Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@Ace of flames01Easy with the winking... Its too early in the morning XD
@Ace of flames01It is... XD
@Ace of flames01Nah, I get it. Let it be known that I never have a intention to harm the character of another player. Unless 1. They're the villain, or 2. We're in a spar/fight.
@Ace of flames01I mean, one should assume people to be good natured and will not intentionally harm another player's character unless they're in a fight. But thats just me. Requests are noted.
@Ace of flames01Whoa Whoa Whoa, Mr/Ms. Gm. Hold on with the hostility. Whether or not I'm trying to recreate whatever our face claims had going on in some completely different universe does not pertain to this one. I said I had a plan. I stand by that. Now that there has been numerous reactions, I will go ahead and spill it. I, or Robert rather, knew James does not yet have the control necessary to do what he had asked him to do. With that in mind, Robert was simply trying to get James to push the boundaries of his powers, which seems to have been a success. Now, with regards to Lucian. Robert had never intended to have the water hit him, or anyone else, for that matter. What he had planned to do was ask James to move it out of the way. If he can do that, great. If not, Robert is still in control of it and if it got too close to Lucian/Astrid, he would simply vaporize it into nothing more than a fine mist, which would then become entrapped in the 'vacuum' Lucian created. With that in mind, Robert also assumed that Lucian can handle his own while dealing with Astrid. Thus, the mist Robert threw his way would be of no hinderance. What Astrid is doing, or Robert for that matter, is nothing close to insubordination. To me, insubordination would be Lucian asking anyone of those three to do something, and them saying "Nah man, fuck that." and being blatantly rude/aggressive about it. Lucian asked Astrid to basically attack him. He asked Robert to follow him. To me, both of those tasks were done without as much as a squeak of complaint. He did not, specifically, ask James to do anything and thats fine. So to me, Robert is doing well being a teacher, trying to get his students to explore the true extent of their powers.

@LokiLeo789As if that is unexpected~ We have a group of mutants who do not have the finest control over their powers and two of which can be epically destructive when mixed XD However, there was no intent to kill, or even maim/harm on Robert's part...

@SuddenSardines Good! Let the rage take over and explore your powerzzzz XD

@WintergreyNo....No...Astrid cannot die.... What would Robert do? Take the Black?

Now I wait for Astrid then I can cook up my response~
@SuddenSardinesDo whatever you feel is right for your character ^_^
@Ace of flames01nah, he'll be fine. Also, why? Why are you so defensive over Lucian? Is... Is he Sophie's little crush?!?
@LokiLeo789Are you sure its not acid XD
@Ace of flames01Hey now, let not over react... It's all a part of my plan XD

If you expelled him and Astrid, they'd become The Wildlings...<_<
@Ace of flames01I mean, he can teleport the orb XD

And wut... I mean~ *Is protecting Astrid on the low...*
Robert Snow

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Astrid@WintergreyPeter @Winter KittenLucian @LokiLeo789James @SuddenSardines

Just follow him huh. Robert thought to himself. He also wonders about this Lucian person and what made him qualified enough to be picked by Professor Latour to be a leader. In any case, he kept his silence and simply followed his group to the training field Lucian has picked for them. During the car ride, he mainly kept to himself, preferring to stare outside the windows than interacting with his new teammates.

Upon arrive, Robert immediately began his internal analysis of how much liquid this area contained. As it is with any location on earth, there is alway some liquid in the air. That alone is enough for him. As Astrid and Lucian began their first little training exercise, he paid no mind to the physic lesson that also took place. Instead, he gathered some of the humidity that was in the air and formed it into a orb the size of a baseball. "Now, James, you can move things right. I'm going to throw this. Try to move it back to my hand. You'll need to focus, since the object you're trying to move it also move in a different direction. Ready, here we go." He took aim and threw the ball of water. Surprisingly, the ball was moving much faster than it should have been. In truth, he was controlling its speed by having it pull itself towards any and all water particle that was in the air along its path of travel. "Oh look, the orb is heading right towards our leader, Lucian. James, you should really try to move it now..." He chuckled as he stood back to watch what would happen.
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