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Tomai Malathice

Dark Flier
Crest of Lamine - Detection

The Black Eagles' Professor. A graduate of Adrestia's top magic college, Tomai made a small name for himself refining Crest-discovery devices for the masses. His knowledge is only second to his wit, and while he would much rather be alone studying, he assures his students that he keeps an open door policy. Oddly enough, he does not seem to worship Seiros, having little interest in the Goddess and her teachings.

Michail Kalonic
Holy Knight

The Blue Lions' Professor. A Knight of Seiros who is tasked with protecting the students, the only thing he likes more than a good fight is a beautiful person at his side. He's extremely easy going and loves to socialize, always up for a quick chat or spar even with a pile of paperwork waiting on his desk. Despite his flaws, he has a good sense of justice for all and became a professor to make a difference in the world.

Euphemia Kalonic
Bow Knight

The Golden Deer's Professor. Formerly a renowned socialite in Faerghus society, she is a charming woman with an apparent sweet-and-spicy deposition. It has some merit; she is as sweet as she is hot headed, quick to jump to someone's aide but just as fast to start up an argument. Either way she usually insists on keeping up the nicer side of her, perky and peppy most of the time. She cherishes her students and friends and seeks to keep everyone on good terms.

Kaira Simeon

The Academy's nurse. She was formerly a cleric, having an extraordinary talent in healing from a young age. She has been with the church her whole life and yearns to explore Fódlan, but says she is needed at Garreg Mach. Not much is known about her otherwise as she has a tendency to keep people at arms' length.


The new Archbishop and Ascelpius' former apprentice, Ioannis has been with the church his whole life. He was abandoned as an infant on the church's steps and taken in, and at the age of five had heard a revelation from the Goddess. Despite his young age of only twelve summers, he is dedicated to the people and will do everything he can to help those in need.

The Knotwood Fishery

Huo's victory had left the captain completely trapped, the man spouting a variety of nonsense. The fisherman, Bido, poked his head out from the fishery, in awe of the scene before him. The people that had stuck around out of sheer curiosity were also in quiet awe of the scene that had unfolded before them. A few courageous kids approached the ice, surprised that the captain had been detained.

Bido approached Huo, looking him up and down. "Well! I guess the swamp people really do have their own way of doing things," He noted, scratching his head. He looked towards the town, letting out a huff. "Guess I should wait 'till things settle down, but uh...if you're looking to play some shogi later, ask for Ena. She'll show you a good game." His words likely made little sense but he said them low enough only for Huo to hear.

The Streets of Lazhou

Zai's sudden flames had Ena on alert, although she put both her hands up in front of her as he noticed the shift from question to accusation. She shook her head, hoping to deescalate with what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "I'd ask you why you know him, but..." She was interrupted by the sudden soldier popping up. Zai reacted faster than she did and the next thing she knew was that she was being dragged through the streets. The boy was deaf to any complaint and she had to focus more on not tripping or stumbling, his iron grip not giving her any leeway in form of slipping out.

It wasn't until he came to a halt that Ena's luck ended, and while he was lucky not to trip, the sudden stop and him still holding on to her caused her to lose her balance. It wasn't until he let go that she actually fell, slamming her hands to the ground to avoid eating any dirt. She threw a glare up at Zai while she picked herself up, dusting herself off. She paused at Tao's words, letting out a tiny sigh.

"I think I'm the one he's talking about. This one's innocent in all this," Ena admitted, albeit she wasn't expecting Zai to just take off. "Wha--hey! Don't--"

She quickly gave up, knowing he wasn't going to stop for anything. Instead, she gave the waterbender her full attention, pointing both her fingers at him. "I can't leave the fishery defenseless, so I have to stand my ground here. If you're an ally, help me. Or...at least don't tell them where the guy ran off to. Refugees are quick to scare, so he's probably going to go hide somewhere. Hopefully."

The rumbling got closer, and at that point, it was time for her to make her stand. "I'm Ena of the Lily Blade. If you're going to flee, just ask for me at the Inn later, when things have calmed down. You'll get pointed in the right direction," She promised, withdrawing her sword and waiting for the rumbling of the earthbenders to get closer.

The Knotweed Fishery

Ena was a little surprised at how many people wanted to talk things out. They must not have been keeping up with the news, clearly they would be more aware that once an Earth Kingdom soldier decided to act, there wasn't any stopping them? Or had the Earth Kingdom propaganda already gotten to them? So many coastal villages were affected by the attacks that it was hard to believe, but she wasn't sure what other explanation there could be. That said, the woman's jaw dropped at Tianshi's words, her free hand slowly raising to point at herself. "You think I'm harming them--they're the ones randomly deciding to show force to an innocent fisherman!" She shot back in disbelief.

Her attention was brought back to the forefront when a wall suddenly separated them from the rest of the town. Oh, boy, that wasn't good, that didn't leave her much room to work with. The fishery was definitely going to get damaged--she could already hear Bido yelling. The arrival of the waterbender was just as surprising as his clothes were. Well, that could be a good surprise! She managed to get behind a soldier and trip him up, hoping to turn the tide with the waterbender. Her eyes then followed the newcomer as he was launched by the monk and back into the water where he came from. Okay, no friend there, either, and another airbender had joined to yell at the other one.

"Alright, I'm on my own, then. No problem, business as usual..." Ena muttered to herself, turning her attention back to the soldiers. Ula said she was sending help, where the heck were they?!

Fortunately a portion of the wall was lowered and another soldier hastily ran in, stopping before the leader who was still on the floor. "Sir! A fugitive has been spotted in town!" He reported. "He managed to burn Gong's hand--I'm certain he's a firebender!"

"Shunon!" Ena gasped as she heard the story. She wasted no time withdrawing her sword from its sheath, the intricate pattern of lilies on the blade gleaming as she held it to her side. Her eyes were now focused on the gap and it was her only goal. She rushed forward, no rock or soldier could stop her. Her dodges were effortless and she threw herself down into a slide between the last soldier's legs, her blade slicing back as she passed him. There would be no harm to the soldier, but his pants did drop to his ankles, much to his embarrassment.

"Don't let that woman get away!" The leader finally managed to get to his feet, pointing a finger at the pair of airbenders. "Don't you two go interfering with our mission! I'll remind you that anyone caught helping fugitives are guilty!"

He paused when he looked at Tao holding the bag of rice. "Young man, get going! This is no place for an innocent civilian!" He barked. "The rest of you, arrest the airbenders!"

Three of the soldiers pulled down the wall, the area clear of civilians who decided that it was better not to get involved. They then followed in the direction the woman had ran off to, while the rest turned their attention to Tianshi and Ryschi. They attacked in sync, the earth beneath the airbenders trembling as walls were erected around them, their intention to trap them clear.

Ena successfully scaled a building and got onto the roof, looking around. It gave her a better view of the situation and she could see the soldiers chasing a young man wearing a straw hat. He was heading towards the textile district in the marketplace. Finally, something was going right. She sheathed her sword as she hopped down to the ground close to where the textiles and fabrics were hung up for sale, trying to predict when Shunon would get to her. As soon as she heard someone, she sprinted forward, grabbing a limb and flipping them both forward and into an alleyway obscured by a rug.

Once they rolled to a stop, Ena let out a huge sigh of relief, immediately sitting up. "This is bad, I think they know about the fishery. What should we do, Shu--" Her words stopped as she looked at the young man, realizing that aside from the hair and eyes, he was not, in fact, the man she thought it was. "You're...not Shunon. Ugh I should've known he wouldn't come back," She stated the obvious, lightly bumping her fist to her forehead.

After a brief pause, she gave him a grin. "Fugitive, huh? You must be waiting for The Shufang, the boat that's been sneaking people out of here," She guessed as she stood up, brushing dirt off her pants.

The Black Eel Inn

The bartender had just finished giving another patron a drink when Huo had asked his question. The man paused for a moment, thinking to himself, though they were joined by the old man that had been playing pai sho. He was in a foul mood, shoving his way past Huo and plopping down onto his seat, arms crossed like a child who just got his toy taken away. The bartender gave Huo an empathetic look and a small wave to tell him to wait just a second, reaching over and bringing over a small cup for the old man.

"Another loss?" He asked.

"That darn girl ain't got no respect! First, she rushes me, then she tells me how 'ta win!" The old man raged. "Just 'cause I haven't won a game don't mean that she can be so haughty 'bout it! Shunon was much more respectful--that dern woman of his is no good!"

The bartender shook his head in what could have been sympathy, but the barely-held-back-smile said otherwise. He let the old man continue to rant, turning his attention back to Huo. "Shunon is likely finishing up a shift, so he's probably at the port," He explained, motioning towards the window and in the direction the soldiers had gone. "If you can't find him, I'm sure his sister or his friend know where he is, they all work for Old Man Bido over at the Knotweed Fishery."

The Knotweed Fishery

The soldiers had been thrown off guard by Tianshi's entrance and his subsequent questioning. They looked to one another, a little unsure of what to do, but the leader of the pack remained firm, letting out a huff at Tao's mention of a misunderstanding. He took out a scroll, clearing his throat as he unraveled it. "By order of his glorious majesty, King Wei, all who are found harboring fugitives are considered guilty by association," He read out the order before tightening up the scroll again. "We have it on good authority that this man here has been harboring these fugitives."

Meanwhile, the young woman had weaved through the crowd, nearly colliding with Zai as she tried to get a good look at what was going on without exposing herself. She let out a hasty apology as she stuck out her head, eyes darting to the many soldiers outside of the fishery. The sight of so many soldiers elicited a groan out of her, and she was already putting down her bag. She did, however, untie an elegantly decorated sheath protecting a sword. It had an assortment of flowers painted on, a small, wooden charm of some flower hanging off the hilt. The sword remained in place with a white rope binding hilt and sheath together, and with it in hand, the woman looked back at Zai at last.

"Look after my stuff for me, okay?" Her polite request was more of a demand as she gave the young man no time to give an actual response, straightening herself before boldly walking through the crowd.

Said crowd parted as she walked, converging once again when she was in the open behind the soldiers. She didn't stop, casually walking past the bewildered soldiers and putting herself between them and Bido. The man in question looked further annoyed, but she ignored them as she turned to the soldiers, offering a bright smile. "There are only fish and a grumpy old man here, my good sirs," She replied, her free hand waving them off. "Your accusation is a big one! But without any proof, I'm afraid you're only causing a commotion."

The leader narrowed his eyes, looking the woman up and down. She was a dainty looking thing, swallowed up by the black and white robe she wore. The black pants and sword at her hip almost made her look by a warrior, but her hair was more akin to a noblewoman's. Her face was also much too happy for the situation, the weight of the situation not truly dawning on her.

He made his decision, foot stomping the ground and the earth around him trembled before he brought up a boulder, holding it at the ready. The other soldiers followed suit. "Move aside, little lady, our business is with the fisherman," He warned.

Bido threw his arms up in defeat. "You better do something about this, Ena!" He barked, dashing out of the way.

"They're already bending, so from here on, this is self defense," She replied. "By the decree of King Yize the Seventh, bending is considered a first strike--you should've waited for me to act before you did."

One soldier looked to another. "Is that true?"

The other didn't seem sure. "Wasn't that was written in response to bar fights, though?"

The other soldiers seemed just as unsure, further angering their leader. He had nothing more to say, shooting the boulder forward. Ena swept around it and charged forward, sheathed sword in hand as she swung and thwacked the man's knee. It buckled and he went down, finding his face meeting the woman's knee. He was momentarily stunned, falling onto the ground.

"D-Don't just--DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" The leader screeched, angrily waving his arms. "Get her!"

The first blow had been dealt, and Ena held her weapon out. "If you turn around now, I promise I won't hurt you! But if you continue, I'll have no choice but to defend myself!" She announced, grinning.

Once again, the wave of doubt hit the soldiers, but it seemed less effective. Instead, the fight carried on.
Thanks a lot for your interest, I'm sorry we weren't able to accept a bigger group. Best wishes to all!!

The day continued to get more and more interesting.

The weeks between the attack and today had been moderately monotonous; wake up, shadow Justinian, go to bed, repeat. Bianca decided that Justinian had set the tone of the relationship and she did not fight it. There wasn't a shred of pettiness behind her decision as she wasn't willing to entertain the possibility of him becoming a flight risk; she knew if she pushed, he would just dig his heels in further or end up trying to run away again. Even if he ignored her existence, at the very least she could perform her duty without problem. In a way, it was easier this way as she didn't lose her focus.

That said, the meeting was nothing like she expected. Well, she did expect talks of opinions on their next step, but as it was not her place, she was happy to blend in the background and simply listen. But nothing in life was simple, and with the meeting came a revelation and a concrete plan. She had to bite her tongue to keep herself quiet, to voice her opinion that she felt sneaking around was wrong, that Sonia's point on the church warranted further discussion. But it was not her place. Prince Lucas' choices were laid out and she wasn't even going to pretend she was surprised that Justinian desired to go where he could go wild with his magic. Again. Her words, again, fell on deaf ears and he would continue to do as he pleased. At the very least she was in a financially stable place so when Commander Fyodor would dismiss her, she would be alright until she found work elsewhere. Knighthood was out of the question, but she was certain there would be some manual labor jobs looking for workers.

Bianca was pulled out of those thoughts when she was addressed for the first time by her Scion in what was a very long time. She almost thought she was mistaken, but she wore the mask of neutrality like a second skin at this point. "Riva del Garda is a valley surrounded by perilous mountains. The harpies that inhabit said mountains are extremely territorial, but they're smart enough to know to leave the town alone. That people would petition the church for assistance is concerning," She admitted. "Ash--Templar Everett is experienced with slaying monsters of all types. If he is asking for help, there must be more to the situation."

The princess of Rosaria sat in silence as the rest of the Scions volunteered to go to several places. She eyed each one critically, and at the end, found herself staring at Lucas, who was actually looking at her. He didn't look expectant, as if he already knew what she was going to say. She stood from her seat, eyeing him warily. "My duties don't allow me spare time so suddenly. I will leave things in your capable hands," She replied to the room at large before turning back to Lucas. "May I have a word?"

Despite his reluctance, Lucas nodded, turning the map off and letting the sunlight pour back in through the windows. "That's all I had to say, anyway. As for those going to the academy--" He didn't seem particularly pleased about his companions, eyeing Renault. "We'll meet back here tomorrow and take my transport since I finally have an excuse to use it. Everyone else, feel free to enjoy the ham, not gonna kick you out if you want to stay but if you want to go, feel free."

Bianca watched as the pair approached the door, noticing Lucas stopping Belle from opening it. He placed his hand on the handle and said something she couldn't catch, and it was only then she noticed that something subtly rippled down the doors and walls. Had there been some sort of spell in the room? She did think she felt something when they walked in. Perhaps it was so there wouldn't be anyone to eavesdrop; the information presented was particularly sensitive. Whatever it was, the two royals stepped out of the room without another word, and Bianca turned back to her own plate.

March 13th, 1000

will be posting questions when I get a moment but for those that may have missed it, I'm looking for a small group, so once applications close I'll probably be looking for 3-4 characters in addition to the ones that have been accepted. I appreciate the effort that's been put in and thank you for the interest :)

also a reminder applications will be closed Saturday
Put in it Discord so I'll put it here, too, gonna put a deadline on applications for the end of Saturday night, then take Sunday to decide on the final cast
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