Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@KillBox It may do...it may...do

@Oblivion666 Well you know I'm going for Squad 11 with Shinzo o3o

So like...Squad 9 and 11 taken. Available ones are 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and...I think that's it? Maybe 10 at some point...not suuuure

I want squad 1.........Ehehehehehehehe. Or 6, whichever one is tougher for you to give up. Or I suppose the 8th. But...I only want my character to be of lieutenant level...gaining captaincy later, if that works for you.

Cloned Kanzos needs to happen....

Okay so I've been thinking recently a lot about this and I've come to the conclusion that perhaps us all working towards Captain positions is sort of...going to take forever. Now I could drop all the point stuff but it does work if the time and effort is put in and soon enough you will be going up power levels like crazy. However as we are sort of...the 1st Generation in this RP it doesn't really work. I didn't want to hand out Captain positions from the get go cause people would likely abuse them, be no show's and whatever. They'd do it just to have a strong character.

However. As we are it will take us quite awhile to get to where we want to be and so I am thinking of perhaps a Time skip and bumping our characters powers up so they can actually take charge of other Squads, therefore opening them up. Although there wont be many members in the Squads the point is that for that time...the Arcs will focus on mostly the Captains (I doubt everyone wants their character a Captain so~) Yet separate arcs will go on for lower seats and so on as I don't plan to exclude anyone.

Now...All I want to know is do you all want to keep going as we are?

Or shall I do a time Skip, bump our chars up and then work on Arcs with...lets be honest...more exciting enemies xD (Risk: We lose probably quite a bit of char development...I know I will...but I will just go into Flashbacks for that)

Edit: Also if we do the time Skip thing...people probably wont have to start as unseated but actually seated in a Squad as to save them a little time and make it a bit more exciting.

Edit 2: Also you don't HAVE to go to Captain rank, this sort of almost allows you to freely choose a rank but yeah I really do need to get everyone's or most people's opinions on this.

This sounds like some post-sexy time thoughts.... *Chuckles and flies away*
I mean, I'd be up for a time skip, or like Kitsune said, a faster process...

Time for the Kurodas to claim their rightful spot as Squad Six captains...and not the Kuchikis....

There WILL be masses of Lust Nurses. And cloned army of Kanzos.

"I'm not scared. I'm just saying... attracting unwanted attention is probably a bad idea... But you do have a point..." He said, grinned. It is true. His clan was one of warriors. Smart ones, brutish ones, shy ones, brave ones. All the same. They were all held to a very high standard. Regardless of their craft, they became masters of. It is still true with Kyoichi. Sure, he is the freshest of fresh when it comes to new recruits to the Gotei Thirteen. But, having trained with his family, he can at the very least use his unreleased sword to some moderate proficiency.

Then there is the other point of the 'Tainted Blood'... The condition that has affected his family for generations. He was raised with special care, for it has been told that he will be one that carries the trait. He has been taught to avoid conflict, to minimize bloodshed. However, his caution was thrown aside when Ike called him out as if he was scared to fight off a few measly hollows...

Drawing his sword, he let his spiritual energy flow freely for the first time in what seems to be forever. Ripples of bluish energy with orange outlines can be seen around him. The color of his eyes seems to have changed along with his expressions. Gone was the genuine smile, being replaced by a stern, serious look. "Ike, you're such a brute, smashing in there like that. If one is to kill, one should kill with grace..." He said, as he dashed towards another charging hollow, drawn in by the influx of spiritual energy. With his sword held to his right side, Kyoichi executed a clean cut to the neck of the hollow, hurting it. However, he did not cut all the way through, so the hollow reared it's head with a screech. "So noisy. You clumsy beast..." Kyoichi said as he dashed towards the front legs of the beast, cutting through it this time. "Learn to bow your head..." He said, his voice as cold as the steel he held. Without its front legs, the hollow crumbled. Seizing the opportunity, Kyoichi dashed once more and stood on top of the hollow's head. Without another word, he drove his sword through the mask of the beast, causing it to scatter as ash.
Posted yo~

"Ah. Hakuda. Thats the hand to hand combat art of the Shinigami, right? I have heard stories from my elders of old masters, two in particular, that literally went into a cave, loaded it up with reiatsu-infused balls and trained in there. Their methods were brutal but the results were exceptional. My great grandfather wanted to master hakuda first before he was pulled away from it...The events were never really told to me, but I'm sure it was epic..." He said, chuckling. In truth, whatever Kyoichi was saying was just old stories told to him. He recited them matter-of-factly. However, it can most definitely come off sounding like he was bragging...

"Eh. Oh, yeah. I can keep up..." He said as the pair reached the gate they needed to take to reach their destination. He had missed the fact that Ike called him KK, something he has not heard of before. Upon reaching the human world, Kyoichi stood next to Ike, commenting "Yeah, this sounds a bit tricky since if we don't deal the precise strike, it can just keep spawning smaller hollows to overwhelm us. Yet the captain wanted us to take the hollow back alive as a specimen...so we can't really kill it either.."

As Ike took off once again, Kyoichi followed. Moving about, he kept his head on a swivel, looking for potential targets. When Ike started releasing his spirit energy in order to draw in the hollow, Kyoichi commented "I don't know if that is a good idea....I don't want us to bite off more than we can chew..." He said as he kept his own spirit energy in check...

Staying rather quiet, he nodded back at Ike after the captain briefed them on their objective. Clutching his sword tightly, he marched out of the captain's office. Going on a mission. He has heard many stories from his elders about how these things can turn out. Marching into some sort of forbidden place just to claim a legendary sword. Running all the way from the Gotei Thirteen proper into the mountains just because the captain wanted to train their speed and endurance. Going into Hueco Mundo, swords drawn and not a care in the world. Simple, mindless slaughter. Needless to say, these things can take on many different forms.

Walking besides Ike, Kyoichi felt the need to introduce himself first. "Well, since we're going to be working together, I figured we should get the introduction out of the way. My name is Kuroda Kyoichi. I don't care which one you use to address me..." He said, walking forward and holding out a hand for a handshake. "I don't have a squad yet, which begs the question why and how the captain found me to partake in this mission...I blame my family members, you see, they were all shinigami before me...Couple of captains of the olden days, no big deal.."
@AbigailTenshi@Oblivion666Sorry folks. Been busy. Will have a post up when I wake up.
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