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Daisy, I copied your template, I hope you don't mind o3o
Kyoichi Kuroda

Kyoichi Kuroda





On the outside, Kyoichi can be seen as the class clown, often joking with anyone he comes by. However, he is actually more reserved than how he presents himself. While he jokes and can strike up a conversation with almost anyone, he doesn't open up easily. Growing up as the elder of two children, he used to have a bossy side that would throw a fir when he does not get his way. However, having spent the past few years with some older siblings from the other side of his family, he has learned to keep things inside and to just accept the situation.

He is prone to say "Yes" before he can say "No". This is true to his easy going personality. However, when one becomes close with him, he can truly open up and show himself. Not to say he is some sort of sadistic maniac on the low, it is simply him becoming more and more like himself the closer someone gets to him.

Born into the well-off merchant family in Taiwan, Kyoichi was groomed as a child to be the successor to his parent's business, a small mom-and-pops shop in the local market. For the most part, he has accepted this fact as the calling of his life. However, the rebel part of him wants nothing to do with this and wants to make a name for himself.

When he turned twelve, his parents sent him to live with a uncle and his family in the US. He spent the entirety of his junior high career in the states. However, when he turned sixteen, he made a conscious decision to move back to Asia, choosing Japan as his destination. If one was to ask him why, he would shrug it off and use his very broken Japanese, mixed with English, to tell them that it was just what he wanted to do, destiny perhaps.

Enrolling in the new school, Kyoichi is rather excited to see what the new school brings to his life...

Side Notes

Kyoichi played sports all throughout his schooling years, making him a decent athlete. His favorite sport, if he had to choose would be American football, but since that is not popular, he can settle for volleyball and soccer in Japan.

That is not to say he is poor with his academics. He is quite good at most subjects. His favorite would be chemistry and physics, but he is definite poor at math.

I would like to join as well~

Is there a general (Blank) CS template for me to follow? and also, is there a start age, like, are we all starting as freshman?
@AbigailTenshi*Throws £1 notes instead*
*Throws posts at Abi?*
Kyoichi chuckled and replied "Yes Ma'am. I don't dare to venture out of my barracks without them done now, not after what happened last time when you caught me drinking while I still had paperwork to do..." He rubbed the back of his head in shame. When he saw the head captain's hand motion, he naturally followed. If there was one person in soul society beside himself who he will blindly follow, it was the frail looking old woman in front of him...

Shunpo-ing behind the group, he noticed that they were approaching Squad Twelve. Even when he was small, his elders raised him to be mindful of anyone involved with that squad directly. However, they were with the head captain this time, so his mind was put at a bit more ease than usual. When the head captain showed but a glimpse of her powers, Kyoichi took several steps back just to observe. When the tunnel was made, he silently stepped forth and followed it down towards the center of the Earth.

The atmosphere was dark and their surrounding certainly darker. The fifteen minutes that it took them to make it to the end of the tunnel felt like nothing, as Kyoichi was too preoccupied with stepping into Squad Twelve physically to think about the passing time. When they reached the bottom, a door opened and when it did, everyone could feel the temperature drop drastically. Kyoichi has always embraced the cold, but not this kind. This kind of cold carried the smell of death with it, something that made Kyoichi very defensive and on edge. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a small shimmer of light, like that of metal in a dim light. After that, he sensed the killing intent flowing outwards from what is certainly the mysterious captain of Squad Twelve.

Out of nothing but pure instinct, Kyoichi placed his hand on the handle of his sword and drew it ever so slightly. Remaining rather silent while Koyoshi stepped up to stand next to the head captain, he replied to the question of the captain of Squad Twelve with "Hello Captain Murakami, I'm Kuroda of Squad Five..." and that was it. It was quite obvious to see that he was suppressing his own spirit pressure. While not the strongest, his fighting abilities is nothing to scoff at either.

He also is certainly not one to back down in terms of showing killing intent or the will to fight...

*Kicks Shoske....?*

I mean, I'm down.
@Kitsune* Urges to post *
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