Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Not to sound self-centered, but you guys can react to having Aaron out in the open... That can encourage some character interactions and such.
@Oblivion666 Shut it, just because I improved on your shikai ages ago...
@AbigailTenshi You'd be correct.
Abigail. Can you guess who I am?
Name: Kuroda Kyoichi

Moderately tall, standing at 6'2". Dark of hair, kept medium length and usually in a pony tail. Athletically built, lean but not frail. Blue eyed, holds fierce expression.

Age: 320 soul years, looks approximately 16 in human years.

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Black/Dark Blue

Birthday:May 29th

Clan/Family:Kuroda (Kurisa, you'd better approve this..)

Race:Tainted Soul(Kurisa, you remember why...)

Profession:Shinigami. Official judge of the tea ceremony club

Rank: Lieutenant of Squad Eight

Spiritual Energy Colour: Blue, with orange streaks.

Power Level: High lieutenant

Personality: If ever there was someone who is first heard then seen, Kyoichi would be it. Boisterous and carefree, Kyoichi walks his path with absolute certainty. He carries about him an air of arrogance, a sense of trust first and foremost in himself. Slightly insane, he will dive head first into any challenging situation before assessing his chances of success. All of those traits aside, he is quite joyous, often found joking and chatting idly with anyone he meets. Strong willed, he is not easily discouraged. All in all, Kyoichi is the neighborhood jokester who likes to enjoy whatever his life has to offer him, just take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

History: Every year for as long as Kyoichi can remember, there has been a ceremony held by his immediate family revolving around a sword. To him, at his young age, it just look like a blue piece of metal held up on a shrine. He simply did what he was told and then enjoyed the food his mother and grandmother took literally hours and hours to prepare. His father and grandfather carried out intricate rituals to cleanse and polish the sword, something Kyoichi was taught to do ever since he started taking part in the ceremony...

Other than that, Kyoichi carried on with school, joining any club that seeming interesting to him. Sports, literary, debate, his choices were quite diverse as he found many things to be of interest to him. His grades did not suffer because of his incessant need to find new things and unending curiosity for new subjects.

His fifteenth birthday rolled around. He finally got his chance to at least hold the sacred sword his family has enshrined for as long as he can remember. When the ceremony came to pass, everything changed. His grandfather instructed him to retrieve the sword and unsheathe it for the cleansing and polishing that was done each year. When he did as he was told, a burst of blue and orange energy poured out from the sword and was absorbed by Kyoichi. Kyoichi himself did not see it or feel it, however, everyone else around him saw it happen in what seemed like slow motion. His grandfather remembers a story told to him by his grandfather about the prophecy around the sword. One day, a child born of his roots will be able to call on the spirit that resides in the sword and carry out his sacred task. After the event, his grandfather asked Kyoichi to sheathe the sword and they moved the shrine to his room and it was kept there until the day he left for Bugei Academy.

Getting into the academy was not a huge problem as his family has ties with a powerful family from antiquity. It helped that Kyoichi had top of the notch grades and loads of extracurricular experience. On the day he was leaving, his grandfather retrieve the sacred sword personally and handed it to him, telling him about the story around the sword. He then asked him, as a final command regarding the sword, to keep the sword safe at all times and learn to use it to its fullest. Accepting the task, Kyoichi set off to start his secondary education at Bugei Academy.

One year after that, he was struck with a terrible, and odd disease. Unknown and incurable, it took him very quickly. For some reason, he felt as if his family knew of this. They did not try as hard as they could to bring him back, instead, they just let him pass.

Arriving at Soul Society, he met up with his ancestors, who were all shinigamis before him, all the way up to the patriarch, Kuroda Kenshin. One afternoon, Kenshin sat the young Kyoichi down and explained everything to him. The disease that took him was in fact hereditary, and was called Tainted Soul. Kenshin was the first to be afflicted with this, and he told him the story of his first...outburst. He also told him why his grandfather's name is Sengoku, and the reasoning behind it all.

Now that he is here, Kenshin expects his fourth generation descendent to join a proper squad and be a productive member of the Gotei 13.

All are still alive-
Kuroda Sengoku (85) Grandfather
Kuroda Yuuko (83) Grandmother
Kuroda Kenshin (52) Father
Kuroda Natsu (50) Mother
Kuroda Yunko (12) Sister

Pair of sunglasses, not particularly extravagant.
A old pipe and pouch, given to him by Kenshin the First


Zanpakuto name: The Furnace


Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Bring to life the essence of the Living Flame!

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Quite serious, his zanpakuto does not bend nor does it yield. Harsh, it does not tolerate weakness. Driven, it is determined to take the title of "Strongest Fire Type" from the legendary Ryūjin Jakka.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: Katana. The blade is tinted red, and the guard and sheath is gold. The handle is white and wrapped with a purple cloth.

Shikai appearance:A golden mace, lit on both ends with golden flames.

Bankai appearance:A large, brown mace. Lit in the middle with dark red flames. There are ancient glyphs that glow on both sides of the weapon, pulsing with the flame.

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Burning Orb- Kyoichi swings his mace, firing a fireball in the swing's direction (No Cooldown, usable each post)
2. Decimating Smash- Bring his mace down into the ground, Kyoichi lights the ground around him, in a 5 feet radius, aflame and stuns anyone caught in the blast (1 post cooldown)
3. Vicious Strikes- Kyoichi swings his mace twice. If either of the two swings connect as a hit, he can immediately launch a Burning Orb at close range at the enemy (3 post cooldown)

Bankai skills:
1. Mercurial Blast- Kyoichi fires off three empowered Burning Orbs in quick succession. These orbs will seem unpredictable, but they are truly homing blasts sent towards the enemy(No cooldown, usable each post)
2. Soul Furnace- Empowering his Decimating Smash, the radius is now increased to 15 feet, and the blast now continuously pulses after the smash at the site (2 post cooldown)
3. Reckless Swings- Kyoichi swings his mace four times and if any of the four swings connect, he can immediately chain the hit into a Mercurial Blast (3 post cooldown)
4. Bloodlust- By consuming the flames contained with his mace, Kyoichi transforms into a rage-infused monster. Each strike will lit the enemy aflame. Can only be used once per thread
5. Last Breath- Charging at his enemy, Kyoichi leads with his flame-imbued mace in a dashing attack (2 post cooldown)
6. Dragon's Descent- Kyoichi summons a dragon-shaped meteor down from the skies to strike the battlefield. Once struck, the battlefield will have pillars of flames appear randomly (Usable only when Bloodlust is activated, thus only usable once per thread)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

(Note: The skills below are the ones learned in the Academy. You may pick and choose which ones you want from what is listed below already. You can have all the skills already given to you or perhaps challenge yourself a little and Handicap your character in some area's)


Hozuri (1)
Shitonegaeshi (1)


#1 Sai (1)
#4 Hainawa (1)

#1 Sho (1)
#4 Byakurai (1)
#31 Shakkaho (1)
#32 Okasen (1)
#33 Sokatsui (1)


Tessho (1)


Shunpo (1)

Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:
Fuck you birthday boy!
"Battlegear? You mean my jeans and t-shirt?" He cheekily replied before the locks on his door were deactivated. Standing up and stretching, he stepped out of his room calmly, heading into the fray.

Walking through the smoke-laden corridor, Aaron was using his telekinesis to sense around corners and obstacles to see if there were enemies around him. To his surprise, there wasn't. Aaron assumed that they all gathered around some specific location central to their objective. After all, any enemy brazen enough to storm one of the most secure locations on Earth is bound to have something they're after.

Hearing the booms and bangs get louder, Aaron felt more at ease, instead of the usual tension one would feel walking into a battleground. A moment of mental lapse allowed a goon to run up on him. Reverting his focus back on to the man, Aaron did nothing but stared the man down, and the man crumbled. What Aaron had done was sever the connection between the man's heart and the main arteries, along with the brain stem and the spinal cord, leaving the man to choke to death on the ground.

Without so much as a change of expression, Aaron stared down the next goon to approach him. This one actually managed to get a shot off on him. To Aaron's surprise, the bullet was faster than he was expecting and it actually grazed him before he can disassemble it with his powers. To that end, the healing factor he inherited from his father, who had gotten it from a Greek god, kicked in. The wound closed itself in a matter of seconds and Aaron walked up to the goon, who in this time had brandished a tactical knife.

"If bullets can't hit me, do you really think a mere knife would work?"

The goon, in a flash of panic, stabbed at Aaron wildly. Dodging easily, Aaron reached out a hand and clasped it around the goon's throat. In videogame-like fashion, Aaron ripped the man's esophagus from the man's throat. Going even further, Aaron punched the man square in the mouth, all but obliterating the man's jaw while shoving the torn esophagus back into the man's neck.

"Ah...nothing like getting some exercise..."

Aaron exclaimed, moving further into the fray.
Hel. Or Hellwink?
Both works :P

Also, I kinda left my character in a limbo, needing Fury to respond... ~_~
Sitting in his 'room', Aaron was enjoying his peace and quiet during the general gathering. However, a sudden sound grabbed his attention. Standing up, he moved himself to the small window he was given, trying to see what is going on. Using his telekinesis as a probe, he was trying to sense what exact was going on out there.

Using his personal intercom to Nick Fury, he spoke..

"Hey Fury, what is going on out there? Want to let me out just to see for once?"
Name: Aaron Cho
Alias: Hercules, Phoenix, Number 89757
Age 16
Parent(s)Amadeus Cho and Rachel Summers
Appearance: On the shorter end, standing at 5'4". Normal build, but athletic. Short black hair.
Costume: Nothing in particular. Just his normal street clothes.


Born of two near-omega level mutants, Aaron had access to his powers rather early in life. From his father, he was resistant to earthly ailments and his body developed much quicker than his peers. However, his height does not reflect that. Due to inheriting his father's intelligence, he was done with high school by age 8, college by age 10 and was the youngest recipient of a Ph.D from MIT at age 14. After that, he spends his time reading just about everything in the local library.

Around age 15, his mother started seeing traces of the Phoenix Force manifesting within him. Sudden psionic blast, induced by emotions and heightened senses to the world around had her worried. She gave him all the guidance she could, having been bonded with the Phoenix Force herself before. However, his parents still agreed that he should be handed over to 'professionals' to train and harness his powers, for the greater good of course.

This is where SHIELD and Nick Fury comes in. Amadeus and Rachel reached out to Fury, sending their only child their way before they met their untimely end. Upon receiving the news, Aaron nearly crushed all of SHIELD under a black hole, manifested by his own psionic powers, amplified by the Phoenix Force.

With SHIELD rebuilt, he is kept under constant supervision on SHIELD's compound, in fear of another outburst...
Alright, thanks.

Edit: CS done.
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