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Please keep in mind that I won't be accepting any characters under the age of eighteen. Characters should have natural hair colors (a bright red is alright but no blues or pinks, for example). Bonus points if you can nab a picture of your ruler, too.

"May The Blessing Of The Crystal Go With You."

"It is those with power who must protect the fragility of peace."
- Emperor Frederick II

The year is 497. Valisthea is experiencing an abundance of resources from its land, and after many years of fighting over the Drake's Tail Mothercrystal, the realms have come together to declare the Isles of Ark a neutral territory. And thus, the Crystalline Dominion came to be, a place representing the current peace of the realm. As a gesture of goodwill, the realms have sent forth their Dominants as representatives to join in the festivities. There will be wine to share, relations to form, and memories to make.

State of the World

Valisthea is experiencing a rare time of peace. The continents of Storm and Ash have come together to form the Crystalline Dominion, but this was at the price of heavy wars that have scarred their lands and people. Most of the rulers have looked inward to handle their internal affairs, focusing on rebuilding their realms and mending fences with their neighbors. There are few that haven't been affected by the wars and the continents sigh in relief, eager to embrace peace.

The exception to this is Haearann, as their lack of a Mothercrystal has left them with few blessings, and as a result they continue to raid the coastline of Storm. After the last clash of Garuda and Phoenix, however, they have been suspiciously quiet. There is a rumor they were approached by a Sanbrequois scholar on talks of negotiating trade, but few know the results of their meeting. Still, there is clearly trouble brewing, with astrologers seeing another struggle coming in the near future...

Eikons and Dominants

The Eikons are the most powerful and deadly creatures in Valisthea. Each resides within a Dominant—a single man or woman who is blessed with the ability to call upon their dread power. In some nations these Dominants are treated as royalty in admiration of this strength—in others they are bound in fear of it, and forced to serve as weapons of war. History records eight Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity—one warden each of fire, water, thunder, ice, wind, earth, light, and darkness. Those who are destined to be Dominants cannot escape their fate, however cruel it may be.

Dominant of Phoenix, Warden of Fire: [OPEN]
Dominant of Shiva, Warden of Ice: [OPEN]
Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder: @Obscene Symphony
Dominant of Garuda, Warden of Wind: @Scribe of Thoth
Dominant of Titan, Warden of Earth: [OPEN]
Dominant of Leviathan, Warden of Water: [OPEN]
Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light: [OPEN]
Dominant of Odin, Warden of Darkness: [OPEN]

Common Knowledge

The Realms of Valisthea

Application Expectations:
I'm looking for a small group to play with and sheets will be picked on merit, not first-come-first-served. Please note that with the exception of Leviathan and Odin, each Dominant application is also responsible for their respective realm. Many of the Dominants hold relevant roles within their realms and tend to hold high positions. For example, if you plan on applying for the Dominant of Phoenix, you will need to also create the Archduke's family, and a small blurb depicting them is expected with the character sheet. The applications for Bahamut and Odin are going to be more judged than the others, while Leviathan has more freedom so long as they end up agreeing to protect the newly formed Crystalline Dominion.

As for the reserved Dominants, if you would like to challenge that and think you can make a better sheet than them, then go for it. :)





"May The Blessing Of The Crystal Go With You."

"It is those with power who must protect the fragility of peace."
- Emperor Frederick II

The year is 497. Valisthea is experiencing an abundance of resources from its land, and after many years of fighting over the Drake's Tail Mothercrystal, the realms have come together to declare the Isles of Ark a neutral territory. And thus, the Crystalline Dominion came to be, a place representing the current peace of the realm. As a gesture of goodwill, the realms have sent forth their Dominants as representatives to join in the festivities. There will be wine to share, relations to form, and memories to make.

State of the World

Valisthea is experiencing a rare time of peace. The continents of Storm and Ash have come together to form the Crystalline Dominion, but this was at the price of heavy wars that have scarred their lands and people. Most of the rulers have looked inward to handle their internal affairs, focusing on rebuilding their realms and mending fences with their neighbors. There are few that haven't been affected by the wars and the continents sigh in relief, eager to embrace peace.

The exception to this is Haearann, as their lack of a Mothercrystal has left them with few blessings, and as a result they continue to raid the Storm continent. After the last clash of Garuda and Phoenix, however, they have been suspiciously quiet. There is a rumor they were approached by a Sanbrequois scholar on talks of negotiating trade, but few know the results of their meeting. Still, there is clearly trouble brewing, with astrologers seeing another struggle coming in the near future...

Eikons and Dominants

The Eikons are the most powerful and deadly creatures in Valisthea. Each resides within a Dominant—a single man or woman who is blessed with the ability to call upon their dread power. In some nations these Dominants are treated as royalty in admiration of this strength—in others they are bound in fear of it, and forced to serve as weapons of war. History records eight Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity—one warden each of fire, water, thunder, ice, wind, earth, light, and darkness. Those who are destined to be Dominants cannot escape their fate, however cruel it may be.

Dominant of Phoenix, Warden of Fire: [OPEN]
Dominant of Shiva, Warden of Ice: [OPEN]
Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder: @Obscene Symphony
Dominant of Garuda, Warden of Wind: @Scribe of Thoth
Dominant of Titan, Warden of Earth: [OPEN]
Dominant of Leviathan, Warden of Water: [OPEN]
Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light: [OPEN]
Dominant of Odin, Warden of Darkness: [OPEN]

The Realms of Valisthea

Application Expectations:
Please note that with the exception of Leviathan and Odin, each Dominant application is also responsible for their respective realm. Many of the Dominants hold relevant roles within their realms and tend to hold high positions. For example, if you plan on applying for the Dominant of Phoenix, you will need to also create the Archduke's family, and a small blurb depicting them is expected with the character sheet. The applications for Bahamut and Odin are going to be more judged than the others, while Leviathan has more freedom so long as they end up agreeing to protect the newly formed Crystalline Dominion.

As for the reserved Dominants, if you would like to challenge that and think you can make a better sheet than them, then go for it. :)

Please keep in mind that I won't be accepting any characters under the age of eighteen. Characters should have natural hair colors (a bright red is alright but no blues or pinks, for example). Bonus points if you can nab a picture of your ruler, too.

ALT TITLE fontmeme.com/permalink/230825/6715552…

People of Note Table
Patriarch of the Crystalline Orthodox
High Priest of the Greagorian Church
Emperor of Sanbreque
some rando thats gonna keep the cast together
some whacky dude scared of magic

Shield her knees--how ridiculous! Eila didn't think Liliann would be this stubborn about things. She pursed her lips in clear disproval, though she made sure to keep a tab on the conversation. Their aether hadn't changed at all, though she knit her eyebrows together once she could feel something change. Ceolfric must have done something, and sure enough, not even a minute later, the man was informing Ceolfric of everything they were doing. The thought bothered Eila a little; she didn't like the idea of anyone rooting around in her mind, let alone compel her to spill her thoughts out. Even if she wasn't hiding her status, she liked to keep her thoughts in her head and nowhere else.

Still, all the conversation proved was that Eila was right. "See? Just a pair of loafers who have had one too many," She whispered to Liliann, vindicated. "Honestly...I'll return to the others. At least try to de-escalate if he decides to wet his blade, won't you?"

The elf kept her grumbling to a minimum as she made her way back, sitting on her feet as she noticed Cerric awake. She waved away any concern. "A pair of drunkards from the Conclave, from what they claim. Ceolfric is speaking with them."

Tsubasa watched Fumiko bow, glad to see her accept. That said, though, he was well aware he wasn't in any state to go help out. Keiko was right, it was probably better to go clean up a little before helping out. Making himself presentable probably wouldn't take too long, though he'd have to take care to dress a little more warmly. Even now, away from the flames, the cold was slowly starting to bite at his exposed skin, crawling through his clothes. Fortunately, Keiko was keeping him warm as she held him close, though he knew he'd eventually have to part from her.

He looked to Keiko to suggest she go ahead and he would meet her there, but the arrival of someone else to the forge interrupted his thoughts. There was a twofold surprise for the group: the first was that it was an entirely unfamiliar face. The village wasn't one that was very welcoming of outsiders that had been here for a while like Keiko, let alone ones that seemingly came out of nowhere. The second was that the man had something strange on his hip. Their elder had very specific requirements about what sorts of tools were to be used and who could use them, but he had never seen anything like that before. The unknown gave him some unease--who this man was and what he wanted were unclear. But a 'captain' meant there were others, weren't there?

Tsubasa gently pried himself out of Keiko's grip, squeezing her arm in what he hoped was assurance. He gave Fumiko a small smile before walking towards the new face, putting himself between him and the other two. Mio, fortunately, was likely in the back and wouldn't poke her head out, he hoped. He could take care of the man's needs quickly and be rid of him sooner than later.

For now, he would hope for the best. "Good morning, and welcome," He greeted the man kindly. "What can I help you with?"
[@Forge Peeps]

Things were finally going their way, it looked like--no army of backup was waiting outside the door. Lyra's butterflies hung in the air as she looked around, muttering, "Tiltoure," to make sure she wasn't unwittingly walking into anyone looking to get the jump on her. The coast was clear and this was their exit, the sight of Commander Agavee in the distance freeing her of any worry. She let out the tiniest sigh of relief, though she knew it wasn't over just yet. The rescue wasn't finished until they were out of there, and Roan was still--

Her thoughts paused there as she shut her eyes. They were too late to save Marie and Dylan wasn't faring well, either. Roan was alright last she checked, but maybe she had been optimistic in hoping to save them all.

Pushing those thoughts aside for the moment, she sprinted back in just in time to watch Hasgad crumple to the ground, her butterflies following her and hovering above everyone. She approached the Inquisitor, scoffing a touch. If this was the sort of person to gain that rank, she wasn't going to be afraid of any of them from now on. Alderman needed to raise the bar. Donovan seemed to have lived the electrocution, though she noticed Roan's arm had taken a hit. As much as she wanted to check if he was okay, the onslaught of backup mages told her it was time to go. But first, she got to save the Astorio. What a great day, even if he likely wouldn't see it as such.

"Actendrelle!" She cast the shield between Chadwick and the rest, making sure every single spell slung was blocked. "We're leaving! Quinn, grab Dylan and anyone else that can't walk well! Everyone else, move it!" She ordered.

Her butterflies joined the shield, circling the edges ominously. As soon as she last spell hit, she dismissed the shield and threw the hoard at their attackers. The butterflies promptly surged forth, popping into flames that merged with one another until a giant fireball was shot down the hallway.

Tsubasa's initial joy at Keiko's acceptance quickly turned to confusion. He did what to his shirt? Looking down at himself, he supposed she had reason to make her comment. Then again, he was so used to it that he didn't even bother noticing until it was pointed out. That wouldn't do at all, especially since Keiko was already clean and dressed and ready to go. Maybe they could continue the conversation as well, and he could get to the bottom of her sidestepping his other comment.

"You're right, it'll be on me, then. I promise I'll put on something clean, too, of course," He laughed, wiping his brow again. He was about to ask if she was willing to give him a few minutes to clean up before someone else approached the forge.

The arrival of Fumiko was a surprise--he was visited by two people today!--and he straightened up a touch as she spoke. It was nice to hear Hayashi was going to be performing again this year, though he was a little surprised to hear that Fumiko was helping her out. Then again, Fumiko did like to do things around the village, same as he whenever he had the time. It was also nice to see the community come together to help one another, so maybe he shouldn't be too surprised.

Before he could respond, Keiko replied to Fumiko first. Ah, she called him Tsu, that's so cute! Did she finally accept his own nickname for her? It did make him a little happy, though he was confused as she looped her arm around his. Wasn't she just complaining about how sweaty he was?

As she gazed up at him, he shrugged. "We could go help them out, then come back here and get ready before we enjoy ourselves?" He asked her. "If it's okay with you, Kei-chan."

Huh, now that Keiko mentioned it, Tsubasa supposed he never did see her around whenever the festivities popped up. He always assumed that she was busy or that there was work to be done; he remembered the many, many times that Tetsu would suddenly unload a bunch of last-minute orders on him, and sometimes that resulted in him missing out on a majority of the fun. She seemed entirely indifferent to it, the complete opposite of his own lament anytime he'd been so caught up in his work that it was too late to do anything meaningful.

At the very least she didn't linger on the subject for too long, though he wasn't expecting her next comment. The barrage of questions caught him a little off guard, eyes widening just a touch as she even went so far as to approach him. Wait, why didn't he consider asking her? Clearly that was the way to go! It was a good idea, he could wrap up what he was doing and they'd be on their way in no time!

But even as the thought crossed his mind, he scratched the back of his head with a small frown on his face. "Um, no, that wasn't why, but--well, actually, I would like to go with you. If you'll have me, of course," He dropped his hand as he spoke, deciding he would get that out of the way. "We can go see everyone's hard work, get something to eat, enjoy the shows that get put on, and of course the main attraction."

He paused for a moment. "...But I mean, even if I wasn't around, there's nothing wrong with going on your own, too. I've had to do it a few times myself. You're still a part of the village, and that means you get to have as much fun as everyone else, too, you know."
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