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@McMolly@Supermaxx@Asura up up and away
In times of drought, shed tears of sympathy.
In summers cold, walk in concern and empathy.

Stand aloof of the unknowing masses:
Better dismissed as useless than flattered as a "Great Man".

This is my goal, the person I strive to become.

Where It Always Rains


Utsubyo is a place many have heard of but seldom visit; as the last train stop before the port city of Kagoshima, Utsubyo is known throughout the prefecture as a dead-end place. Most that are born there stay for the rest of their lives, often bogged down with either too few options or dark temptations that end up in the worst of outcomes. The few that manage to leave often resolve to never come back, and for good reason. While the education system holds the same standards as the rest of the prefecture, most teachers are apathetic at best and outright hostile at worst.

Yet life goes on.

The second-years at Utsubyo High School are fresh into the new year, ready to take on school, their daily lives, and the future. Will they see the sun break through the clouds, or will they let themselves get swept away?


- The town's high school. The building is older than most, though rumor has it the town wishes to renovate it soon.

- A train station with several vending machines. It is maintained very well.

- A park built by veterans some decades ago, the grass is mostly dried out. The park is infamous for having a single bench and one oddly colorful slide. No one knows why there isn't more park equipment.

- A popular and trendy cafe close to the train station. Its owner, Ariyoshi-san, prioritizes customer service and high standards. Now serving boba!

- Convenience store. Open from 5 a.m. to midnight.

- A pachinko parlor where time is spent gambling. Despite its cheery name, the building looks depressing outside, with some stating that it's rare to win at any games within.

-Farmlands located on the west where you can enjoy picking seasonal fruit. These include early summer cherries, rare for Kansai fruit parks, along with blueberries, grapes, chestnuts, sweet potatoes and apples. They also have a shop that sells handmade gelato and souvenirs for the tourists that explore the town.

- One of the few places in town that are held to higher standards. The houses are older but grand, owned by older, wealthier folks. Most houses are unoccupied but tended to by hired help to ensure they're ready for their owners to return during their breaks.

- A Karaoke place in the city. Popular among students as they get a discount.

- A luxurious hotel in the city. They're located on the edge of town across the fields.

If we're cool and you wanna come be sadboys, DM me otherwise if we're strangers pls stay away sorry

In times of drought, shed tears of sympathy.
In summers cold, walk in concern and empathy.

Stand aloof of the unknowing masses:
Better dismissed as useless than flattered as a "Great Man".

This is my goal, the person I strive to become.

Where It Always Rains


Utsubyo is a place many have heard of but seldom visit; as the last train stop before the port city of Kagoshima, Utsubyo is known throughout the prefecture as a dead-end place. Most that are born there stay for the rest of their lives, often bogged down with either too few options or dark temptations that end up in the worst of outcomes. The few that manage to leave often resolve to never come back, and for good reason. While the education system holds the same standards as the rest of the prefecture, most teachers are apathetic at best and outright hostile at worst.

Yet life goes on.

The second-years at Utsubyo High School are fresh into the new year, ready to take on school, their daily lives, and the future. Will they see the sun break through the clouds, or will they let themselves get swept away?


- The town's high school. The building is older than most, though rumor has it the town wishes to renovate it soon.

- A train station with several vending machines. It is maintained very well.

- A park built by veterans some decades ago, the grass is mostly dried out. The park is infamous for having a single bench and one oddly colorful slide. No one knows why there isn't more park equipment.

- A popular and trendy cafe close to the train station. Its owner, Ariyoshi-san, prioritizes customer service and high standards. Now serving boba!

- Convenience store. Open from 5 a.m. to midnight.

- A pachinko parlor where time is spent gambling. Despite its cheery name, the building looks depressing outside, with some stating that it's rare to win at any games within.

-Farmlands located on the west where you can enjoy picking seasonal fruit. These include early summer cherries, rare for Kansai fruit parks, along with blueberries, grapes, chestnuts, sweet potatoes and apples. They also have a shop that sells handmade gelato and souvenirs for the tourists that explore the town.

- One of the few places in town that are held to higher standards. The houses are older but grand, owned by older, wealthier folks. Most houses are unoccupied but tended to by hired help to ensure they're ready for their owners to return during their breaks.

- A Karaoke place in the city. Popular among students as they get a discount.

- A luxurious hotel in the city. They're located on the edge of town across the fields.

If we're cool and you wanna come be sadboys, DM me otherwise if we're strangers pls stay away sorry

"やれ やれ。。。このグループは困っています。" Kazuki muttered, deciding to drink. He immediately regretted it, not realizing that Graves had given him ale instead of literally anything else. His face scrunched up in displeasure, the taste disagreeing with him. He thought it would be better than this judging by how people had a tendency to chug entire glasses down in a manner of seconds. He nearly pushed it away, but as Graves had already given it to him, it would be entirely rude to reject it. He forced himself to gulp it down as quickly as he could, figuring that getting it over with was better than prolonging his suffering.

That said, he didn't like where the conversation was going, either. Firstly, he wasn't keen on Graves' comment--what, did he think he relied on someone else to get what he did? Kazuki could proudly say his fortune had been attained entirely on his own merit. That said, he disagreed entirely with Graves' plan. Angering the locals was the opposite way to go about things. His eyes trailed after Graves as he approached some girl he didn't recognize. Another stranger, another problem. Fortunately, Kazuki wasn't a fool who made the same mistake twice; he would keep his opinion to himself. He had more important things to worry about.

Alja seemed to agree with him, though once again he wasn't sure why he was getting yelled at. Maybe it was because she assumed he agreed with his brother. How tedious, even when he was quiet he got yelled at. He ended up drinking his drink solely so he would have time to think to himself, and despite his tastebuds protesting, he did finally finish the gross stuff, at least. He let Seele finish, though what she said gave him an idea.

"Two cents never made you rich," He uttered to himself, though he straightened up to address the rest. "Actually, in regards to our gear, I can invest what I have here into upgrading everyone here. And with better gear, we can return to clearing out the dungeons. With dungeons being cleared, we can restore our reputation and hope other guilds follow suit."

Except that meant that they would have to go back to...well, clearing dungeons. And that thought alone made Kazuki feel sick. Or was that his drink?

As Kazuki's trip to the castle had been for naught, he made sure to spend the early hours playing. At the very least, the merchants weren't opposed to his playing. Some passersby tipped him as they usually did, though he'd be lying if he said he couldn't sense the hostility some had for him. He wondered what the denizens thought of him. On the one hand, he was an adventurer, but on the other, he never really did much adventuring, did he? His focus had always been on the creative side of the game. His crafting and playing were leagues higher than his combat abilities. He had a few awards for some "server first" on maxing out his musical skills, and used most of his time just lounging around the plaza playing songs. Either his reputation meant he was out of the same scrutiny, or...it was worse.

Whatever the case, once he figured the rest of the crew was up and about, he pocketed his earnings and decided to end his song. He spotted Marianna at a merchant's stall as she waved at him. He really didn't want to be on the bad side of the NPCs, but at this point, it was probably better to come up with a solid plan instead of speculating. Once he returned the wave, he set off to the meeting place. Fortunately, it seemed like he arrived at a good time. He listened to the conversation as he took his seat, pulling his bag in front of him to count out what he had made. Well, the tips seemed to make what he usually did, so he would take that as a good sign for now.

Once Graves finished speaking, Kazuki looked up. "Considering we're shirking our one and only duty, I doubt that a small group of wayfarers taking on one dungeon would gain any gratitude," He stated, securing his bag. "The hostility between denizen and adventurer grows by the day, too. I'd like to think meeting with the Queen would resolve the tension, but I'm not so sure anymore."

He paused for a moment. "Graves brings up a good point. We have to sustain ourselves somehow. That said, a majority of my wealth is located in Iblenar," He informed them. "My income hasn't been impacted yet and I could support everyone with what I have here, but it would be finite."

Not wanting to stop on a negative note, he continued, "I also still have my crafting skills, so I can maintain our gear and weapons well enough. I can also cook when needed, so if you find yourself hungry, I can feed you," He looked down at the papers Kazuma had, frowning. "I suppose it's a question of what problem to handle first: do we find a way to go out in order to gain income or should we try stabilizing ourselves?"

All these "m" names tho
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