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Not a single ray of sunshine fell on Fódlan that day. The funeral was brief as this was the life of a mercenary, after all. But his life had ended much too soon, taken from him before he could truly live. And all for nothing; the girl he had died saving would never again see the light of day. It was a tragedy of unspoken proportions, the effects calamitous. It would take much good will to prevent Fódlan from cracking further.

Letting out a sigh, the woman looked up at the sky. So much had gone wrong in so little time. It was clear now that no one could be trusted. For Sothis to return among the living, stricter measures needed to be put in place. Yes, that was the way. Next time, she would make sure that the child would be protected. No harm would come to it--she must take things into her own hands. She would not make the same mistake twice.

Before taking her leave, she would gaze upon the gravestone that bore one name: Byleth Eisner.

The opening ceremony of the Officers Academy took place in the cathedral of the church. An assortment of knights and members of the Church had decorated the place with a multitude of red, blue, and yellow ribbons, celebrating the arrival of the students. Although the seats weren’t filled, it was clear the number of students didn’t matter; each one was welcomed whether they were noble or commoner.

Among the clergy was a young boy who stood out among the rest. The garb seemed to swallow the child whole, but he stood proud nonetheless, as if channeling the spirits of the previous archbishops before him. His stature did little to impede him as he strode over to the center of the floor, a small smile on his face as he looked over the many faces before him.

“Welcome, one and all,” The volume in his voice betrayed his size, easily carried over the entirety of the hall with ease. “The goddess blesses us with another group of hopefuls! It warms my heart to see so many new faces here at Garreg Mach. I am Archbishop Ioannis, and I am humbled that I have the opportunity to accompany you all through your year at the Officers Academy.”

Taking a small pause, Ioannis continued, “This is but a final step for many of you before taking your place in the world, and all of us are eager and willing to ensure that this year is a smooth one. We here at Garreg Mach implore you to lean on your neighbor, to support those who may need it. While the world will always present challenge after challenge, we hope to supply you with the knowledge and wisdom to take hold of your future; no man is a nation, and we must all work together for the sake of Fódlan and the people.”

He looked over to his left side, gesturing to a taller man with silver hair. “My right hand, Sirius, will be supporting the school faculty in addition to his usual duties of overlooking the Knights of Seiros,” He introduced the man. “He, as well as Lady Arianthe, have been vital during the transition from one archbishop to the next.”

The man motioned to the boy’s right. Remembering something, Ioannis sheepishly looked to that side, clearing his throat. “This year’s faculty is a little more varied than in previous years. With Lady Geraldine’s return to Adrestia, we decided to better assist the students with more professors to lead classes. Professor Lysander Roland oversees much of the school’s curriculum and is the liaison between the school and church--that said, he has a generous open-door policy and is one of the kindest souls you’ll likely meet. Assisting him will be a nurse who serves both school and church by the name of Kaira Simeon--their offices are located on the second floor.” The dark haired man’s jaw dropped, his gaze following as his face flushed with color, quietly shaking his head as he avoided looking anyone in the eye. A green haired girl nudged him, clearly trying not to laugh as she gave the students a small wave.

Ioannis looked like he had more to say, but after a moment decided against it, once again giving the students a warm smile. “Your professors await you in your homerooms. May the goddess watch over you all.”

Outside of the classrooms stood Lysander and Kaira, the pair in a spirited conversation. The two stopped long enough to to watch Michail run out of the Blue Lions classroom, a giant grin on his face. Said grin turned into a howl as he was promptly thwacked by a furious Euphemia, though it was Tomai stopping him in his tracks that really caused the knight distress. Lysander and Kaira looked at one another briefly before deciding to run interference, briefly catching the tail end of an accusation of sabotage.

"Have you any idea how humiliated I was?!" Euphemia kept her voice low as she cracked the rod on the back of Michail's head.

"Stop--how do you manage to hit my unarmored spots--it's just a harmless prank!" He defended himself as he tried to duck another blow and hid behind Kaira.

"This book is centuries old and you decided to scribble all over it," Tomai said flatly, showing the group an identical sketch to the one in the Golden Deer's classroom etched onto the back of Tomai's book.

"Oh, Michail, we talked about how you should be acting in a position of authority..." Lysander sighed, shaking his head.

Across the courtyard, Ioannis watched the professors and students as they began to leave the classrooms, a sparkle in his eye. In truth, he knew it was best that he should head back to the church, but the boy was eager to interact with the students--even if they were all older than he was. A pair of knights--easily recognizable as the captain and the Archbishop's right hand man introduced earlier--stood a short distance away.

Garreg Mach Monastery
First Floor
  • Marketplace - A market in front of the monastery, through which merchants come to exchange goods.
  • Entrance Hall - The entrance of the monastery, which connects to the dining hall and other notable locations in Garreg Mach.
  • Dining Hall - The dining hall is directly adjacent to the entrance hall, through which residents of the monastery regularly eat meals at any time.
  • Greenhouse - A greenhouse through which plants for cooking and gifts are raised.
  • Fishing Pond - A pond through which residents can fish utilizing bait. Fish from many locations in Fódlan are gathered here: sometimes, extremely rare fish can be caught, or at times large amounts of fish can be caught at once.
  • Dormitory - A two-floor facility that functions as a residence for students of the Officers Academy. While the staff of the academy tries to reduce discrimination between nobles and commoners, such prejudice still exists, and as such, the nobles almost always take up the second floor while commoners are relegated to the first floor rooms.
  • Sauna - A building located between the dormitory and the training ground that functions as a relaxation facility, where residents can refresh in a steam room.
  • Training Grounds - A place where knights and students alike come to hone their combat skills. Every month, a tournament is held where the winners can achieve both money and a prize as a result.
  • Stables - Horses wyverns are raised here. Sometimes, students of the Officers Academy are assigned to group tasks involving taking care of the horses, pegasi, and wyverns here.
  • Knights Hall - The Knights of Seiros gather and socialize in this hall. There are targets for practice as well as books and a lounge here.
  • Graveyard - Behind the Knights' Hall is a graveyard where notable people who are now deceased are laid to rest.
  • Cathedral - At the most rear point of the monastery, connected to the remainder of Garreg Mach via a bridge, is a cathedral where devout believers worship the goddess Sothis and the saints. Statues of the Four Saints are located here. Choir practice is held here. An advice box is also located here where students can ask for advice.
  • Central Building - The most central building of Garreg Mach, it is a three-floor facility that harbors multiple locations:
  • Reception Hall - On the first floor of the main building is the reception hall, where social events such as the Ball during the Ethereal Moon are held.

Second Floor
The second floor is home to several different facilities:

  • Audience Chamber - This is where the archbishop often stands during their work. The professors of Garreg Mach regularly report here at the start of each month to obtain their missions.
  • Advisory Room - The archbishop's advisor works here to speak with the archibishop.
  • Kalonic's Office - This room is shared between the two siblings and is often where students meet with either of them for one-to-one time.
  • Captain's Quarters - A room where the current captain of the Knights of Seiros--Kalliope--resides.
  • Crest Scholar's Office - An office where Professor Tomai conducts his research on Crests.
  • Infirmary - A facility run by Professor Kaira where the injured and the sick are taken care of.
  • Library - Numerous books and historical texts are here for reading. It is also used as a study space for members of the Officers Academy. It is run by Lysander, who doubles as its librarian.
  • Cardinal's Room - The main room for the cardinals of the Church of Seiros. The professors usually gather here once a week to discuss and compare lesson plans.

Third Floor
The third floor is only accessible to the members of the Church but can be reached with permission:

  • Archbishop's Room - The archbishop takes residence in this room.
  • Star Terrace - A balcony atop which a view of the monastery can be attained.
Tomai Malathice

Dark Bishop
Crest of Lamine - Detection

The Black Eagles' Professor. A graduate of Adrestia's top magic college, Tomai made a small name for himself refining Crest-discovery devices for the masses. His knowledge is only second to his wit, and while he would much rather be alone studying, he assures his students that he keeps an open door policy. Oddly enough, he does not seem to worship Seiros, having little interest in the Goddess and her teachings.

Michail Kalonic
Holy Knight
Crest of Charon - Regeneration

The Blue Lions' Professor. A Knight of Seiros who is tasked with protecting the students, the only thing he likes more than a good fight is a beautiful person at his side. He's extremely easy going and loves to socialize, always up for a quick chat or spar even with a pile of paperwork waiting on his desk. Despite his flaws, he has a good sense of justice for all and became a professor to make a difference in the world.

Euphemia Kalonic
Bow Knight
Crest of Dominic - Enhanced Speed

The Golden Deer's Professor. Formerly a renowned socialite in Faerghus society, she is a charming woman with an apparent sweet-and-spicy deposition. It has some merit; she is as sweet as she is hot headed, quick to jump to someone's aide but just as fast to start up an argument. Either way she usually insists on keeping up the nicer side of her, perky and peppy most of the time. She cherishes her students and friends and seeks to keep everyone on good terms.

Kaira Simeon

Crest of Seiros - Crest Negation

The Academy's nurse. She was formerly a cleric, having an extraordinary talent in healing from a young age. She has been with the church her whole life and yearns to explore Fódlan, but says she is needed at Garreg Mach. Not much is known about her otherwise as she has a tendency to keep people at arms' length.


Crest of Cethleann - Foresight

The new Archbishop and Ascelpius' former apprentice, Ioannis has been with the church his whole life. He was abandoned as an infant on the church's steps and taken in, and at the age of five had heard a revelation from the Goddess. Despite his young age of only twelve summers, he is dedicated to the people and will do everything he can to help those in need.

Lysander Roland
War Master

The Academy's counselor. A kind, caring soul, he leans into his position with enthusiasm and considers it a personal point of pride to ensure the students have a peaceful year. He is flustered easily and a little on the quiet side at times, but always makes sure he's available when needed. When he's ahead of his work, he sometimes helps the professors with their classes.

Lavender von Bartels

The Academy's battle instructor. A Knight of Seiros tasked with educating students of every class in combat, Lavender is a skilled tactician with many victories in the recent war between the Empire and Dagda. She developed a love for teaching after being called to lead a class and has stayed at the academy ever since. She isn't pleased about a prevailing rumor going around that says she's hopelessly in love with Mikhail, less so when she found out he was the one that spread it.

Arianthe Styliano
Cleric | Saint

Former second-in-command to Archbishop Ascelpius, Arianthe had planned on retiring before his death, but chose to stay and help the transition. At his request she has stayed by his side and offers her guidance to all; without her organization it would have taken much longer to get things to normal. A quiet, gentle woman, Arianthe is something of a recluse and seems to have a hard time trusting people. Still, her wisdom is indispensable and she is always open to those who seek her out.
Sirius Philemon
Mortal Savant

Stepping in as the Church's second-in-command, Sirius is a former Knight of Seiros who stepped into an administrative role. He is stern but means well and goes out of his way to ensure order is kept at all times. He works closely with all the professors in an effort to have everything running smoothly and goes out of his way to learn each student's name. His decision to leave the battlefield came as a shock to many, but rumor has it that Ascelpius himself had asked him.

Kalliope Klynn
Wyvern Lord

Head of the Knights of Seiros, Kalliope is one of the fiercest warriors of the land. She was transferred from the Southern Church to Central recently, though has no qualms about it. That said, she certainly doesn't have the personality to match her title of 'Lightning Strike of Fódlan'; loud, rude, and full of herself, if people aren't intimidated by her skill, they're certain to steer away anytime she has a drink in her hand. Of course, she is a different beast on the battlefield, so one can't help but have curiosity.

Theo Philemon

A recent graduate of the Officers Academy and new inductee into the Knights of Seiros, Theo specializes in working in the shadows. Despite his age he is widely respected and has pulled his weight. Even before he became a knight, he knew how to form a network to keep himself informed of all the whispers and ongoings of Garreg Mach. He was also known for having sneaky hands, but was reigned in by his older brother, Sirius. He's somewhat dry-witted but usually well meaning--so long as you have nothing to hide, of course.

Chionne Galini
Pegasus Knight

A mild-mannered Knight of Seiros who would rather speak to animals than people, Chionne is an odd one. She is known to outright walk away from conversations she isn't a fan of participating in and seemingly has no regards for the feelings of others. Her talent at taming animals is outmatched by even trainers with decades more experience than she. She can control anything on four legs with one exception: cats seem to hate her.

The Academy does have basic ones, but nearly the entire cast customizes them (as it seems they're tailor made per person).

Typical Male:

Typical Female:

The House Leaders have different uniforms entirely.

The Blue Lions
The Black Eagles
The Golden Deer
First up is relevant to anyone wanting spells for any reason--this is not limited to mages, but to anyone that decides to take up Faith or Reason. For each rank (from D to A) a spell is learned. Your character can pick any from each column as they rank up.

Black Magic is the typical elemental-based spell. For this rp there's a elemental square where each element triumphs over the other (in the order of Fire -> Blizzard -> Thunder -> Wind -> Fire) but that doesn't mean having only fire spells means running into a mage with wind is gonna be a bad time.

Dark Magic requires reason but for RP purposes will be considered a separate parameter; it requires lessons from the resident Dark Bishop Tomai. Dark magic has a variety of effects and are all non-elemental compared to their elemental counterparts.

White Magic has an assortment of spells, most of them recovery based. Some of the higher tiers also have unique effects against enemies.

Anyone that starts out as a Mage will be on Rank D at the start of the RP so they have some way to defend themselves in battle. Anyone that does not have either Faith or Reason as a Strength will have to build their magic from Rank E.

List of White Magic [Faith]

List of Black Magic [Reason]

List of Dark Magic [Reason - Special Lessons]
Johann von Aegir
Minor Crest of Cichol
Age: 22 - Fighter - Axe & Shield

The second son of Duke Aegir, he is currently betrothed to the sole heir of the Adrestian Empire. A prideful, dutiful young man, he is quick to look down on those he deems unworthy of his attention. How Johann has found himself becoming future prince consort varies depending on who you ask; some say it was a favor from the Emperor to his father, some say he had won the position after dueling a variety of potential candidates, others believe he managed to blackmail his way into the position. That said, House Aegir, which holds the rank of duke, is one of the most powerful noble families in the Adrestian Empire, second only to the royal family of House Hresvelg.
Derec Ballard Blaiddyd
Major Crest of Blaiddyd
Age: 19 - Soldier - Lance

Had you asked him two years ago where he would be today, Derec would never have guessed--he's still coming to terms with his very existence throwing the royal family into chaos. He is something of a mysterious young man, appearing out of nowhere and claiming he was only told the truth of who his father was when his mother was on her deathbed. Once the Church stepped in and verified his Crest, he quickly gained support from houses that oppose the king. He is something of a stoic young man, constantly watching his back as if he is on edge; he has said he only feels free when he has a lance in his hand. Despite shaking things up in Faerghus, he keeps his head low and tries to stay out of trouble.
Isolde Ordelia
Minor Crest of Chevalier
Age: 17 - Fighter - Gauntlets

Formerly the heiress to House Ordelia, Isolde has felt the full effects of her father's betrayal. Placed under house arrest at the age of twelve, she had all but disappeared from the public eye--the discovery that she is attending the Officers Academy comes as a shock to all. She is resigned to her house's fate and laments that her ancestor's sacrifices to keep the house afloat were for naught. A timid young girl, if she's not staring off into the distance she's usually fumbling through her words.

...Azalea Unit
Olivier Ubert Gaspard
Age: 20 - Soldier - Lance

Isaac Sirius Dominic
Age: 18 - Myrmidon - Sword

Elia Genevieve Galatea
Age: 19 - Soldier - Lance

Baron Reiner Gladiolus Daphnel
Age: 21 - Fighter - Axe

Celeste Florencia Gloucester
Age: 17 - Monk - Fire

Oskar Eddard Goneril
Age: 20 - Fighter - Gauntlets

Veronica Berenike von Gerth
Age: 22 - Fighter - Bow

Fiona von Varley
Age: 21 - Monk - Heal

Victor von Hevring
Age: 18 - Myrmidon - Sword


The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
The Royal Family of Blaiddyd
  • King Victor Blaiddyd
    • Prince Alexei Blaiddyd
      • married to Alisa Beatrice Blaiddyd née Charon

The Noble Houses of Faerghus
House Charon

House Dominic
  • Lord Wulfric Adorjan Dominic
    • Albireo Matis Dominic
    • Isaac Sirius Dominic

House Gaspard
  • Lord Winston Ubert Gaspard
    • Oliver Ubert Gaspard

House Gautier
  • Margrave Charles Giuliano Gautier
    • Gabriel Julio Gautier

  • Count Francis Mael Gautier
    • Rittan Juan Gautier
    • Timotheos Maxime Gautier

House Fraldarius
  • Duke Artur Fraldarius
    • Married to Caitlin Fraldarius
      • Rhiannon Fraldarius, Heiress to the Duchy, Major Crest of Fraldarius
      • Arno Fraldarius (Second in line)
      • Conall Fraldarius (Third in line)
      • Kellen Fraldarius, Minor Crest of Fraldarius (Fourth in line)

House Galatea
  • Count Bastian Donato Galatea
    • married to Elisa Martine Galatea

  • Lord Alberich Roland Galatea
    • married to Idalia Caitlin Galatea
      • Norman Renault Galatea

The Leicester Alliance
The Five Great Lords
  • Duchess Valentina Gloucester née Phlegethon
  • Duke Belarius Goneril
  • Duke Rudolph von Riegan (acting Archduke)
    • married to Tatiana von Riegan
      • Delia von Riegan
      • Charlotte von Riegan & Dolores von Riegan
  • Duke Beaufort von Edmund
    • married to Odette von Edmund
      • (baby boy) von Edmund
  • Duke Seymour Mullein Daphnel
    • Lautrec Asciano Daphnel
    • Baron Reiner Gladiolus Daphnel

The Adrestian Empire
  • Emperor Anselm von Hresvelg VII

Prime Minister of the Empire
  • Ludwig Wilhelm von Aegir

Ministry of Domestic Affairs
  • Walden von Hevring
    • married to Talia Luz von Hevring née Gaspard

Ministry of Military Affairs
  • Countess Lucilla von Bergliez née Nuvelle
    • Otto von Bergliez

Ministry of Religion
  • Count Jacob von Varley
    • married to Kalista von Varley née Albrecht
      • Hernan von Varley

Ministry of the Exterior
  • Duke Hector von Gerth
    • married to Eugenia von Gerth
      • Hector von Gerth II

As joy surrounds, comfort abounds
and I can feel I'm breaking free
For just this moment lost in time
I am finally me

Year 1495
Great Tree Moon

Located at Garreg Mach Monastery, the royalty and nobility of the Adrestian Empire, Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and Leicester Alliance send their heirs to the Officers Academy to learn the art of warfare. The Officers Academy was established sometime around Imperial Year 980 in response to incursions into Fódlan from the powerful eastern kingdom of Almyra. The archbishop at the time believed that the Church of Seiros had a responsibility to raise a generation of nobility to excellence to guarantee the continent's leadership was prepared for the future. Serving as a microcosm of Fódlan, students are organized into one of three academic houses according to their nationality: the Black Eagles for the Adrestian Empire, the Blue Lions for the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the Golden Deer for the Leicester Alliance.

With the passing of Archbishop Asclepius, this year's students are guided by the newest Archbishop named Ioannis. With the help of the second-in-command, a woman by the name of Arianthe, the church looks to educate and welcome all. Despite a tumultuous decade of fighting off disease and an assortment of scandals, all are in agreement with the hope for a peaceful future. However, under the surface lies a force seeking to dismantle the unknowingly fragile bonds between nations. Will the students ride the wave of change, or will the flow of time swallow them all?

The World of Fódlan

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