Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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"I mean, the technology is so advanced that you can have true sensations here..." Taking a sip of his whiskey, Jhin leaned back. His wrist vibrated slight and he took a quick glance at it.

A job. He hasn't had one of those in quite a while. They used one of his former aliases as well. They called him Sicario. He himself retired that alias about a decade ago...

"To be sure. Nothing here is real. Real would be if we met up with our physical bodies and had a conversation about this meeting. Also, that portal of your. I would like to travel to Stormwind and meet the person that created it. It seems to be as if he was able to bypass the need to physically plug in. You said you just stepped through the portal and appeared here... I think, well, hell. Here, look at this and point out where about Azeroth is..."

Jhin tapped on the table and a small transparent screen appeared. With his hand, he tapped on the screen, entering his personal information. With it, if one was to look, they can see a string of numbers preceded by the universal currency sign. He was accessing something that one has to pay for it seems.

Moments later, a holographic projection of a map appeared.

"The blue dot is where my physical body is. Ecetopia its called. That there is Frixion Prime, where many if not all of this technology is invented. That there is the central hub, Vasishka. If you can, point out where Azeroth is, and I'll come and find you somehow..."

Yes, he has a pending job offer, but that can wait...
(This crew that we're making... lol.)

@Pumpkinbot@Dark Light@AllHollowsEve

"The name is Jason. Had a last name but I literally have forgotten how to pronounce it. So its just Jason." He said to the android that sat down next to them. He chuckled at how Maestro ordered his drink. "I mean, I don't think you want to drink pure alcohol... That can be quite bad, even for one such as you."

Taking a sip of his whiskey, he leaned back in his seat and hear what was exclaimed. Due to the statement, he naturally tilted his head ever so slightly and more or less stared at the body part in question. Furrowing his eyebrows and pursing his lips slightly, he nodded in approval of the statement as well. Not that he hadn't looked at them yet...

He shook his head to one side slightly once, to the question of someone cracking the firewall to this place. To his knowledge, there has not been such a disturbance. As the new woman was punching in something on the screen, and Miri whispered the fact that things such as the firewall of the place being breached should be said in a softer voice, he put his arm around Miri's shoulder and leaned both of them forward and towards the newcomer, saying "I don't think whispering is in this one's repertoire, am I right?"

"I mean, doctors do the same thing. Its...a sort of art, if you will. A barbaric art of precision..." He chuckles. His line of work could be categorized as a barbaric art hinged completely on precision as well. Does that make him a doctor by his own logic then?

Absolutely not...

"Healing through magic... That, we call a miracle. Something that is make-belief, if you will. Not that I'm doubting what you can do, priestess." She placed her hand on his. "Well, I mean, yes and no. Its a sort of hallucination. Hallucinations to me are imagined things. However, none of this is imagined. They were purposely put where they are..."

The question of how she got to where they are did not even pass his mind. He has seen too much to care about something so trivial. Perhaps it can make for a fun conversation later on down the road. Just as he was about to speak again, a robot approached them and cracked a rather crude joke. Sure, the logic is sound, but does jokes require logic..?

Instead, he just chuckled. "I mean, the bartender is usually quite attentive, " He said to the robot. "He is on his way back with our drinks. You're welcome to have a seat and order yours while he is here..."

"A healer... We call that a doctor here. Though their titles differ, their purpose is the same. To heal others of their afflictions." Smiling, he found the fact that she did not know what the central nervous system is, despite the face that she is a proclaimed doctor, to be rather amusing.

"Well, the central nervous system is how we feel anything. It essentially control everything that we do. Motor skills, sensations, and all that. I'm no doctor myself, so that is quite literally the extent of my knowledge on the subject matter." Leaning back slightly, he continued "Well, I'm glad you're not insane and didn't just reach out and punched me. What I was trying to demonstrate is that even though our physical bodies are nowhere near each other, I think, so here, instead of a punch, simply feel the palm of my hand, and tell me what you feel."

If she was to reach out and touch him, she would feel a pleasant warmth, basically how a healthy human's hand would feel.

"Gnomes. Can't say I've seen one of those working on the machines. But yes, its something like that. Advanced technology, made by very smart people for the benefits of others."

Depends on your idea of shoving...

No, but all jokes aside, sure, some interaction between everyone could be nice.

He reached out to stop the bartender. "Ah no worries, bring out a bottle of the good stuff, I feel like we can be here for a while. Please and thank you." The bartender then went on his way.

"Oh no. I wasn't in the guarding business... I was more in the --uh-- eliminating business... long story short, got mixed up with the wrong people, got into a lot of debt and subsequently found a calling that paid well...."

He shifted his posture somewhat nervously. Why did he just basically tell her he was a killer for hire... what was he thinking...

"Ah yes. Wait, you're not familiar with virtual reality? Interesting. Ok. So, basically it's like this. We're all currently hooked up to a machine, directly into our central nervous system. That puts us here. And go ahead, punch me. I want to show you something. I'll show you how the virtual works..."

He chuckled. Underneath that, he actually was quite disturbed. How did she spot the weapon, he thought he had it concealed well enough. Did his arm give it away? Was it the way it was held? Was the the direction it was pointing? Nonetheless, she noticed, and openly commented on it.

Sure, it was just a pistol, and not Whisper, but still. Jhin had completely assumed that he had the weapon covered. He knew he was in a virtual world, but for all intents and purposes, this was his reality right now. In that case, what if he was to meet this woman in the real world? What if she is some secret agent, looking to bring him under arrest for his many crimes..?

Removing his right arm from his cloak, since his cover was broken anyways, he leaned back into the seat and seemingly relaxed. "Ah, its just an old pistol that I carry for mostly sentimental values..." As he finished his sentence, he bring the pistol out and placed it on the table. "As to your previous question, we're currently in a virtual tavern. A world that that not physically exist yet feels completely real... So, as to where you are exactly, that I cannot answer for you..." Adjusting his posture slightly, he continued "All I know is that we're all plugged into a virtual machine somewhere and that has led us here, to this bar, at this very instant."

As she commented on his profession, he chuckled and replied "Ah, well, if you put it that way, it makes it sound like I'm a criminal. I assure, I'm no such thing. I work in pest control, if you will. People have pests they want to get rid of, and they find me. I then get rid of said pests for them. Then they pay me for my services, thats all. Pest control, nothing sinister."

The bartender approached and Jhin turned away from the Draenei briefly. "I'll have the Hibiki, neat, with the slightest splash of ice cold water. And the lady, whatever she will have, please put it on my tab. Thank you." As he finished, he turned to face the woman again, waiting on her to order.
If she could tell, she would see the smile underneath his mask. "I know of your people. And I mean you no harm. Its just that when one is in my line of work, one can never be too cautious. Please, have a seat. Your first drink is on me." He said as he motioned to get the bartender's attention.

"The name is Jason. Had a last name but its too complicated even for myself.." He said with a small smile and a nod.

@PumpkinbotAh. I have indeed. I will edit my post~

Thanks for clearing it up ^__^
Jhin was brought back to reality by the sounds of a portal opening and subsequently snapping shut. He blinked a few times and glanced over towards where the sound originated. A blue skinned female figure stepped through. In all of his years, he never thought he'd see a Draenei just wandering about. So this was refreshing.

"Ah... A Draenei...Interesting..." He whispered to himself.

Being ever so cautious, he made sure the spot close to him was empty and turned so it seems like no one was going to take the spot. However, he kept his right hand tucked in his coat, with his pistol in his hand pointed at the empty spot should the Draenei approach him and tries something unsavory. All the while this is playing out, he pondered on the thought that his previous notion of the Draenei were such that they were a conservative species. As friendly as they might be, they are usually more reserved than...her.
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