Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

Added the current TLDR versions of the different areas of Sunstrider Island and Morgans' enemies. I'm sure he'll get more as I go along. I still need to figure out the Marines.

Oh man I heard there's this one really cool character in the OOC rn. Go check 'em out!

Hey howdy I'd like us to gather a few more friends for this EPIC Adventure that awaits.
God Hillan steal my GM thunder why don't you. D:<

<Snipped quote by Restalaan>

Yup, feel free to PM me, or hope into the discord and shoot me a DM!

You snooze you GM-lose.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Thanks for the clarification, I kind of wanted to tie my char backstory origin and with either an admiral/vice admiral picking them up.

I will see what I can do to hammer things out.

Shoot Pacifista a PM and I'm sure that can be arranged!
That sounds a lot more manageable.

But just to clarify, as Roger and Vegapunk isnt in this quest.

What are the status of Garp, Sengoku and Kaido in this setting?

Once more, not the GM, but per the Setting Notes post - there are no canon characters.
Hmm, so if say, I want to make a marine character that's starting out like Koby and making their way up. I have to make an entire marine crew of NPC or if there any leeway?

Cause I feel like I wouldn't be able to make an entire NPC crew of a dozen people and RP them well.

I'm not the GM, but I've played in the games that this RP took inspiration from (I.E, the DC and Marvel ones.) - It should be completely feasible for you to play as a rookie marine who builds their way up without a 'living machine' of NPCs surrounding you. You would probably want a few, but I can't foresee that requiring you making and playing 20+ NPCs just to play as a cabin boy or such.

On that note, I am torn if I want my secondary character to be a Marine or a pirate, so I look forward to anyone contributing to either side to perhaps sway me in that direction!

"The greatest flame is the one that burns within our people."

Morgan Brand
of the Solstone.


"Leverage is the most powerful force."

One Piece is a story told from the perspective of the Pirate, we get to see what it's like moving from island to island, ensuing chaos and performing acts of heroism. This is all great, but my favorite part about One Piece besides the tone, is reconnecting with the people we used to know. Seeing Coby and Helmeppo again makes me lose my shit every single time. I want to work on that particular interaction and feeling, the feeling of a place changing with time.

To do this, I'm telling a story that's equal parts Alabasta as it is Wano mixed with some Gotham-City crime-drama. Morgan is not Batman. He is not a Strawhat, and he's not a man who is going to change his own world in one sweeping motion. His story is one about compromise and a lot of paperwork. He's a high-ranking politician trying to keep his own vassal state alive, while struggling against many factors beyond the colonizing kingdom of Sunstrider.

An aristocrat and nobleman, Morgan is inherently rather posh, though made a little more palpatible by his connections to his friends who are from a few lower rungs of society. Orphaned as a part of the last independece conflict, he inherited his title and responsibility.


"Prosperity and freedom has to be what we burn for."

The man is honest, brave and kind above all, that's not to say he won't deploy shadowy tactics or strike an underhanded blow - he is a politician, not a knight or priest. His ambitions lies in creating a space where he and his people are not threatened, living up to his legacy as a member of the Brand house and it's sole heir. He wishes to eventually take political office in the entirety of Sunstrider, allowing the kingdom at large to become better, creating well being for all of it's inhabitants. Along this path he will have a myriad of allies and foes, some changing sides depending on the day and conflict. My goal as a writer is to create a kingdom that feels right at home in the One Piece world, while still keeping the spotlight squarely inside said Kingdom and whatever outside threats they face.

"The flame of ambition shall burn strong"

Organization: Sovereign Government of Solstone.
Position: Baron, Councilman.
Starting Sea: West Blue
Devil Fruit: Flame-Flame Fruit

Sunstrider culture is heavily inspired and based on Central American indigenous people's religious beliefs. Their religion relies on the sun, heat and smithing are their symbols of belief. Mixing this aeshetitic with a heavily aristocratic, industrialized vibe we get a strong clash between harmony with nature and a far more Victorian people. Within the kingdom there are four mostly-sovereign states. The King is Rykar Helios The Third, who has always had hatred in his heart for Morgan, ever since he fought against Solstone in the last conflict.

Sunstrider's a larger kingdom, while not massive I'd consider it a significant one. Famous for their factories and their scorching furnaces, they are able to refine even the rarest of minerals. The greatest of their furnaces are located in the small state of Solstone and the secrets to keeping this furnace hot is the largest reason for their remaining sovereignty.

Sunstrider and Solstone use westernized naming conventions.

The UNITED STATES of Sunstrider & The Sovereign State Of Solstone:

Huitzil Castle:
Boss: King Rykar Helios
Primary Caste: “Divine”, Solar Priesthood.

Located in the highest peak of Helio City, a grueling path to get to the top of Toxcatl Mountain and it’s spire like shape.
Only king Helios himself rules here, free from the chains of democracy as he himself often dictates it. This is a place where only the noblemen live. Seemingly a paradise it carries a great darkness in it being the only area of the kingdom where slaves exist and serve their noble masters. In essence, the castle is a miniature of Mary Geoise. The inner workings of the castle are hidden from every member of parliament except those belonging to the royal family.

Boss: Crown Prince Oxford Helios
Primary Caste: Aristocrat, officers.
The Capital of the island, overlooked by the castle atop of Toxcatl Mountain. The capital has two mayor ports, simply called West and East port, each with a river delta leading into them that passes the other states to either side. It’s possible to traverse the entire island by foot or train. The capital hosts a cosmopolitan mixture of people, while most of the city is segregated, each business only allowing entrance to people of certain castes per city. The military are housed here to have ease of access to both the water and the rest of the kingdom. 10 years ago, The Ashbringers used to have their headquarters in the capital, these days their house. The Marine Base is also located here.

Bosses: SPOT and FLARE
Primary Castes: Workers, immigrants.

The youngest area, created by immigrants a few generations ago and used to be largely segregated until the Solstone revolution 21 years ago. After losing complete control of Solstone, the crown needed to retake ground and accepted Zenith as a new state. The state is run by the Yakuza and carries cultures that are otherwise foreign to Sunstrider. Biggest issue inside of Zenith is the religious conflict between the immigrants and the established religion in the west. Many of the country's factories are located here. Gamblers might find their luck here, however.

Bosses: Fenix, Phenix and Thenix Solaire
Primary Caste: Entrepreneurs, clergy, soldiers and tourists.
The Beach hosts all of the tourism to the island - if you are a tourist, there’s a fair chance you never once saw anything besides. There’s attractions, hotels, spas, restaurants and every kind of entertainment exists on the western beach. On the other end, towards the north is where the temple is located which is closed off for tourists but opens to citizens during festivals or religious ceremonies.

Boss: Baron Brand
Primary Caste: Does not follow the caste system.
Solstone itself is at conflict besides its conflict with the larger sunstrider kingdom and the other sovereign Sunstrider states. 21 years ago Solstone fought against Sunstrider in bid for independence, which is why it now has its own government while still part of the Sunstrider Kingdom as a whole. Morgan Brand is the lord of the Brand Manor, making him one of the wealthy elite of Solstone, he inherited the title of Baron from his father, Merlyn Brand upon his death. As such, he has a heap of minions at his disposal, even if his estate has shrunk since his parents demise.



Marines go here.

"Our lives all start from sparks of passion that ignited our flame We have no other choice but to burn. I intend to burn as hot as the sun above."

Flame-Flame Fruit
Burned as a child when his homestead was reduced to ash along with his parents, Morgan harbors a complex relationship to his seemingly mystical abilities as the fruit has been a part of him since before he got old enough to throw his first punch. Morgan is far from a powerhouse, his survival has relied on the natural advantages his powers grant him. Beyond his Logia fruit, he's a traditionally trained fencer, utilizing a trick-sword in the form of a cane, a symbol of his house.

Morgan's actual ability lies in him being a rhetoric and diplomatic powerhouse. Negotiation and legalities are his real weapons, coming up with uneasy peace where there could have only been war. Brokering power and trading resources for information, influence for guarantees and leveraging relationships to get what he wants.

Sample Post:

"Another drink to another failed motion by our incredible leader!" Stede shouted as the bar cheered, he sent eleven glasses of ale down the bartop, each getting grabbed by a hand of people dressed in simpler garbs than those of the councilman sitting at the edge of the bar, nearest Stede. Morgan shook his head. "You're stupid." He grimaced as Stede laughed. "Not as stupid as that motion, friend. You really thought you would upend the last tax deal? Just because your idea made sense and was legally sound? C'mon Baron Brand, haven't you been around this carnival longer than this?"

Morgan shook his head, as a big glass of ale made it's way to him. Jack laughed heartily from the back, laughing at Stede rather than Morgan, the older gentleman knowing full well that Morgans proposal had nothing to do with the tax referendum - it was about voting districts. The bartender was talking out of his behind, as always. As Morgan nursed his beer, the conversations inside of the bar ignited, people from each of the states sat here engaged in conversation and enjoying each other's company. As sad as Morgan was about getting absolutely destroyed at the parlamentary hearing today, it was always a relief to sit here and watch the people, his people, not just those of Solstone, but all of Sunstrider - the real people of Sunstrider - gathered like this. United, even in disagreement. No walls between them.

But as always, that wouldn't last. Soon the doors popped open as the Constables from Sunstrider decided The Ashes was getting a little too loud.

"Oi! What's going on in here?! All of this rabble sounds a whole lot like drunken slobbery, is that what's goin' on in here?" Eying Stede, Constable Rivers grunted. "Knowin' that one's behind this bar, there's a fair chance there's plottin' happenin. I believe it's about time we do a search of the bar cellar for any contraband. The office 've received reports of North Blue Rye being sold in the streets - well above our regulated alcohol content. Nobody else but you, Molotov would be sellin' cocktails that strong."

Stede grimaced at Morgan, a look that clearly told the Baron that he was in fact the one selling the illegal rye. Rolling his eyes, Morgan got out a piece of parchment from his bandolier. He was going to put that criminal law schooling to work once more.

"I'm sorry, Constable Rivers. But you cannot search this establishment at this time. As made clear clause 17, paragraph 9 of the Helios Law decree, property used for entertainment purposes cannot be searched without a warrant or, if suspected of current criminal activity, required to have given 24 hours of prior notice to a clergyman responsible. I am Baron Morgan Brand. I hold the office of councilman for this block. You have not filed the appropriate forms to my office for my approval before raiding this bar. Therefor, I ask that you leave and return to your patrol." Morgan spoke, showing the parchment with the appropriate text, as well as holding up his identification - not that Rivers needed it, he knew Morgan.

"Well well well, that's all fine and good, mister Baron. Me boys on the other hand? They don't listen too well. And they don't read so good, either. So all of these fancy lawyer talk you got there? It's not gonna do you any good, ya' see. We're gonna strip this bar board by board if we have to, until we find that stinkin' rye."

Morgan grimaced. Rivers had an absolute disrespect for the burocractic machine - it wasn't the first time he had witnessed it, but this type of savagery always made his stomach turn. Lifting his gun, Rivers whistled. "You best move out of the way, your lordship." Shouldering past the young noble, who held his fist in his pocket. Stede put his hand on the double-barreled gun under the bar.

Instead, the older gentleman, Jack stood up to the occasion. "Constable Rivers." He spoke, softly but clearly. "Your father was Searing Rivers, right?" The officer nodded, confused. "You might not recognize me, but I recognize you, you have his eyes. He was a fine ashbringer your old man. One of my best. I am happy you took after him, joining our great nation's law enforcement."

It dawned on him who the scared old man was, and Rivers gulped hard. "This happens to be my favorite bar - and I'll personally make sure that no illegal products are sold here. Will you duputize me in this decision, as a favor - for old Ashbringers sake?" Jack asked, and Rivers nodded, solemnly. Morgan smiled, it was incredible the way with words Jack had. At a glance, everything the old man had said sounded like a request, but the way he had moved, and the aura he had exuded had made it plain that it wasn't friendly at all. Had he ever had the ambition to, Jack could've become a politician without equal.

Whistling again, Rivers lowered his gun and called back the goons, currently moving towards Stede behind the bar.

Once they left, Stede breathed out.
"Damn Morgan, you've really lost it today. What was that weak crap? Thank the sun above that Jack covered my ass." Jack smiled, a glass of the notorious rye being served to him by the barmaid on Stede's order. "All in a days work, Stede. And don't be too hard on Master Brand. He had a rough day in court."

Morgan scratched his neck awkwardly. He really had lost it today.

"Ah well, whatever, nothing to do but drown our sorrows in booze and get back at it tomorrow, ey councilman?!" Stede cheered raising his glass as Morgan did the same "Helio Yeah!" he cheered as all of the glasses in the bar came together in wonderful clinks.

Post Directory:

As you post, please link any posts you make IC here. This will allow anyone who wants to follow your exploits better ability to follow along, plus make it easier for me to reference things as needed. It’s also helpful to divide them by arc.

"The greatest flame is the one that burns within our people."

Morgan Brand
of the Solstone.


"Leverage is the most powerful force."

One Piece is a story told from the perspective of the Pirate, we get to see what it's like moving from island to island, ensuing chaos and performing acts of heroism. This is all great, but my favorite part about One Piece besides the tone, is reconnecting with the people we used to know. Seeing Coby and Helmeppo again makes me lose my shit every single time. I want to work on that particular interaction and feeling, the feeling of a place changing with time.

To do this, I'm telling a story that's equal parts Alabasta as it is Wano mixed with some Gotham-City crime-drama. Morgan is not Batman. He is not a Strawhat, and he's not a man who is going to change his own world in one sweeping motion. His story is one about compromise and a lot of paperwork. He's a high-ranking politician trying to keep his own vassal state alive, while struggling against many factors beyond the colonizing kingdom of Sunstrider.

An aristocrat and nobleman, Morgan is inherently rather posh, though made a little more palpatible by his connections to his friends who are from a few lower rungs of society. Orphaned as a part of the last independece conflict, he inherited his title and responsibility.


"Prosperity and freedom has to be what we burn for."

The man is honest, brave and kind above all, that's not to say he won't deploy shadowy tactics or strike an underhanded blow - he is a politician, not a knight or priest. His ambitions lies in creating a space where he and his people are not threatened, living up to his legacy as a member of the Brand house and it's sole heir. He wishes to eventually take political office in the entirety of Sunstrider, allowing the kingdom at large to become better, creating well being for all of it's inhabitants. Along this path he will have a myriad of allies and foes, some changing sides depending on the day and conflict. My goal as a writer is to create a kingdom that feels right at home in the One Piece world, while still keeping the spotlight squarely inside said Kingdom and whatever outside threats they face.

"The flame of ambition shall burn strong"

Organization: Sovereign Government of Solstone.
Position: Baron, Councilman.
Starting Sea: West Blue
Devil Fruit: Flame-Flame Fruit

"Friends are closest to my heart, but enemies occupy my mind."

Sunstrider culture is heavily inspired and based on Central American indigenous people's religious beliefs. Their religion relies on the sun, heat and smithing are their symbols of belief. Mixing this aeshetitic with a heavily aristocratic, industrialized vibe we get a strong clash between harmony with nature and a far more Victorian people. Within the kingdom there are four mostly-sovereign states. The King is Rykar Helios The Third, who has always had hatred in his heart for Morgan, ever since he fought against Solstone in the last conflict.

Sunstrider's a larger kingdom, while not massive I'd consider it a significant one. Famous for their factories and their scorching furnaces, they are able to refine even the rarest of minerals. The greatest of their furnaces are located in the small state of Solstone and the secrets to keeping this furnace hot is the largest reason for their remained sovereignty.

Sunstrider and Solstone uses westernized naming conventions.

Morgan Brand is the lord of the Brand Manor, making him one of the wealthy elite of Solstone, he inherited the title of Baron from his father, Merlyn Brand upon his death. As such, he has a heap of minions at his dispossal, even if his estate has shrunk since his fathers demise. Solstone itself is at conflict besides its conflict with the larger sunstrider kingdom and the other sovereign Sunstrider states. 21 years ago Solstone fought against Sunstrider in bid for independence, which is why it now has it's own government while still part of the Sunstrider Kingdom as a whole.



Marines go here.

"Our lives all start from sparks of passion that ignited our flame We have no other choice but to burn. I intend to burn as hot as the sun above."

Flame-Flame Fruit
Burned as a child when his homestead was reduced to ash along with his parents, Morgan harbors a complex relationship to his seemingly mystical abilities as the fruit has been a part of him since before he got old enough to throw his first punch. Morgan is far from a powerhouse, his survival has relied on the natural advantages his powers grant him. Beyond his Logia fruit, he's a traditionally trained fencer, utilizing a trick-sword in the form of a cane, a symbol of his house.

Morgan's actual ability lies in him being a rhetoric and diplomatic powerhouse. Negotiation and legalities are his real weapons, coming up with uneasy peace where there could have only been war. Brokering power and trading resources for information, influence for guarantees and leveraging relationships to get what he wants.

Sample Post:

"Another drink to another failed motion by our incredible leader!" Stede shouted as the bar cheered, he sent eleven glasses of ale down the bartop, each getting grabbed by a hand of people dressed in simpler garbs than those of the councilman sitting at the edge of the bar, nearest Stede. Morgan shook his head. "You're stupid." He grimaced as Stede laughed. "Not as stupid as that motion, friend. You really thought you would upend the last tax deal? Just because your idea made sense and was legally sound? C'mon Baron Brand, haven't you been around this carnival longer than this?"

Morgan shook his head, as a big glass of ale made it's way to him. Jack laughed heartily from the back, laughing at Stede rather than Morgan, the older gentleman knowing full well that Morgans proposal had nothing to do with the tax referendum - it was about voting districts. The bartender was talking out of his behind, as always. As Morgan nursed his beer, the conversations inside of the bar ignited, people from each of the states sat here engaged in conversation and enjoying each other's company. As sad as Morgan was about getting absolutely destroyed at the parlamentary hearing today, it was always a relief to sit here and watch the people, his people, not just those of Solstone, but all of Sunstrider - the real people of Sunstrider - gathered like this. United, even in disagreement. No walls between them.

But as always, that wouldn't last. Soon the doors popped open as the Constables from Sunstrider decided The Ashes was getting a little too loud.

"Oi! What's going on in here?! All of this rabble sounds a whole lot like drunken slobbery, is that what's goin' on in here?" Eying Stede, Constable Rivers grunted. "Knowin' that one's behind this bar, there's a fair chance there's plottin' happenin. I believe it's about time we do a search of the bar cellar for any contraband. The office 've received reports of North Blue Rye being sold in the streets - well above our regulated alcohol content. Nobody else but you, Molotov would be sellin' cocktails that strong."

Stede grimaced at Morgan, a look that clearly told the Baron that he was in fact the one selling the illegal rye. Rolling his eyes, Morgan got out a piece of parchment from his bandolier. He was going to put that criminal law schooling to work once more.

"I'm sorry, Constable Rivers. But you cannot search this establishment at this time. As made clear clause 17, paragraph 9 of the Helios Law decree, property used for entertainment purposes cannot be searched without a warrant or, if suspected of current criminal activity, required to have given 24 hours of prior notice to a clergyman responsible. I am Baron Morgan Brand. I hold the office of councilman for this block. You have not filed the appropriate forms to my office for my approval before raiding this bar. Therefor, I ask that you leave and return to your patrol." Morgan spoke, showing the parchment with the appropriate text, as well as holding up his identification - not that Rivers needed it, he knew Morgan.

"Well well well, that's all fine and good, mister Baron. Me boys on the other hand? They don't listen too well. And they don't read so good, either. So all of these fancy lawyer talk you got there? It's not gonna do you any good, ya' see. We're gonna strip this bar board by board if we have to, until we find that stinkin' rye."

Morgan grimaced. Rivers had an absolute disrespect for the burocractic machine - it wasn't the first time he had witnessed it, but this type of savagery always made his stomach turn. Lifting his gun, Rivers whistled. "You best move out of the way, your lordship." Shouldering past the young noble, who held his fist in his pocket. Stede put his hand on the double-barreled gun under the bar.

Instead, the older gentleman, Jack stood up to the occasion. "Constable Rivers." He spoke, softly but clearly. "Your father was Searing Rivers, right?" The officer nodded, confused. "You might not recognize me, but I recognize you, you have his eyes. He was a fine ashbringer your old man. One of my best. I am happy you took after him, joining our great nation's law enforcement."

It dawned on him who the scared old man was, and Rivers gulped hard. "This happens to be my favorite bar - and I'll personally make sure that no illegal products are sold here. Will you duputize me in this decision, as a favor - for old Ashbringers sake?" Jack asked, and Rivers nodded, solemnly. Morgan smiled, it was incredible the way with words Jack had. At a glance, everything the old man had said sounded like a request, but the way he had moved, and the aura he had exuded had made it plain that it wasn't friendly at all. Had he ever had the ambition to, Jack could've become a politician without equal.

Whistling again, Rivers lowered his gun and called back the goons, currently moving towards Stede behind the bar.

Once they left, Stede breathed out.
"Damn Morgan, you've really lost it today. What was that weak crap? Thank the sun above that Jack covered my ass." Jack smiled, a glass of the notorious rye being served to him by the barmaid on Stede's order. "All in a days work, Stede. And don't be too hard on Master Brand. He had a rough day in court."

Morgan scratched his neck awkwardly. He really had lost it today.

"Ah well, whatever, nothing to do but drown our sorrows in booze and get back at it tomorrow, ey councilman?!" Stede cheered raising his glass as Morgan did the same "Helio Yeah!" he cheered as all of the glasses in the bar came together in wonderful clinks.

Post Directory:

As you post, please link any posts you make IC here. This will allow anyone who wants to follow your exploits better ability to follow along, plus make it easier for me to reference things as needed. It’s also helpful to divide them by arc.

I think it's clear to see, I'm trying to run away from my own two feet. If I don't touch the ground, there's not a soul on earth that could track me down.

Axel was outside that morning, making his way to the alumni village. He had been here before, two years ago, after he and his dad had their little road trip to Crestwood. He had seen the campus, the village and even the dormatories. Gotten the whole tour ahead of being asked to come here. Mister Lehrer had extended his hand with a warm smile as he welcomed him into the 'family'. But frankly, at that point, Axel had had enough of this kind of family. He was more interested in grounding himself with Talia. Living a normal, mundane life. Living down to earth seemed like a good plan. Down to earth. That was exactly what she had always asked of him - to be here, and now. On the ground. With her.

There are things you cannot do, not even for the people you love. Objects are set in motion, and once an object is in motion, it shall stay in motion. Axel was now back in the village, not to come by to knock on the fancy door that adorned his father's lodge. He wasn't there to pop in, tell Viktor

"Hi dad, I'm recently divorced, is it cool if I come and crash on your couch before I start school at your work?" and then swig a couple of beers on the sofa before he'd pass out. It was too late to decide to jumpstart the father-and-son rodeo. He had done his part, and it would be up to his father to do the next.

He was there to see another alumni of the school. Theron Demetrios. The only hyperhuman who had ever made any sense about their place in the world. Theron sat on his porch, drinking a cup of coffee as he saw Axel walk by. He greeted the young man and nodded to go around back, into the lawn where another student was also waiting around. Theron smiled, this wasn't the first 'training' session the two had, but it was the first one where another student besides Axel was involved.

Axel shook the girls hand, she was a foot shorter than him, in good shape and had long silver hair with blue undertones. He nodded politely as he did away with presentations.

"Axel, this is Maeve Summerhold, Maeve, Axel Bordeaux"

"Like Vik-" she began.

"That's a touchy subject." Theron interrupted before Axel could fumble the session by awkwardly explaining his relation to the man a few blocks away. "Axel has been here a few times since he moved to campus. Nobody ever taught him to fly, he taught himself. It is impressive. Yet flawed. Flight isn't like speed or strength - which you both have in spades. It's unintuitive. It's about breaking down barriers as humans - mammals, even. We haven't been able to fly so our perception of flight is jaded. Either by animals or machines, or by fictional stories about mighty beings who could break free of the shackles of gravity." Theron spoke, and as he finished, he lifted off the ground, a few feet.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Axel asked

Theron smirked. "None of those things captures the sensation. Newton tells us that an object set in motion stays in motion until affected by an outside force. Movement on the ground can only ever go in one direction. A boxer learns that the single most important part of throwing a punch is what?"

"Comfiting to sending all of your weight into the punch. Moving with the motion. Getting leverage off the ground." Maeve spoke, and Theron chuckled. "Exactly. Leverage off of the ground. You two are the only students at campus who are able to fly unassisted, like me. It's been a gift, but flight is so much more than a power. It transforms life itself. The greater conciousness of humanity cannot comprehend it. Not truly. It is my honest belief that by inspiring others in the way that this freedom can inspire us - we can change the world." Theron spoke softly, nodding for the two of them to join him in the air. Maeve flew first, as Axel soon followed. They flew around for a couple of hours, chit-chatting. Staying within campus grounds, but a decent bit out of sight for all but the most astute of skygazers.

Upon arriving back in the yard of Theron's lodge, the professor smiled at the two students. By looking at the sun in the sky, he knew what time it was, Axel figured it was also part of the lesson he was trying to teach. The semester was about to start, Axel was a freshman, Maeve was a junior. They were both due to be off in any minute.

"We do not need leverage from a singular direction. Newton could never imagine the world like we see it. Flight is absolute freedom of mobility, of movement. Movement is life, after all." He nodded, throwing a bottle of water to each of the younger Hyperhumans, who were quite winded from their flying endeavor. Axel was older and had had his powers for longer, but Maeve was certainly far more formally trained, able to fly a lot faster.

Theron piped up again after taking a sip of water himself, looking at the two spent students.
"When you are out there, remember that your powers shall allow you to take a fight from an approach nobody else can match. You could throw a punch from any angle, not just as a jab or an uppercut. Professor Roth, or indeed Bordeaux Senior will teach you that certain issues are to be handled as directly as possible, but there are times where perspective makes a difference between saving a life and taking one."

"For the rest of the day, I want both of you to remain airborne as much as possible. Consider it philosophy homework."

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Island, Western Coast of Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.01: Don't touch the ground

Interaction(s): @PatientBean, @Lord Wraith
Previously: None

He had been blowing off seeing Mister Lehrer since he got here, intended to do so after he had gotten a little more settled in. Last time he had met him, Axel had been angry and disrespectful. Pumped full of adrenaline and far from ready to face what he was. He had mellowed out in the last couple of years, he would like to think.

Instead, he had fixed himself out of his training clothes from the mornings flight session. Dressed in the appropriate attire, Axel began moving to the infirmary. He was tending to the overexertion wing of the ward, that is, hyperhumans who had overextended their abilities on campus and now lacked vital minerals and electrolytes at best - at worst, they were missing blood or calcium. Axel was tending to a speedster who had ran until he fainted. Providing him with an IV. Axel cursed as the puncture wound from the needle kept healing before the IV fluid could enter his bloodstream.

"How do we fix this?" He asked to no-one, before he remembered the training he had gotten when he signed up for this job. Using an inhibitor would have made sense - but it was pretty clear that putting an inhibitor on someone else without their consent was a violation of their integrity and grounds for severe disciplinary actions. Most hypeabilities provided the person with incredible healing abilities, so disabling them would do more harm than good in terms of injury. While perpetually hovering about four inches off the ground, he moved towards the supply cabinet. Getting out a needle labeled with a toxic symbol and a single letter, he opened the package and attached it to the IV. This time it entered the skin. It was a specific poison that would in the short-term distract the antibodies in a Hyperhuman immune system, allowing the IV to enter the circulation of the barely conscious speedster. The bag that Axel hung up above the medical bed had three clear letters on it. "HZE"

He tended to a few sprained ankles and popped one guys shoulder back into place before it was time to head to the ceremony. But first, he need to change clothes. Heading home, he remained in the air, getting a few stern looks from people, one guy in particular blasted him a finger-gun. He never quite got used to people not freaking out upon seeing him use his after all rather mild powers. Out in the real world this had always cause him trouble. Things were truly different, he supposed.

As he changed clothes and got ready to head to the ceremony, he felt different. He was tired in ways he hadn't been in a very long time, not since he had taken Talia to the roof of the world, that was one of the few times he had truly exerted himself. Well, that and Crestwood. He slept for a week after returning to New Lilith.

During the ceremony he remained in the air, fatigued. Flying above the stadium thanks to the open roof. Having a retractable roof seemed overkill. As Jonas's speech got longer and longer, he found himself short of breath. Theron met his eyes and nodded in approval. Axel looked to the side, and on the other edge of the stadium he saw the blue-haired girl, Maeve. He waved awkwardly. She did not seem nearly as bothered as he was by their homework. It sparked a competitive edge in him, and he felt a second wind coming on.

The speech ended, he stayed in the air chit-chatting with Maeve as he side-eyed his father, leaving the stadium along his fellow faculty members, talking to some of the older members of his house, Lynx. Maeve's friends were calling her as she bid farwell of Axel, who was about to return to his room - completely forgetting about the rest of the activities planned for the rest of the day. On his way there, he stopped in the air above the particular fountain.

She took his attention. He had seen the statue, back in Crestwood. He had seen it from the ground. But from up high? She looked different. Something about her looked different. Sadder. On the ground, he spotted his bunkmate Cassander, and a fellow member of their little strike force-to-be. He was coming down, not entirely intentionally, he was losing steam once more.

"I guess it's nice to look at, but I wouldn't be caught dead having my likeness used as a roundabout way of saying 'look at me, I have money to burn in a world where people are dying on the streets'." The girls spoke and Axel landed right next to the two, without much fanfare in doing so. He looked up, the fountain turning into her again. By the time he landed, his ears were ringing so he couldn't make out the following statement. A grim look on his face, he piped up.

"Her name was Vanessa, she was killed, brutally. They all were." Axel was panting quite heavily as he sat down, catching his breath.

He really should have pocketed one of those HZE bags, a bag in box of that stuff would have done him good.

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