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"Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow, for the heart has no metrics or forms of measure. And all of it... irreplaceable."

Her words were drowned out in the bustle of the town outside, though they weren't aimed at anyone in particular. Fictional stories were not her first choice of reading, but sometimes she came across a line or two that raised an eyebrow, or at the very least kept her reading. This one's plot was fairly simple--a prince that had the weight of his kingdom on his shoulders. His conflict arose as duty and emotion clashed, surrounded by enemies at nearly every turn, his only comfort coming from a peasant girl that he had met in his youth. Compelling, but she had read similar stories where the girl ended up dying, so she hoped that this one would end differently.

Making a note of where she left off, Eila placed the book aside as she approached the open window. Soft Haven was so much smaller than what she was used to. Louder in comparison, somehow, but it had its own charm. With a well-rested night and a quaint breakfast consumed, she supposed it was time to get out to the streets and go to the Bounty House. She had allowed herself this stay as the carriage ride had been rough, but she knew going forward she would have to consider frugality.

Leaving that thought behind, Eila gathered her belongings and fastened her traveling cloak around her. While she wasn't incognito, the hood did give her a small sense of comfort. She exited her room, remembering to thank the innkeeper before she left the inn entirely. She had remembered to ask for directions to the Bounty House so she wouldn't be completely lost, but once she had stepped outside, the small sense of comfort she had quickly gave away to an unusual unease.

No, no time for fear. She mentally scolded herself, ignoring that her first few steps were hesitant and a little meek before she regained her usual stride. She was well-educated, confident, and had something to prove. She headed to the Bounty House, though her pace was slowed as she couldn't help but look around a little.

damn 3 months no posts where you at @TGM

Training naked was...new. Celeste raised an eyebrow at the chatty warrior as the trio headed inside. What sort of training required stripping down? It sounded a little barbaric. Commoners must have a field day with such a suggestion. Her own education was nowhere near as colorful, though she wasn't much of a physical fighter in the first place. She decided not to comment on that for now, but she did agree that it was better to be out from the cold.

She had only been out in the cold briefly, so she wasn't as relieved to be back inside. Sanji didn't speak at all, though Kallun carried much of the conversation. He went so far as to suggest a race of sorts. Celeste let out a genuine laugh at that. Running? In these heels? He certainly had a sense of humor, these may not have been her dancing heels, but they were far too fine to ruin just to jostle along a road in a race she was unlikely to win.

"You're asking a mage to partake in a race?" She asked Kallun, raising an eyebrow. "Darling, I'm a dancer, not a runner. If I wanted to run around, I would have chosen better footwear. Not to mention these heels were worth more than the furniture in this room."

If she wanted to be a runner, she would have chosen to be a swordsman, not a bard.

The first drag was like a nice shower washing away all the grime and filth of the day, cleansing and soothing. The sensation was probably one of many reasons she did it, but it was definitely her favorite thing in the world. Unfortunately, where relief and a tiny rush of satisfaction should have been, instead it was snatched away with the arrival of...actually, being interrupted period was enough to ruin her mood. She did recognize that she was a little more irritable than usual at the moment, so she did her best to stay as neutral as possible.

She did, however, lift her gaze from her cigarette to look at whoever decided to talk to her. And she lifted that gaze up high--Mr. Transfer had been the one that decided to talk to her. Outside. And was asking for a cigarette. He definitely followed her and she was definitely not as careful as she should have been. Well, at least he wasn't looking to narc on her, so that was good.

That did, however, leave her in a weird position. Her eyes flickered from her cigarette to his eyes as she deliberated. She wasn't exactly the sharing type in the first place, but these things were hard to come by considering she had little funds and could only pilfer so much from her father's stash before he would notice. Still, she did feel a little bad for the guy; he was stuck here of all places and apparently hadn't had a smoke for days. Days! She almost lost it over a few hours. Though that did say more about her than anything, but that wasn't the point.

Oh, fine, she could give him one. She could be nice sometimes.

Once her mind was made up, she placed her own cigarette between her lips for a second as she opened up the little box again. Thumbing up another one, she plucked it out and stuffed the pack back into her pocket. "Here," She offered the cigarette. "I can't guarantee you'll have too long with it, it's probably gonna start pouring any second now."

A bad attempt at conversation? Sure. But it was better than just standing around awkwardly, right?

It was easier said than done.

Still, it wasn't like Alja was going to let Kazuki get away at this point. To her credit, her words were logical and along the lines of encouraging. He stared at Alja for a second, though he didn't respond, instead choosing to stuff his hands into his pockets. This was the pain of having to interact with people, wasn't it? Now that he thought about it, on top of every other problem they were having, Kazuki wasn't used to being this...social. If one could call it that, anyway.

He didn't say much of anything, more focused on sobering up as he resumed the walk wordlessly. He wasn't expecting much out of this little trip, though that was more his pragmatism speaking. If Prisillica managed to rally people, maybe, but as far as he was aware, Aaginim's death still had the place pretty grim. It would be nice if he was surprised, but he wouldn't hold his breath. And even in the slight chance where things could be moving, Luci was still an obstacle. His own involvement aside, he was certain she held resentment towards their entire group in general.

The numerous murmurs picked up in volume once Ryusei finished speaking. Touga let out a tiny sigh; she had thought that the class would be a little more excited, but it seemed Totsuka made quite the impression. Whether it was good or bad was yet to be seen, and she would rather give the benefit of the doubt before making any snap judgments. Whatever the case was, however, it was time to start. She clapped her hands together twice, gathering everyone's attention.

"Thank you for your introductions Shimizu and Totsuka," She started, though she didn't fail to notice some whispers popping up after the latter's name. "Now, I'll go ahead and take attendance, and then we can go ahead and start the day."

The period was mostly going over the syllabus and fielding questions. There was a mini-election as students voted for their class representative, but otherwise, it seemed like a typical class. The novel they would be reading was handed out, and eventually, the bell would free them of the class. The next class, mathematics, was taught by the ever-exhausted Yokoyama. He seemed low energy, but at the very least knew what he was doing, answering most questions with ease and explaining himself carefully. After that came the rigid Sugimoto Katsumi. She seemed to take no prisoners, scolding those who answered wrong and expressed her disappointment with the youth multiple times. The last class before their break was physical education, and while the first day seemed typical, several murmurs would let those in the know that getting Eto Mitsuo as their instructor meant they were in for a rough time.

But once all that was said and done, it was on to...

Break Time

Most students opted to bring their own lunches, visiting their friends in different classrooms to eat together. While the school had no designated area for the lunch store, instead there was a lunch cart that was pushed through the halls, stopping to sell students sandwiches, bread, soup, or an assortment of fruit. If anyone missed the cart, they only needed to wait until it came back, as each floor had its own that went back and forth until it had nothing left to sell.

Once the bell signaled the start of their break, the clouds rumbled in the distance. It really looked like the universe was doing whatever it would take to rob Shiori of her cigarette. Fortunately, she was well aware that thunder didn't mean it was going to rain right away, and if she just grabbed something quick, she could stuff her face and get a smoke before it rained. Her leg had gotten a little jittery. Well, she hadn't had a smoke in a few days now, so some withdrawal was probably expected. Maybe?

Shiori rummaged through her bag, her eyes darting up to make sure Hatsu wasn't watching her as she stuffed both her pack and lighter into her pocket. "Go ahead and eat without me, I need to take care of some stuff," She told Ichika, ignoring her puppy-dog look as she walked past her and out of the classroom with a single book in hand. She made sure no one was watching before descending the stairs, pushing the door open and stepping outside.

Taking out her pack, she hummed to herself as she placed a cigarette between her lips. Flicking her lighter open, she covered the flame with one hand and inhaled, pocketing both lighter and pack before exhaling. Finally.

"Connect the thing to the...zzz...wires...zzz...and then change the energy levels to conserve--zzz..."

The already-jumbled jargon came in and out between snores and grumbling, the young man in question pulling off the impressive feat of falling asleep cross-legged with his face smushed against the wall. The exposed panel to his right was relatively untouched as his intention was a minor band-aid fix that'd hold until they eventually docked somewhere, but the whole "getting a good night's sleep" eluded him and he passed out. In his defense, his night was much more productive when he wasn't wasting it away sleeping. And considering he managed to get an entire percent of energy conserved in his 'bot, it was well worth it.

In his right hand was a wrench that his fingers had barely hung onto. It moved every time he breathed, slowly inching away from his loose grip. Eventually, it slipped out, hitting the floor with a 'clang' that woke the kid up. "I didn't do it!" Bolt blurted out immediately, albeit when he saw he was alone, his shoulders slumped considerably and he had to fight the urge to lay down on the floor and doze off again. His sleepy eyes looked at the panel, and after letting out a yawn, he tightened up some screws before placing the panel back where it was.

He supposed the best thing to do was to report the temporary fix to the bridge, but that was also kinda far away and he didn't feel like going all the way over there just yet. Besides, for once, he wasn't doing anything wrong, so he could get away with a nap, right?

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