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starting off 2022 with COVID LESSGOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Whoever says "the customer is always right" has not worked with atual customers.


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fuck you i'm still gonna post

fuck you i'm still gonna post

Then post do I look like the police the fuck you want me to do
For any potential stalkers/lurkers, RP is on hiatus til after the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Due to both getting super sick and the holidays looming around the corner as well, putting this on a temporary hiatus until after the holidays as I did with my other roleplays. Merry Christmas!

holiday hiatus friendo, merry xmas

As if on cue, the blonde cat in question slinked through the door, letting out a small mewl of disapproval as the door hit her. Despite the rudeness, she sauntered into the locker room without any hesitation. Following the sounds of the conversation, she rounded the corner until her eyes landed on the blue butterfly. Lowering herself to the ground, she made an impressive leap onto the sink. The butterfly let out another glow, sinking into the mirror as it emitted a blue light.

Jumping in after the butterfly, Mira chased the butterfly down the short corridor, coming to a halt near a pair of doors that looked very much like the ones that led to the gym. One door was continuously swinging open and closed, as if the hinge was loose, though as she touched it, both doors swung open.

At first glance, one could easily mistake it for being back in the school as the wide area before them resembled the gym. On a second glance, however, several things were off. The variety of stairs on the walls leading to other rooms differed, and a various number of silhouettes ran around the room. A whistle was blown on occasion, basketballs were thrown in sync into the hoops. Upon closer inspection, the silhouettes were exhausted, their limbs shaking as they ran and jumped and did their best to keep up.

Above everything was a balcony overlooking it all with a figure watching over the scene. As soon as Mira looked at him, however, he turned and left through the door. "Is this the school...?" Mira frowned, crossing her arms.

My family is on a vacation atm, and I might not have a CS posted for a while.

I'm considering starting this up after the holiday as I hadn't noticed how close it was when I originally posted it


The response was a pathetic one, but admittedly Derec wasn't entirely sure how to reply. Granted, his paranoia had him decidedly on edge, but he supposed so long as his identity was kept under wraps, he would likely be fine. Unfortunately, maybe because of that, he could just as likely be thrown to the wolves to save the more valuable nobles. That would be extremely convenient to those that saw him as an obstacle, too. Still, he was just as concerned for his friends--teammates? They were more than acquaintances for sure--and their safety. If anyone did try to go after Kellen, at least he was sure he'd intervene in some way or another.

Once Lysander informed Auberon of the invitation, Derec frowned to himself. If the faculty was calm, then they should be, too, right? He pushed those thoughts aside once Auberon gave his last comment on Lienna. At least Kellen was willing to go along with him.

"Let's just check up on her, this sort of news could be scary for a girl," Derec suggested as he rose from his seat. Nevermind that he remembered much too late that he was the one that had caused her to leave their team session, but he hoped Kellen's presence would mitigate her hatred of him. He paused for a moment as a thought crossed his mind. "Do you think this has anything to do with Luin?" He lowered his voice, figuring it was better to be safe.

Jorah's voice brought Isolde out of her thoughts as her fingers released her hair. Nervous? She didn't feel nervous. She wondered if she was unintentionally coming off that way. As he leaned back, she sat up a touch to straighten her back. She didn't want anyone coming to comfort her or assume she was a wreck. Then again, getting lost in thought didn't really look good either.

Her eyes followed Jorah as he leaned back and spoke of the curfew. It didn't really surprise her to learn that their leader thought little of the threat, and it wasn't surprising to learn he wouldn't take the curfew seriously. The only thing that did surprise her was that he didn't immediately go to Clarissa and chose her to address instead. Her initial response was to decline, though the words never came. It wasn't wise to invite that sort of talk, but this was probably the first time he acknowledged her. This could be seen as an opportunity.

Crossing one leg over the other, Isolde leaned back in her seat, looking upwards. She did not like that thought. And yet, she said, "The company would be appreciated...especially after hours." Her voice was quieter, words meant just for his ears. Outwardly, she was rather calm, but inwardly she would have liked nothing more than to just keel over right then and there. And she had the audacity to do this in the Goddess' view!

Small bump is small
@Hammerman I wasn't able to finish the whole sheet, but the bio is up on the Chosen's CS in the character tab.
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