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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Iirc they're dealing with the Chitauri in Brooklyn meanwhile the dominator ship.is above Manhattan. @Lord Wraith can correct me if I'm wrong

Mind you, I'm not completely convinced of the geography of NYC, but I imagine it'd been quite feasible for Raven to have flown from Brooklyn to Manhattan provided there'd been a line of sight. If not I should edit my post to her being in Manhattan.
Everyone's favorite witch with a demonic backseat driver decided to get involved in the whole ship-situation.

If you want, I left it open for Raven's smoke helping Supes Jr. and Silk with crowd control. If not, she was just in a different couple of blocks.

Previously: The Caretaker and How Raven Got Her Wheels
Multiversal Mayhem Tie-In #1.

Ghost Rider

Seeing the UFO's attack in New York was a blast from the past. She had seen this on the news once before, well, one of the alien vehicles at least. It had sent the mighty Superman packing with its laser weaponry before he and his allies eventually managed to stop it. The young witch pulled on the cigarette in her mouth, filling her lungs with smoke as she walked the streets of Brooklyn, people fleeing all around her as the giant worm-like thing in the sky getting closer to her. She had left her bike a couple of blocks behind, realizing well and truly that this was a job to take on foot.

"Cinis in cinere" The witch chanted as the civilians ran past her, the smoke on the cigarette turned a deep blue, soon turning into a haunting purple as she continued to walk, the smoke pouring out of her mouth and encapsulating the entire street she was walking on, pathing around any of the human civilians making sure to keep out of their reach. In her gut, Raven felt worried. Her eyes focused on the people she hadn't been able to save - a woman and her husband laid buried under rubble, their souls already departed. In her, these emotions grew. While the daughter of darkness had spent her entire life choking down these feelings before, she was now liberated from that burden. Yet once again cursed to feel it all.

Her closed eyes shot open, the purple glow erupted from under her hood, the signature glow of the ex-Titan. The 500 or so forces of aliens that were running down on the street noticed her and her ocean of purple haze, turning their attacks and weaponry on her but it was far too late. For in all of those emotions Raven would find one thing for certain.


Echoing the same three words she had used when she cast the smoke spell, the smoke engulfed the horde, burrowing into their lungs and killing them from the inside. Ripping the life out of their lungs, the smoke set its sights on the being in the sky, the worm heading towards Raven. She turned around and flicked her hand, the smoke followed from behind her and carried her, forming the shape of a Corvus, passing through the space-worm doing the same to it it had to the men below it. Flying, Raven could clearly see the Dominator ship attacking the ground. It was firing its smaller blasters on a skyscraper full of civilians.

The daughter of darkness darted into the fray, using her magic to use her enchanted smoke to form a crow that shielded the building from the alien weaponry. The shield holding, she could clearly tell they were warming up their far bigger gun - the Superman-knocking-on-ass-kind.

"That's gonna become a problem. Everyone, duck!" She yelled, looking at the people behind her who were all shocked - yet relieved to no longer be under immediate mortal threat. Throwing her hands in front of her as the gigantic cannon fired, she enforced the shield, holding back the attack but getting pushed closer to the civilians she was trying to protect.

"Give in, Daughter Of Trigon. I'll destroy this threat to the innocent." The rider's touch on her soul whispered

"Shut up! You'd destroy the entire city" She yelled out loud, confusing the civilians who were close enough to listen.

"You are weakened from our fight against the necromancer Zarath. "

"Your fight! I was in the passenger seat. Now shut up and let me focus!" Raven shouted in a spurt of anger, the shield flaring up in size as the beam continued its steady barrage, the smaller cannons adding up. She had to stretch the bulwark outwards to protect as many civilians as possible - something the dominators noticed and they started using their secondary weaponry on the ship to target people who were fleeing.

"Metrion Zinthos!" The sorceress cried out, gathering her strength.

Her eyes glowing, she threw her hand to the ground, powered by unholy fervor, the witch pulled her hand up from the ground, summoning energy from underneath the city, as the concrete of the road under the ship was torn asunder. A storm of chains was pulled from the underground, grabbing a hold of the ship and yanking it sideways, stopping the firing of the beam at Raven, the shield went down as she began putting her focus on using the chains to restrain the ship.

Yet, she could feel her strength waning.

Previously: Something Begins
Chapter 3: The Caretaker And How Raven Got Her Wheels

Ghost Rider

She was terrified and all alone, covered in blood and gore. The young girl could barely move after that night, she couldn't eat and she couldn't sleep. The only thing going on in her head was a incredibly strong scent. It smelled like iron and brimstone. Like blood and fire. Soot and sorrow. Hiding in a pair of sweatpants and a oversized hoodie she had stolen from the church lost and found, she was constantly shaking. Her skin as pale as it could be. Yet, that smell in her head, it dug it's way to the deepest parts of her mind. To her very core she felt it.

Once upon a time, Raven had been a member of the Teen Titans, a premier teenaged superhero who had rubbed elbows with the Robins and wonderboys of ages past. With that came a certain amount of knowledge. She knew of the lords of orders and chaos, she was acquainted with the Zatara family and she knew full well of the once regal knight known since Camelot as Jason Blood. And it was in one of his archives that she had broken in, frail and her magic as weak as it had ever been, she managed to undo Blood's rudimentary safeguards. She was deep in Texas middle of nowhere, nose to the tomes of old.

There she found it. Mentions of the being that was calling her. The very same essence that she had made a deal with to spare her body and mind - fate of the world, from the wrath of her father. The spirit of Vengeance. Blood had made translations of the ancient language, enochian alphabet was as far as Raven could identify it. She certainly should've paid more attention in rune-class back in Azarath. While reading his translations, she found out that this spirit was a part of some incomprehensible host of the heavens, a counterpart to demonic entities, the purest manifestation of justice. Yet, Blood's had made personal notes in his translations that this spirit of Vengeance wasn't such justice at all. Tainted by humanity and it's sin, the spirit was far more like divine wrath.

Blood speculated that this very spirit would be enough to slay the demon who inhabited his body. A theory that Raven's predicament seemingly has proven true for she couldn't feel her father's touch upon her mind anymore. Jason had tried to search this spirit out, finding out it inhabited a human host at the time.

Jonathon Blaze.

The bus stopped and out stepped the beat up, worn out 16 year old girl. The busdriver wished her a safe hike, which she absent mindidly ignored. That burning in her chest was ever bigger, greater now than it had ever been before. She still could only smell and taste blood and brimstone. Yet, this burning feeling felt... familiar to her. Something in her was calling home. Casting a locator spell, she managed to visualize a trail in her mind's eye, generating a path she could follow through the wildlands in the southern part of the country. The hike was long and took many hours, her feet hurt when she finally arrived to a seemingly abandoned ranch, built on an old church. The meager two cows that made up the cattle walked in what had once been a graveyard.

She trespassed ever so carefully, making her way into the main building, the former church was in ruin, yet someone had built a makeshift house out of the ruins, closing off some parts of it. Raven knocked on the door, which with great labor, came open at the slightest touch from the young sorceress. On the walls were runes, pentagrams and Eyes Of Solomon. All of which were deeply powerful magical protection, or at least once upon a time they had been.

She took another step, only to get knocked off her feet by the wooden stock of a gun being smacked in her face. Landing on her back, Raven got the wind knocked out of her as the larger figure in front of her stood wide-legged in front of her. Grabbed her by the collar and pusher her up against the wall, as she was pinned to the wall, the pentagram on it started to glow, and she felt what little strength she had left start to leave her.

The sawed off shotgun was put to her face as the man who's breath smelled of whiskey and tar spoke.

"You evil son of a bitch!" He spat out. Raven grimaced, trying to break free.
"Who the hell are y-" Raven was interrupted by the man's grip tightening.
"You were not supposed to come back, ever! I gave everything to keep it that way. I stopped Ketch for you! That was the deal!" He shouted, all of it was nonsense to the purple-clad former heroine.

"Goddamit, I killed the black host. I killed my own brother! And now what?! This girl wiffs of some crusty low-level demonic minions and you come running back?! So fucking ready to get kneedeep in blood again?!" He shouted, a rage Raven could barely recognize in a man.

Yet, that was it. Barely. She could recognize it. She had felt it. That night, the night she died. She was that angry.
The man's arm was trembling, Raven felt her body grow stronger as a voice erupted from deep within her, her eyes glowing with flame.

"The girl is needed. She chose this, to prevent the rise of pure evil."

"Chose this?! OH yeah, same was I or Danny did when we were bleeding to death because some satanist punks thought they could get a better SAT score if they slit our throats?! " He continued shouting, god, he was so incredibly angry. The few not broken windows in the church shook at his voice. Raven's eyes started glowing more intensively, and the magical trap that bound her erupted into an ember, sizzling out as the girl was freed. With one hand, she pushed the man away from her, he slid on the hardwood floor, gritting his teeth, hand clutching the shotgun in his hand.

Raven landed gracefully on the floor, holding up her hand, small fragments of the skin on her hand was flaking off, erupting into flames as it did.

"You served well, Johnny. Even when your brother betrayed us and threatened all of creation, you played your part. A soldier finer than all others."

"A soldier? A soldier?! Are you fucking shitting me?! I killed Lucifer. A hundred times! I sent every evil piece of shit that ever crawled up from that hellhole back into the brimstone. I know where your road leads, and I'm not gonna let some girl ride shotgun while you take her for a ride"

Cotninuing screaming, he aimed the gun at the burning girl.

"I killed my own brother for you!" Unable to pull the trigger as his hand was quivering. Gritting his teeth, Johnny Blaze tossed the shotgun to the side and bowed his head.

"Take me instead. Leave her and I'll be the rider again." Johnny solemnly asked. Raven felt a pang in her chest, her empath magic picking up on all of the sadness that decision came with. All of this burning rage Johnny had was born from sorrow. If she was still able to, the raw emotion would've been enough to make her cry.

Raven was engulfed in fire as she started to float in the room, flames creeping around her as the voice coming from deep within her spoke with greater intensity, creating powerful gusts that blew Johnny's hair and black coat back. He gritted his teeth.

"This isn't your fight Johnny. You already played your part. Destiny calls for this witch." And with that judgement, the fire went out and Raven collapsed on the floor, Johnny quickly grabbed her and would become her caretaker, same way others had for him in the past.

Three weeks had gone-by, Johnny had nursed Raven back to health. Telling her old stories about his days as the rider. Some of them were too tall to believe. How he fought demons, ghouls, vampires, devils and even angels. He told him what he knew about the spirit of vengeance, or at least all he wanted to share.

"You're the last one, Raven. I thought I was, but seems the world has need for one last stringer. When I started, well... It was different. There were more of us. There always had been. Things got complicated and really, really bloody."

"Danny was a rider as well, right?" Raven asked and Johnny nodded.
"Yeah, Ketch was a rider all right. Best there had ever been. First one to lose his grace, too. To truly fall. See, we always thought the Ghost Rider was a demon punishing the wicked. But... Well, there's more to it. I don't quite know what it is myself, either. Just that it's powerful. Powerful enough to, in the wrong hands, rule all of creation."

"Those 'wrong hands' were Danny's, I assume?"
"As wrong as it got. He killed every other rider and stole their power. When I beat him, I locked the spirit away, in heaven. Promised that in exchange for my brother's life and his soul, the spirit would never again find itself on earth. Clearly, bargaining with it wasn't a good idea." Johnny said, sighing. He nodded over at the barn, Raven peered, contemplating her own position in all of this.

"I dug something up for you. Promised I'd never use it again, and well, this ain't breaking my promise." The duo walked over the barn, revealing a vehicle covered in cloth. Dramatically, Johnny spoke, putting his hand on the dusty cloth.

"Being the Ghost Rider, it's like being changed to a comet. That's why I'm making sure you've got wheels fast enough to keep up." He pulled the tarp off, revealing the very same bike he had ridden on many years ago.

New York City
2 Years Later

Stopping the bike at the top of the hill, the woman wearing the long leather coat stepped off, putting down the kickstand. Taking off her black and purple helmet, she revealed her still pale face, purple hair blowing in the wind. The gem on her forehead revealing her identity as Raven, the former daughter of Trigon. That wasn't who she was anymore. She had hidden herself away, dealing with the very worst dregs of creation. Yet, as she watched the portal open above the biggest city on the planet she realized that this was the time to make her reappearance into to world.

"Haven't seen hell pour out of the sky before... That's new." The witch stated, holding her helmet by her side as she looked on at the invasion beginning above the city. The blood of innocents being spilt made the spirit grow stronger. Vengeance would have to claim it's due.

Silver was baffled at the raw speed of the random kid who had decided to give the pair the fastest tutorial on how to catch pokémon Silver had ever seen or heard off. Gold was more annoyed than impressed, something that made the red haired boy chuckle.
"... Think he had been using some of that X Speed on himself?" Silver joked as the two made their way to cherrygrove town, finally entering the city that dwarfed New Bark Town in size.

As the two approached, they saw the police officer talking to the locals, Silver instantly turned his face away, putting his hand on Bjork to make sure his free-roaming grass critter didn't make a sound that could draw the attention of the law. Not that Silver thought he was wanted - but officers never sat right with him.

"Let's take a shortcut." He told Gold, leading them away from the cop.
Seems cool.
Silver snickered as Gold started losing it upon the sight of a startling murder of Pidgey. Bjork bleated cheerfully upon seeing other Pokémon. But his expression soured before he could tease Gold for his fear. "My parents. It's a complicated situation. We're what you'd call 'estranged'." Silver spoke as the two continued further into the Route, reaching a crossroads. One of the paths lead up into the old trail to Blackthorn, the one people had hiked on for generations but was now closed due to the situation up there. Silver longed to investigate, but he knew it would be tough to make it up the path this way, maybe impossible. And he certainly wasn't strong enough to handle whatever waited up there. Gold was moving ahead to the left as Silver pondered, before taking a quick few steps to jog back into pace with Gold.

Bjork held onto Silver's shoulder and hair with it's paws as the boy sprinted, the little green pokemon blowing in the wind.
"So, how you liking being away from home so far?" His tone was cheeky, yet not mean.

As Gold avoided his question, Silver figured it best not to prod the freakishly strong boy anymore, while Gold seemed to be afraid of Pokémon, Silver was far more afraid of the other boy giving him a nuggie or a galarian burn or something. He shuddered at the thought. They made their way through town, Silver keeping up the pace while Gold slowed down for some reason, as he caught the other boy getting a glazed look in his eye and hesitation in his steps.

"Holy Corphish. You've never been this far away from home, have you?" He was both amazed and intrigued.

"I've traveled all around Kanto since I was a kid. I'm here looking for someone, family actually." He said, there was a finality to his words like he wasn't interested in keeping that particular conversation going. They approached the calm Route 29, it was past noon so Silver would've assumed a route like this to be a little more lively.

Silver had to put his hand in front of his face to not laugh out loud at Gold's fear of the little fire rodent. Bjork bleated a cheerful giggle at the display from where he was perched on Silver's shoulder. As Elm gave them his goodbyes, Gold turned to Silver and had a confident look on his face. "Also it's not Galdino, it's Gold." Silver smirked.

"I get it. Everyone who's called me my full-name since I was a little boy, I've punched." Bjork's leaf fell over his face, covering one of his eyes as he was trying to blow it back up, Silver gently used his finger to flick it into place, the green critter beamed with excitement, making sure to hold onto the red-haired boy's jacket.

"Why are you so scared of Pokémon anyway? Were you around when Blackthorn happened?" Silver asked, the two of them making their way out through New Bark Town.
I've been sick as a dog for the past week + school's keeping me kinda busy. But I'll make time for the collab at least so just holler when you got time @Hound55.
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