
J A S O N P E T E R T O D D ♦ R E T I R E D S U P E R V I L L A I N
R O Y W I L L I A M H A R P E R ♦ A G E N T O F S.H.I.E.L.D
R O Y W I L L I A M H A R P E R ♦ A G E N T O F S.H.I.E.L.D
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"I play with guns. I work with a knife."
"You're the boy-wonder-pain-in-my-ass."
"You're the boy-wonder-pain-in-my-ass."
I'm aiming for a buddy-cop angle much like the classic one we've come to expect out of this dysfunctional duo from the modern comics. However, in the spirit of this game I've adapted them to the constraints and possibilities of the game. Jason's story is mostly unchanged, I've made some altercations to sew together his Post-Crisis past with his New-52 one. Jason was Robin, got killed by Joker, resurrected in the Lazarus pit and swore his revenge on Joker, Batman and all of Gotham. He was sent to Arkham and spent a good few months killing inmates from the inside, till the crusaders of Gotham stopped him once more. Put into a supermax, Amanda Waller gave him an out and a hefty dose of epxerimental anti-psychotics. Jason is an anti-villain more so than he's a hero.
Roy Harper grew up in Star City with an abusive father and a woman who clung to victimhood. He was a lowlife and got into small-time crime in the Glades, but when prompted with the choice of causing real damage to another human being, Roy chose the path of a hero and stopped his formed friends from mugging the defenseless man. He left Star city as soon as he could, joining the military at the age of 17. He excelled as a marksman and by 20 had broken just about all records the American military had. He worked in Black Ops for a few years but soon got out, instead ending up working directly for Captain America following the battle in 2010. He's become one of Director Rogers star agents and one of the brightest field officers SHIELD has ever produced, even if his methods are unorthodox.
Roy and Jason are tasked with finding the missing Fury, and stop any bad guys they can while doing so. Roy acts like Jason's chaperone, and makes sure the undead Robin doesn't go ballistic yet again.
Roy Harper grew up in Star City with an abusive father and a woman who clung to victimhood. He was a lowlife and got into small-time crime in the Glades, but when prompted with the choice of causing real damage to another human being, Roy chose the path of a hero and stopped his formed friends from mugging the defenseless man. He left Star city as soon as he could, joining the military at the age of 17. He excelled as a marksman and by 20 had broken just about all records the American military had. He worked in Black Ops for a few years but soon got out, instead ending up working directly for Captain America following the battle in 2010. He's become one of Director Rogers star agents and one of the brightest field officers SHIELD has ever produced, even if his methods are unorthodox.
Roy and Jason are tasked with finding the missing Fury, and stop any bad guys they can while doing so. Roy acts like Jason's chaperone, and makes sure the undead Robin doesn't go ballistic yet again.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
Their nature is very nomadic, they could go anywhere and do anything, both of them are well established in the DC mythos, even if I've stripped Roy of his heroic past since there's no Green Arrow around. Nestling them into the SHIELD organization I think adds a lot of value to it as a faction, but allows them to do whatever I'd think would be fun. I think I could easily write a driving narrative with the boys, but for now I'd start out with them being roaming characters, nibbling away at their own corner of the universe until the time for interaction comes around.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Roy likes fighting with a bow and arrow still, even though he's a lot more fond of modern firearms in my iteration than in the comics. Roy's still got his technological know-how and is an engineering prodigy the likes of Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark, if he'd be given the resources and time to apply himself.
Jason is volatile and capable of great spurts of madness, he barely began his training with the All Caste, abandoning Ducra pretty much as soon as he could to get his revenge back home in Gotham. He terrorized the city for a long enough time to make The Red Hood a infamous name across the world.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.