Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@AbigailTenshiKurisa knows sharing is caring...ehe...
@AbigailTenshiYou bet your sexy ass I am.
@Oblivion666its an old joke...lol@Phobosnah son!@AbigailTenshi*Sad face*
@PhobosSeveral centuries. Kuroda that Shoske knows is the first of the family...so several centuries.

@AbigailTenshi *Cough* Sixth (Sith) Squad... *Cough*

@KitsuneMe? Obviously.
Setting down a cup of tea that his great grandfather, Kenshin the First, had made him. Kyoichi bid him farewell before stepping out from the modest house his great grandfather owned in Rukongai. In the house, there were many pictures. One had a man, purple haired and wearing a slightly odd looking mask that covered the lower half of his face. Another one had a silver haired man, along with another man with black hair, both wearing clothing that made them look like martial artists, grinning and bowing. While there was one more that seemed the most important. This one had a man, black of hair, long and kept in a ponytail. This man and someone that looked like his great grandfather was linked in a embrace between friends. A tree in their background, there was a red sword and a couple of jugs on the floor. "Now, if you can, go find that sword and it is yours. Besides that, it is time for you to make your own friends and memories. I wonder how all these guys are doing... Jun san, Kaien san, Sota san, and that bastard Kurisa Byakuya..." His great grandfather said, chuckling... "And that Shoske...him and his shitty Zanpakuto...Kiba....and of course Kanzo and Haiku....Ahhh...." He said, his voice trailing off as he sipped into his tea. "Now, Kyoichi, if you meet these guys, be sure to tell them that I'm waiting and they should visit...Go now..." He said. Hearing this, Kyoichi did not think of it too much. Offering a respectful bow, he took his leave.

Walking through the street of Rukongai, Kyoichi wandered about for a bit, fiddling with the old pipe in his pocket. Mumbling to himself "Which squad....Which squad..." He stared at the road as he walked, making his way towards the Gotei Thirteen proper. Still mumbling, he said "Squad two..nah, not fast enough... Squad 13...nah....Squad 11...Eh....Squad eight...eh...."
@AbigailTenshiI bet, whenever you visit him, or him visiting you, its just..non-stop fuckery...
@AbigailTenshiI never said you guys can't. I...can't say I care about his voice...
@Oblivion666I don't even have to encourage it...
@KurisaMy name isn't Jon Snow...
@AbigailTenshi Like I said, you two be getting too freaky sometimes. Also, yes, I'll have my intro up in a little bit.
@KurisaAre you sure about that?@AbigailTenshi
@AbigailTenshiMost definitely a good hng.

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