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<Snipped quote by Hero>

oh that's messed

so wait, whats a seal?

A seal is a location in the world where a lot of mana is gathered and where the Summon Spirits rest. It's equivalent to a temple.

Once upon a time, there existed a giant tree that was the source of mana.
A war, however, caused this tree to wither away and a hero's life was sacrificed in order to take its place.
Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens.
The goddess left the angels with this edict:

"You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed."

The Angels bore the chosen one, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens.
And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world.

The world is in decline.

Mana is the basis of all life in the world. Without it, crops wilt, droughts arrive, and magic weakens. While the world slowly dies, a group of half-elves known as Desians thrives on the misfortune, capturing humans for nefarious deeds. The only salvation lies in the Chosen, the title of the savior chosen by the Goddess Martel. Once the oracle descends on the Day of Prophecy, the world is then blessed with the Tower of Salvation, the symbol of the Goddess' power. The Chosen then must travel and unlock the seals around the world, with the final Seal located at the Tower of Salvation. It is at this final seal that the Chosen completes their journey and revitalizes the world.

Long ago, a hero by the name of Mithos emerged during the Ancient Kharlan War. Said war ravaged the land with ancient technology that drained the world's mana and ultimately ended up destroying the Giant Kharlan Tree, the source of all the world's mana. By sacrificing his life, Mithos was able to revive the tree, though his death caused the Goddess to return to the heavens in sorrow. She would have her angels, holy beings belonging to a society called Cruxis, teach the world of Mithos' sacrifice and spread her word to prevent another war from happening.

While in the heavens, evil half-elves known as Desians drained the world of its mana and sought to enslave humans. In order to protect the world, the Goddess would enlist the help of the Summon Spirits, who would put themselves in several places where mana flourished the most by creating seals. She created the Tower of Salvation on the Holy Ground of Kharlan--the place where Mithos sacrificed his life--and made it so high that it would reach her even in the heavens. However, the Desians' interference made it so that both Goddess and Summon Spirit alike were powerless to help, especially with the lack of mana in the world. To combat this, the Goddess decided to place a part of her power within a Cruxis Crystal and quietly grant it to one human upon their birth. This human would become the Chosen.

History shows that the Day of Prophecy is typically the day the Chosen comes of age, though there have been exceptions where the oracle descends sooner. Said oracle is a messenger of Cruxis that descends to meet the Chosen and sends them forth on their journey. However, the Chosen's pilgrimage is a dangerous one, and a Chosen has not succeeded in their journey in eight hundred years. Nonetheless, the world looks to the new Chosen for hope.

The seals are unlocked when the Chosen offers their prayers to the Goddess, and with each seal unlocked, the Chosen is blessed with the power of the angels.

The land is slowly becoming desolate as time moves on. Most people huddle to the few cities that are left, though some towns still flourish, particularly those closest to the seals. The Church of Martel is the central religion of the world and there is often at minimum a chapel in every town as well as the occasional House of Salvation on roads. The fear of Desians raiding towns to collect humans is shared by the populace, with only a few places able to properly defend themselves. Magic is not commonplace, as it is reserved for the reclusive race of elves. Humans cannot typically use magic, though they can enhance their abilities should they get their hands on Exspheres. Of course, the Desians are the primary supplier, though mercenaries are known to have them through one way or another.

[WIP section]
The Village of Oracles

The Desert Oasis

The Fishing Port

The Port City

The City of Ruins

The City of Water

The Village of Adventures

Seal of Fire : Domain of the Ruler of Hellfire
Located at the Triet Ruins, the Chosen prays to Efreet, the Summon Spirit of Fire. The process of the Chosen becoming an angel begins here.

Seal of Water : Domain of the Maiden of the Mist
Located at the Thoda Geyser, the Chosen prays to Undine, the Summon Spirit of Water.

Seal of Wind : Domain of the Heavenly Messengers
Located at the Balacruf Mausoleum, the Chosen prays to Sylph, the Summon Spirit of Wind.

Seal of Light : Domain of the Light of the Heavens
Located at the Tower of Mana, the Chosen prays to Luna, the Summon Spirit of Light.

Final Seal
Located at the Tower of Salvation. Here, the Chosen prays to the Goddess herself and becomes an angel wholly. With all the seals unlocked, the world is regenerated and the Desians suppressed.

This is based on a video game 'cause I'm unoriginal. So the tl;dr is I'm looking for a small group to run this with. I'm hoping for a varied cast of characters, not expecting too much interest but I thought I'd throw it out there. Ideally looking for active roleplayers, good quality posts, and people that like to communicate maybe. I'll answer any questions had here.
Two hundred posts!!!

"Stay calm, everyone!" The gym teacher called out at the murmur of students. "We'll take a short break while we figure this out!"

A majority of students stayed put and decided to socialize while the rest were glad to catch their breaths. No one seemed particularly fazed by the power outage, though it was a situation that most found funny. Most of the jokes steered towards fueling the rumors on some of the people in charge skimming off the top for so-called "top of the line construction" while others wondered what else in the school was defective. Sakuya ignored most of it, carefully making her way to a wall and catching Naomi as the girl walked towards the teachers.

"Make sure the first years stay put, Susume-sensei wants me to find the principal," She told her, leaving her and jogging over to the door. She was a little surprised to see Ueno making her way to the door. "Excuse me, Ueno-san!" She apologized as she rushed ahead of her, pushing the door open.

The blue butterfly moved off the door as if disturbed by the movement. It fluttered to the left, seemingly following Sakuya. Where the girl went right towards the main hallway, however, the butterfly went left, straight into the girls' locker room. Once Sakuya's footsteps faded away, the blonde cat trotted in, stretching her limbs as she looked at where the butterfly went.

The next few days passed without incident; the most activity was the sudden investigation of the broken mirror in the gym, though that concluded with the blame landing on a stray cat that had somehow gotten into the school. The clubs were up and running, the animosity among the students lessened, and for a short time, everything felt normal. There were a few middle school students that had taken an interest in the school, but considering a majority of them were third years, it wasn't strange. No blue butterflies were seen, either.

Until April 13th, at least.

Hinotori High School
Kyoto Prefecture
Vice Principal's Office
APRIL 13TH, 2018

Grumbling to himself, Taniguchi straightened the papers on his desk and placed his hands down. He had been feeling particularly restless since he woke up this morning. A streak of bad luck had hit since the moment he tripped over his dog, and he wasn't looking forward to his meeting with the visitor today. Damn kids and their issues, what happened to people minding their own business? This woman was a pain in his ass every time she visited, too. He had considered himself lucky that she wasn't hovering today, but she had given him notice that she would be showing up to check in.

And so once the knock on the door came, Taniguchi wasn't surprised. He leaned back in his seat as he told her to come in. The woman stepped in with too much confidence, taking a second to adjust her glasses before striding over to his desk. "Good morning, Taniguchi-san," She greeted him cordially. "Thank you for seeing me."

"Of course, Aoki-san. It's good to see you," He replied.

"I'll be direct, if you don't mind," She said, placing a hand on her hip. "How are the students doing?"

"I haven't heard anything, so presumably, all is well," He said with a sigh. "Wouldn't personal interviews rid the need of you and I meeting?"

"An adult's perspective is valuable," She told him. "I'm planning on seeing Hoshino-kun sooner than later to see how he's adjusting. Has he been sociable?"

"He's been helping out the student council."

Aoki widened her eyes in surprise. "Really, now?"

"Is that surprising?"

She paused. "...it is. It also means he's likely to be interacting with Nakano-san," She mumbled, though she cleared her throat. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea for those two."

"Nakano is a model student who was happy to oversee Hoshino," Taniguchi stated.

Aoki wasn't convinced, although she let it go. "Speaking of which...Nakano Sumire has been trying to get in contact with me again, so I thought I'd let you know, just in case she shows up here."

Taniguchi openly scowled at that, dismissing it with a wave. "That nut was already warned not to harass anyone here," He huffed. "More importantly, if you're going to linger, I suggest making sure Hoshino is busy. A busy student is a productive student, God knows these damn kids have nothing better to do than to start vandalizing whenever they get bored."


"Eh, forget it. If you'd like to meet with Hoshino today, the students will be having a shared gym day to promote some of the physical clubs' activities."

"I'll catch him after school, I wouldn't want to disrupt him from socializing," Aoki declined.



One of the gym teachers was having the time of his life forcing the freshman in his section to leap over hurdles. The senior members of the track club could only watch in dismay as the freshman struggled to overcome the heights, wincing as a few outright tripped and knocked down the hurdles. Sakuya watched them from a distance wearily, letting out a disappointed sigh as she turned back and looked around. The student body had been split between indoor and outdoor activities, with track, baseball, soccer, and archery taking place outside and basketball, volleyball, and kendo taking place indoors. The swim team had some interest as well, though most were leaving them for the end of the day to avoid having to change in a rush.

Sakuya herself was mostly drifting between clubs, exempt from the 'squadrons' that had been formed in an effort to promote inter-year interactions. It made some sense on paper since the clubs weren't limited by year, but all it really meant was that there were even more groups being formed since most people just stuck to the ones they already knew.

Letting out a sigh, she ended up returning to her own group consisting of her class, 3-B, 2-A, and 1-C. They were currently indoors and playing basketball with one exception. She did wonder if Ueno-san got bored sitting on the sidelines, though at least the club members were making an effort to include her in some capacity as they swarmed the poor girl. She didn't recognize most of the second years except one, though she didn't want to suffocate him by hanging around. She swore she saw some redhead hanging around him, anyway.

Stifling a yawn, a quiet mew caught her ear. "A cat?" She swore she heard it, but when she looked around, she didn't see anything.

Her attention was directed elsewhere as the whistle was blown, and the group were told to sit down as one of the gym teachers explained the benefits of basketball. As they spoke, a light wind blew through the gym, the sun coming in through the windows. As the wind died, however, the lights suddenly flickered off. An assortment of protests and a small panic ensued, though within the darkness, a single, blue butterfly was seen on the doors leading to the rest of the school.

Maybe jumping into a lake was kinda excessive, but Lilie did think Max had the right of it, all things considered. She did have to work on separating her magic (again) from herself, but having her element nearby would ideally help her better. Fortunately for her, she already ended up dedicating most of her bathtimes to playing around with her magic, so she was sure she was going to get the hang of this in no time. Not that she would tell anyone that since the last person she admitted it to ended up laughing so hard he ended up falling off the couch, but her brother was a jerk and he definitely deserved that.

As Lilie decided to reply, Max cut her off with a dismissal. Aww, didn't he want to talk about the perspective differences in their approach to their affinities? Who wouldn't want to? Closing her mouth shut, she ended up gathering her things quickly. She didn't really want to linger too much here, this teacher scared her and she thought that maybe if she caught up to Max, she could bounce some ideas off him.

Shoving everything into her bag, she ended up having to squeeze past some people, quickly catching up to the brunet. "See, it's interesting that you would mention a sphere because I can't even get my magic to project in front of me," She picked up the conversation where it was left off. "It makes me wonder if maybe there are advantages to projecting all around or if it's better to focus on one particular direction when it comes to your magic."

If there was any literature on it, Lilie would have to look into it. As she pulled out her phone to check her schedule, however, she caught herself. She would have loved to continue theorizing, but lunchtime meant she was going to go meet up with Aaron. "Actually, I'll just text you my theories, I have to go meet up with someone," She gave him an apologetic look, practically skipping away in a hurry to get to the cafeteria.

Arriving in another huff, Lilie took a second to catch her breath as she pulled out her compact. Every hair was in place, her makeup was perfect, and she couldn't stop smiling. She'd have to work on that last one, she didn't want to come off as weird. Even as she put away her compact to look around, however, she was way too giddy, especially as she found the blond first.

Swelling with a combination of excitement, happiness, and a flutter of butterflies surging through her stomach, Lilie walked forward comfortably. He'd probably see her approaching since he was looking around, but she wasn't really looking to surprise him, so that was fine. Once she reached him, she took a hold of his hand, lacing her fingers in between his.

"Hi," She greeted him. "Waiting long?"

Michail half-listened to the lecture, though in his defense, he had already been made aware of what would be said. He had gone over the night countlessly in his head, and about a dozen times out loud for Tomai to listen to, but no one had any concrete answers for him. To Tomai's credit, the man had a handful of theories that could explain things, but the least important aspect of the event had left everyone befuddled. According to the mage, teleportation magic could ideally work to kidnap someone, so there was no question that had likely been the source. However, it didn't explain why the spear Michail had thrown had disappeared. Either it should have landed on the mysterious kidnapper and interrupted the spell, or the spear should have rebounded on contact with the spell. The fact that it had been swallowed was what was stumping Tomai, since such magic shouldn't exist.

The buzz did little to snap Michail out of his mood, albeit he wasn't exactly trying to hide his displeasure. He looked over at the much calmer Kalliope, watching the woman casually stride over to Sirius. He wanted to chalk up her calmness to her position, but he was a little annoyed. She was as casual here as she had been when he had made his report. Never mind the fact that was apparently the fourth person to disappear without a trace, but he expected something out of her. A reprimand, a word of advice...but no. Not a word other than acknowledgment and to inform the Archbishop.

Letting out a sigh, Michail decided to straighten up a touch as Euphemia approached him. "You're going to make people worry if you keep scowling like that," She couldn't help but tell him.

"Anyone that thinks on it for more than five seconds will understand how serious everything is," He replied. "I don't disagree with the curfew, but the kid might as well have told everyone that the Knights failed."

Euphemia's expression softened. "It wasn't your fault," She told him quietly.

"It was. But that's not what's bothering me right now," He looked around, making sure there wasn't anyone lingering around. "Damage control is fine, but it makes me feel like this is advertising how incompetent we are."

"I think that honesty is the best way to handle the situation," She replied. "Do you think it would've been better to keep everyone in the dark and see them get caught off guard?"

Michail didn't have an adequate response to that. Instead, he looked over to his Lions, watching Lienna. He supposed that maybe he should address that wanton anxiety that was basically radiating off her. At least Auberon and Derec seemed alright, just concerned, and Kellen...well, not much he could do over there.

The Archbishop watched the room at large, quietly taking in a deep breath. He could tell Lysander wasn't too happy about the situation, but he'd be surprised if anyone was actually happy. Sirius stood at his side, as unreadable as ever, but he was certain that the man was in agreement about this direction. Truthfully, there was no shaking off the uncertainty now. The only thing they could do was remain as prepared as possible and hope for the best. At the very least, they wouldn't get caught off guard again as he was certain that keeping people alert was much better than keeping anyone in the dark.

As the thought crossed his mind, for just a second, Ioannis watched as everything became blurry. Blinking rapidly, he shook his head quickly, though his hands shot up to prevent his headpiece from falling. Lysander frowned, gently adjusting the tassels. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes," His response came automatically. "I must not have rested enough."

"Then you should retire to your room for the day," He suggested.

"Having the Archbishop around will ease everyone's worries," Sirius pointed out. "Even you have to admit that you can tell there is concern all around."

"It wouldn't do for him to push himself too much."

Ioannis shook his head again. "You're both right. For today, I will leave my duties to you, Sirius. But I will remain down here to comfort everyone that needs it," He offered a compromise.

"You still look pale," Lysander frowned. "Maybe a break beforehand would help?"

"Excellent suggestion. I will take a break for tea," Ioannis perked up at the idea. "Please inform Clarissa von Edmund and Auberon Galatea so that they may join me at their leisure."

Sirius looked ready to protest, though he said nothing. Lysander seemed much more approving, giving the pair a bow before deciding to approach the students mentioned. Once he was out of earshot, Sirius placed his hand on Ioannis' shoulder. "Try not to push yourself."

Ioannis kept his expression relatively neutral, raising a hand to his head. "I shall try," He replied quietly, gently pushing away Sirius' hand before approaching a nun and instructing her to get the gardens ready.

The redhead wasn't sure what to think of the Archbishop's words if he was being honest. Auberon had an opinion and words of wisdom as usual, though Derec only offered a nod in response. He wasn't going to be making the same mistake twice, especially one that almost cost him his head. If it wasn't for Isolde, he was pretty sure he would've been headless. Speaking of which, he never did get to thank her, did he? He turned in his seat to look over at the Deer, though he was surprised to see them considerably more jovial. He wanted to think that maybe he was just overthinking things, but shouldn't they be a little worried about this? What if one of them disappeared? He looked over to the Eagles, who at least seemed...no, they seemed normal, if Veronica's disinterest was any indication. These people had nerves of steel!

For now, he decided to focus on his own group, figuring that maybe it was better to protect themselves. "Lienna looked frightened," He frowned. "I think she's been on edge for a few weeks now."

He paused as he noticed Lysander approaching the group. "Sorry for the interruption, but the Archbishop wanted to extend an invitation to you, Auberon, and another classmate as well," He said. "If you'll join him, Sister Margaret will be happy to lead you to the gardens for tea." Choosing not to linger, he gave the trio a smile before leaving.

@Scribe of Thoth@ThatCharacter
"If you keep scowling, your face is going to get stuck like that."

"This is my natural face, if you'll believe it," Tomai replied wearily. Why the Captain of the Knights of Seiros decided to bother him was a mystery, but he figured it might be interesting. He did at least stand from his seat, placing a hand on his hip as he gave her his attention. Actually, now that he thought about it, this was probably the second time they've spoken directly. First time, if you didn't count an introduction.

Kalliope seemed amused by his response. "You don't seem happy," She noted.

"You don't seem concerned," Tomai replied dryly. "Are we going to keep pointing out the obvious or did you need something?"

"Fair enough. I had brought up a plan of action to the Archbishop regarding your abilities," She decided to get right to it. "From my understanding, you dorm with the other professors. I'd like to move your sleeping quarters to the cathedral in order to better protect him."

"The professors sleep closer to the students' dorms. If you're telling me that the Archbishop would prioritize himself over the students, then I think you're either ignorant or he already turned down the suggestion and you thought it better to come to me to see if my agreement would have him agree to your plan," He guessed.

"The attack happened outside the Reception Hall, much closer to the church than the dormitories," Kalliope reminded him.

"And a student was spirited away without any entrance to the church," Tomai crossed his arms. "What, are you demoting Michail because he failed?"

"To be prepared is half the victory, Mr. Malathice," Kalliope sighed. "No one is getting demoted, I would prefer to just cover my bases."

Hearing that people were disappearing was rather unsettling. Isolde frowned to herself, though she didn't know what to say. Imogen's random laugh was...in character, though she didn't really have much to say in response to Clarissa's offer. She didn't really have any reasons to be out late and normally dedicated her evenings to studying and prayer. Absently brushing her fingers through her hair, she supposed so long as she followed the curfew, things would be okay.

She did look up as Professor Roland approached them. "Your spirit is admirable, Miss von Edmund," He complimented her first. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Archbishop Ioannis has extended an invitation for you to join him for tea. If you have the time to spare, Sister Margaret can show you to the gardens."

Oh, right, no fun allowed. The only thing that kept Eris from outright booing at the terrible excuse of an "explanation" was common decency. He tilted his head backwards and let out a silent chuckle before looking back at the elder vampire, his eyes barely glazing over. While the lessons were a joke, maybe he would actually need them--this guy was so boring! Some of the things he was talking about was a little interesting, but wow, Eris could just as easily doze off any second now. Maybe he could credit it to being more interested in his dismissed question, but since there was no "evidence" he probably wasn't going to get a proper answer.

Great Anastasia, he couldn't believe anyone could make history so dull. Eris let himself relax a touch, figuring he could just mentally go over his to-do list and quiz the Eve kid on any interesting points. Maybe he could record the lecture in the future discreetly and have Maxwell--no, all that would do is have a crumpled recorder pressed into his forehead. Or worse, he could tell him the wrong information on purpose. Man, that kid was an unreliable dick, but at least he was entertaining.

Eris tuned in just in time for ol' Benji to pipe up. His lips widened into a smile, the blond staring directly at the Eve. "I happen to know him very well. Here, I'll introduce you," He rummaged through his pockets, pulling out a mirror compact and placing it on Benji's lap. "He's kind of an asshole and doesn't really stand a chance, but between you and me, I'm rooting for him."

Ugh, this was hard. Why was this so hard?! Lilie didn't want to admit it, but she was struggling. Why was she struggling so much?! Actually, she knew the answer to that since her previous semester had basically drilled it into her head that her affinity was stubborn when it came to being apart from her. Still, she was just as stubborn, refusing to give up. Still, it was like peeling away wet clothes that clung to her skin. It was possible, and the clothes were heavy, but the water made it more difficult than it needed to.

When Max spoke, Lilie lost all concentration. She opened her mouth to respond, though he quickly retracted his question. She closed her mouth, looking back to the front of the classroom. Okay, rude, but she supposed it was fair. Still, his question turned the gears in her head, especially as she remembered the last time they talked about their respective affinities.

"I would think yes in your case," She told him slowly as she tried to concentrate again. "After what you said before, though, I'd think that maybe you should try the opposite of what everyone does. Affinities usually have to have magic pushed outwards, but since your magic consistently pulls everything to you and you'd have to consciously push everything away, it'd be harder for you to learn the way everyone else does. Maybe try it outside or something to get the hang of it better and then try it slowly in other places that have less metal, like...a gym or an empty room that only has wooden furniture."

Lilie exhaled as she let her magic collapse back into her, letting out a sigh. "Why are you so clingy...!" She whispered to her magic in frustration. It was her affinity lesson all over again!

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