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Height | Weight [/center]
[indent]First and Last[/indent]
[indent]The minimum age for attendance is sixteen[/indent]
[indent]What house do you hail from?[/indent]
[indent]What are you like?[/indent]
[u]Weapon of Choice[/u]
[indent]Have you trained yourself in a weapon? Do you have your own weapon? If so, list it here.[/indent]
[indent]What are you good at?[/indent]
[indent]same as personality[/indent]
[indent]Optional with one exception: what is your relation to the prince? How would your character have received an invitation to the tour?[/indent]
[indent]Any Misc Info[/indent]

When the book was placed in his hands, Prince Vaeron often dreamed of travelling the world. The book was barely held together as the years went by, his desire to see Essos growing the more time passed. By the time he turned sixteen, it is said that he could scarcely hold himself back from asking his father for a ship to cross the Narrow Sea to tour the Free Cities. As the trip had been made by many a highborn, Vaeron's wish was granted. After inviting a few comrades to come along, the group would first visit the Wall before sailing out to Braavos to start their journey in earnest. While few would question the prince's desire, none could deny the strange murmurs of his dreams calling out for something...

Written by Lomas Longstrider, Wonders Made by Man chronicles his travels and catalogues sixteen wonders he encountered. Among them are:

  • The Wall.
  • The Valyrian roads.
  • The Titan of Braavos.
  • The triple walls of Qarth.
  • The three bells of Norvos, Noom, Narrah, and Nyel.
  • The Long Bridge of Volantis, the longest bridge in the world.
  • The Palace With a Thousand Rooms in Sarnath.

This roleplay will be following the Prince of Dragonstone and his companions as they travel through Essos.

One mistake had spelled out the bandit's doom. The students didn't give him the time to dodge, let alone remove Euphemia's sword from his arm. Each hit connected, slowing him down further and further. His arm was forcibly removed, landing far from the fight and joined by blood as his wounds deepened. Whatever hope of escape evaporated as even his legs were hit, and he let out a howl of pain. Said howl, however, was cut off by the timely arrival of one arrow, piercing through his ear. There was something resembling shock on his face, the silence that followed whisked away as he fell to the ground with a mighty thud.

Michail remained ever at the ready, holding one arm out to signal the students to stop. He approached the body cautiously, waiting, but the behemoth would not rise. Even that didn't serve to relax him, especially as some movement caught his attention. Without hesitation, he changed the grip on his lance and immediately hurled it over to where the circle had been drawn; the mage that had fallen unconscious began to stir. As it landed next to him, the mage let out a gasp, though he outright screamed as Michail rushed at him.

Euphemia's coughing came to a stop thanks to Clarissa, the professor offering her a weary smile of gratitude, though as she looked over to Michail, she fumbled through her bag, getting to her feet. Before she could go, however, Tomai placed a hand on her shoulder, already carrying a rope--it looked like while everyone else was fighting he had decided to procure some.

The knight had all but jumped on the last mage, grabbing his arms and making sure he wouldn't escape. "Don-t--Don't kill me! Please!" The mage begged him.

"You should be thankful that Imogen didn't take your life. Otherwise, you'd be joining your allies," He stated as Tomai jogged over.

Together, the pair successfully bound the mage's arms and legs. Tomai looked around at the buildings, a majority of the flames gone. Homes had been destroyed, crops ruined, and lives lost. A few villagers poked their heads out as some of them carefully approached the group. He nudged Michail, who seemed to have the same thought in mind. It felt like a hollow victory, truth be told.

"People of Luin, listen now," Michail's voice easily carried itself around. "I am Michail Kalonic of the Knights of Seiros. Under the church's tenet, the Central Church will send aid to rebuild this village. For now, I highly urge that you gather what you can and return with us to Garreg Mach. If there are any injuries, we have healers that can help you. If there are horses and carriages available, I ask that you allow us to use them for now; I promise you will be compensated."

While no one dared move while he spoke, once he finished speaking, the villagers retreated, likely to take what they could from the ashes of our homes. A few men approached Michail with questions, though Tomai ended up fielding them, motioning for Michail to go. The blond appreciated it, leaving Tomai to it as he approached Euphemia, looking between her and Clarissa.

"I'm okay," Euphemia's voice was quiet but functional as she patted Clarissa's shoulder.

Michail gave Clarissa a grateful look before turning his attention to the rest of the class. His eyes flickered between them and the bodies surrounding them, their expressions, their clothes, their weapons. For a split second, the knight looked almost remorseful, but something seemed to change his mind.

Instead, he cleared his throat. "Well done, everyone," He told them. "If you're hurt or exhausted, rest up. Whoever is still able, we're going to go around and help where we can. There are still fires burning and people who may need to be transported over here so Kaira can heal them. We'll also need to go get the carriages and rearrange them in case more people need to be transported. So we'll do..." He looked between people, the gears in his brain turning.

"I'll go," Euphemia volunteered, looking around. "Jorah, Clarissa, I believe the two of you can ride, so come with me."

Kaira watched the scene unfold, though she looked over at Tomai. The conversation was deep, and knowing that both Michail and Euphemia had the students handled left her comfortable enough to leave them for the moment. To her surprise, the group around Tomai dispersed. She thought she had been mistaken, but his expression was much too serious for her to leave alone.

"Is everything alright?" She asked him, worried.

Tomai looked at her when addressed, taking a second to think. "The mages had come here before seeking shelter last night. The village welcomed them with open arms and were repaid for their kindness with the attack," He stated.

Kaira's hand flew to her mouth, eyes wide. "But...but why?" She asked.

Tomai shook his head. "I don't know. But I did think it was strange," He admitted. "They didn't come to plunder and steal, they came to destroy and cause chaos. Truth be told, I don't like the implications."

"The implications? You don't mean..."

"This wasn't some out-of-the-blue attack, this was a premeditated strike."

Kaira muttered a prayer under her breath, her hand on her chest as she looked around once more. To think this was planned was too much! What was an already dreadful atmosphere intensified, an uneasiness spreading through her. Tomai seemed to think the same, though he straightened up a touch as he walked past her, intending to join Michail.

Everything happened so quickly that it was hard to tell what just happened. The one thing that Veronica was absolutely certain of, however, was that she did not fall. No, tripping and stumbling was unbecoming of someone on her status, and Goddess knew how many lessons had been drilled into her head from the moment she could stand on her own to prevent such a thing. There was a remnant of an older woman's voice stating that it was her own fault, really; she should have reacted faster or she should have kept her mouth shut.

But no, she didn't do any of those things. She reacted like any normal human did when they were thrown. She yelped and tumbled and had subsequently frozen up as the masses through the fog revealed themselves to her. She raised a shaky arm as she noticed their weapons, a plea on the tip of her tongue as she shook her head. A million thoughts ran through her head, though they all shattered as the closest bandit grabbed her arm. She let out a shriek as she was pulled up, panic and desperation clashing.

One word was shouted from behind them, a wide magical rune forming on the ground. Magic shot upwards, slicing across Veronica's arm. The cry of pain was trapped in her throat as several more came upwards, and she was convinced that this was going to be how she died. The sound of magic piercing flesh was close, too close, and she let out a gasp as she backed up into an icicle. As quickly as they came, it stopped, the rune disappearing shortly after.

Slowly, the fog began to dissipate and reveal what was left. The bandits' corpses were now on display, skewered on several icicles that had burst out of the ground. Their crystalline blue was showered with their blood that poured downwards freely. One of them was still twitching, eyes wide until he, too, stopped moving. It was a gruesome sight, and it took Veronica far too long to remember herself. Her left hand touched her right arm and she winced, looking down at the gash. The shock was slowly starting to wear off as pain came in, her knees buckling as she sank down. She was so sure she was going to die, but as her surroundings came back to her, everything was replaced with anger.

With the fog gone, she could look at Lienna behind her with hatred in her eyes. She clutched her injured arm, the urge to shout rising, but yelling and screaming was not the way to go about this. For now, she would stand on shaky feet, her eyes locked on Lienna.

"I sincerely hope you don't come to regret your decision," She said.

Eighteenth Bell, 7th Day of the Great Tree Moon
A day had come and gone since the students' trip to Luin. They could not depart in the night and so were forced to wait until dawn until they were able to make a safe return. As it was the Goddess' day, they were allowed to rest and were commended for their bravery and service personally by Ioannis. While they were dismissed, however, the four professors had to answer to a summons where they were to give a report and an explanation was due. After all, they had never made it to the practice grounds, and some felt that the students had been placed in uneccesary danger.

And so Michail, Euphemia, Tomai, and Kaira stood before Ioannis in his office. The child sat and listened without uttering a word, his expression unreadable. To his left stood Sirius, to his right Lysander. Neither one of them seemed any happier, although where Lysander had more concern, Sirius had more anger.

"...and that would be all," Michail concluded retelling the events.

"'All', he says," Sirius couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. "Your decision put the students in unnecessary danger and in unneeded duress."

"It was not unnecessary," Michail disagreed. "Routing bandits is a common mission given to all who attend here. I distinctly recall helping villages myself when I came here many years ago."

"By order, yes," Lysander said, frowning. "But this was not the same. The school year has barely begun, and the first month is delegated to practice matches in order to prepare for the inevitable. You threw them to the bandits, Michail."

"I didn't throw them in. They volunteered."

"They didn't know what they were getting into," Sirius countered. "It's every boy's dream to pick up a blade until the time comes for actual bloodshed. Do you truly think they knew what they were getting into? You and I know battle, they do not."

"Everyone performed spectacularly," Euphemia spoke up. "With their help, the village was saved. There was no way Michail or any of us could have done it alone."

"Is that the justification for putting children in danger?" He asked.

"It isn't justification, it's an explanation," She told him. "The entire village would've been reduced to ashes. How would our Deer feel knowing that a village in their territory was attacked and we simply moved on?"

"The job should have been left to the knights," Lysander insisted.

"There wasn't time," Michail reminded him. "But if this is the issue you have, then I don't see why everyone else is here. I made the decision and gave the students a choice. If you're looking for someone to blame, then I'm right here."

"You all participated, you're all involved, even if you were the ringleader to this," Sirius replied. "Word about this has already spread as well. Count Gloucester has recalled Raimund Kent, and Lady Aegir did the same out of concern for her children. Your actions, while well-intended, had consequences and reflected poorly on the academy."

"Does it now?" Tomai asked. "Because taking in the refugees of a fallen village sounds like a nice public image if you ask me."

Tomai's response was met with a glare. Lysander let out a small sigh, looking down at Ioannis. "What do you think?" He asked him gently.

Ioannis sat up slightly when he was addressed, though he kept his eyes on the professors. For a second, he stared at Kaira, who had similarly neglected to speak. "Do you have anything to add?" He asked her.

Kaira was a little surprised by the question, taking a second to think. "...I understand that with hindsight, it was an impulsive decision. But...it was the right thing to do," She spoke slowly.

Ioannis nodded. "I agree. The concerns are valid, but at the end of the day, everyone came home in one piece. That leads me to believe that it was because the Goddess supported Michail's decision," He said, placing his hands on his lap. "Going forward, however, I urge caution. the academy works on donations, and we cannot afford to upset the nobility that supports it. Had anything happened to the Imperial Prince, I fear we would have had unnecessary turmoil in Adrestia."

Lysander listened carefully, nodding towards the end. "I think we should all remember we are not training soldiers. We are training commanders, leaders...and we mustn't do anything that could jeopardize them before they would grow into their roles. Keep this in mind, please," He urged Michail.

"I understand," Michail replied.

Ioannis let out a small sigh. "Then there is nothing more to discuss. You're all dismissed," He said, pushing back his chair to stand.

The professors filed out one by one, and Sirius accompanied Ioannis away to his next appointment. As the distance grew, Lysander turned to the four, a wary expression on his face. "Maybe I should make sure I'm always available to accompany you going forward,"

Michail tried not to roll his eyes, albeit he was still very, very annoyed. "Really now?" He asked. "I've lost all your trust already?"

"No, it's just..." Lysander tried to put the words together. "The withdrawals are more than we expected. The unit can still work, but..."

"But it interferes with whatever you and the archbishop are planning?" He asked, getting right to it. "You can be honest."

"Michail, please," Euphemia shot him a look.

Lysander sighed. "I do trust you, Michail. But I can't deny Sirius' worries," He told him. "But I'll drop it."

Tomai stifled a yawn. "Actually, I don't think we mentioned what the villagers recalled," He mused.

Now Michail had to roll his eyes. "No, but I did include that in my written report," He said. "We have reason to believe that the attack on Luin was planned. We aren't sure why, though."

Lysander crossed his arms, frowning. "Luin suffers from many bandit attacks. Their farmlands are plentiful, so it's a common target for plundering. But as you mentioned, the village was more or less destroyed," He thought out loud. "But why Luin? Why not Ide, who produces metal, or Thoda, the river town? With how close they were, even Garreg Mach could have been a more fruitful target."

"We couldn't think of any good reason," Euphemia said. "But I'm worried...they demolished half the town and had no other purpose but destruction. We found strange barrels with an unknown substance that they used to cause the explosion, but we have no idea where they came from."

Kaira looked to the window, worried. "It's unsettling, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Lysander asked.

"Either someone is content to cause needless destruction, or there's a greater purpose behind it," She explained, looking back at him.

A silence fell between the four of them afterward. None of them had anything that could dispute it, although the sound of the bells would end the conversation for them. It was late, and tomorrow was another day.
Thirteenth Bell, 8th Day of the Great Tree Moon
A gaggle of students gathered at the Entrance Hall, protesting as several knights had to clear the way. Michail had been on his way to the classroom when he noticed. He had to run back to his office to grab some papers that he had forgotten for the debrief and had everyone waiting for him. Well, he was already late anyway, he figured seeing what all the commotion was about wouldn't hurt. He stood taller than most of the students so it wasn't too hard to see over them, but he was surprised that all the hullabaloo was because of Ioannis. Not that the archbishop wasn't a big deal, but he thought people would be used to him.

However, the kid wasn't the only one drawing attention. A woman stood with him, tall and pale with a face blessed by the Goddess. Her green hair was covered by a veil, her eyes gentle as she spoke. After a few seconds, however, he realized who it was, hastily pushing past the students and ignoring their words.

He stopped before the pair, offering a salute. "Lady Arianthe, welcome back," He greeted her.

She gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Michail. It's good to see you," She said.

Ioannis blinked up at Michail. "Um...aren't you supposed to be...?" He hesitated, clearly trying not to out him.

Right, right, he shouldn't have stopped. Still, as Arianthe chuckled, he figured she wouldn't hold it against him. "I did hear you were chosen to teach. Please, don't let me keep you. I'd be happy to see you later," She motioned for him to get going.

"I'm sorry. But I'll look for you," He promised, giving her a bow before turning his heel and speeding off. He had to dodge a few students, but he did make it to the classroom. The other professors and their bunch were already there, though he swore some bodies were missing. Wait, no, they did mention some students withdrew. For some reason, he didn't think it was true, but it couldn't be helped.

Throwing on a grin, he closed the door behind him. "Sorry I'm late, Lady Arianthe has returned to the church," He announced happily, walking to the front of the classroom.

Euphemia tapped Priscilla on the palm of her hand, unamused. "Honestly..." She sighed.

"Hey, don't worry, this'll be brief," He assured her, turning his attention to the class. "Good afternoon! Thanks for coming, I promise I won't keep you for too long since classes were already dismissed. Usually, after a mission, we get together to give feedback and debrief the situation. This time is a little different since our mission wasn't officially sanctioned by the Church, but it'll still give you a good idea on what to expect for the future."

He looked down at his notes, skimming his writing before he continued. "While we had only done drills earlier in the week, I'll say that as a whole, the group did fine. We had some coordination issues that I'll make sure to focus on in the future, but otherwise, it was fine," He said, approaching the board. "Next month, we'll do our practice match as it had been intended so we can see how your skills progress. By what most of you have now, though, I'll admit I'm looking forward to seeing more."

With chalk in hand, he wrote down three lines. "That said, there were three critical mistakes made that need addressing. First and foremost," He tapped the space next to the first line. "Don't rush in alone. You're not at the level where you can take down one opponent, let alone multiple. Keep that in mind." He looked over at Kayden, making sure he understood who his comment was directed at.

Not wanting to dwell on any one mistake, Michail continued, "Second, commit. Hesitation is what gets people killed," He stated it clearly, though he softened his glance when he looked at Kellen. "It's alright to be scared. But we can't let it paralyze us," He reprimanded him as gently as he could all things considered, though as he got to the third point, his face hardened considerably.

"Last but not least, don't overestimate your own abilities," He looked at Derec for this one. "Always assume your opponent is faster, stronger, and better. Isolde saved your life and ended up getting injured as a result. If it weren't for the fact that most of the bandits had been taken care of, you would've been responsible for not only your death, but hers as well."

His words were harsh, but the point had been made. Derec tore his gaze away from Michail, though he was too ashamed to look at Isolde. Michail exhaled, looking back at his papers as he took his place at the center of the room. "There's plenty of talent here. I want to recognize both Auberon and Jorah for their leadership and combat abilities. You're both in need of polish still, no doubt about it, but I was impressed. Overall the two of you did your parts well with axe and bow, and I have high expectations from the two of you going forward. The same goes for Clarissa--you worked tirelessly even after we said you needed not to do any more than was necessary, and I know for a fact Luin appreciates your services and sent a package to your room as thanks. You also have my own personal gratitude," He gave the three of them a nod. "Imogen, it's safe to say you prevented the second explosion, and I will definitely give the credit where it's due. The same goes for Kellen--it was only because the two of you went at the same time that Imogen was able to get through. Next time, you and Isolde will be with me in the front lines"

He let Imogen do her little cheer before he went on. "There's room for improvement for both men I haven't addressed, but I'll assume you two get the point. Skill-wise, you swing your weapons well and were fine until your mistakes were made," He looked at both Kayden and Derec, though he raised the papers in his hand and shook them. "Overall, that's it for me. If you have further questions, I'm happy to discuss them with you. Dismissed."

Tomai did a double take, standing up from his seat. "Michail," He called out. "The introduction."

"Introduction...?" Michail was confused for a second, though he remembered, snapping his fingers. "Oh, right, right. Some other news I almost forgot about--uh, unfortunately, Raimund, Valerian, and Saskia are no longer attending the academy. Though we do have a new student joining us...? Is he here?"

Tomai gave Michail an incredulous look, motioning to the student in question sitting towards the back. Michail followed his motion, looking back at him with a confused expression. There was a moment where Tomai looked like he was going to keel over from disbelief, but he composed himself. "Rudolf von Bergliez will be joining this unit," He stated, sitting back down.

"Oh. Oh! Yes, right, of course," He nodded. "Welcome aboard! Okay, now everyone's dismissed!"

Tsubasa's stare was just a touch blank as Keiko spoke. What did she mean people didn't pay attention to her? He swore he often heard her name uttered every once in a while. Not in a positive way, mind you, but--oh, was that what she meant? It was a shame, he always thought they were a little harsh on her, but her pranks never did go over too well. It couldn't be helped; the village preferred its peace and day-by-day happenings to go on unimpeded, and Keiko was less than inclined to follow the rules. He supposed he should try to assure her. To him, she always seemed a little lonely, and he was more than happy to enjoy her company. Even now as she watched him and tugged on her kimono--what was she doing?

There was no hiding the gaze that followed her finger, albeit he did remember his second blunder as he immediately jerked his head back up as she spoke. See them? See...them. Here? Now? No, she couldn't possibly mean that. As rambunctious as she was, she was still a lady. He was hot, tired, sweaty, and--and here, in view of anyone, it was shameless! Why in the world had he jumped to such conclusions? His interpretation was just clouded.

Tsubasa wasn't sure why his throat was suddenly so dry, nor did he know why his eyes immediately snapped to attention at the movement of the kimono. He should say something. He should stop this. He should do a lot more than watch as the material revealed more and more of pale, soft-looking flesh. He'd be lying if he said his conscience wasn't screaming at him to say something as it got lower and lower until something sprang forth and--a pair of oranges came out.

"Wha..." It was barely a whisper but the confusion was plain on his face, albeit he did manage to catch the orange thrown at him. The warmth certainly didn't help things and he nearly dropped the fruit as that thought crossed his mind, his face already flushed with color as he tried to compose himself. Keiko was teasing him! And she got him good this time, goodness, he hadn't been this embarrassed in some time.

Said embarrassment turned to humor as Tsubasa couldn't help but laugh at himself. "Ah...thank you," He got that much out as he bit at the skin, pulling it away until the sweet scent filled the air. A welcome distraction, especially as the sweet taste cleared his mind.

"They really came in well," He added. "If you have a surplus, you should take them to the market. You'll sell out for sure."

Mira was amused by Daigo's question, a finger on her cheek as she tried not to laugh. "You really wanna jump right into it, huh?" She couldn't help her response, though she decided to address Yori first. "Supposedly, the way you look here is how your soul interprets your 'reborn self', but I see myself as human, not cat, so you can take that with a grain of salt," She held her tail for a second, shuddering as she released it. "Like I said, if you're here, you either have the potential, or you're Corrupted. I'm only assuming it's the former because if you really were Corrupted, you'd start turning into a shadow, and you're still human, so...we'll stay optimistic."

Turning back to Daigo, Mira extended her left hand, gripping the air. Flames burst forth and formed a silver sword. She gave it a swing, deciding it was okay as she gave Daigo a grin. "Shadows die to Persona users by either magic or attacks--at the very least the outfit usually comes with a weapon," She informed him as she motioned towards the door. "Since Mr. Devil and I are the only ones with those things, we'll take the lead. Normally, I'd suggest staying behind, but I think coming along would be safer. Staying in one place for too long isn't good here. At the very least if you're with us, we could stop you from getting grabbed."

Despite being well aware Noriaki was liable to go off on his own and the other three likely had more to ask, Mira decided it was best to move along. She motioned for the trio to follow, looking around as they walked. The hallway bore windows that seemed to lead 'outside'--or at least whatever this world decided was outside. Even if one were to get as close as possible, only strange silhouettes could be seen amidst a red background. The catgirl paid no mind to the windows, instead focusing more on what was ahead.

At the end of the long hallway was a red curtain with a golden rope on one end. Once Mira spotted it, she paused, looking back at the group. "So the Shadow hasn't formed a dungeon yet--that's good, it means we can get rid of it here before it causes more damage to the real world. But I also don't know what to expect aside from some grabby hands, so..." She trailed off, holding her free hand up as she looked around. "...it's sending the welcome party."

Several black dots formed on the ceiling, growing larger and larger in size until they began to sag down. Once the weight was too much, they dropped down and bobbed in the air until it stabilized itself, gaining several white stripes. A red line cut through and opened up to reveal a long, red tongue, the strange creatures completely formed.

Letting out an irritated sigh, Veronica pulled her skirt away from another bush that decided to grab the material as she walked past it. Nature had always been something she ever only wanted to experience from a distance. She had already deemed her shoes a lost cause as the forest's mud had practically engulfed them, and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't made a vain attempt to clean them. But after the fourth time getting her foot stuck, she abandoned that effort and focused more on making her way back.

Not that she was in any particular hurry, of course. She doubted Lienna missed her, and their riveting conversation wasn't something she was looking to continue, either. At the very least waiting in a carriage was more comfortable than trudging through the forest, so she used that as her motivation. A nice, hot bath would do when they would return. She pitied her poor skirt as she frowned at the tiny holes. The uniform wasn't anything to write home about, but she did admire its simplicity and material, and nothing deserved to get caught repeatedly by thorns.

As she neared the exit, she was surprised to see fog. An odd thing considering that the sky showed no signs of such weather. It was also confined to the area where she thought the carriages were. No, that wasn't natural, that must have been the wand Michail had given to Lienna, which meant trouble. The Goddess must have enjoyed the idea of the pair getting attacked, and of course her bow was inside the carriage. Who knew how many enemies there were? And who knew where Lienna was in all this. Had she fled to the forest, she was certain she would have seen her by now. The wise thing to do was wait where she was, but on the off chance Lienna lived, she would likely never hear the end of it.

"I'll bet you're worried now," She couldn't help but mutter as she tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible, approaching the scene.

@Obscene Symphony

Derec was all too glad to follow Clarissa's instruction. While he made sure he was as gentle as he could be when he put Isolde down on the ground, the muscles on his shoulders and legs began to protest. Now that he was out and away from the danger, the adrenaline seemed to wear off, and while he initially knelt down to take a pause, he was just plain finding it hard to get back up. Why did it take so long for him to realize how breathless he was?

At least watching Clarissa heal had distracted him from how much his body ached. He was relieved to see the tension leave Isolde's expression, her eyes fluttering open shortly after. While it took her a moment to sit up properly, it seemed the worst had passed. There wasn't any holding back his sigh of relief--he wanted them all to make it out of this alive, regardless of house. A silly thought, but unity was what had led them to their successes so far.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Clarissa healing him, and he had to chuckle a little at her words. "And here I thought I had made a fool of myself," He admitted that much, watching as Isolde slowly tried to get to her feet. As she winced and sat back down, however, he put all jokes aside. Clarissa's magic was strong, so he wasn't sure why she was in pain.

"I think he hurt my ankle..." She said quietly, her hands on her leg.

He as in the bandit's leader? Derec wasn't entirely surprised--the behemoth of a man looked like he could crush bones with a squeeze. The redhead got to his feet, feeling entirely invigorated as he offered her a hand. "Then let's get you to the backlines."

Meanwhile, in the backline, Kayden's successful dispatch of the bandit had left that loose end all tied up. Once Kaira caught Jorah's eye, the pair were in sync. There wasn't a need for any confirmation as she followed his lead, their initial arrows firing off one after the other. Sure enough, Imogen's sword attacks had occupied the barrier long enough for their arrows to sink into the unfortunate mage. The other mage let out a scream of terror as Imogen tackled them to the ground.

"We did it--!" Kaira cut herself off as the mage with the staff slammed his weapon to the ground, though rather than an attack as anticipated, he was surrounded by a flash of violet light that shot into the sky. He was gone, likely having fled the battle. "He...abandoned them?"

Tomai scoffed, crossing his arms. "Hired help is only loyal to the coin," He shook his head as he turned his attention to the scene in front of them.

Auberon's feint had caused a second of hesitation that Michail was all too happy to follow up with. Having learned from Derec's mistake, he made sure to keep his distance as he swung, albeit the only thing he managed to do was cleave off the leather strap of his armguard. The bastard was faster than expected, albeit at the very least he now had a vulnerable spot if they could get to it.

However, the bandit leader made a second mistake in focusing on the Blue Lions. Despite being his initial victim, Euphemia had also gone in at the same time. She went in much closer than Michail, thrusting her sword upwards and successfully knocking off the bandit leader's helmet, sending it flying away a good distance. To her surprise, the loss of his helmet didn't phase him at all, even though the trickle of blood showed that she had definitely struck him.

To Michail's horror, the bandit grabbed Euphemia by the throat, and he promptly halted his assault. "Euphie!"

His grip tightened around her throat, and Euphemia was sure he was going to make sure to crush her neck. Her chest was already feeling tight from the sudden lack of oxygen, but she'd be damned if she was going down without a fight. Even as she was lifted in the air, she clumsily changed the grip of her sword as she used both arms to raise it above her head as high as she could, eyes wide with rage as she plunged it deep into the exposed arm. A low howl escaped the bandit as the sword went through, his grip around her loose and she fell to the ground.

It was now or never to finish the job. "Now!" Michail called to everyone, taking the initial charge forward.

Crossing her arms, her ears flattened as she stared at Noriaki's outburst. She perked up slightly at Genki's introduction, opening her mouth to reply before promptly closing it. Her eyes darted to the mirror and back as she scratched her cheek, giving him a shrug. "...Mira. I'm Mira," She introduced herself, clearing her throat. "We used to call it the Other Side, since you have to go through a mirror to get to it. This place doesn't have human inhabitants, only shadows--creatures born from the human psyche and fueled by negative emotions. They usually keep to themselves, but one of them's going crazy enough that it decided to pull the poor kid in."

Once she finished her explanation, she gave Noriaki a wary look. "You might be my Devil, but this is the first time we've met," She told him. "Seeing as how you already have your Persona unlocked, though, I'm not surprised you've been here before."

Suzuki gave Maki a frown, shaking her head. "Ito, that isn't the point of counseling," She stated the obvious, trying to find the right words as it was clear her student was agitated. Kazu's arrival ended up putting a pause on the conversation, though she felt that she could tune it out for a moment to try to see what she could say.

Momoji let out a small laugh, shaking her head at Kazu's attempt to defend himself. "I'm sure you did," She assured him.

"Theft would be a step up from reckless driving," Taniguchi replied, albeit he decided to get right to the point. "You'll be joining Ito here in the disciplinary committee."

Of course it would be two on one. Sora wanting to leap to justice wasn't much of a surprise, but Naomi joining him was troublesome. She couldn't really hold back her sigh as she looked between them. Once upon a time, she would probably have lead the way, but she wasn't entirely sure that was the smart thing to do right now. It was hard to look at either of them, and she ended up having to avoid their gaze for a moment just to compose herself.

"Yamamoto sticks to the rules too much to be a delinquent," Sakuya had to point that out first and foremost. "Confrontation also often leads to more aggression. If he ends up lashing out at you, then what?"

Rubbing her temples for a second, clearly the girl had to resist the urge to whack Noriaki upside the head. The other three weren't helping much, either; judging by their uniforms, none of them would be of much help until they Awakened. And Purle McGee was being outright hostile. As he stomped off, however, she let out a tiny gasp, lunging forward to grab his arm. While she was acutely aware that he was probably going to explode any second now, she needed to make one thing clear.

"Okay, enough!" She raised her voice, making sure everyone was paying attention to her. "First of all, this mirror is the only way out of here. This world only ever supports one doorway, and if it's blocked like this, then that means we have to find the big Shadow that's blocking it. Kill the Shadow, the mirror opens back up. The hand that probably grabbed this boy is the likely culprit, but charging in alone is only going to end up getting yourself killed."

Releasing Noriaki, she turned her attention to the other three. "The only people that can cross over successfully are those who have Awakened or those that are Corrupted. The former means you transform and have a Persona--something like the blue lady that I summoned before--" She gestured to Noriaki, addressing his change. "But if you're Corrupted, it means the Shadow is starting to influence the real world. It might've decided to target the school for now, but if left alone, it'll spread over the city. It could affect your friends, your mom or dad, your siblings--and it will end up killing them eventually."

Approaching Daigo, the girl knelt down, her hands on her knees as she inspected Daigo. "...you're not directly Corrupted, but someone close to you is," She told him, reaching out and poking his chest. To her surprise, a blue card formed, though unlike before, this one was blank. "...and you have the potential, too. No wonder the Shadow decided to pull you over. Persona users becoming Corrupted would be really, really bad."

She stood up to her full height, stretching her arms above her head before turning back to Noriaki. "I waited for you because I saw you had already Awakened. Which means whether you like it or not, you're involved," She stated as plainly as possible. "You signed the contract, didn't you? Are you really going to run away from your responsibility?"

As Kazu entered, Momoji perked up, excusing herself as she walked over to him. "There you are, Asakura-kun," She shook her head. "I thought you were skipping out on us!"

At the mention of his name, however, Taniguchi saw fit to join the conversation. "Yes, good of you to decide to finally join us," He mused dryly. "It's good to see you're taking this year as well as everyone assumed."

"I'm sure Asakura-kun had a good reason for being late," Momoji said, looking at the boy. "Right?"

Sora hastily clamped up, squeezing his eyes shut as he realized what he said probably didn't make much sense. He decided to start from the beginning, trying to remain calm, but it was obvious by his antsiness that he was a little bothered by the situation.

"I ran into Mina-senpai from Photography Club crying in the stairwell," He explained. "She was really, really shaken up. I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she just mentioned Yamamoto and--I got this bad feeling. Mina-senpai's a nice girl, I don't know exactly what happened, but it couldn't have been good."

At that point, Sakuya exited the stairwell, noticing the trio gathered around. Was she really the last one to arrive?! The thought alone was mortifying, and she had to hold back a groan. As she quickly made some attempt at looking dignified, she managed to catch the tail end of Sora's explanation. While it was probably smart to ask, she felt like she was a little too aware of what they were speaking of.

"If you're talking about Yamamoto, I've already...spoken with him," Sakuya stated to the three. "I suggest avoiding him, he's been incessantly irritating. Moreso than usual, I mean."

Sora turned to face her, frowning. "That doesn't mean he can go around harassing people!" He protested. "We should say something to a teacher, at least!"

Letting out a cry of disapproval, the girl immediately tried to get out of Noriaki's grip. "Ow ow ow ow--stop! You're gonna pull my ear off!" She whined. "Why are you taking it out on me?! You've already awakened, haven't you?! We have to go defeat the source of the Corruption so it stops targeting that boy! That's just what we do!"

Yanking herself out of his grasp, she let out a tiny whimper as she massaged her ear. Letting out a small huff, she puffed out her chest as she threw a glare at her attacker. "I said you're my devil because you are, see?" Pressing her finger into his chest, the blue card formed before him. "I don't know how you got it, but that's my Devil arcana. I saw it when I was at the shoe lockers and knew you'd be the one to follow me over. Not that I thought it'd go grabbing people, but if it's getting that bold, it has to be stopped."

Coming to a pause, she realized something as she slowly blinked at him. "...I've never seen you before, though. I think you have me mistaken for someone else," She said, frowning.

@Asura@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden

The sounds of battle were far off for some reason. He was a frontline fighter, why was he so far away? His chest was heavy, he felt dazed--was he injured? Did he let himself get hurt? His head was killing him, too, he must have gotten knocked out or something. As his eyes slowly opened, he was met with the sight of sandy blonde hair with a little red mixed in. Funny, his hair was as red, too. Red like blood. That's what all the village children used to tell him as they terrorized him, anyway.

His thoughts slowly oriented himself, a slight panic setting in as he realized what happened. The battle was taking place not too far ahead of him, but he and Isolde were surrounded by rubble--they had gone through one of the walls! "Isolde. Isolde, are you alright?" He didn't know how he kept the panic from rising in his voice, but he at least tried to make sure he held Isolde properly.

She let out a tiny groan, eyes peeking open. "...yeah," Her voice was so soft he almost didn't catch it.

Somehow, he had ended up fine, but Isolde must have suffered some sort of head injury--his guess was the debris came down and hurt her after the matter. Talk about adding insult to injury! He shifted himself up, clumsily lifting her over his shoulder with one arm while the other grabbed his spear. In the back of his mind, he knew he probably should have prioritized handling the girl more delicately, but he figured it was better to get them to the backline. Clarissa was a healer, right? And Professor Simeon was a nurse, too. They could help Isolde. Shaking off some of his daze, Derec took in a deep breath to steady himself and cautiously moved forward. He bit back a hiss as his back protested--did the trip really mess him up that bad?!--and kept going.

Meanwhile, the spear that had been hurled at the bandit leader was caught in time for his arm to catch both of Jorah's arrows. One seemed to lodge itself in flesh while the other bounced off his helmet. Still, with the combination of Auberon and Jorah, the leader was successfully distracted and could not stop both Imogen and Kellen. The two were too quick to block, but all he needed to do was go for whichever was the easiest to get to. The choice was made for him as the young girl was smaller and likely harder to catch. And thus his axe was swung, aiming directly for the boy's shoulder.

What he did not anticipate, however, was the Knight once again showing off their difference in skill. Michail was at Kellen's back, lance taking the brunt of the hit. The metal of the axe clashed with the weapon but said lance held strong, with Michail entirely focused on keeping the bandit's weapon as far away from Kellen as possible.

Tomai decided to avoid accidentally hitting anyone in melee range, instead deciding to focus on the mages in the back. Kaira had a similar idea as the pair cast their spells in unison. Both flew through the air, but before they could land, both light and dark magic were promptly sucked into the mage's skull staff.

"Huh," Tomai lowered his staff, raising his eyebrows.

Kaira blinked for a few seconds but collected herself. "The spells were absorbed, but...how?"

"I reckon it's the staff. I think I'm now invested in winning this fight as I'd like to liberate them of it," He replied.

Euphemia fell back some, temporarily sheathing her sword and pulling out her bow. She aimed directly for the mages, firing off an arrow. Said arrow bounced once again against the barrier that popped up. "That barrier's going to be blocking any physical attacks and any spells won't do any good. Now what?" She asked.

Kaira peered at the mages, an idea coming to mind. "We'll wait for Imogen to attack, and then follow up immediately after. The barrier is being manually conjured every time--I don't think it can block multiple attacks in succession," She pointed out.

Letting out a sigh, Euphemia offered Kaira her bow. "Alright. That'll fall on you, Jorah, and Imogen, then," She gave Jorah a confident smile before rejoining her brother at the frontlines. Movement out of the corner of her eye stopped her as she noticed a spare bandit decided to join his boss with the intent of crossing paths with Derec. Unbeknownst to them, however, was the last bandit sneaking up on the crew from behind, with every intent on beheading the unaware Kaira.
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