Avatar of Hillan


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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Morden Man>

Originality? With this group? Good luck.

Excuse the fuck out of you and your entire bloodline.


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I am the Shield Of Solidarity. The Sentinel of the Starheart."

Alan Scott is an average 30-something Engineer when his world collapses in front of him. Not so much in the non-literal sense of "My world came crashing down" as it was 'the train me and my fiance are in is exploding'. Alan's Fiance is pronounced dead, as is every other passenger on the scene. He survives, and he isn't completely sure why. He remembers the fire. But he doesn't remember it scorching him. He remembers it soothing him. Saving him. Giving him purpose.

He remembers the green energy-battery he found on that train, how he reached for it as he jumped out of the train cart he was in, onto the next. How holding onto the lantern had saved his life.

He didn't understand any of it. Hell, even in time, he couldn't believe it. He's now left in a world that doesn't make sense to him, given new purpose. A purpose he perhaps doesn't see yet.

And the strange old man in the blue and gold he keeps having visions of sure isn't making things any easier for him.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to write Alan because frankly, I know nothing about Mr. Scott. I've never gotten the chance to tackle the Lantern Mythos, and I think I have a upheave of content to provide on the subject. It's such a deep lore that often goes unexplored, in my opinion. And most of the unused concepts focus on Alan, not on Hal or Kyle. Everyone's written stories about the Green Lanterns being intergalactic police. Very few have written stories about a Green Lantern being a novice mage tapping into the fact that the Green Lanterns are steeped in magic.

Alan is a skeptic. He doesn't believe in magic. He's a realistic and believes in things like math, not sorcery. At least in the beginning. He's given the power of the Starheart and with it, he possesses one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the universe. It's his job to figure out how to use it, and use it for good. And in doing so, he'll come across the old man who will serve as his mentor and guide him through his foray into the unnatural.

My goals with Alan is to tell pulpy Supernatural stories. Equal parts Doc Fate from Earth-20, MCU's Doctor Strange and straight up detective stories, all mixed into with the Green-Ringed hero we all known.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Additional Cast:
Rose Forrest: Fiance and love of Alan's life. Taken from him, and with it, any chance he had at a normal life.

Starheart: The sentience given to the magic captured by the Guardians millions of years ago. It was locked away on earth, only now revealing itself. Confined to the Green Lantern Battery, it's will is felt through it's chosen champion via the ring worn on his hand. The Starheart is doing what it can to influence Alan, albeit subtly at first. Like someone who's just woken up, the Starheart's actions are vague and without direction, but will in time pick up speed. Becoming Alan's greatest ally. Or his most impossible foe.

Kent Nelson: The Former Doctor Fate. Now hunting down the shards of Nabu in an effort to reforge the agent or order and the protector of Earth from magical threats. A role that he will teach Alan to fill-in for him while he's looking to restore Fate.

Molly Mayne: Ex-Girlfriend from College. 'The one who got away'. Find Alan after his apparent demise, she works as an independent journalist and is out for the story on the Green Lantern, and to rekindle the flame between her and Alan, unaware that the two would be the same.

Richard Swift: Lab Partner and friend since High School. Swift and Scott have drifted apart in the years since they both left college, Swift is now working as a tech-based thief, going by the dark web alias 'Shade'.

Elaine Belloc: Granddaugter of the Pressence. Daughter of Michael. Nephilim and destined to rule all of the cosmos. If there ever was a personification of 'out of your league' it would be Elaine. She teaches Alan about the occult and makes him a far better warrior, and man.

The Seven Demons: The evil that's primarily the focus of Alan's first foray into magic. They are spreading mischief, discord and chaos across the world, forcing Alan and his posse to hunt them down and try to put a stop to them.

The Guardians Of the Universe:
The 'wisest people in the cosmos' they call themselves. Alan doesn't know them, but the Starheart does. It will projects those feelings onto Alan when prompted.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Rose Irene Forrest, will you marry me?"

Standing on his knee on the floor of the train. They were in first-class, the train heading towards Gotham City. They were currently somewhere outside of New York. The trip was supposed to be for business. Alan was going to Gotham to work for the broadcasting company, working on the 6G-masts that would bring on a revolution of communication. Rose tagged along to go see her parents in Gotham, at least that was what Alan convinced her to do.

The blonde man was sweating, his pulse was beating in his ears and his hands were a little shaky. Rachel had known him as the most confident and headstrong man in the world, and seeing him this scared to ask her to marry him was perhaps the most surprising thing of all.

The coming six seconds of anguish and uncertainty, of hope and love were perhaps the longest in Alan’s life. She looked at him in shock first, and then her face cracked into a smile, and he felt his heart burst with joy. His stomach fluttering like butterflies and a big-dumb-grin on his face as he said the best three-letter word in the English language.

“Yes.” Tears falling down her face as she hugged him. Putting the golden ring onto her hand, the ring Alan had gotten from his mom after his father had died. They kissed and all seemed well. The passengers that overheard them cheered them on and Alan ordered a bottle of champagne for the two of them. This was the best day of Alan Scott’s life. The train was reaching the bridge, that lead into the Gotham Tunnel, making them about 40 minutes from their destination.

That’s when he heard it. The brakes of the train failing, followed by the ear-shattering explosion in the Train’s front, echoing all of the way to the very back of the train, where they were seated.

The coming nineteen seconds of carnage were among the longest in Alan Scott’s life.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Oliver Jonas Queen Former-Billionaire STAR CITY QUEEN FAMILY
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Steal from the rich, give to the poor. It's not a sentiment that goes out of style."

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I am the Shield Of Solidarity. The Sentinel of the Starheart."

Alan Scott is an average 30-something Engineer when his world collapses in front of him. Not so much in the non-literal sense of "My world came crashing down" as it was 'the train me and my fiance are in is exploding'. Alan's Fiance is pronounced dead, as is every other passenger on the scene. He survives, and he isn't completely sure why. He remembers the fire. But he doesn't remember it scorching him. He remembers it soothing him. Saving him. Giving him purpose.

He remembers the green energy-battery he found on that train, how he reached for it as he jumped out of the train cart he was in, onto the next. How holding onto the lantern had saved his life.

He didn't understand any of it. Hell, even in time, he couldn't believe it. He's now left in a world that doesn't make sense to him, given new purpose. A purpose he perhaps doesn't see yet.

And the strange old man in the blue and gold he keeps having visions of sure isn't making things any easier for him.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to write Alan because frankly, I know nothing about Mr. Scott. I've never gotten the chance to tackle the Lantern Mythos, and I think I have a upheave of content to provide on the subject. It's such a deep lore that often goes unexplored, in my opinion. And most of the unused concepts focus on Alan, not on Hal or Kyle. Everyone's written stories about the Green Lanterns being intergalactic police. Very few have written stories about a Green Lantern being a novice mage tapping into the fact that the Green Lanterns are steeped in magic.

Alan is a skeptic. He doesn't believe in magic. He's a realistic and believes in things like math, not sorcery. At least in the beginning. He's given the power of the Starheart and with it, he possesses one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the universe. It's his job to figure out how to use it, and use it for good. And in doing so, he'll come across the old man who will serve as his mentor and guide him through his foray into the unnatural.

My goals with Alan is to tell pulpy Supernatural stories. Equal parts Doc Fate from Earth-20, MCU's Doctor Strange and straight up detective stories, all mixed into with the Green-Ringed hero we all known.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Additional Cast:
Rose Forrest: Fiance and love of Alan's life. Taken from him, and with it, any chance he had at a normal life.

Starheart: The sentience given to the magic captured by the Guardians millions of years ago. It was locked away on earth, only now revealing itself. Confined to the Green Lantern Battery, it's will is felt through it's chosen champion via the ring worn on his hand. The Starheart is doing what it can to influence Alan, albeit subtly at first. Like someone who's just woken up, the Starheart's actions are vague and without direction, but will in time pick up speed. Becoming Alan's greatest ally. Or his most impossible foe.

Kent Nelson: The Former Doctor Fate. Now hunting down the shards of Nabu in an effort to reforge the agent or order and the protector of Earth from magical threats. A role that he will teach Alan to fill-in for him while he's looking to restore Fate.

Molly Mayne: Ex-Girlfriend from College. 'The one who got away'. Find Alan after his apparent demise, she works as an independent journalist and is out for the story on the Green Lantern, and to rekindle the flame between her and Alan, unaware that the two would be the same.

Richard Swift: Lab Partner and friend since High School. Swift and Scott have drifted apart in the years since they both left college, Swift is now working as a tech-based thief, going by the dark web alias 'Shade'.

Elaine Belloc: Granddaugter of the Pressence. Daughter of Michael. Nephilim and destined to rule all of the cosmos. If there ever was a personification of 'out of your league' it would be Elaine. She teaches Alan about the occult and makes him a far better warrior, and man.

The Seven Demons: The evil that's primarily the focus of Alan's first foray into magic. They are spreading mischief, discord and chaos across the world, forcing Alan and his posse to hunt them down and try to put a stop to them.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Pitch 2 or 3 are both cool. I'd weigh heavier on pitch 2.

I hope I made it into the school musical.

I really think we can make it to regionals this year


The Crimson Arachna was sailing the south blue seas, after a year in the grand line. The Man O' War was busted up, and the crew looked like nothing more but a cabin of ghosts and ghouls. Two thirds of the crew hadn't made the journey back to the blue, the ship had barely managed to hold up during the travels. The crew were all tired, depressed and lacking any kind of conviction to keep fighting at this point. All they wanted was rest and retirement. All of them but the two cabin boys. Two big-eyed lads whom they had picked up before cruising over the Reverse Mountain on their way into the grand line. The boys were named Hazel and Kaspar, and they had stars in their eyes.

"C'mon Kaspar! I see the port!" Hazel shouted, his blonde hair blowing in the wind as he stood on the bow, looking out. Kaspar leaned over, nervously eyeing the mold-infested railing Hazel was leaning against, worried that it would break at any moment. "Finally. A place to relax at." The ginger-haired boy confessed.

"Dude! Are you also tired? Did the geezers rub off on you?!" Hazel's energetic tone picked Kaspar up, who shook his head.
"Nah. But I need food. And water. And I've never been in the South Blue before."
"You think they have funny accents?" Hazel asked and Kaspar giggled. The boys were no older than 15, and in many ways were too young to be out on the seas like this. Too young to have dealt with the hardships of the Grand Line. Yet, they were loyal to their cause and more importantly, each other. Their captain, Erwin Goldstinger never fucked around. He was a tough man to serve under, especially as lowly cabin boys whom, to many pirates, were worth nothing more than dirt, and Erwin often treated the boys worse than the bugs that lived on the ship.

However, the cook, James Hook was the one who had practically raised the boys into pirates. He had taught them how to do every chore on the ship, and punished them when they were stupid kids by forcing them to do all of the ship's dishes for the month. And a vessel with hundreds of messy pirates, the dishes piled up incredibly fast. But Mr. Hook was worn out from the struggles of the Grand Line, too. They couldn't have prepared themselves for that kind of hardships, surely.

Hazel knew James was cooking down in the mess hall, he could smell his food and hear the tune he was humming. Kaspar joined in and soon both of them were whistling along and humming the melody that the cook was letting out. Salmon stew was on the menu, South Blue salmon, even. They had only been in the south blue one day, and they weren't used to eating food that wasn't made from poisonous fish.

The harbor of Rootport came into view and Kaspar looked up, seeing the sail tatter, he whistled for Hazel to pay attention, and the two boys sprang into action, running as quickly as they could to grab the rope that had come undone, while Hazel used his meat-hook to quickly climb the mast, tying the rotten rope back together, cutting it off on the one end where it was the most rotten, making a better knot. They needed provisions, that's for sure.

"We need new rope, man." Hazel said, mellowly, once he climbed down, and Kaspar nodded. Thinking of their vice-captain and Quartermaster, Evie. She hadn't made it back from the Grand-Line, sacrificing herself to cover their escape when the greatest threat the Tarantula Pirates had ever known came for them.


A Man who's name would put fear into the hearts of any pirate.
<Snipped quote by Retired>

Lucky for me, you're not the GM.

It's really lucky for us all.



"I used to like the quiet."


H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T I E S:

Energy Projection and Manipulation:

Victor's able to generate, store, project, absorb, and manipulate energy. Or specifically, heat energy. His ability will take several shapes throughout his development. Thus, the applications and uses for his powers will vary with each stage of his mutation once his hype-gene becomes active. Victor is heatproof and cannot catch on conventional fire. He'll be able to learn to absorb the energy from a fire.

Optical Energy Projection And Manipulation, 'Heat Vision':

Victor fires energy from his optical nerves. His iris will begin to glow and soon his pupils will turn bright red. Energy will emit from his eyes at varying levels of heat and concussive power, much like all of his other blasts. With practice, he'll be able to manipulate the heat blasts with great dexterity, not just their heat and power, but the size and even decide on a complex path once fired, such as bending the beam mid-air. His optical blasts are strongly regulated by his emotions, anger makes his eyes burn hot and extreme explosions of rage will do the same to anything he looks at.

Limb Based Energy Projection, 'Hand Blast':

A more conventional and less complex use of his powers is firing beams from his body, commonly his hands. They're weaker in power than the ones from his eyes but offer greater flexibility. While his vision's harder to aim, he can fire a blast from his finger with bullet-like accuracy.

Complex Plasma Generation, 'Destructo-Disc':

What happens when you're immune to heat and can superheat the air and other materials until it ionizes? You end up with the ability to create, form, and manipulate shapes of superheated material. This material can be turned into weapons or defensive structures. Melting metal on touch or cutting through obstacles or foes at will. This is the most complex use of Victor's powers and requires amounts of electromagnetic energy he in most settings cannot generate himself.


Victor is 14 minutes older than Vanessa. And while as twins, that's arbitrary, it's something he always has taken seriously. He's an introvert who always had a hard time making friends, Vanessa was a social butterfly, forcing him into the social scene by 'protecting' her. Even though Vanessa's thrown more punches than Victor has in order to defend the other.

They shared everything growing up, baths to toys. They had their joint bike that Vanessa broke one summer and Victor had to fix.

They started theater together in their freshmen year, a hobby that both of the twins truly enjoyed which gave Vanessa a starring roll in a local commercial, and Victor the sporty nickname 'faggot'.
During the freshman year, Vanessa gravitated towards the social circles while Victor would rather stay in the artistic side of things. He did music, did his homework, and wrote poetry, only dragging her brother out to parties so he'd 'keep an eye on her' as their parents always told him to.

The sibling rivalry was strong in other aspects, though. Vanessa was better at track and field, Victor was better at baseball. Vanessa beat him in Super Mario and she was far better at social studies than him, but he had better grades in math and literature. Their father wanted Victor to become a rocket scientist like him, and Vanessa to pursue a career in acting. Their father died when the twins were 14. The trauma and pain of losing their dad's something they bonded over and it made them far closer. Relying on each other for the really nasty shit life throws at them.

He hated his sister at times because things always went her way. How she'd have fun and he'd clean up her mess.
And when she was gone, he'd give anything to clean up another one of her messes.

FULL NAME: Michael Thee Janitorial

HYPERHUMAN ABILITIES: Mike has the ability to shoot SpaghettiOs from every orifice of his body. A janitor, forever doomed to clean up a mess he himself creates. Cruel, cruel fate.

RELATIONSHIP TO VANESSA: She puked one time. He poured sawdust on it, but the stains would never come out... neither would the mental scars they gave Mike.

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