"Are you trying to bribe me with a Pokemon, professor?!" Silver accused, feigning disgust for the Professor's sneaky tactics.
"But fine. I'll help Galdino. But I'm sure he'll just slow me down." Silver scoffed. The professor brought up pokeballs and as soon as they opened, Silver was amazed to find Gold completely gone from where he had been standing, instead being found in the other end of the room.
Silver's long red hair blew in the wind caused by Gold's mad dash, and as soon as the teen realized what had happened his face broke into a smile, and then into a chuckle and finally devolving into a hearty laugh, the kind that made his eyes tear up and his stomach rumble.
"HAHA. HE'S..." Silver couldn't catch his breath, eventually falling into his hands and knees laughing too hard.
"HE'S SCARED OF POKEMON, PROFESSOR! PFFFFF" Silver kept cackling, Elm holding back from laughing too, his face turning red. The three starters were confused. Totodile, quite reserved. Cyndaquil was taking a nap, rolling around on the floor and lastely, Chikorita, found it's way to the red haired man laughing like a maniac, nibbled at his hand and butted it's leaf-clad head against his shoulder.
Elm noticed it and spoke
"My my. This starter Pokémon certainly doesn't seem to find you suspicious at all, seems Chikorita's taken quite a liking to you." The little green form tried to climb onto Silver's arm, whom now was standing back up, Chikorita struggling to hang onto his arm, using his elbow as a ledge with it's paws. Silver scooped it up with his other hand and placed Chikorita on his shoulder. His demeanor softened, from the mean spirited laugh, different from the cool facade he put up, and even different from the dorky interior he showed in private. He scratched the green pokemon under the chin and smiled with utmost sincerity.
"Hi there lil' fella. My name's Silverado. And I think I'm gonna call you Bjork." Chikorita let out a happy bleet at the suggestion of a nickname. "Riiitaaa!" He cried out. Picking up the Pokéball his new partner had been in, Silver headed to the door, passing Gold.
"You gonna pick one so we can get a move on?" Silver asked, the green of his Pokemon clashing with the black of his jacket and the red in his hair.
"But fine. I'll help Galdino. But I'm sure he'll just slow me down." Silver scoffed. The professor brought up pokeballs and as soon as they opened, Silver was amazed to find Gold completely gone from where he had been standing, instead being found in the other end of the room.
Silver's long red hair blew in the wind caused by Gold's mad dash, and as soon as the teen realized what had happened his face broke into a smile, and then into a chuckle and finally devolving into a hearty laugh, the kind that made his eyes tear up and his stomach rumble.
"HAHA. HE'S..." Silver couldn't catch his breath, eventually falling into his hands and knees laughing too hard.
"HE'S SCARED OF POKEMON, PROFESSOR! PFFFFF" Silver kept cackling, Elm holding back from laughing too, his face turning red. The three starters were confused. Totodile, quite reserved. Cyndaquil was taking a nap, rolling around on the floor and lastely, Chikorita, found it's way to the red haired man laughing like a maniac, nibbled at his hand and butted it's leaf-clad head against his shoulder.
Elm noticed it and spoke
"My my. This starter Pokémon certainly doesn't seem to find you suspicious at all, seems Chikorita's taken quite a liking to you." The little green form tried to climb onto Silver's arm, whom now was standing back up, Chikorita struggling to hang onto his arm, using his elbow as a ledge with it's paws. Silver scooped it up with his other hand and placed Chikorita on his shoulder. His demeanor softened, from the mean spirited laugh, different from the cool facade he put up, and even different from the dorky interior he showed in private. He scratched the green pokemon under the chin and smiled with utmost sincerity.
"Hi there lil' fella. My name's Silverado. And I think I'm gonna call you Bjork." Chikorita let out a happy bleet at the suggestion of a nickname. "Riiitaaa!" He cried out. Picking up the Pokéball his new partner had been in, Silver headed to the door, passing Gold.
"You gonna pick one so we can get a move on?" Silver asked, the green of his Pokemon clashing with the black of his jacket and the red in his hair.