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@Cultural Titan

I'll answer your question in points, all of them will be edited as soon as I post this.

1. I meant fate, sorry about the typo. He follows whatever the main faith is across the land, although his Eastern influence will show from time to time.

2. I'm cool with the idea of him having sunlight powers from the queen and the previous king. We can explore the options in terms of "not come in the intended form" though.

3. How about this. He is better in the sun, but his power follows the sun's rising and setting in terms of how strong it is. If it is cloudy, it acts as if it is on the same scale as the sun setting. If it is raining, there is no boost, in fact, he can be weaker.

I'll answer the latter part of point 3 and point 4 together.

The whole imagination part is because he is under the assumption that only royal family has special powers. Any 'boost' that he feels is a fluke. However, he does have powers, he just doesn't know it to be true yet. Following that, he has heard these stories from 1. His mother 2. Fortune tellers 3. Exiled government officials he met during his travels who "knows his true birth". He knows his mother, but not her true background. They have always had to scrape by though. I'll write out more of his backstory as he knows it in the bio.

Ah, the freedom part. He works as a sword-for-hire and that is how he earn his living. However, his sense of justice, righteousness and moral in general means that he isn't the richest mercenary out there.

I'll edit these things in, hope they are enough. If not, let me know and lets work on them : D

CS Skeleton [-]
Name: Leyton Dormund (Proudsword)

Appearance: A well built young man in his mind twenties showing tons of vigor. His figure would show the years of hardship he has had to endure. His arms are well defined and as are his legs. There are some scars around his body from fights and various other activities. His hair is black, kept semi-short and pulled back most of the time. His eyes are black as well.


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Side: Light

Weapons(s): A curved Eastern sword, akin to a katana. Not particularly ornate. The wraps on the handle is purple and there is a jewel in the pommel. He will guard this sword with his life.


-Unyielding Willpower: Though not anything magical, Leyton has learn through his years of hardship to not yield to fate. Even in the most dire situation, Leyton will find a way to survive and prevail.

-Child of the Sun: He draws his powers from the sun, namely sunlight. On the sunniest of days, he would appear to be giving off an aura. Under the sun, his already high speed and agility gets enhanced and his strength as well. His power follows the sun. It increase as the sun rises and reaches its maximum at midday then begins to decline. During a cloudy day, he receives very little enhancement. When it is raining or worse, he receives no boost at all, in fact, he may be weaker during those times.

-Unnatural speed
-Unnatural agility


-Masterful swordsman
-Above Average strength
-High intellect
-Natural leader

Personality: Quite jolly, Leyton has learned to enjoy even the smallest things in life. He does not let the small things bother him, electing to ignore them rather than spend time one them.

From what he can remember, he was always on the move, as if he is running from someone coming to take his life. Around the age of five, when he first started remembering things, he lived with his mother only. She was a pretty lady by conventional standards, nothing special. The lived in the Eastern part of the world, as he remembered seeing on the map. His mother would tell him stories of the capital, about how she was once a queen... She never went into detail about how she was exiled. However, she did mention that she was sent into exile when he was three because of some sort of political power struggle. All of this is a little fuzzy to him though...

He heard all of this from people that seemed like strangers that kept appearing and disappearing in his life. He first heard he was to be the crown prince, that he is a child of a king from his mother. He laughed it off. How could someone as shabby as him be of royal birth? He was a street rat, for all he knows. He is a nobody. Then he heard he was a brother of some important royal person from a fortune teller. He laughed it off. How could someone like him have royal blood? Then he heard his own brother would be king one day from his an exiled government official. He laughed it off. He has never really met his father, let alone his kingly brother.

He traveled extensively throughout the world, going where he please as long as he had money to pay for the fare to get there. He picked up several things along the way, swordsmanship namely. Using that skill, he became a sword-for-hire. However, his sense of justice, righteousness and morals in general means that he is not the richest mercenary out there. However, he was still free to go where he pleased, for he has no real family after his mother's passing when he was around fifteen.

Now he has made his way into the capital city, searching for his next job and a roof over his head...

And maybe, just maybe, all those stories he has heard would come true. That he get to live in the royal palace, eat all the royal food and most importantly, have the time of his life with all the royal ladies....
Some minor updates from time to time, like even popping in to chat would be nice. *Prototypical Saitama face*
Alright. I'll be applying then :D Titan, I'll pm you a rudimentary character design and backstory in a moment
Can I still apply? If so can someone catch me up to the events thus far?
Wow~ Any new development?
Any new development?
Basketball club :3
*Triple Post*
I'd say campus with time allowed for the students to go home to their families. Also, we should have fun field trips like going to Hogsmead in HP : D
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