Jason Todd
Roy Harper
Roy Harper
The dossier flew onto his desk, he was playing with the pen in his hand, twirling it around with incredible dexterity. The ginger-haired man peered up, his superior Regina Bellum grimaced.
"You asked for this, Harper. I'd say you'd live to regret it, but I'm not so sure you'll make it that long." Roy peered up and smiled at the older agent.
"C'mon 'Gina. How bad can it be?"
"Gotham's only ever produced one man more nuts than him." She dismissed Special Agent Roy Harper with a wave of her hand, walking back to her office. Roy opened up the dossier and smirked. Inside were pictures of the young man, the dossier was full of blacked-out information, names and dates. Places he had grown up, the name of his beneficiary. Date of birth - even the far more rare death certificate was included, yet mostly blacked out. Very little was known about the man whose information Roy held in his hands. The only sentence that had survived the merciless grip of the classification officer who had worked on this file was a quote.
“Fearless, arrogant, brash and gifted.” - The Batman.
Beneath it followed remnants of his psych report, his rap sheet, the number of bad guys he had stopped in his relatively short time as Batman's right-hand boy. The number of bad guys he had killed when he came back to Gotham after his absence - even included details about how he had committed 7 murders while incarcerated at Arkham Asylum. The man, only a few years Roy's junior, was sentenced to multiple life sentences in jail. Yet one call from the big boss at Argus and suddenly this man became his problem.
"What's the group who's got maybe the highest concentration of combat skill in the world, Roy?" He leaned back in his chair, pondering.
"The Bats, right. See, ol' Batman himself created a legacy of being a hero who toed the line. Operating well in the grey, but knowing full well where the line always has been. Batman trained himself to be a soldier, and it's always been the assumption that he trained the rest of his merry band of heroes, right?" He continued talking to himself, playing with the pen still in his fingers, moving it meticulously, flawlessly with his fingers from the index to the pinky in one swift motion, only to rotate it back and do it all again.
"They're all famous, every last one of them for their unorthodox solutions. Their willingness to go the extra mile." A smile crept upon his face.
"And I managed to score myself a 1 on 1 with the black sheep of that family? You've done it again Harper. The guy was such an asshole that even Death spit him back up." Roy threw his feet off of his desk, his black tie falling over his shoulder quickly as he turned around, pulling his suitcase from the floor. His hair was slicked back and he comfortably pulled the green trucker hat over his head, making his outfit clash something fierce between the dirty trucker hat and the freshly pressed black suit that S.H.I.E.L.D forced him to wear at the field offices.
He left his cubicle and headed out, looking at the secretary, Liam.
"Cancel my meetings, Liam."
"I'm not your secretary and you don't have any meetin-"
"I'm off to a lunch date with a psychopath."
On a small private airfield in New York, the private Jet belonging to Argus landed, opened up, and revealing four men, three in black suits and one man in cuffs.
Jason was wearing a casual outfit, whatever ARGUS had on hand to give him before they shipped him out. Jason's hands were cuffed still, the three ARGUS agents were still keeping him in their custody before SHIELD would take him into theirs.
Agent Sharon Carter, the Grandniece of Steve Rogers himself was the agent in charge of the meeting. She was also Roy's former partner. Roy smiled sheepishly at her as he arrived on the scene and she sighed.
"I'll take him from 'ere. You can uncuff him." Sharon told the ARGUS agents who looked at each other before shaking their heads
"That's uh, unwise, Miss Cart-"
"Agent. Carter."
"Right, Agent Carter. Prisoner #411's supposed to be transferred directly to the helicarrier and interviewed there. Those were the order we received."
"Waller and I negotiated another deal. So unless you wanna call her up in the middle of her exercise routine - 3-4 P.M every day. - I'd shut up and hand me the prisoner." The agents once more let out a loud sigh and pushed Jason forward, making him turn around and unlocked his cuffs.
"I'm impressed, Agent Carter. But you just made a great mistake. Jason's shot back, as he took a step forward, his hands pulling the two Glock 19's from each of the Agents holsters, undoing the security strap without hesitation, stunning the agents of ARGUS. The firearms were aimed at Carter and Harper.
"You let a crazy man get his hands on some toys." He smiled, Roy reached for his gun but Sharon raised her hand to tell him to stand down, likewise for the Argus Agents.
"I don't think you are crazy, Mr. Todd. Not anymore, at least. ARGUS spent a lot of money on making you better. You suffered from great chemical unbalance, combined with your demise, resurrection, and already pretty substantial anger issues, you lashed out. Started a war in Gotham."
"You think me trying to kill Batman and burn Gotham to the ground was a temper tantrum?"
"More or less."
Jason laughed, put down the guns, and put his hands forward to be cuffed again. The argus agents reclaimed their guns and went for the cuffs again.
"Told you, he's frickin' Crazy!"
"And I told you. You are to release him into my custody. Or, more specifically, into Agent Harper's custody." Sharon commanded, as the Argus agents begrudgingly stood down. Roy was impressed, concerned and a little amused by Sharon's display of confidence. She reminded him a lot of Fury. Jason rubbed his wrists, threw back his hair out of his face, and scratched his unkempt beard. SUPERMAX didn't give him the ability to shave - not after he sliced the guard who was taking money from Black Mask's wrist with a disposable razor.
"This is the guy?" Jason asked with a disappointed look in his eyes. Trying to see if there was a bigger, more, let's say 'Captain America' looking guy Behind the ginger-haired man with the cheap suit and dirty trucker hat. But, no, this seemed to be it.
"Special Agent Roy Harper. He volunteered to be your chaperone. He's also one of SHIELDs Best." Jason wasn't convinced. Roy grimaced.
"He's slow on the trigger. I could've killed you both and the other 3 mooks before he'd even pull his gun."
"You didn't take the guns of safety. So either you've lost your killer instinct in prison - or you've forgotten how to shoot a gun." Roy smiled and Jason shrugged.
"I'm a retired supervillain, after all."
"Thank you, Agent Carter. I'll brief Mr.Hood here on our missions. You tell Rogers hi for me when you get back onto the carrier."
"He still barely knows your name, you know that right?" She said as she walked towards the armored SUV at the end of the tarmac.
"Don't break my little heart like that, Shar." Roy exclaimed as she walked away, a grin on his face he turned back to Jason.
"Hope you're ready to work off your sentence by doing some real good, Todd. There's our ride." An old RV-7A stood parked, rust visible and the plane looked like it hadn't been flown for decades. But he had no choice, Waller had made sure of that. Jason sighed and followed the trucker-hat-clad moron.