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8 yrs ago
Hot dogs are already cooked. Might as well just sear them to add flavor.
8 yrs ago
I love it when I catch up on my posting.
8 yrs ago
If you take college seriously, it opens doors. Harvard and Hopkins makes it easier, but you can do well anywhere.
8 yrs ago
Prefer to brainstorm on Discord for that reason.
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8 yrs ago
Windows 10 is very much like a German prison camp guard, "Ah, I see you are tryink to escape work fifteen minutes early, Herr Colonel Hogan, here ist an update zat vill stall you!"


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Muse returns!
Lemme work on the next step here -- I want to make sure we just have our lore and character stuff worked out in how we categorize and add new items to existing pages figured out, which isn't a huge deal.

I intend to do as little organizing as possible there, just enough to let you have a brain fart and spit it out fast while the magic's there. :)
As a followup, I am seeking maybe two other collaborators that want to take on multiple characters and can help make this dynamic, but I also definitely want to make sure we're brainstorming together. More than three or four players, and suddenly we're waiting on a million people to post. I want to keep this RP going. Maybe we will open up the roster later, but hey I want to actually get it running.

Beyond that, lore creation and character creation processes will be streamlined so we can add characters and items of setting info/lore to account for growth needs in the plots and to develop the lore with the story.

I hope that makes sense, I'm seeking colleagues.

TL;DR Summary:
  • Theme is similar to the work of Robert Howard.
  • Fantasy; we start with low fantasy but are coming into an awakening of high fantasy elements and beings. The legends return.
  • Dark Ages tech level seems perfect for this setting, incidentally.
  • The Guardians of Dara, the ruling body of the city have been slain in horrific fashion and it is up to the successors of the Guardians not only to steady the city in these tough times, but find out how their predecessors were slain.
  • The new Guardians are the characters; veteran adventurers that rode together at one point to bring down King Pykas of Selander and his minion, the sorcerer Cyrabassis, while still young.
  • They faced magical beasts that were the stuff of tales, but people took it for the boasting of drunks and the characters stopped discussing this brief brush with magic.
  • The characters have since retired from adventuring. As heroes in Dara they were offered all sorts of opportunities -- in each person's own way they've managed to be successful, though in some very different fields.
  • On the other hand, they have different viewpoints, interests and belief. The characters should disagree on some things, perhaps fundamentally. Some in the group are allies and others are enemies. This is meant to promote a degree of strife between characters, and hard decision making.
  • I am allowing different races, but the differences are cultural; everyone's lost the magic -- it's the stuff of myth and superstition. These races have the same lifespan as humanity, but different cultural beliefs and practices, and obviously different physical characteristics, but they too do not have magic. Let's also say that interbreeding is absolutely possible, and some really interesting stuff can happen there. It's also worth noting that abilities and powers are latent in various bloodlines, some of them mythical beings that no longer exist. But it's unlikely that any but a very few odd ducks really remember all that lore.
  • Just a note, let's avoid modern naming conventions in favor of working with syllables and sounds to create something that sounds different. No Devons, Chrises or Bobs. :)

In Character Info:
Dara is an ancient city, one that has fallen on hard times and has survived much. The re-establishment of trade routes and an influx of foreigners has given the city a new vitality in these times, and it is seeing a turnaround in her fortunes.

Twenty years ago, a band of young, green adventurers were swept up in Dara's finest hour, a defense against the legions of King Pykas of Selander, who threatened to take the entire region by force in an ambitious effort to forge a huge kingdom out of a gaggle of dusty, ancient city states on the continent of Aluth.

He was assisted in this endeavor by an advisor by the name of Cyrabassis, an attainted and disavowed priest of Hazathalra whose dark reputation for ritual and sorcery was known far and wide. Many victories were attributed to his dark arts, though most would say that such things were coincidental -- fortuitous weather, people falling asleep. These were explainable, to a point. In the end, it was the characters that brought Cyrabassis low -- they raided into his lair, the catacombs beneath ancient ruins, and brought him out in chains, gagged and blinded, battered, bloodied and shaking from the things they saw despite their victory. King Pykas, also involved in the fell ritual the characters disrupted, was slain, as were things that were only in the realm of legend. To ensure the secrets of the place, known as Melazus, stayed buried, they flooded the place with water diverted from the River Dara and caused it to be buried in mud and muck forevermore.

Cyrabassis disappeared years ago from his captivity, and had not been heard from since. In that time, the characters somewhat forgot what they saw, rationalized it away or just simply stopped talking about it rather than face the ridicule and the skepticism as they went about their subsequent business, establishing themselves in positions of wealth, power and influence within Dara.

Dara has since flourished -- others have come to the place, like the characters, to make their fortunes in the dusty hinterlands, this forgotten and ancient land that still serves as a crossroad of spice and other trade goods. The region is tumultuous -- it wasn't at peace before Pykas tried to conquer it and it hasn't been since Pykas died, but Dara is confident once more, as it recaptures its old, dimly remembered glory and rebuilds itself into something better.

Despite these good times, there are rumors from the North of shadows and flame, of things the grandmothers told their children, or which drunkards boasted of in the wineshops; handsigns are made to ward them off, but they have never been seen -- everyone knows it is merely imagination, and these things can't possibly be true. The stories are fragmentary and varied.

Then the Guardians are slain in council by something, their bodies strewn apart in their chambers in a monstrous fashion, rent into fleshy shreds.

New Guardians are chosen -- in their fear, and reflecting the esteem they hold the outlanders that came to help bring in a new age in Dara, they choose the heroes that saved the city in its last hour of need. This diverse group, all living within the city, but who have gone their own ways and sometimes have found each other at odds now must come together and not only steady Dara in her time of need, but also, they must face the past.

Because they had seen the sort of monster that could do this before. In Melazus.

Out of Character Info:
The characters are older, retired adventurers, long since gone their own ways in retirement or independent business. They are influential people in various ways, be it wealth or position or a combination of the two. They can hold posts in the city, such as high priest of a given temple or as a commander of a group of the guards (Not all of 'em. :)) or as the head of a guild (thieves?) or trading house. There are a lot of options.

There is no -obvious- magic -- as indicated, it is a shocking and legendary thing, and these characters were scarred by what they saw. Deities do -not- generally answer calls (though they can, since there is magic in this setting) in a public fashion, though a character may hear from one once in a decade if they are a devoted servant.

Or perhaps I should say that there is no magic yet. You should absolutely reserve potential for it in your characters if you want, and not rule out the supernatural, but they are coming to it as neophyes. A mystic character with a hint of the mystery of magic to them, perhaps enshrouded in ritual and passed down superstition from their culture/family is acceptable, like a palm reader or someone with a tarot deck -- it works, but it can be explained away. No fireballs.

I am allowing races; elves, dwarves and so forth, but their lifespans are human and their magic is a little remembered dream of the dawn times, not their day to day dealings. They venerate the things they venerate as a source of cultural pride, but they are not magically adept. There are orcs, of course, what would we do without 'em, and goblinoid races, but they are in the same state, though they are in the same boat-- the gods only whisper in the ears of their few chosen, but the power is a well run dry.

Of course, as I indicated, the RP is about what happens when that power once again flows, when the well can be drawn from again. But the theme I want to convey is the shock of the characters as they face the legendary spring into form.

I know this mirrors George R.R. Martin in a sense, but this stuff stems from the works of other authors that are colleagues, like Robert Jordan, or authors that predate him like Robert Howard or H.P. Lovecraft.

The region of the setting of Dara, the continent of Aluth, is a drier/more arid sort of place. Think Israel and Lebanon, or perhaps Armenia and Iran -- these places have their lush spots of green, and Dara is also such a place, sitting on the banks of the River Dara, which it is named for. But there are other parts that are rocky and hilly badlands, desert wadis and dry places in general. It is a region of city states and trade wars and fights over commerce, an exciting and sometimes amoral place of danger and mystery.

The characters, of course, ought to be foreigners of various sorts -- and not only that, they should definitely -not- agree on how things are done. Some love each other, others loathe each other, but they are, for better or for worse, the Guardians of Dara.

On hold. Need to fix a couple things.
"Place looks swell, definitely a destination adventure, if you like being hunted by cannibals."

Tony knew how to make friends. But he also had to buy beer to keep the cooler up. It was 'his' turn.

Wearing a long-sleeved base layer, a pair of faded out jeans and a pair of workboots, he didn't really, couldn't really, blend in around here, not with that sign that said 'OUT OF TOWNER' floating over his head for every provincial jackass to see. The accent was different out here -- this was an arid desert type spot and Tony was from the real rednecky fuckoff alpine parts of Rassvet, but that didn't mean the hinterlanders all got along.

In any case, Tony wasn't one to wait around for Gerard or Justice to tell him how do things, so he decided to mosey on his own toward a general store of some sort, one with 'BIER!' in neon lights in the window. More like, "B ER" but that was fine, he broke the code. The place had the same look as the sticky-floors motel they'd parked in -- window mounted AC that indicated a lack of central air, and a slightly yellowish film on the walls that came from generational, family-wide cigarette smoking habits. He could absolutely smell the fuckin' patina.

The crazy part was that the girl behind the counter seemed like she'd be nice to talk to except for the frown and the obvious wrinkling of the nose -- it wasn't like he actually stank either. Seeing as there were other dudes and they were watching Tony like roosters defending their hens, he kind of figured that these folks were all in a social circle together. Like school, but with less live ammo and being assigned a squad. But he knew a social unit when he saw one.

The problem was, there was no way to intimate to them that they should find someone else to fuck with. He didn't, as a policy, wear branded 'WARDEN' shit that screamed 'CITADEL!" out because it was the best way to avoid the inevitable press of schlubby adults ready to thank him for compulsory service. He just didn't like the attention.

In any case, keeping his head on a swivel while trying to stay casual, Tony eased past racks of rural corner store wares with copious spacing between the items, indicating a low inventory and tough times to go with the extremely high prices, toward the comforting neon light and electric hum of a refrigeration unit. Behind that finger-printed glass on rust-flecked metal shelves lay what he was looking for -- four packs, six packs, big bottles of farmer-style beer with corks, thirty packs of canned stuff. He grabbed a couple bags of pretzels and even something spicy and cheesy in a jar to dip them in, as an afterthought. He didn't look too closely at the expiration dates, but he already knew that those were cordially ignored in wartime anyway.

He made a selection, some cheap canned piss in a twenty four pack because he wasn't made of money, and headed toward the counter, only to get the girl's roll of the eyes as a customer had the temerity to interrupt the giggling and flirting. Tony was doing his best here, not to overly notice the one other girl that seemed to be taken with one of the guys, and like four other dudes that looked like varying degrees of potential trouble, going by the set of their mouths and the way they watched as if annoyed to be interrupted.

He kept it to business, "G'tag," and a performative, perfunctory smile that indicated no interest in long speeches. He even had his wallet out, indicating 'tick-tock'.

"Gonna need ID for that," came a sullen response that seemed to work its way past compressed lips.

"Yeah, sure." Tony told her as he placed the items on the counter and fished into the wallet for his ID, which regrettably did have not only his name and information, but also his service designation and rank. He handed it over after a moment of hesitation.

He didn't like the vibe with the dudes, but until one said something, he was just gonna get this cashout done.

It took a moment for her to run all the numbers, but she came out with the cost and it was amazing to Tony that she managed to keep a straight face when she said, "60 gils."

Tony burst out laughing, and that's when he knew he'd fucked up. One crack in the facade, just his luck.

"Something fuckin' funny there, stranger?" inquired a voice a little too close behind him for comfort. Local, and he knew which one was doing the talking -- the big number that had been the primary means of entertainment for the lady of the register, clearly a man about town given his height, shoulders and the look of someone used to fucking with people and getting away with it.

Tony, calmly, reached for one of the cans while handing the money over to the young woman, his face again straight. It didn't matter, he could just tell this was gonna go a certain way. He could respect bored, pissed and looking for adventure, but not when he was the adventure.

Tony wasn't precisely a prince, and the truck wasn't precisely a chariot, but he was certainly at his ease, up there in the passenger seat with a distinct air of ownership over the seat conveyed by his body language -- a loose posture, indolent and perhaps a tad insolent. Out in this part of Rassvet, he was down to a long-sleeved shirt, no collar, and a pair of jeans and workboots, looking mostly like a boondocker and a hinterlander, someone here to dig the post holes at the direction of bigger brains.

He kept one ear on the radio, but most of his focus was on a couple of small devices in a tray on his lap that he was messing with -- mostly by furrowing his brow and concentrating. Occasionally, a huff of breath out of frustration or a grunt of satisfaction came out of him, but it was worth noting that Tony had little to say to the gallery in the back.

Ever since the accident, about four years ago, Tony would slip into these moods as a defensive mechanism from boredom, a hyperfocus that allowed him to come out of that affair with less control or ability in Mist, but also a change in mentality and a certain degree of learned indifference to the things that other people puckered themselves over. Moody, sometimes remote and not necessarily communicative about what actually grinds him, Tony adopted a certain solitude even in a crowd, though if talked to about serious things like that, he'd inevitably fob it off with a joke. The concentration was evident, but practiced. Tony's Mist-use was unremarkable in a system that looked at raw power, but it was developing the sort of fine tuned control that allowed for a whole new system of options to occur.

But in a way, it was an improvement over the old Tony, who would bounce around in a situation like this, loudly and obviously unwilling to sit around when he could be doing pullups or something. This Tony was practicing with the Mist, doing 'reps' with the power to admittedly small parts and bits of wire, without an explanation as to his goal here.

So it might have been a surprise when he piped up on the Princess, "Might be worth offing her, but there might be things that make it more trouble than its worth, seeing as she's youngest. Killing one ups the security around the others. If she's being positioned to take the throne and she's smarter than the other chinless, jug-eared inbred sociopaths in charge, and knocking her off allows an idiot to inherit, it might be worth it or it might really backfire because stupidity in power is dynamic and volatile." he added, in a very bored sort of tone. It was typical Tony -- a skeptic's eye and a somewhat nonchalant delivery, but that goblin's brain of his churned around the concept and spat out the analysis. Mostly, Tony just liked committing lèse-majesté against the Vangar royal family. Funny enough, the Vangars invented that term.

He took the moment of situational awareness to look along the unrelieved vista of wadis and segarro scrub and other semi-arid flora, fauna and land features, matching it up against a map on the dash and checking time. It was so far away from the rest of the world that it almost felt like a moment of respite, of sand and wind and sunshine, of open terrain, the dun splashed with the vibrant sage green, all flashing past the truck as it barreled through the desert road. It let one pretend that this was all there was to it, at least for a time.

"It's nice to imagine a world without the fuckers, to be honest," Tony added, without specifying which fuckers, but it was probably aristocrats and the system alike. Tony harbored a casual disregard, but there was something deadly serious beneath the casualness. He was known for not particularly liking aristocracy, even if he, paradoxically, knew a few personally and somewhat liked them. But he was strange, off-putting and intense, and it was safe to say he didn't exactly have a pick of friends anyway. But Barghest, at least, at the very end now, was something similar to that. The strange thing about Tony was his bloody-minded fatalism and skepticism. He took a dark, bleak look at the world and seemed to draw an incongruous strength from its ambiguities, a carefully honed sense of grievance. Some got institutionalized and were already missing the Citadel, but Tony was breathing free air for the first and last time in ten years and he managed to make it while not turning into one of their little disciplined toy soldiers.

Banned cause some asshole in charge said so. :)
Everyone should go ahead and start deciding what sort of relationships they want to have with each other while we're waiting for the last few of us to join. I guess that also begs the question, do people want to keep OOC chatter to this OOC thread, or should I boot up yet another discord channel and clog up everybody's likely already crowded discords?

Fine with a discord. Also, already explained Tony's approach to at least one issue:

The Pool Tournament, SAS style
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