He entered the stairwell and was about to climb when he spotted a brown-haired girl curled up in the corner of the room. Concerned, Sora cautiously approached her, only to realize he recognized her. "Mina-senpai?" He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She jumped at his touch, eyes wide with horror, though she visibly relaxed, shaking her head as she stood up. "I'm...I'm fine," She mumbled, hastily wiping away a tear. "Sorry, Kinoshita-kun, but I don't think I'll make it to Photography Class."

"Oh, well..." He trailed off, though he couldn't help but remain firm. Nakano=senpai warned them yesterday about the rise in delinquency. "Mina-senpai, if someone hurt you or threatened you, please tell me."

"No, it's not--It wasn't--" She stumbled over her words, shrinking back. "Yamamoto-senpai just..."

"Yamamoto?" Sora asked, but at that point Mina turned and ran straight out the door. "Ah, Mina-senpai!" He called after her, but she clearly had no intention of coming back. Scratching the back of his head, Sora looked up the stairwell. No one seemed to be around, but she mentioned Yamamoto. Not the same third year Yamamoto though, right? It was a common name, but he didn't know who else she could be referring to.

Ascending the stairs, Sora went straight to the Council Room, though it was empty, much to his dismay. Nakano-senpai hadn't come at all? He lingered, trying to think of what he could do, but after a moment, he spotted both Naomi and Ueno walking together.

"Naomi-enpai! Ueno-senpai!" He hastily rushed over to the two. "You haven't seen Nakano-senpai or the third year Yamamoto, have you?"


The hammer would not rise too high as the touch on his shoulder alerted him that someone else was there. Safety first and foremost--that's what Tetsu would say before ordering him to fetch the bottle that had rolled away under a bench. While in practice it was disguised as being in complete control of his actions at any notice, realistically speaking it was so he didn't go swinging the very heavy, very metallic, and very hot hammer in surprise. The very last thing anyone wanted was to get hit, and since the village was so open with one another, it was common for anyone to come in at any time.

Once Tsubasa looked over his shoulder, however, the space behind him was empty. Had he imagined the touch? Blinking slowly, he nearly jumped out of his skin when Keiko spoke, whipping his neck so quick it was a shock it hadn't rolled off his head. Relieved that he wasn't just imagining things, he cautiously set side the hot metal far away, deciding now was a good time for a short break. He couldn't help but think that it was very nice of her to visit him, especially when she likely had better things to do.

Plucking his shirt from his skin, he took back his rag in his hand as he hastily wiped his face and neck. He was far from presentable, but he was sure she didn't mind. "Kei-chan, good morning," He greeted her, slightly out of breath. "I wasn't looking for anyone, but I'm glad you're here."

Taking a few seconds to regulate his breathing, as he smiled at the girl, something looked a little different. Her hair looked a little healthier, but that wasn't it. She looked more mature somehow, a little less like a girl and more...what was the word? Well, mature, but it was hard to say. She had always been on the thinner side, though he doubted Signkeeper Tomo would let her go hungry. It wasn't that she had gained weight in a bad way, though--aha! It was her chest! His stare lingered a little longer than he meant it to, eyes darting away as he became aware of his rudeness. Even if she did blossom into a woman, it was unbecoming of him to just ogle her like that.

"You look nice today," He decided to pay her a compliment as he fanned himself, leaning back against the bench. "It's nice to see you've grown up a little."

The blonde cat let out a sad meow, albeit she didn't let up as Noriaki stepped away. If anything, his distance caused her to get even louder, as if she was insistent that he give her his attention. Once Noriaki made it clear that he would be taking his leave, however, the meows ceased as she simply watched him. Her tail curled around her, mismatched eyes watching and following his movements. Once his shoes hit the floor, however, it seemed like a decision was made.

Without warning, the cat lurched forward, biting down on the laces on both pairs of sneakers and quickly dragging them with her as she darted towards the bulletin board. She stared at Noriaki in defiance, backing up slowly until she was approached--at that point, the cat outright ran. Both sneakers repeatedly hit the ground as she sprinted away, albeit as she tackled the gym door, there wasn't enough space for both sneakers and one was abandoned at the door as she slipped through with the other one.

Once inside, she stopped momentarily, looking around. The air in the gym felt off, an unnatural chill permeating the room. Abandoning the sneaker for the moment, she sat down as she eyed a pair of glowing blue butterflies flying around in a circle. They eventually split off, one landing on the mirror still intact, and the other one fluttering away. It went through the gym doors, flying past several students, but no one reacted to it. It circled around the shoe lockers, making its way back to the gym until it landed on the same mirror as its twin.


The bustle of the marketplace was just a low buzz, barely registering over the sound of iron meeting iron. After a few more hits, however, the world slowly started to permeate his senses: the buzz of the town got louder, the bite of the chilled air nipped at his cheeks, and the hammer in his hand regained its weight. Overall, Tsubasa was feeling the labor of his work drain him, but the finished product made everything worth it. As he placed his hammer down and cautiously lifted the iron structure up, he dipped the metal into the pool of water, watching the steam and leaving it there as he wiped his brow.

Even though it was cold out, the forge had a way to always make the boy feel like he was ready for a cold bath. Granted, it was natural--working with heat to mold metal into anything he wanted meant he was always going to be hot, and that was guaranteed even on the days he didn't bother using the heat sign. Once he deemed it had been long enough, he lifted the metallic structure out of the water and plopped it down some steps away, abandoning it to let it cool in the chilly air. Now all he needed to do was toss it in the cart with the slab of wood he had ordered and someone would come pick it up.

Exhaling, he watched his breath form a misty cloud and then dissipate, running a rag over his neck. Let's see, now that the table was finished, he supposed he could start on the iron gate that had been requested. It actually hadn't come as a request for him, but Tetsu always pawned off those projects onto him. Festivals and celebrations always meant that work piled up since Tetsu decided that he was more interested in drinking than...actually, he always found an excuse to drink, so Tsubasa should have known better. Not that he minded--busy hands were happy hands, and the kid actually liked working.

Tossing the rag aside, Tsubasa knelt down in front of a chest, gingerly plucking out the few iron bars that were left in there. At least Testu had left him everything he needed, so that was good! He placed the bars over the forge, lazily writing the Sign in the air. Once the metal glowed a bright red, Tsubaba carefully adjusted his hammer in his grip, taking a firm hold and lifting it into the air.


The rest of the bandit's forces stood towards the now decimated ruins of what was left of the other half of the village. The first explosion had taken everything out--even the buildings that still stood looked more like an assembly of broken walls than anything else. The few bandits that were there largely ignored the destruction, focusing on pulling a large, heavy cart filled with a multitude of barrels. At a glance, there seemed to be something scribbled onto them in a variety of different patterns. Once they reached their destination, the cart was abandoned as four cloaked mages took their place around the cart, muttering an incantation in unison. Light burst from the ground, slowly carving out a circle.

A pair behind them differed from the rest. One was clearly a leader, with his armor decidedly less tattered as he carried an axe that was considerably more bloody than the rest. He towered over the rest, a combination of size and muscle that let anyone who laid eyes on him know that he would not go down without one hell of a fight. Next to him stood another cloaked mage, albeit they carried a staff adorned with a skull. The pair spoke in low voices, observing the other mages. The leader gave an order and the small group of bandits split into two, with the first continuing into the village and the rest leaving.

Euphemia stayed a distance away, eyes trained on the leader. Her horse had been stowed away and she remained on foot with bow in hand, blending into the ruins of the village. While the nature of the destruction bothered her greatly, she paid no mind to it. If she could get in a clear shot, she was sure she could end the rampage. As she got closer, however, the magic in the air was electrifying, tingling the skin on the back of her neck. It was difficult to ignore, the pull of the incantation letting her know that a decision needed to be made. On the one hand, she had no doubt she could lodge an arrow in his neck to kill him, but she wasn't a fan of that magic business right there.

Readying an arrow, she made her decision. Narrowing her eyes, she waited for him to take in a breath before letting the arrow go. To her surprise, a shield erupted around the pair. She didn't let that discourage her, however, as she hastily drew back another arrow, this time her hit landing on a mage as her arrow pierced through their neck. The incantation broke immediately, and that was her queue to go. The feeling of lighting in the air resulted in a thunderbolt colliding with the wall in front of her. She took aim at a stunned mage, ending his life with an arrow, though instead of preparing another arrow, she chose to sling her bow around her arm, withdrawing her sword from its sheath as she ran.

It came a little too naturally to Derec, or at least, the thought came to him as he stabbed his spear through the bandit. Maybe it was the fact that it was for the service of others as opposed to the much-less-noble cause of self-defense. It had been a while since Matlock had gotten invaded, but getting raided once was already a harrowing experience as it was. What he couldn't help but wonder, however, was why the bandits were outright destroying the village. Sure, there were men who simply wanted to watch everything burn, but most bandits simply wanted to pillage. They wanted jewels, precious metals, women--here they were just destroying everything.

Pulling his spear out, he watched Michail dispatch a pair not too far ahead. He made it look so effortless--Derec was genuinely impressed. Then again, out of everyone there, Michail was a Knight. He supposed that the silly, goofy personality betrayed the skill he had. Auberon was the right choice for the front line as well, his swings practiced and effective. Isolde was slowly coming out of her own shell as well; while she struggled with multiple enemies and her fear was plain all over her face, it was obvious that she held some sort of skill. Melee combat wasn't something he expected out of the timid girl, but boy, was she fast.

There wasn't much time to compliment or even think too hard on it, as he turned back to check on the rest of the party. As soon as he had turned back, however, he realized he had made a mistake, every sense in his body screaming at him to look back ahead. When he did so, however, it was too late: an axe was already swung at him, fully intending to part his head from his body. Whether it was dumb luck or the divine grace of the goddess, however, said axe was practically tossed aside. Blinking, he watched as Isolde stood, armed and ready as the bandit picked himself up. That was one hell of a flying kick on her side, the close call leaving him shocked for a moment. He shook it off, however, repaying the favor by deciding not to give the bandit the chance to get back up as he drove his spear into the man's calf.

Meanwhile, Tomai had made sure any bandit that was stupid enough to get too close was promptly cursed and killed on the spot. As he spotted the incoming back attack, he turned, fully prepared to strike them all. However, the prince decided to dive in, much to his annoyance. "...hm," He hummed in disapproval, watching as the kid was struck. Fortunately for the prince, both Clarissa and Kellen came to save the day, and Tomai decided he may as well act like a professor as he rummaged through his pack.

Bringing out a concoction, he popped it open and raised his staff. A surge of magic surrounded Kayden and pulled him back to Tomai. "Drink up, frontline's just about finished," He stated, presenting the drink to Kayden.

Kaira let out a tiny huff of frustration, feeling a little useless. Maybe she should have taken a sword from the carriage after all. The students were doing well for the most part, with Tomai's power amplified by the staff and making easy work of the bandits. She honestly couldn't believe how straightforward this was, even if the air was still electrifying. Or was it? Something had changed somewhere, the magic in the air considerably thinner than before.

An arrow shot through the air caused her great alarm as she noticed Jorah wasn't standing. Oh Michail, telling Jorah to just do the thing instead of helping out! Clucking her tongue in disapproval, Kaira cautiously hoisted herself up the side of the carriage, slowly climbing up. Thankfully, aside from a cut on his cheek, he didn't look hurt. She sighed in relief, focusing her magic onto her hand as she carefully crawled up next to Jorah, placing her hand on him to alert her to his presence and sending a tiny heal to stop the bleeding from his cheek.

"If Euphemia was here, she'd say you're doing well," She offered him some encouragement. "I'm going to draw the archer's attention, when you see them shoot for me, make sure to shoot them back, okay?"

Patting his shoulder without waiting for a response, Kaira stood up straight on the carriage, looking around. She couldn't see the archer, but she was sure Jorah would whenever they'd loose an arrow. So instead, she closed her eyes and concentrated as she formed a small ball of light in her hands, promptly squeezing it until it burst. A wave of healing was blown around in a circle around her, recovering the students' energy and invigorating them.

As soon as Michail felt Kaira's spell, he continued forward. "Let's go!" Michail called, running forward. Through the smoke, he suddenly came to a halt, a glyph glowing from his free hand and banishing the wind altogether just in time for something to come flying towards him. He was nearly knocked over, but he managed to catch the flying Euphemia, skidding backward a few feet. To his surprise, the behemoth of a bandit came charging forward.

"Move!" Euphemia scrambled to her feet, the Kalonic siblings immediately leaping away as the axe came down. narrowly missing the pair.

Derec was shocked that someone so big was there, but his size worked to his disadvantage--his swings were wide. When the man lifted his axe, Derec saw that as his chance, deciding to slip in and relieve him of his arm. Unfortunately, he didn't account for just how fast the massive man was as he was nearly gutted, the timely entrance of Isolde delivering a swift kick to change the swing's trajectory saving all but a few of Derec's red locks. The bandit leader took a hold of Isolde, the girl letting out a shriek as she was easily tossed into Derec without so much as a second thought, sending the pair flying to the side.

Euphemia gripped her sword in hand, standing next to Michail. To her dismay, the three remaining mages were back at it again, the light forming the runes once again. "Those mages back there are going to cause those barrels to explode," She informed him and the rest.

Michail narrowed his eyes, spear at the ready as the bandit leader sized them up. "Then I hope someone's fast enough to get past them and stop them," He noted, leaping backwards as the axe came down again. "Great Goddess above, a speedy boy, are we?"

"I haven't been able to get past him," Euphemia admitted. "I took out two of the mages and slowed down the process, but..."

"You did what needed to be done," Michail replied before raising his voice. "Keep your wits about you, we need to stop that spell from going off or we're all done here!"

The small group of bandits departed from the village, intent on retreating for a while. They traveled along the river for a distance until they spotted the carriages in the distance. After some deliberation, the decision was made to liberate the Knights of Seiros of the carriages. It was clear that the battle in the village was going poorly--at the very least, they could take their spoils and get away with their lives intact. And so they kept riding, intent on taking the carriages that had been seemingly abandoned by the knights...

The faculty meeting was generic and dull as always. A return to form meant relearning the same things they normally did every year with little variation. Despite the shiny new coat slapped onto the building, it was painfully superficial and a topic most of the adults had the wisdom to avoid talking about too much. The excess of wealth thrown around felt largely unneeded, but with a majority of the structural issues solved with a bulldozer, there wasn't much point in complaining too much.

Eventually, there was a brief lull, and several teachers grouped up to have separate discussions. Suzuki let out a tiny sigh, rubbing her temples as she took advantage of the break and looked over her lesson plans. She would have liked to skip the meeting altogether--she swore these things could be summed up and better retained in an email--but working together as a team after a tumultuous end was what it was all about. At the very least the media stopped coming around, even if she was sure that the mother of one of the victims of the case was bound to pop up sooner or later. Not that she blamed her; closure was difficult to attain and the police reports did little to convince her of her daughter's fate.

At that point Taniguchi approached her, taking the open seat next to hers. "I was hoping to speak with you a moment, Suzuki-san," He spoke apologetically but went straight to his point. "I heard about the mishap that occurred in your homeroom. yesterday."

"Ito Maki's graffiti?" She asked.

"You already know the culprit?"

"Nakano-san's not very popular, but the students recognized Ito was in the wrong this time," She replied, closing her notebook. "Some of them quietly informed me of what happened since the evidence was gone. I was planning to bring this up to you and Wada afterward."

"I appreciate the initiative," He replied. "The things young people do...it was a shame, I was told Ito's talents would have put her on a good path. But a rotten apple spoils the bunch."

"Pushing back too hard could also result in good intentions backfiring," She pointed out. "I was considering referring her to Counselor Miyamoto, but I'm not sure how effective that would be."

Taniguchi fell silent as he watched Suzuki for a moment. After some contemplation, he shifting forward in his seat. "It's shown that having good peers to surround the troublemaker proves to be a good thing. Why not have her join Nakano's council?" He asked.

Suzuki's eyebrows shot up. That sounded like a terrible idea. For one, such a punishment would more likely result in sabotage than anything. And for another, it was up to them to correct Ito's behavior, wasn't it? "The council isn't a disciplinary committee," She said slowly. "I've heard you've placed Hoshino Noriaki under her care as well. You'd have her look after two problem children?"

"Hoshino?" A nearby Momoji overheard the conversation, stepping before the pair. "Hoshino hasn't shown any troublesome behaviors, why is Nakano looking after him?"

"Because Nakano is an exemplary student and a good influence," Taniguchi sighed.

Suzuki narrowed her eyes at the man. "Pushing problem children onto Nakano would harm more than help," She said. "Not to mention with Nakano Hiroshi's trial coming up..."

"Besides, Asakura Kazuyoshi has been looking after Hoshino," Momoji said. "I saw them together yesterday at a pet store."

"That's arguably worse," Taniguchi sighed, shaking his head. "Asakura's accident has drawn ire to us as well. Putting him along with the other two under Nakano's care--"

"With all due respect, Vice Principal, why are you pawning off responsibility onto a teenager instead of letting the adults handle it?" Suzuki couldn't help but cut him off. "You expect someone who should be thinking about her future and getting ready for college to take care of three unruly students?"

"They're not unruly," Momoji frowned. "But I agree."

Letting out a sigh, Taniguchi stood from his seat. "Ladies, there are times where you have to prioritize. The three of them need to be set straight one way or another. At the very least, we know Ito and Asakura have been problems in the past. Nakano will continue to look after Hoshino, and the other two will be called here so we can let them know how they're to act going forward."

They were running around in circles, it would seem. Suzuki let out a sigh of annoyance, shaking her head as the vice principal walked away towards the loudspeaker. "I can't believe this..." She muttered, crossing her arms.

"Attention. Ito Maki and Asakura Kazuyoshi, please report to the faculty room," The announcement rang out through the entire school, much to Suzuki's annoyance.

Momoji also let out a sigh. "I don't know why he's doing this," She said, dismayed. "If you punish students for something they haven't done, what does that say about us?"

Suzuki didn't have an answer for that, unfortunately.

The cat looked down at the boy calling to it, tail slowly curling as she stretched her limbs out. Peeking over the edge of the lockers, she stared at her own reflection in his glasses. She watched his movement for a moment, ears perked and alert, but evidently decided he had a point. Hopping down and landing seamlessly on her feet, she wrapped herself around his legs, looking up at him.

As Noriaki stopped at his locker, however, the cat immediately took notice of him, letting out a rather loud meow as she made a beeline towards him. She nuzzled his legs, stepping between them and tangling herself around them. She meowed repeatedly, looking up at him.

The princess-to-be let out a tiny groan, furrowing her brow. Her pinky nail was uneven and it was bothering her to no end. It was to be expected, of course; the rabble they designated as caretakers had no hope at keeping up with her standards. It was shocking, to say the least—The Officers Academy was always hailed as this elite housing of nobles and the rich, but seeing as they freely let the rabble join in if they can fish the coin, she should have known better.

Either way, her nails were vastly more interesting than running along with the bold Knight of Seiros. ‘Strength in numbers’ sounded like a good idea, but she was all too aware that the students were more likely to be fodder than anything else. Considering ‘Professor’ Michail wasn’t of any renown, she wouldn’t have gone along even if they didn’t have a choice.

Only one other was smart enough not to go: Lienna Orhneaht. She had seen her a few times lingering around Professor Malathice, but she was a little more interesting than others. For one, nothing about her said ‘highborn’ but the way she walked around would have anyone assume she thought she was someone of importance. It wouldn’t be the first time some pretty thing managed to wrap up a baron or a count around her finger to elevate her position, but it did surprise her that she was at a military academy of all places.

When she spoke, at the very least Veronica let out a hum of acknowledgement. “If the Knight does his job, then there won’t be anything to worry about,” She replied. “Assuming he isn’t too busy dragging back corpses.”

Lienna had turned her attention back to the wand, crossing her legs under her and removing the thing from her waist to examine it in her lap. Holding silver in her hands was still novel to her—even after learning that apparently every single piece of cutlery in the dining hall was made of the stuff—and the crystal on top, the way its many facets captured the afternoon sun and broke her reflection into a thousand pieces… well, it what could she say? It was breathtaking.

The other girl’s voice pulled her head up from admiring the wand, Lienna looking over her shoulder just enough to catch the Queenling in the corner of her eye. Sitting on a log looking dissatisfied, absorbed in her nails or something. Typical. Not that Lienna herself was doing much more, but this girl had a way of turning any little tick into something irksome. Lienna had to wonder if Veronica ever had to worry about birds flying up her nose, walking around like she did with it held up so high.

Still, she was talking more sense than any of the other students had, and Lienna had to surrender a grunt of agreement. That being said, she couldn’t resist a little jab.

“I’m not worried,” she offered offhandedly, crossing her arms and straightening in her carriage seat. She caught Veronica in the corner of her eye again, raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t you, though? What happens to you if our favourite Princeling doesn’t manage to limp his way back?”

“Then I don’t have to go through a marriage with a cowardly prince that I was against in the first place,” Veronica replied without skipping a beat, although she finally lifted her head to level a look on Lienna. She looked like she was inspecting her, eyes searching for something. “It’s not every day a noble speaks of such a thing so casually, especially since if that were to happen, it would throw the Empire into chaos.”

“So? I’m not Adrestian,” Lienna shrugged, “I’ll be spending my life about as far from the Empire as you can get, go nuts.” Throw the Empire into chaos, please. What made Veronica think she’d care? Or was that sort of arrogance just bred into her the same as her black hair and blue eyes? Lienna wasn’t sure she could even recognize Adrestia on a map before she came here, and this girl thought she’d quake at the idea of some faraway foreign country falling to shambles. It had once already with that plague, hadn’t it? Sure, her world might come crashing down if their precious Prince killed himself on some bandit’s lance, but it seemed a lot of these highborn fledgelings didn’t realize just how small their worlds really were.

Speaking of which… “Though, I find that puzzling,” Lienna continued airily, pointedly tapping her finger against her chin. “You were very careful to tell us all about your position on the first day here, remember? But if Kayden dies, how will you become the new Queen?”

Veronica stared at her for a moment, raising a finger to her chin as she narrowed her eyes. An understanding came over her, and she ended up rolling her eyes as she crossed one leg over the other.

“My sincerest apologies, I misunderstood you,” She stated airily. “After hearing your conversation with Professor Malathice on the first day, I found your line of questioning odd. Having a sheltered and naive noble isn’t uncommon—in fact, those with crests find themselves hidden away more often than not. But after what you just said about not caring about the Adrestian Empire, now I realize you aren’t naive, you’re just an idiot.”

A derisive snort escaped Lienna, the white-haired girl equal parts amused and livid. Oh, how the claws come out! Honestly, Veronica would be better off picking a side early: she could be either the dutiful damsel trapped in an unwanted betrothal, or the opportunistic future Adrestian Queen, but not both. It seemed she must have struck a nerve, though; an argument with a stuck-up wannabe Princess wasn’t what Lienna had planned while she waited for her peers to return, but apparently it was what she was going to get.

“If you’re so worldly, I’m surprised you weren’t tipped off sooner,” Lienna retorted sharply, turning in her seat. “Honestly, highborn rose you are, have you ever heard the name Orhneaht listed among the ranks of Faerghian nobility? Do the math, darling.” She couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t doing her best to fit the noble mold here—if nothing else, it would be good practice for her life after her wedding—but she’d be cold in the ground before she let some doe-eyed, soft-handed little shit make her feel inferior for the accident of her birth.

“My sincerest apologies for treading my peasant filth all over your pristine noble tapestry,” she snapped, “but given I managed to live most of my life without needing to know the colour of the Emperor’s underclothes, I’d hazard a guess that the affairs of Adrestian nobility aren’t as vitally important to the whole of Fódlan as you’d like to believe.”

“So quick to defend, oh my…” Veronica couldn’t help but giggle, taking a second to collect herself. “I know only of the major families, there are some that escape my memory—I suppose you think it’s a mistake to have given you the benefit of the doubt?”

She didn’t linger too long on that, however, letting out a tiny sigh. “You’re wrong about one thing, however. The Adrestian Empire collapsing would affect everyone on Fódlan, from high to low-born and both Faerghian and Leicesteran,” She stated plainly. “But tell me, who have you decided to use to improve your life?”

“Count Francis Gautier, younger brother of the current Margrave,” Lienna replied proudly, raising an eyebrow. What, did she think the question would sting? There was no way arrangements like hers weren’t common, and it was a win-win for the both of them: the Count got a Crest freshly injected into his family line, and Lienna got to live a warm, comfortable life of personal and financial security for the rest of her days. Her only regret was that she hadn’t done it sooner.

She did have a fleeting thought that the accusation of “using” her betrothed might offend the Count if it reached his ears via… whoever he’d sent to keep an eye on her, but she quickly dismissed the thought. Even if they weren’t openly using each other in equal measure—to quite the agreeable conclusion, she might add—she wasn’t so sure the conversation would be overheard. Not only were they desolately alone at the moment, but she hadn’t felt the weight of eyes on her since they left the Monastery; a welcome change, and perhaps the only pleasant thing about this entire farce of an excursion. Even after just three days, the inescapable feeling of being watched was already grating on her, raising goosebumps on the back of her neck even in her dormitory, where she should have been sure to be alone. Lienna wouldn’t deny agreeing to the Count’s terms of a chaperone—it was fair enough for him to make sure she didn’t take his tuition money and run away with it—but was it really so necessary that he keep her stalker’s identity a secret? At least then she might finally be able to relax out of his view.

“But yes, alright, the whole realm will fall into disarray if your betrothed bites an arrow today. The whole world, in fact. I bet the mice and the birds will each shed a bitter tear for your loss.” Lienna continued at last, already bored of this conversation. Were catty insults the way noblewomen settled their disputes? Maybe they’d all be a little less stiff if they had it out the peasant way. Children slinging dung at one another was certainly how a lot of the noble snits she’d witnessed looked from the outside.

“Except you, that is,” she continued. “I suppose you’ll just be relieved, because obviously the notion of ruling Adrestia by proxy never appealed to you in the first place. Hence, of course, why you make your future Queenship abundantly clear every chance you get. I understand now.” Lienna made a face of mock enlightenment, spreading her arms for effect.

Veronica looped a lock of her hair around her finger, absentmindedly toying with it. Even the hairdressers left much to be desired, judging from her less than impressive ends. As Lienna stopped speaking, she let out a small giggle, leaning back slightly to look up at the sky. "Do you?" She asked rhetorically, eyeing a cloud above them as she shielded her eyes from the sun, free hand dismissing the question. "Ah, why bother asking, you don't seem like the type to read between the lines."

Instead of continuing, however, she decided to turn back on a more interesting subject. "Count Francis Gautier...he just made a generous donation to the Academy, too. I assumed his contribution had come because the Margrave's son had long since graduated," She thought out loud. "Just low enough to take the apple off the tree. I'm impressed, most would try giving empty promises or seduction, but you seemed to have come out of the deal relatively intact. Do the two of you get along, or will you settle in a cycle of complacency?"

“I thought you only knew the major families,” Lienna retorted boredly, leaning back in her seat. A soft breeze blew past, and she watched lazily as it rippled through the grass of the surrounding field like a wave over water. Alright, this was fun, but with Veronica insisting on running her in circles like a guilty child, she was quickly growing bored. And exhausted. Indech’s teeth, was this how noblewomen spent their days, in the throes of catty pissing contests? She didn’t know how they could stand it.

“Anyway, if you don’t want to answer my question, fine; but could you at least do it quietly and spare me the shrill pitch of your voice?” she asked, though it sounded less like a question and more like a statement as her eyes wandered back down to the wand Michail had given her.

Veronica couldn’t help her laugh that time, standing from the log and brushing off anything that chose to cling to her skirt. "Have you considered that I simply find the prince insufferable?" She asked as she plucked a leaf off her sleeve. "If he lives or dies, as the princess consort, it would be a terrible thing. Personally? I couldn't care less if he got himself killed playing hero to a village that isn't even worth the time. Only fools go out of their way to bleed for people that don't matter."

She put on a smile as she turned to Lienna. "Contempt is common between husbands and wives—since you decided not to answer my question, I'll assume that's where you stand with your betrothed," She stated. "Now, to properly welcome you to the noble life, I shall do my part and impart some unwanted wisdom."

Lienna had to wonder if Veronica wouldn’t even admit to herself that she’d weep shameful tears if her precious royal future was taken away, insufferable fiancé or not, given the enthusiasm with which she dodged the question. Maybe it was something the little Queenlet just couldn’t bear to consider; in any case, it wasn’t Lienna’s problem. She assumed she’d get her answer regardless, when the professors came back dragging the Prince’s battered corpse.

“On what, the finer points of seizing some nobleman’s co—” she paused for a second, letting out a very loud and intentional cough for effect, “—oinpurse? Thanks, I’m good,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

Wrinkling her nose in disdain, Veronica needed to take a second to compose herself to return to something resembling neutral. Of course, she wasn’t going to be forgetting that anytime soon, but that wasn't what she was trying to say.

"No, no...as an unmarried woman, I haven't the foggiest idea to manage a man's...finances," The word came out uttered, albeit she cleared her throat before she continued with, "However, more important than pleasing your husband is navigating the nobility and their long time tradition of verbally tearing down anything they dislike. I won't bore you with lessons or lectures, but I can at least warn you, from one woman to another: be wary of wearing your heart on your sleeve. This doesn't manifest in weeping maidens, it manifests most in those quick to prickle at the first word uttered negatively in their direction. I'd so hate to see your engagement canceled simply because you took offense to something said and didn't know how to properly combat it."

Mhm, how convincing. Little spots of light glittered across Lienna’s face as she turned the wand in her hands, the crystal at its top breaking the sunlight into a scattered rainbow as she half-listened to Veronica’s “advice”. Yes, because Veronica cared so much about her success in the noble world. How considerate. Lienna would have assumed it was all garbage and done the opposite if not for the… ooh, was that embarrassment in the poor Adrestian flower’s voice? With a name like Gerth Lienna found it very hard to believe she hadn’t jumped on every nobleman with a connection to the Imperial family to work her way up to the Prince, but that was neither here nor there. What actually shocked her was that Veronica’s little tidbit didn’t sound that stupid. Sure, it was cute that saving face was the biggest thing noblewomen had to worry about, but she supposed she’d be lying if she claimed keeping her distaste under her hat didn’t make a bit of sense.

Still, she wasn’t about to give Veronica credit for that. “Mm, I’ll keep that in mind the next time one of you glowing mountain flowers dodges a question with a cutting remark; must mean I struck a nerve,” she answered absently, turning the wand once more before finally sitting up straighter.

Tossing her hair, she finally turned to look at Veronica, her gaze icy as ever. “I’m not one for favours, though, so I’ll trade you this: Li vra vrako; vrako balai jo erenj,” she stated proudly, crossing her arms. Surely a highborn scholar like Veronica could figure it out. “It’s simple, but it’s true. You’ll probably find it applies to any challenge you might face, Queen or not.”

Openly rolling her eyes, Veronica returned her attention back to her hands. No one could say that she didn’t try. She’d have to keep an eye to see how that turned out; no doubt it’d be greatly entertaining, at minimum. The conversation ended and the pair were plunged into silence, the vague sounds of nature and an extremely muffled sound of steps in the distance if you strained your ears enough.

After a while, the princess consort stood, smoothing out her skirt as she looked towards the forest. She shifted in place, eventually making a decision. “I’ll be back in a moment,” She stated, already departing.
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