I'm sorry guys, replies will come this week. Work has been killer.
3 mos ago
I'll try to reply in the morning once I'm off - I'm so tired.
3 mos ago
No replies today guys, work killed me - still have to work tonight and then I shoot a horse show in the morning for my photography business.
3 mos ago
Life was a nightmare and I've been away for nine months, but I'm back now.
12 mos ago
Replies are a work in progress - work has been killer and I'm taking care of my horses while barn owner is out of town.
I have a full time job, a serious dating relationship, a social life, and other hobbies besides role playing! So if I don't reply or I go MIA for a few days its just life taking over and me needing to deal with it. I also babysit my younger brother on my days off when my mom has to work, so I am usually on here when I babysit.
A little about me... Hello and welcome to my current craving search! I'm looking for a few new partners right now, I'm always looking for a role play! I'm soon to be a twenty-one year old girl so it only makes sense that I play a female characters. I try to put out as much as you give me, I will reply AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH and I honestly expect at least a paragraph from my partner. I usually am able to come up with my plots and ideas and pairings. I like to role plays that contain romance with other themes mixed in to keep things interesting!
A little about my partners... As I said above, I'm looking for someone to play a male character in a male female romance with other themes mixed in to keep things interesting. And I would like to get at least one paragraph per reply. The most I've recently posted is five paragraphs. I'm looking for someone to contribute to the role play with ideas and plot twists, drama in the RP is a plus. I do like talking to my partners in an OOC message just so we can talk about the role play and how its going, etc.
My current cravings...
She did have a normal life as a young girl, living on earth with her family until the separatists attacked, killing almost everyone besides a few hundred people who had managed to hide away during the attack. Her parents hid her away when the attack first started and they were killed trying to defend their home, she was never found until clone troopers landed. She'd been told that they were the good guys. So as soon as she heard them and saw them, she ran and clung to the captains lead. That captain was Captain Rex, after they did their sweep of the planet, helping where they could, they tried finding the girls family. But when the young girl showed them what happened to her parents, they took her back to the ship with them taking her to the jedi council to see what they thought should happen to the orphan. Master Yoda said she was strong with the force, she'd grown on Rex while the council made their decision. After their approval of his idea to raise the girl, he does just that. He practically becomes the only father she has ever known, not remembering her parents. Master Kalispell trained her, he taught her everything she knows. She goes on to lead a squad of clones, ending up being badly injured and losing the entire squad, her old master is critically injured in the same battle, later dying of his injuries. They discover somehow the separatists learned of their plans so their must be a spy within the republic. She is soon cleared for light trainings and minor missions, along with light battles. She meets with the clones outside the training center to do some training with them. During their training things go wrong, the spy took over the training center, trying to clearly kill them. The clones don't exactly trust their new jedi, they like to question her and challenge her to see what they can get away with, they just like giving her a hard time. But as soon as she gets them out safely, not losing or allowing anyone to be injured the men begin to slowly trust her. She is the only jedi on the base, meaning she is in charge of finding the spy with the help of her men. As the captain/commander begins to trust her and the clones stop challenging and fighting with her, he begins to develop feelings the longer they work together.
Hard to LoveCraving Male Werewolf Pack Member - Human Female He is a werewolf, one of the highest ranked members - just under the BETA which he is about to become within a few days. He does have some anger issues and he's never really found a way to control it. The pack he belongs to is rather small, only about ten members though they will accept werewolves. A few members of the pack have imprinted on human girls, he thinks he'll never imprint - that he is meant to spend the rest of his life sad and alone. Then this new girl around his age moves to town with her family, running into him at the high school. She actually runs into him, he begins to get angry - worried about snapping and showing eveyone his packs secret, that they are werewolves. But as soon as he looks at her, meets her eyes, hears her voice - everything changes. He doesn't understand and goes to his alpha to find out what is happening, why he always wants to be by her side, why she is so important to him suddenly. It is explained to him that he has found the one - his soul mate. He does his best to get with her and once he has her, he doesn't plan on letting her go. But when she tells him her family has to move again what will he do? Will he allow the love of his life - his soul mate to leave and him be miserable for letting her go? Or will he tell her how he feels and about who and what he truly is? When he tells her, will she stay? Or will she be so scared and still leave after he opens up to her?
I'll Rule this Place with You by My Side Extremely Dominant Male Insane Asylum Patient - Switch Female Insane Asylum Patient In the 1800s it wasn't exactly a good thing for a family to have a mentally ill member. So they send them away to asylums to forget about them since its such a 'sin' to have them in your family. They send them to asylums to rot away so they can't be traced back to the family. They do it so theu can be normal and they won't be shunned by society. Once your admitted to the hospital - there is no way out, you'll never be 'cured' which is what they promise your family. Your family leaves you there thinking one day they'll get a letter or a phone call saying that their loved one has been cured and was released to start their own life. But that letter or phone call will never come, the family will never understand why - but they don't question it. Sky has multipersonalities and is also suicidal, she sees spirits and ghosts, she self harms and is a switch. She'sbeen in the asylum since she was a little girl, her family just dropped her off at the door and left her there. She's grown up in the asylum and Skylar has become her more frequent personality opposed to Elizabeth who is move submissive and innocent. Skylar or Sky for short is the more dangerous, sexual, feisty, and dominant side. The asylum is full of abuse, rape, murder, and experiments on the patients by the doctors. The asylum is in the middle of the woods, far away from society, no one knows its there. Its called 'The City of Secrets' by the staff and patients but it is also known to the staff as Letchworth Village Asylum. The male decides as soon as he sees her, he has to have her - she is his and no one else's, both romantically which includes sexually and as a bit of arm candy - something to show off and look at and as his partner. He explains to her his plan to take over the asylum and overthrow the warden. He wants revenge, a challenge, he wants to rule the asylum. And he feels with her by his side, it'll work out just fine and she gives him the challenges he is looking for. And revenge is exactly what they'll be getting because he reverses the roles of the asylum. The patients are free to roam the hospital grounds and do as they please as long as they don't hurt his girl - his lover, the love of his life. The guards, nurses, doctors, and other staff end up locked in spare rooms. The patients can have whatever revenge they want except they aren't allowed to touch any of the staff in room 666 - those are the staff who hurt his girl and he was going to make sure they got what they deserved. He practically becomes king of the asylum and once the old staff understand if they go against him, they'll be killed - he begins to force them into working, making sure food - good food is still being delivered to the asylum.
True Love Will Never DieCraving World War II Soldier - His Sweetheart Plot twist requires my partner to play two males Before the war broke out - the pair went to school together. The two were soul mates, sweethearts - they were meant to be together. They were beginning to talk about marriage before the draft, he was saving up for a ring and was preparing to ask for her father's blessing. But soon after he pops to question to her father, the draft is enabled and he is sent away with no time to write to home. He loses his dog tags on the field and the army jumped the gun, sending a letter to his family who then shared the news with the girl he planned to propose to when he returned home. She sent a photo of the two of them together when he left for the war to carry on him - to remember her by while he was away from home. She has the same photo in her room along with his dog tags that his parents gave to her when they broke the news. He used to work with her father on their farm - her father had always approved of him since the day they'd gotten together. In her grief his so called friend swings in and begins trying to get with her, trying to use her grief against her at the loss of the person she loves the most. By the time he comes home, buys her ring, he finds his so called friend trying to who his girl, stopping her from what she used to do after receiving the letter. His friend trampled her hope. He instantly puts his foot down, he wasn't going to let him steal her away. He loved her, he believed they were meant to be together and take over the farm from her father when the time was right. The war has changed him, maybe for the better physically. But worse mentally, can the girl he loves help him? When they spend his first night home alone together and he actually has a peaceful nights sleep, he knows she can help him. But are her feelings still the same? Will she say yes when he proposes to her?
Assassin's CreedCraving Shay Cormac - OOC Female She used to live the life everyone wanted, her parents were higher in the society ranking, she was their only child. But it all came to and end rather suddenly when her mother was kidnapped and held for randsom by the Templars. Her father was an Assassin, he paid the randsom the Templars wanted for his wifes safe return. But she was killed, no matter what he did to get her safely home - they killed her. He never was the same after that - his daughter used to be his world but after her mothers death - she merely reminded her father of the promise he couldn't keep when he married her mother, he couldn't save her, couldn't keep her safe, he'd failed her. He continued to serve the Order - becoming a shadow of his former self before he just disappeared, leaving all his fortune to his daughter. She is able to survive comfortably for a few years - setting a large sum of money aside but she goes to work the only place a woman can work - the saloon. And that's where she meetsthe man that will change her life and she will change his. They just don't know that - not yet at least. This is before he is recruited by the assassin's that meets her, he watches over her, listens to her story like she listens to his. The feelings begin to grow and after a bit, he tells her he won't allow her to work in the saloon any longer even if she is merely a waitress and not a prostitute. He asks her to move in with him and as their relationship grows stronger and he proposes to her. Everything is perfect in their book and they have a normal life until one day they are at the market and he's approached by the assassin's, asking him to join them. He agrees as long as she can go along, she is allowed and they continue their lives together as he begins his training as an assassin. But once he begins to question the assassin's and their ways, he also finds out their first child in on the way. Once everything goes downhill and he awakesat the older couples house, he finds his now wife holding his newborn child. Then it continues on with him joining the Templars as well as juggling being a father and providing for his family.
Assassin's CreedCraving Ezio Auditore da Firenze - OOC Female Plot coming soon...multiple ideas, message for details
Assassin's CreedCraving Connor Davenport - OOC Female Plot coming soon...possible idea in mind
Assassin's Creed Arno Dorian - OOC Female Plot coming soon...
Assassin's CreedCraving Jacob Frye - OOC Female Plot coming soon...possible idea in mind
The OutsidersCraving Soda Pop Curtis - OOC Greaser Girl Plot coming soon...
The OutsidersCraving Two Bit Mathews - OOC Greaser Girl Plot coming soon...
Star Wars: The Clone WarsCraving Jedi - Jedi Have plot already...almost the same plot as the Jedi - Clone pairing...but this one has a plot twist to it.
@Zhen Zhen hotel was amazing, just saw the last episode tonight since I didn't feel well enough to stay up and watch it Wednesday. But I loved it! It was completely shocking! I don't want to spoil anything but it's a must see! If you miss an episode, its a little confusing. But I've heard rumors that there will be TWO SEASONS IN 2016!
I want to do an Assassin's Creed remix romance, what I mean by this is that parts of the games shall remain and others will be changed. I'm looking to play the female characters, so I need someone to play a male because I only play females. I have plots for all these pairings. I am lookong for partners who can reply with at least a paragraph. These will have romance as a major theme with other themes mixed in to keep it interesting. If you have any questions or your interested please message me! Altaïr - OC Female Ezio - OC Female Ezio - Catarina Connor - OC Female Edward - OC Female Shay - OC Female Arno - OC Female Jacob - OC Female
I have a full time job, a serious dating relationship, a social life, and other hobbies besides role playing! So if I don't reply or I go MIA for a few days its just life taking over and me needing to deal with it. I also babysit my younger brother on my days off when my mom has to work, so I am usually on here when I babysit.
As for role playing...
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I have a full time job, a serious dating relationship, a social life, and other hobbies besides role playing! So if I don't reply or I go MIA for a few days its just life taking over and me needing to deal with it. I also babysit my younger brother on my days off when my mom has to work, so I am usually on here when I babysit.<br><br>As for role playing...</div>