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I added the info that we spoke about in there.

So, what else do we need to discuss in terms of the devil fruit?
Lee was outside the tavern when it exploded. Gently, he sidestepped the onrushing people and the subsequent debris from the explosion. There were pirates attack people. However, the seemingly innocent seems to be dealing with the pirates quite efficiently. Lee peered around, trying to spot any government agents among the crowd.

No marines thus far, thats good at least.

There were people still fighting, kicking, slashing and causing all sorts of violence. Lee took a deep, steady, breath. He will not resort to violence. Even if his aggressor means him harm, he will do his best to simply dodge. Lee waded through the chaos, sidestepping people that were shoving and pushing each other aside. If he was his former, more hostile, self, he would have sprung into action and attacked. However, after the unspeakable events he had witness and been a part of, he has sworn off violence. Never again would he return to his former self.

Keeping a mental note of everything that is going on around him, he decided that he needs to find a way out of this town. Soon, the chaos would calm and the area would be filled with marines and other government agents investigating the situation. Lee cannot possibly remain here for that. Spotting a boat off in the distance, he made his approach, looking to get on board and using what little funds he had left to bribe his way to a new town...
I'm seriously always double posting....

However, what I wanted to say is that I'm going to insert my character into the IC, but not using any of his powers until they're all go to go per the GM.

But still, I think we can agree that he can be a capable fighter, using his physical training and all that...

I was working on it lol~

Also, sending you a PM in a little bit for some more overarching questions~

Again, sorry for the double post.

Um, Yes. For the most time, he will just be activating his power in the Golden Fleece mode. His full form would be for speed, transportation, and other movement related purposes. His hybrid form would be where the full power of the fruit (i.e. increase in defense against the dark arts physical attacks, strength boost, moderate healing) would come into effect.
@jynmi88yup. I'll do that as soon as I can.

Yeah. The Golden Fleece form is like... Luffy using Gear One/Two. The Full Transformation is, for me and the idea I had, Gear Third, and Hybrid would be Gear Fourth and beyond.

Since I'm going with a 'God'/ Astrology theme, I figured the hybrid form could be the god's true appearance, and the animal form is what he uses to get around, like Zeus and the Eagle he likes to use.

Oh. I didn't know that.

First Form is just Lee in human form. However, he can partially activate his his powers, going into the aforementioned 'Golden Fleece' form. Second Form would be the Golden Ram of Colchis, essentially a ram with a golden coat and horns. The Hybrid from would be the image provided.

Lee just uses the partial form most of the time, using the other two forms when absolutely necessary. For example, he would use the animal for to scale high mountains and places otherwise impossible for a regular human. The hybrid form he would use as a last resort as it is the hardest for him to control, due the Ares' reckless nature.

Two million it is.

Well. I want him to look like the image I posted with his 'God Mode'. So, I guess he isn't fully the animal like Marco. He'd be closer to Lucci with his Leopard-Human hybrid. Like, long, scraggly beard, Ram horns, red fiery eyes and all that.

In terms of the powers, we'll work on those as he approaches awakening. Those are just some thoughts.
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