Avatar of Howilng Zinogre


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25 days ago
Current Been gone for a minute had a LOT going on but am back it seems
8 mos ago
ON MY OWN / LET IT ALL BURN by Fabvl on repeat
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5 yrs ago
Anyone ever try to rp while high as a kite lol
5 yrs ago
kinda wanna do a ddlg RP
6 yrs ago
Replies will come this evening im getting hoed at work


Completely Random

The Name be Varin

I used to be a Graphic Design Major

I love animals specifically Wolves

I cook a shitload that's cause i love to eat

I draw a shitload cause i like writing stories for my characters

i tend to weird people out their loss

i am a practicing Wiccan Still in the extremely early stages so ALOT of reading is taking place right now

Chronic binge watcher of most recommended shows

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I'm interested
@MissCapnCrunch i feel you i mean i was in the midst of a post and then it kind of hit me like theres only 3 people really posting and im trying the rp etiquitte thing but response time is slow
So imma post
indeed that would be great pm me some ideas
So not sure if this will accrue interest but here’s hoping it does.
First off I’m a 30yo male just looking to RP and have a good time as we all are. I’m a pretty frequent poster. I don’t ask the same of you cause hey its life you might not be able to post as often as I do and that’s fine but all I ask is that if you won’t be able to post or you got bored with the RP a heads up is greatly appreciated, and I will show you the same courtesy. Also in regards to the BDSM due to the graphic nature of it I will disclose info about that only over pm.

“Naaa no thanks, Fatir was it” The older Smith said as he rubbed his beard looking at Fatir.

“Hey come on look I can make myself useful and I can actually forge a decent blade. Ive even learned how to fold in magic ore and for just a shot at what I can do id gladly part with one of the ore I mined just this afternoon” Fatir Pleaded with the Smith as he stood still looking Fatir in the eye.

“AHH what the hell I was fiing to close up shop tonight anyway if you can forge me a decent dagger I can forget about the ore and I can bring you on for a bit. I cant explain it kid there something about you, a look of determination I havent seen in quite sometime.” The Smith said as he began the closing procedures. “Well GET TO WORK Boy”

Fatir cut a large smile at the Smiths words and shot to the back and begin the process of forging a weapon. Going a step beyond the Smiths Expectations Fatir had begun forging a longsword. The way he had started to move was like a man possessed. His focus was that of lion stalking its prey. Each bang and clang of the hammer against the anvil only served as a music to Fatir. The Smith watched in awe as Fatir worked. It was like watching one of the greats.

The two had lost track of time but in just a few short hours Fatir had finished creating his longsword and presented it to the smith. “Ho…how…hows that” Fatir asked as if by some sort of magic his forging high had worn off and everything came rushing back to him. Causing him to stumble a bit.

“Easy there boy” the smith said catching Fatir. “You forged a damn good blade this quality his amazing its almost as though it was forged by…” Shaking his head and showing a smile “Lets get you put up in an inn for the night.” The smith said as he dropped a few gold in Fatirs shaky hand. “Across the Way there is an inn they keep a few rooms available around this time. Head on over and get yourself a room and some sleep and be back here tomorrow no later than noon.” The smith said as he sent fatir on his way.

Stumbling across the way he caught sight of a woman sitting upon a stone fountain “hey your kinda cute” Fatir said believing it to have only been said in his head. As he stumbled into the inn damn near passing out after entering inside.
“HEAVE HOOO” Fatir said with a mighty swing of his pickaxe bringing it down crashing into the mountainside. FINALLY he thought to himself after freeing the ore from its stone prison. Warm to the touch and a golden there was no denying it. “OH HELLS YEA DAWN ORE. This is a hell of a score” Fatir said to himself as he marveled at the precious stone before he stored it away among the others in his bag. Dawn Ore was amazing and had many offensive abilities if crafted into weapons, and even some practical uses smaller chunks of the ore could be worn around the neck to keep one warm in the colder season or bigger ones could be kept in a fireplace to heat a home either way this was a great find indeed.

With a slap to the mountainside and a hearty thank you for the small gifts bestowed upon him, Fatir had begun to make his way down the mountainside.


“Whew…finally” Fatir said as he turned to take a gander at where he once was in comparison to where he was now. These kinds of things made one think. Fatir took a moment to wipe his brow as he leaned against a tree to catch his breath. It didn’t last long as he needed to continue on first stop the library of lindblum.

Hoisting himself from the tree he had begun his trek toward the kingdom. The closer Fatir drew to the kingdom the more of the bustle of life could be heard it made him think back to his hometown of Besaid and how lively it got when they would have festivals. It had barley been a week and here he was getting homesick. The moment passed rather quickly as he was now close enough to smell all the sweet smells of pastries and savory smells of roasting meat, he had been stuck mining so long that he forgot to actually eat then there was the issue of being copperless, “Dammit” he cursed to himself as his stomach had began to speak a language all its own, it was fairly easy to understand though that gurgle that turned into a roar was translated into FEEEEED MEEEEE.

Passing through the archway into the city he had a thought “maybe there is a jeweler around here that I can sell an ore…” Before he was able to finish that sentence the winds of serendipity bought a flyer smacking Fatir in the face speaking of a FESTIVAL of sorts. A festival in the kingdom this was perfect more than likely there would be merchants selling replica blades to older men and probably some teenagers surely they would need a hand and for starters all he would need is a meal and maybe a little foin to line his already empty pockets. “Well here goes everything” He said as he marched in.
is this the festival of the hunt, please tell me this is the festival of the hunt.
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