Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Uh, do we have a posting order established or something?

I mean, I can post...but I don't want to disrupt the flow~
It seems as if Kyoichi had dozed off literally mid-shunpo. How does one do that, you ask? Well, even Kyoichi himself doesn't know. In any case, he found himself lay atop one of the roofs of Squad Nine. "Ah...I swear I might be narcoleptic. I wonder where Koyoshi is right now...and Granny is still out an about.. She sure is taking a long walk today...I hope she isn't at my barracks...otherwise.." A very inhuman chill ran down his spine. Last time he ditched out on official work, the Head Captain made him literally do all the paperwork from all 13 squads, captain's and lieutenants' both. Of course he finished it. However, by the end of it, his hands might have fallen off a little.

He stood up and stretched about, sensing all the reiatsu floating around. "Hm, seems like a gathering of dense reiatsu... I wonder if I should go join them or just drink the rest of the day away... Lets see who is all there..." He focused a bit more, separating the muddled pool of reiatsu into specific strands. "Hm... Captain Miho...Koyoshi......someone that I can't readily identify...Oh...and just the Head Captain as well...uh....." He summoned a soul butterfly, whispering his message into it...

"Head Captain Murakami, Captain Miho, Koyoshi, greetings. This is Kuroda of Squad Five. It seems like you guys are having a small gathering of sorts. Mind letting a oaf of a man like myself join?"

At the end of his words, the sent the butterfly fluttering off towards its intended recipient.

I'll also try to post soon. Been real busy....
@IraAh, thats fine :P
*Pushes a Squad Five application*


*Unohana's smile. Pre-Kenpachi of course*

Also, Kurisa, I'm gonna pm you some 'custom'/invented skills, let me know what you think.
Lets get some character interactions going~
Squad Five barracks. It was just after dawn. Kyoichi was in his room, reading manga. "Ah, granny is out again....I wonder which squad is she going to visit today...I suppose I should make sure my squad is tidy...The shit she gave me last time..." He sighed, and set whatever he was reading down. Standing up and stretching, he did a quick check to make sure his sword was at his hip and shunpo'ed out of his office.

Moving to the courtyard, some squad members are already up and carrying out their daily task of cleaning and dusting their own quarters. He offered them a simple nod as he passed them, and they did the same for him. In his squad, the relationship between him and its members are more like family, rather than superior to juniors. Thinking to himself, he said "A time like this makes me want to go and find myself a lieutenant..." Making his way to his office, he sat down at his desk and started reading the day's news and various official documents. "Maybe I'll pop over to Squad Nine and scare Koyoshi like before....Hmm..." He said as his pushed his paperwork aside, and shunpo'ed from his office...
@KurisaEdits are done, CS is moved to the characters page.

@KurisaDon't worry about the old 'people' they're there for his history purposes. They will not come into play. Also, all edits are done per suggestion.
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