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Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
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Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Jedi Knight Antares Reyleigh



Physical Appearance:
Please detail any differences from any images you have used.

His lightsaber is made out of wonderful craftsmanship, with a patterned brown hilt, metal accents and a black emmitter, the button to ignite the blade is covered in leather wrapping for increased grip.

Lightsaber Combat; Form 2 and 5 Masashi and Shien are his forte, a prodigy in form 2. He was classically trained in both by his master and has grown to deploy Shien, and teachings from Form 3, Soresu, during the clone wars and the many, many encounters that came with being on the frontline. Following the attack on Kalvak, he's also become one of the few who was selected to be trained in the use of Form 7, Vapaad by master Windu himself.

Engineering; Unlike many of his Jedi peers, Antares enjoys tinkering. He tinkers with anything he could get his hands on, and his masters tended to say that if he hadn't been a Padawan, he would've been one of the Republics greatest engineers. As a result, he appreciates great engineering and wishes to understand how things work, taking them apart and putting them back together again. While he respects, and even really enjoys the workings of spaceships, he cannot fly them.

Weaponry; going hand-in-hand with his engineering, he made himself a good shot with a blaster of pretty much any size or variant, to the dismay of Weng-Sho who insisted that these weapons were not fit for a Jedi. Antares argued that in order to beat blaster and fight an army of blasters, he had to know how to use one. Weng-Sho soon forfeited his arguments and let the padawan spend time at the shooting range on Coruscant where his training mostly too place.

Survival; A man who's thrust behind enemy lines when he wasn't ready for it at a far too young age, Antares learnt how to survive - how to use the teachings taught to him by the Jedi Order to their fullest extent to prolong his own life. He knows how to hunt, care for himself and others, make basic traps and the like.

Leadership; AR became the commander of the 17th Unit of the in the Clone Wars, leading his clones behind enemy lines and striking at the separatists whenever he was called for. Setting up inter-sectional ambushes and coordinating attacks with other Jedi would become second-nature to him with time. Following his ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, he became

Hand-To-Hand; Antares challenged his clone troopers on the regular to engage him in sparring matches and over the course of the war, he become good enough at fighting without the help of the force or his lightsaber that he could fight troopers with fists alone. Jab-Ek was the only one in his unit he could never once beat.

Force Abilities:
As a Jedi Guardian, lightsaber combat was always at the center-stage of his training.
Antares possesses all basic force abilities, and specializes in the abilities the enhances his powers as a physical combatant.

Force Jump

Force Valor
Enhanced Attribute
Force Throw

Force Shockwave
Force Wave

Character History:
Order 66:


. Wednesday, 7:00
Amegakure .

The young lady of the Uragiri clan had woken up bright and early at six am, she was done picking out her outfit for the day, did her makeup and had even had breakfast. Her big brother, as well as jonin leader of her team was still asleep as far as he could tell - either that, or he was collecting the mission brief for the day, if any. She had errands to run, delivering some parcels for her parents, her dad needed letters he corresponded with a Academy-Training-Jonin in Kumogakure sent, and her mom had to order new scalpels and antibacterial materials from the factories in The Land Of Wind. Unagi made her way through the city of Amegakure, it was raining a little today, as most days so a small umbrella, which was as teal as her hair accompanied her. Protecting her hairstyle from the elements was certainly key to looking good in the city. She greeted some folks she knew that she passed by, but nobody struck up conversation with her. She did some grocery shopping, buying fresh fish and eggs and would then proceed to get home and put them into the fridge.

Once home, she would change her outfit into something lighter and do a quick workout. Bodyweight, yoga and agility, balancing on a beam on one hand at a time, that sort of stuff. Really simple but effective for keeping her sharp and in good shape and giving her a good start to the day. She went inside and made a cup of tea, while the tea cooled she put it on the table inside of her room and got into the shower. She hadn't worked up a sweat so there was no need to wash her hair or undo her makeup.

She dried off and was getting back into her clothes she had gone out in, when she noticed the note under her door from her brother. Once she was dressed, she did a quick touch-up in the mirror and then headed out towards the resturant. Shigeki had been a hangout place for her and Sakana growing up and it was kind of heartwarming that he chose it as their meeting spot for almost all of their meetings. She was standing in the elevator when she noticed Shogai in the lobby. The elevator doors were closing, and she wasn't gonna hold the elevator anyway. She caught his gaze and winked and waved at him as the doors closed completely, taking her up to Shigeki.

Once inside, she greeted her brother with a smile, ordering a drink, waiting for the first of the boys to get up there, as she always sat in the middle of the two boys, preventing any macho-in-fighting. Sakana sat opposed to her, he despised when she talked to him brotherly in official settings like this, so she'd only refer to him by his first name, or as sensei. Even though informal titels were a lot more fun and a hard habit to break.

"Standby-Duty, huh? Think we'll get to actually relax a little?" She said, feigning hope. She knew that no matter what, there would be no relaxing today. Either they would get called for a mission, or Sakana-Sensei would keep them busy otherwise. He then went on to talk about Gereki's Exams and how they would help him. Unagi didn't mind, helping a genin was after all an important job of a senior Chunnin, and the chance to show the boys a thing or two was never something she would pass down.
"Genin-Sitting in our sparetime sounds fun" She noted, taking a small bowl and pouring some of the stew up, she delicately put a spoon into the stew and lifted it to her mouth, blowing on it softly to make sure she wouldn't burn herself. She had already had a proper breakfast, but she knew it would be rude to not accept food when it was bought for her.

Luckily, she wouldn't have to stuff herself, as another shinobi showed up, to inform Team 3 of their mission of the day. Border Patrol. Unagi didn't mind, it was always interesting to protect the borders, most of the time it ended up in a lost of excuses and some flusters, and sometimes it ended in a small skirmish. And that one time, she even got to kiss a Kirigakure chunnin, what a loser he was.

. Wednesday, 9:46
Amegakure Eastern Border

Unagi joined her sensei in approaching the trespassers. She knew that if chaos erupted, she'd be useful for mitigating a fight, and should the fighting occur, her place was in the midst of it. And her feminine vibes could certainly off-put some of the hostility her brother would put out. They tracked down the four shinobi who were breaking trespassing and quickly appeared behind Sakana once he landed and made contact. She remained relaxed in appearance, seemingly casual and not worried, while concealing her hyper-tension and focusing on the details of the group. Their weaponry, the scroll container certainly containing information or a jutsu - maybe their lunch, it was hard to tell and with no prior intel on the group, there were little grounds for team 3 to seize any of the Konohagakure shinobis possessions. The swords the younger shinobi had did look pretty cool, though. But nothing too fancy. One of them carried a two-handed wide-bladed broadsword, while the other carried blue hilt katana.

"There's a beautiful inn 45 minutes to the north, outside of our borders. Tell the owner that Amgekaure Shinobi sent you, and you'll get a mighty discount on your stay and a free meal." Unagi approached with a softer tone and a soft smile, urging them to leave.


✖ ‖ N a m e
Uragiri Unagi

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
16 / January 1st

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
5'10, well toned and the body of a gymnast with curves in all the right places.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n

✖ ‖ F a m i l y

Father: Uragiri Kingyo, academy teacher, ninjutsu instructor and koi fish breeder of rank.
Mother: Uragiri Same, medical-nin at the hospital, creator of the 'catch you faking being sick to skip academy'-jutsu.
Uragiri Sakana, older brother (18), Sakana is Unagis big brother and him only being two years her senior, comes with a lot of sibling rivalry and the regular sibling bullshit.

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Koi Princess
Black-Eyed Succubus

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Bubbly yet not loud. She's a social person, a true extrovert who will talk to anyone about just about anything, yet she's highly guarded and on her watch about the things she says, it's fair to assume that anything you believe about Unagi si because she wants you to know it about her. In that regard, the times when things are out of her control, she becomes very unbalanced and have a hard time to adjust, something she's working on.

She's emotional and moody, something she outwardly displays quite often, given how often she changes her hair color and how several times a year, she will show up with a new tattoo usually commemorating something that's happened, a successful mission, a great loss or finding a really cute top.
Unagi's not someone who backs down from a fight, but prefers to not instigate them. In a fight she's sinister and extremely manipulative, attempting to find, expose and capitalize on any chink in the enemies armor. Exploiting every weakness is her forte and what she strives for in a fight.

✖ ‖ L i k e s

- Artistic expression
- Cleanliness
- Validation, being liked.
- Ninjutsu & Swords
- Sealing Techniques and learning about their many uses
- Romance, she's a hopeless romantic and reads a lot of romantic novels
- Her brother

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s

- Animals that aren't koi fish
- Stronger enemies
- Nobles
- Anyone who's more popular than her
- Spicy food.
- Her brother

✖ ‖ H o p e s

- Owning her own Tatto studio
- Becoming the most popular ninja in the world
- Becoming Sakana's equal in terms of power and rank
- See Amegakure grow to a great nation
- Falling in love
- Finding a really cool sword

✖ ‖ F e a r s

- Running out of creativity
- Being seen as ugly or otherwise unattractive
- Growing old
- Failing her brother
- Only being able to use love as a weapon
- All the cool swords are gone

✖ ‖ N i n d o
ta no namae no bara, a rose by any other name.

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Unagi's the first girl, yet the second child. Being a little sister and yet the first daughter is a lot of responsibility to balance. Growing up wasn't particularly easy, she got used to being seen as untrustworthy and mischievous even traitorous, something others of her very small clan seemed to embrace, but Unagi instead tried her best to become liked and popular, someone others saw as an idol both in appearance and ability. Her pale skin and black, almost fish-like eyes made it very hard to hide her heritage though, and she never really bothered to try and hide her eyes - even though she changes her hair color very often.

She found a passion for art at a young age and balanced her social life with her Shinobi studies and art, having very little time to develop many other hobbies or interests beyond drawing, listening to music and finding physical expression really cool - clothes and other expression became very important. She created her first tattoo, on her own thigh, when she was 12.

Her shinobi career wasn't anything spectacular, she was placed in Team Hiragami as a child, Hiragami was a grizzled ol' veteran who had seen more combat than most and he was a horrible sensei for that reason, as he wanted only soldiers. People who could follow orders and he had no patience for Unagis artistic tendancies. This lead to him drilling her on acrobatics and combat skills, further removing her from her hobbies. Hiragami made her a better shinobi, but a very pent-up person. Which is why on a mission, when she was 14, when they were caught out by Kirigakure shinobi, she didn't feel bad about following Hiragami's order to retreat, leaving the Jonin behind to be captured.

While waiting on her new team she quickly advanced to chunnin-rank a year late. She finally got placed in Team Sakana, lead by her brother who was a fresh Jonin. The two came to further their natural synergy under this period and Team Sakana could become the talk of the village as a up-and-coming Ninja Team, earning notoriety when they protected one of the Noblemen of the Mud from assassins lead by the missing-nin Hiruga Gero, a former Kumogakure Jonin.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s


✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
An aspiring Tattoo artist, stylist and clothing designer. She's all about appearances and making sure that things look good, both herself, her surroundings and even her practice in combat. She's graceful and aware, much like her name indicates. Being a girl who comes from a unknown clan - and unpopular to those that know of them, Unagi had to become very socially competent, she's excellent at manipulating others and combining it with her hyper-alertness she's able to use this to great benefit in a fight. She thinks swords are really cool and wishes to become a swordsman herself, too. But her talents for swordsmanship are mostly latent and non-developed.
However, she's a Sealing-Jutsu prodigy and has developed and learnt to use many sealing techniques.
In terms of more direct combat ability, she possesses talent for ninjutsu, acrobatics and chakra control. Relying on elemental-enhancement of her close-range attacks and lending support to other shinobi's ninjutsu, specifically water and fire jutsu.

✖ ‖ J u t s u


Kitsunes Promise, B-rank
She places a opponent under deep hypnotic sedation, they are unable to move or act, simply put into a sweet docile state listening to her suggestions and feeling strong feelings of love, the kind of warmth and coziness you'd only feel when in the presence of a lover. In this state, targets are greatly susceptible to her charms and will give most information freely, depending on how quickly they discover they're under her spell. The genjutsu is triggered by fluttering her eyes which glows pink for a second. This paralyzes the target for a second and then she has to quickly make physical contact with them in order to complete the jutsu.

Lovesick Honeytrap, C-rank:
Kneading the chakra in her lungs, she creates small particles that she then blows out into a gas that takes the shape of a heart that will expand upon impact. The particles themselves will put a genjutsu on anyone hit by them that will make them feel attraction and general feelings associated with love towards Unagi. Originally, performing this technique looked much like her gale breath technique due to the effort it took, but with time and experience, she's able to expel the full heart-shape gas bomb by simply blowing a kiss. The heart is projected forward by a gust of wind to make it gain enough speed to hit the target before exploding.

Sealing Techniques:
Gozu Tennō; Koi Source S-Rank;
Gozu Tennō; Koi Source is a tattoo on her right shoulder, a seal that seals chakra she absorbs using her Chakra Sealing Technique and transports into into the Koi-Pond back at the clan compound, allowing the kois in the pond to feed on it and grow big and strong, not to mention populous. This is done by creating a pact with the Red Koi spirit, Matri which calls the pond on the Uragiri properties home. When required, Unagi is able to call on the seal, absorbing chakra from the pond and back into her body, this means draining chakra from the kois and could potentially kill them if she drains too much from them. When the Seal is used, red markings will appear on Unagi's shoulder and spreading out towards her arm, chest and back, the seals will eminate with red chakra as will all of her jutsu turn red.
Fuinjutsu Trap
Barrier Releasing Technique
Chakra Draining Seal
Finger Carving Seal


Lightning Spear:, A-rank
Legend has it that this technique is a bastardization of the Chidori-Technique and that legendary ninja like Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake used techniques like this. She generates lightning chakra in her hand and then shape-transforms into into a spear reaching upwards of 10 meters, though the longer the spear the more chakra it taxes her and the shorter duration she can use the technique. The blade is capable of blocking another sword and can easily cut through a tree or even a rock, making it extremely deadly, requiring great dexterity. Like all electricity she uses, it's got a pink mixed with turquoise color.

Stormcloud Defense, B-rank
Like the lightning spear, this technique is built on the foundations of the ancient and legendary Chidor. Unagi channels lightning chakra through her entire body, allow her a instant and temporary defense against an attacker or restraints. The technique does not require any handseals, making it incredibly powerful for escaping Earth-based bondage.

Thunder Axe:, B-Rank.
Unagi coats her foot in lightning, her heel specifically and delivers a powerful axekick to the opponent striking like thunder.

Lightning Triple, C-Rank:
Throwing three shuriken or kunai at an opponent, she covers them all in lightning chakra before throwing them, once again increasing their cutting power.

Pack-A-Punch; Electro style, C-Rank:
Putting electricity into her hands, Unagi creates a taser-knuckle like technique that adds force to her jabs.

Electric Eel Net Jutsu, D-Rank:
Putting her hands into a body of water, Unagi sends out fierce lightning tendrils through the water, electrocuting it.

Gale Push C-Rank:
Channeling Wind chakra into her hands and feet, Unagi is able to be propelled forward, or to blast an opponent or object back.

Gale Breath, C-Rank:
After a series of handsigns, Unagi puts her index finger under her lip, much like the great fireball technique, and blows a powerful blast of wind from her mouth. This technique can blow up dust for a smokescreen, fan the flames of a fire jutsu or put a fire out. It can even blow an opponent off their feet.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Common ninja tools.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Acrobatic, fluent and well thought out. Unagi does not move in unintended ways. She acts on purpose and if she seems to be making a movement-based mistake in combat it's safe to assume she's feinting on purpose.
Her fighting style is reminiscent of a kick boxers, focusing on knees, electric punches and well-targeted lightning jutsu. She doesn't hit hard, but is excellent at making sure her attacks strike their mark. Precison's more important than power to her.
Most fights are started on unfair premises by Unagi, she charms, using genjutsu or other misdirection to create an opening.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

<Snipped quote by Hillan>
I deliberately made her without a heavy finishing move type of attack. Although if and when I unlock a transformation I might want to change that. But if you let her bombard someone with her rapid fire attacks for the same duration as it takes to load up and deliver one of those (Like have you seen the load times on a Kamehameha? It's like he is downloading the power through a 56k modem!) the overall damage delivered should be comparable. Those attacks are not a joke even if they can't quite crack planets like some of you can.

I feel like power is so incredibly inconsistent in the general Dragon Ball medium that it shouldn't define anything in a roleplay, anyway. Motivation and purpose seems to matter more than powerlevels do and any power-boost anyone gets is completely relied on why they need them.

And I guess this is Future Trunks with a Saiyan-Hate-Boner.

<Snipped quote by KillamriX88>
Comparatively true. She isn't useless like him though. Like, she might not be able to solo the highest hitters on the team but she can give them a good run for their money. Even if a SS is going to eventually win every time. And this means that she can keep any opponent tired and busy for long enough to make sure one of you can spend the necessary 10 minutes charging one of your mega super attacks and stay in contact until the last second to ensure it connects before dodging out in the last second to safety with a big smile on her face.

But could she hypothetically kienzan someone in two and / or come in with the clutch senzu bean for the enemy who's gonna kill the heavy hitters son

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Hello! I've just read your profile! I've a couple questions and clarifications, but she seems like fun. We can discuss it here, in PMs or on discord, if you prefer.

Discord would be fine. Is there a game discord?

It's you. Almost welcome.

Hi bud!
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