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<_< Kurisa. my NPC?
@Phobos Now dissipate...

@Oblivion666 ...... Imma kill you~.

@Kurisa I haven't even looked and I know its Kurisa Kuchi-bitch. <_< Also, I'm going to need a few NPC spots for my family members. Just in case they need to get involved in anything...
Shoske, I'll kill you. Because I have to since apparently you were the one that committed the crime.


Yeah, thats it.

Edit: Never mind. Ike is dead~
Sitting at his ancestral home, Kyoicho was making tea for his elders, Kenshin the First, Sengoku, and Kenshin the Second were all among them. "So, you finally reached Lieutenant..." Kenshin the First said. "I remember my first lieutenant...how she just left...and how I was made the lieutenant..." He continued on. "It is as if all of this had happened yesterday..." He said as he picked up his cup of tea. "And then there is that Kuchiki prick. Gold flakes in his tea...tsk." He said as he sipped the tea his great-grandson had made for him. "Well, father, when I was younger, you once said that you actually admired Kuchiki Kurisa..." Sengoku said. "I know I did. What I said is true. I admired him. However, his...dastardly methods and behavior was not acceptable. I mean, I ran Squad Six quite well..." Kenshin the First commented. "Yes, father. You were the first non-Kuchiki to be made head of that squad... I took over after you. But, its just not quite the same, not being the first..." "Yes, indeed... Master Kaien...he gave me something too...To commemorate that day...." Kenshin said...

~It was a dark, cloudless night. There was a tree, a single tree that stood on top of a hill. Several jugs of sake can be seen littering the ground. Sound of metal clashing can be heard through the wind. Flashes of movement can be seen through the moonlight. Two masters were conversing. No words were said, only sword slashes. Winds pass. Swords stop.

"I guess I was distracted, listening to the melody we made...the melody we have been making for a long time, Kuroda." He said then pulled him closer into a rough hug with one arm

"Stay strong...and remember, truly strong people are kind." He said, looking down at him and then started vanishing. "I'll be back to check on you, baka disciple...if you die or disappear somewhere, I'll be mad and nothing will save you!" He said with a grin, that turned into an honest smile a second before he disappeared completely. He nodded. "..........Baka master........" He grabbed Ladon, the sword his master made for him, and planted it firmly into the ground. "When you're back, We will draw swords again....until then, take care." He sheathed his sword, one that has been with him the longest. "......." He left the jar his master took and a bag of herbs next to the sword. "........" He grabbed his clothing, draped them over his left shoulder held by his left hand and grabbed his jar with his right and walked off, staring at the starry sky.

The master never truly returned. Only through whispers and rumors. The disciple, now an old man, is left to reminisce of all the memories...~

After a long sip of tea, Kenshin the First said "Well, Kyoichi. It seems like the right time to tell you the location of Ladon, the sword of my master..." Taking out a large scroll, he handed it over to Kyoichi. "Read it. Master it. Only then will you find the true location of Ladon and not a moment before that..." "But, grandfather...You never..." Kenshin the Second and Kyoichi's father spoke up. "Oh hush child. Even if I gave you the scroll and left you alone for a hundred hundred years, you still wouldn't be able to find Ladon. Now go get me some dried persimmons..." Kenshin the First said, bellowing with laughter. With a few grumbles, Kenshin the Second, who was not into the arts of the Sword but kido instead, stood up and walked away. "Now, Kyoichi, I must warn you. That sword was made in Hell's fires. Imbued with the soul of a togabito. It has a mind of its own. It will decide if you are worthy. Not even I can convince her otherwise. It will attack you, physically and mentally. It will draw out your darkest fears and desires. I've been through it. It is dangerous. One false step and you will die. However, I'm sure you can do it!" Kenshin the first said, laughing all the way.

Taking the scroll, Kyoichi put it away in his sleeve pockets. "Well, I don't know if Squad 8 can afford to lose the person in command right now...Not after that bastard killed our captain..." He said, looking down slightly. "Well, you can go hunt him down...Along the way, take some time to discover the secrets contained in that scroll..." Kenshin the First said. "And who knows. Maybe by the time you kill the traitor that killed your captain you'll finally be worthy of Ladon..." he continued. Giving his great-grandfather and grandfather a nod, Kyoichi stood up and exited the residence with a simple shunpo.

"That child. Who knows. Maybe he can take my title from me one day...Heh..." Kenshin the First said. "Well, if he does, wouldn't Master Kaien be mad? He gave you the title. You then let it be taken from you?" Sengoku said. "Well, who knows. That man has never truly returned. I still have a fight to settle with him... I wonder how old he looks now...Can you imagine his ponytail turned all white and a long beard has grown on his face?..." Kenshin the First said, chuckling slightly. On a shelf in the room, there was a picture of several men. One had a long black ponytail and fierce golden eyes. One had blue hair, tied into a ponytail as well. A man with silver hair and a man with black hair was laughing at another man who has blonde hair, being bullied by what seems like five little grumpkins... Kenshin the First took one glance at the photo and a warm smile glanced his face, while his first son poured his father a bit more tea...
One of these days... I'll have to fight Shinzo... Too arrogant even for me...~_~
Kurisa, answer the PM ya bastard...trolololololol
I'm fine with it as well.

I just want my character to be a lieutenant, but acting as captain, if that makes sense...

I'm now both curious and slightly afraid...
@Oblivion666Dammit. Well, if its inevitable, make it good.

I don't trust that. Too many a times where someone tells me 'you'll see' then some twisted things happen... <_<
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