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Benji was making this too easy all things considered.

Eris could have taken a picture and framed the expression of muted uneasiness Benson wore. Honestly, it was actually a little worrying how little the kid knew about his own house. He made sure to know everything that was happening in his own family--half for informational purposes and half for entertainment seeing the dumpster fire that were his cousins and their misfortune--and while he could argue his family was less relevant, it just didn't reflect well when someone didn't know what was going on. If Bentley was more gracious, Eris would be happy to take him under his wing.

Slowly shaking his head at the other blond, Eris poorly kept himself from laughing. "No, no, what's more interesting is how ill-informed you are about your own House's affairs," He replied cheerfully. "You can choose to ignore me, but you'd be surprised how much you can find out by knowing the right people."

He turned his attention back to the lecture. A Child helped the King? Child...those weren't exactly the best titles. But it did make him wonder who the parent was of this Child of Noila. He felt like he would have heard about some almighty vampire, so why was he learning about it here? Not to mention all the good the Child did, considering that he was pretty sure history was going to repeat itself sooner than later. Still, something the professor mumbled did get Eris curious.

"I'm sorry, you said the Child could break the will of vampires. With what, the power of persuasion?" He ended up asked. "You mentioned she accomplished it with just a word. How is that even possible?"

Well, at least her question hadn't been taken poorly. That was a good sign, right? Lilie tried to stay optimistic, focusing on taking notes. It was interesting though, she assumed that the point of the class was to make dowsing subconscious, but maybe she was oversimplifying things. Or maybe she was getting ahead of herself again? Yeah, that sounded more accurate. Not like she could help it--even with the less-than-friendly teacher, she was still looking forward to learning something new.

Her pen skirted over the page as she scribbled down a few notes, listening intently to the lecture. She wasn't aware that the class would be so important to life mages. At the mention of a career, however, Lilie frowned to herself. So mages could still have careers? Ben didn't mention anything like that to her. Then again, he already had his mind made up for her, so it wasn't like he was looking for her opinion on...anything. Would he open his mind if she had some idea of what she wanted to do? Maybe she'd talk to Aaron about that later, he probably knew more than she did on mage careers.

Tuning back in just in time to hear about the exercise, Lilie was glad to hear it would be more in line with using her affinity. Not that she was going to complain, arcane spells were fun but they didn't really come to her as easily. Straightening in her seat, Lilie closed her eyes and took a breath as instructed. Pushing her magic out didn't sound too hard, but without any actual water, she found the exercise a little harder than she thought it would be. Her magic didn't want to leave her for some reason, and as soon as she relaxed, she felt like she was smacked in the chest with the orb of magic she created. It was so...clingy. Why was it so clingy?!

Max's question came as a surprise, but then again, he did mention that his magic worked a little differently. He was already ahead of her when it came to this, it looked like. She listened for the response, though she couldn't help but worry. Aaron and Salem were already leagues ahead as it was. As selfish as it sounded, hearing Max and Maddie made her feel like she was falling behind again.

ok so what exactly do you do here??

It's my testing thread for ideas and graphics, as most threads in the Test Forum are for.

The sign hangs above you, flickering periodically.

It was hard to get a read on him. If she didn't know better, she would think that he didn't want her around. Aurora straightened up a touch, smoothing out her skirt as she thought of her next step. Subtlety would get her nowhere--or at least, nowhere she wanted. She rested her elbow back on the table and perched her chin in her palm, examining the boy carefully. Her spirit wouldn't be downcast just yet, however; she was persistent above all else.

"Tragic? That's an interesting way to put it," Aurora replied. "But where are my manners? I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Aurora de Realis-Donati, heiress to the Realis-Donati Conglomerate."

She paused for just a second to let the implication sink in before continuing with, "And you are?'

If the girls he had met here were any indication, then no, girls were not fun. Not that Derec would admit that out loud, but he was pretty sure Lienna was going to either stab him at the first chance or shove him into a fire or something. And there were plenty of topics to talk about, too! The layout of this place was the first thing that came to mind--Derec had never encountered something like this before. They could talk about the plants that surrounded them, they could talk about weapons, techniques, schoolwork...the list went on.

And of course, the conversation kept going in an uncomfortable direction.

Shifting in place, Derec let himself sink into the water a little. "It's not easy for the poor lady left behind by the noble," He ended up muttering. "I think it's better that kids get to grow up with both parents in a committed marriage."

"--and Professor Roland recommended looking into it, so I thought I'd give it a try, at least," Isaac threw a few jabs above the water, grinning.

Olivier crossed his arms. "I've only ever seen you with an axe, it'll be weird to see you fight with anything else," He admitted. "I might mistake you for an enemy."

"I'll back you up with a spell," Victor stated, throwing Olivier a thumbs up.

"Wh--Traitor!" Isaac gasped as Olivier returned Victor's gesture.

The black-haired boy slicked his hair back for a moment, though he was more attentive as Rudolph spoke to him. He opened his mouth to respond before noticing that Isaac had slipped and fallen into the bath, flailing about before Olivier helped him up.

"Did you slip on something?" Olivier asked him.

Pounding his chest with his fist, Isaac tried to steady his breathing. "Didn't--see--him--" He managed to choke out.

Victor was a little surprised that Isaac had let Rudolf scare him so easily, but ignored him for the moment and instead turned his full attention to his fellow Eagle. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Rudolf," He returned his greeting cordially. "I'm honored you remembered me! Truly, we have our glorious Goddess to thank for our reunion. But there's no need for discomfort, my friend. Despite having the hair of a mop, my friend Isaac is in fact nobility from Faerghus."

Isaac stopped coughing long enough to throw a look of disbelief at Victor. "That's a low blow coming from someone who looks like they stuck their head in a chimney," He shot back as Olivier laughed.

Victor chose not to respond to him and continued, "And the silver-haired lad there is none other than Olivier Ubert Gaspard. His family was a big help in the reconstruction of the Western Church and frequently trades with our territory in the West."

Olivier offered a bashful wave as Isaac let out a huff of disproval, irked at the difference of introductions.

Sakuya was, yet again, surprised; for some reason, she assumed that he wouldn't like the idea of Himawari hanging around. Maybe she really didn't give him enough credit. Her hand reached up to her hair, a small frown on her face as she looked back at the burnt house. She wasn't comfortable delving into the topic, but she wasn't really sure what to say otherwise.

Himawari, on the other hand, immediately turned to Hoshino, her eyes lighting up at his response. She seemed particularly pleased with his suggestion, nodding enthusiastically. She didn't bother giving the house another look, though she did notice Sakuya's expression. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing," The response came out automatically, and Sakuya dropped her hand.

Letting out a tiny hum, Himawari turned back to Hoshino. "Even with everything that happened, this is still a really good place to live," She told him, though she suddenly let out a gasp. "I wonder what happened to the cat that used to be around here...I hope it's okay."

Veronica was all too content to let her worries melt away with the water, even if she could have done without the chatter of the busybodies. Still, even their voices seemed far, far away, covered by the sound of the waterfalls. She could feel the heat massaging her aching muscles and found herself relying on the edge of the bath. Perhaps she could steal a servant to learn how they got everything to this point, she would love to have something similar in the castle. Of course, a little more privacy would be appreciated.

As she opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of one Clarissa von Edmund. Edmund, Edmund...ah, of the Leicester Alliance, was she? While her initial meeting of the Golden Deer was forever tainted by the monkey, she was far too dignified to let that sour her impression on others. At least this one seemed much more put together than the other two girls.

Sitting up, Veronica returned Clarissa's greeting with one of her own. "I am Veronica Berenike von Gerth. A pleasure," She gave her at least a nod out of respect and acknowledgment. "You'll have to excuse my appearance, I wasn't expecting to meet anyone of importance here."

Rolling her shoulder, she thought a little on Clarissa's comment. "I wouldn't have minded such a harsh lesson if our professor didn't seem to get so much joy out of it," She ended up admitting. "Honestly...I don't think I can understand Professor Michail."

The bathhouse wasn't really something Derec was used to seeing. Well, that wasn't entirely true--he wasn't used to seeing one this fancy. He also wasn't really used to having so many servants constantly ask him questions. They kept asking what he was going to do, what he wanted, where he would like to go. It was only after giving a short answer about wanting to take a shower and the arrival of a few other students that they finally left him alone.

Derec lagged behind in the shower and let himself think over the day's events. Admittedly, he had been a little cowardly, wanting to avoid more servants, though he did wonder if he should have done the opposite and finish faster to join the others. Then again, was that the smart thing to do? He did sort of blow up the group, no doubt Auberon and Kellen might not really want to be around him. The thought was depressing, but he supposed he did it to himself. He really didn't get Professor Michail, either--if they were supposed to be working as a team, why wasn't he directing them properly?

"Then again, the 'future king' should know how to unite people properly..." He muttered the first thing he thought of, lightly banging his head against the wall. Maybe he didn't give the guy enough credit, it wasn't something he had considered. But he was so sure that he and Lienna were the same that he just ran his mouth. He shouldn't have made assumptions, but he thought having some common ground would finally bridge the gap between them.

Emerging from the showers, he took two towels from the silent servant--this one so far was his favorite, if only because he said nothing--and focused on drying his hair some as he waited with a few other guys. He was surprised that he actually recognized one of them: if he remembered right, the silver-haired man was the son of Lord Winston Ubert Gaspard. He wasn't entirely sure what his name was, but he was willing to bet he was right. The other young man looked a little familiar, too, but he couldn't place his face.

"I can't believe you'd rather flit about the marketplace than attend a sermon!" A voice made Derec nearly jump out of his skin. He was practically bowled over as another guy stomped over to the duo, exasperated.

That much had the silver-haired man turn around, though he stopped long enough to look at Derec. "Please excuse him," He stated before returning his attention to his friend. "He's mad at us and isn't aware of his surroundings."

Derec shook his head, though he figured now was as good a chance as any. "It's okay. But, um, you're...sorry for the rudeness, but you're the next Lord of Gaspard, right?" He asked.

"That's right. I am Olivier Ubert Gaspard," He introduced himself. "Forgive me, you are...?"

"I'm Derec. We've never met, but I used to live in your territory," He explained. "I think I saw you with your father when you both visited Ashbourne some years ago."

The dark haired boy's eyebrows shot up. "Not the same Ashbourne that got razed to the ground?" He ended up asking.

Suddenly, all three of them were staring at him. Well, if the other guy looked familiar and knew about Ashbourne, he must have been from Faerghus as well. Still, he was a little surprised. "Yeah. I didn't think people knew about it, though," He admitted.

"Shit, that sucks," He muttered, straightening up. "Sorry, sorry, should've introduced myself first. I'm Isaac, and the nut over there is Victor."

Victor scoffed, crossing his arms. "You're the one skipping the morning sermon and I'm the nut. Unbelievable!" He huffed, stomping off into the public bath.

Isaac chuckled, patting Olivier's shoulder. "I'll go calm him down. Nice to meet you!" He gave Derec a wave before hurrying after the brunette.

Olivier watched the duo for a second and then frowned at Derec. "They're a little rowdy, but they mean well," He assured him before pausing. "Shall we join them?"

Derec nodded, deciding to follow Olivier's lead. The duo had taken a free corner of the bath, though rather than calm Victor down, it looked like Isaac had riled him up further. Olivier excused himself and joined them, trying to calm things down, though that left Derec with a decision. He noticed Kayden, Jorah, and Auberon together, though he swore someone else was with them, so he could either go with them or get to know the new guys.

Deciding to take the risk, Derec decided to stick with what was familiar, eventually joining the trio. He managed to catch his words, somewhat regretting his decision. Still, he was morbidly curious about something. "I don't think a Saint would be appropriate. Maybe for the women's side?" He also couldn't help but think a Saint probably wouldn't stop him, either. "Though I didn't think I'd find you guys talking about girls of all things."

Move on? Sakuya frowned a little at that, though she wasn't sure why. Maybe he had a falling out with them before he left and didn't get the chance to make up with them. At that, she felt a pang of guilt at being so stern with him. She supposed she never considered he may have had a rougher time. Thena gain, she would probably be nicer if he wasn't such an ass.

Himawari, on the other hand, didn't seem to pick up on Noriaki's worries. Instead, she nodded in approval. "Yeah, you're right. There's always new friends to make anyway," She ended up replying. "If you want, we could be friends!"

At that, Sakuya tried not to laugh. "Himawari, I think you have too much energy for him..." She finally spoke. "Besides, you don't go to the same school. When would you see each other?"

Apparently she hadn't considered that. Letting out a tiny sigh, she came to a stop, frowning to herself for a moment. Across the street was the house that, to Noriaki, had just been rebuilt. That conflicted greatly with Himawari's sad look, her shoulders slumped a touch. "This is like your old house," She said quietly.

Sakuya looked over in the same direction, patting Himawari's head. "Yeah. But they're going to rebuild this one soon," She said.

Himawari didn't react much, though she continued to stare. From within the house, unbeknownst to her, a figure moved from behind a curtain. Eventually, she tore her gaze away, looking up at Noriaki. "Did you know about that, Hoshino-san? About the fires?" She asked him. "There was a fire in our house, too. Then Onee-san and Nakano-senpai disappeared..."

Kaito's jaw dropped for a moment, though his gaze went back down to the trash. "The eggs...they betrayed me...?" He uttered, completely shocked. "It would make sense, everything else was perfect, but..."

Clearing his throat, Kaito knelt back down and rummaged through the cabinets until he pulled out a mixing bowl and a whip beater. He placed them both gently on the counter, leaving Daigo for just a moment as he searched through the small fridge. Coming back with a carton of eggs, once again he placed them delicately on the counter, though he would then slam his hands down.

"I'm not going to lose to eggs of all things!" He suddenly declared. "We're going to make the perfect pancake right here, right now!"

He paused, losing some of his manic energy. "Oh, actually, I'll need milk, too," He remembered, snapping his fingers. "Let's see...eggs, milk, sugar, flour...I think we might have some vanilla extract, too, somewhere," He knelt back down, opening the cabinet and pulling out ingredients. "Ah, Hinari-san, I'll make sure to follow your lead and watch you. I clearly still have much to learn if I let something as trivial as eggs get the best of me."

Himawari slowly nodded in understanding, albeit she seemed a little confused by what he meant by the last part. She thought to herself for a short moment, trying to choose her words carefully. Sakuya chose to stay back and observe, though she was a little curious to see why Himawari was so keen on talking to what was essentially a stranger. She wasn't exactly a shy kid, but it was still a little weird. At the very least, it was nice to see her almost back to her old self.

"That must have been hard," Himawari finally broke the silence. "Do you miss your friends?"

Anzu didn't have much of an opinion on whatever they walked into. She was disappointed to hear that Nakano wasn't around, but she supposed it couldn't be helped. Placing the papers down on the desk, she took another quick look around. "I don't suppose Ueno-san is around, either," She guessed.

"Not today, no," Sora frowned.

Tapping her fingers against the desk, she tried to think of the next best course. They could technically try to convince the vice president, but it was pointless if she couldn't get either president or treasurer on board. However, she wasn't entirely appreciative of Ito's comment, letting out a small sigh.

"Sorry to disappoint, but we prefer training to make it to Nationals instead of wasting fruit," She replied. "Though if Nakano-san is in the Faculty Room, I suppose we can catch her there."

"I...don't think she's here..." Sora muttered, looking to Oka for help.

The older student shook her head. "You can come back tomorrow, Kogoro. We'll make sure to let Nakano-san know," She said before turning to Maki. "And I'll ask that you have some respect for Nakano-san. Isn't slandering her the entire reason you ended up here in the first place?"

Kaito perked up as Daigo approached him, a more serious look on his face as he looked down at the trash. "I want to say that there's a very real chance I left it in for too long. They usually collapse when they're too dry," He speculated. "When the souffle is in the oven and bakes, a lot of hot air gets trapped inside. Once it reaches the much-colder outside, the air escapes. That said, I thought I had everything perfect, so I'm a little stumped."

Once he finished, he noticed that Daigo looked a little off. "...Hinari?" He waved his hand in front of his face. "Are you okay? I know Linda can be...a lot, but she means well."

Meanwhile, Linda waved off Ueno's concerns, practically beaming. "Of course not! We could always use a taste-tester," She joked lightly, walking over to the cabinets as she thought over Genki's suggestion. "We could very well try pancakes. I need to see where your skills are at, anyway!"

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