Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Alright then.

Edit: Erkling, I'll be Pm-ing some ideas, please tell me if you're ok with that or not.
So, I guess two questions.

1. Does that mean any other character, in terms of parents, once taken, they cannot be used again?

2. Does it have to be an Avenger that serves as a parent? Or any Marvel superhero or even DC in that regard?
@Erklings25I will, as soon as we get the whole child of Thor thing sorted out.
<Snipped quote by KillBox>

I would Honestly rather their not be another child of Thor...

Can I ask why? Why can't there be another child of Thor?

Edit: Matter of fact, I'll change it, but he is remaining the Child of Thor...
Are you guys still accepting characters?

Estoy aqui...
I laughed out loud....

Darius shrugged, sipped on his pumpkin juice after being basically pushed back down into a sitting position. "You and your spars. It is as if some demon from afar raised you and imparted some of its bloodthristy nature upon you..." He chuckled and scanned the great hall quickly. Seems like all of the houses had some sort of representation there. There was the captain of Hufflepuff's team, captain of Ravenclaw's team, and several members of Slytherin's team as well. It was as if the inter-house showdown is about to happen that afternoon or something...

"Seeker? Isn't Ian our regular seeker? Why would you have dual-seekers...Come on Cap. I've only been away a few short weeks and you're Old Man's disease seems to have gotten worst..."Darius chuckled once again, digging at his captain verbally. Thats how they acted around each other. Verbal jousting. However, things were different if they were on the Quidditch pitch. Darius would gladly take a bludger for his captain and he assumed the same from the rest of his team while their captain would do the same for any one of them as well. On the field, they were brothers and sisters, striving for the same goal. Off it, they were some of the best friends, having gone through trials and tribulations together.

"Oh no. I made sure I got all the material before I left on the trip and I kept up with it, sending owls back and forth with the professors while I was away. My studies are fine, as usual.." He let out a nervous chuckles. What he had said was not a lie, but it was not entirely true either. Sure, his grades remained largely the same, but one is bound to fall behind some if they had to be away from school for a few weeks...

"Eh, it wasn't a vacation. Just family matters. Had to be away for a bit, ya know? But, despite that, I'm still good at what I do, which is like... everything~" He chuckled as he refuted what his captain had said about his performance in the last game. "I only missed a few bludgers and may have gotten Genevieve hurt... Has she forgiven me for?" He glanced over at her direct, but noticing that she was still in conversation with Hufflepuff's captain.

"Well, I knew that. I knew he was the captain. I think I've heard something about Genevieve knowing from a while back, but I wasn't sure. He is a keeper, huh? Play me as chaser next game we play Hufflepuff and I'll make damn sure I score on him..." He chuckled and shrugged slightly. He knew Ford was one of the best keeper of their generation. However, he was not about to let that get to him. He is confident in what he can do and in order to be a proper chaser, one needs to be borderline arrogant.

As he was taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, he found Nicholas seated by him. "Eh, no. Not the Grand Canyon. Just done a lot of running around, dealing with family issues... Yeah, well, I haven't been back to the dorms since I got back to Hogwarts so I haven't had a chance to do all that either. Tibbers hasn't been fed in a while either...so I might have to do that soon..." He chuckled and took a proper sip from his cup. "You know damn well I'm always ready to work. But...Sylvester just told me I'm being played as Beater for the practice...and know you tell me we're missing a chaser... I mean, Which team are we playing next? Ravenclaw? What are their strengths? Keeper? Beater? Chaser? I mean, if it is keeper, you might want me at Chaser. If it is beater...I can play beater as well and rough them up a bit...Just let me know..." He shrugged as he finished his words, ready to get to work. "Although, let me change first though. This robe isn't the best for Quidditch...and my broom is in my room anyways..."

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