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Interested and keeping track.
Um... Am I the only one thinking this..?

Where is everyone?
Now departing Ikebukuro Station. Now departing Ikebukuro Station.

XiaoBao had his headphones on, but the PA system was loud enough that he knew his train is departing. Packed in to the train car like sardines, XiaoBao tugged at his backpack and held on to the railing to keep himself from shifting, not that he has a risk of that anyways...

Morning rush hour was always the worst. However, aside from they typical school vacations and the once per year journey from where he currently lives to Tokyo Station, he has no real needs to taking public transportation. Looking down on his phone, a video clip of a recent Quidditch friendly between Japan and Brazil was playing. Like their real life football counterparts, the Brazilian team play with such flair and freedom that it seemingly enchants their opponents. Japan, the ever technical and fundamentally sound team, was being pushed by the free-form attacking of the Brazilians. "Chaser, left flank..." XiaoBao muttered to himself. He was 'shadowboxing'. He had inserted himself into the match on Team Japan. As the Brazilian team was attacking, he was defending and he spotted the open chaser down the left. Were he actually in that match, he would have rushed to cover the side to try and stop the attack...

The clip ended, and his music resumed. It was loud, but not loud enough to be obnoxious. A fresh selection of Logic was on the playlist of the day. XiaoBao looked up and noticed that Tokyo Station was the next stop. That was a brisk 17 minute trip. Train are always so precise here. In his other travels, never has he experienced such precision. They'd even apologize to the passengers if the train was even two minutes late. Getting of the local Marunouchi line train, XiaoBao had to turn sideways several times to dodge other passengers as he walked by.

Heading towards the MT Line Gate, he was surprised that there wasn't a ton of people going in and out of the turnstile. He shrugged it off and proceeded to head through the gate himself. Descending the elevator to his platform, he skipped several songs on his phone and then stashed it back away in his pocket. Adjusting his glasses slightly, he arrived at the bottom of the elevator and proceeded onto the bustling platform. "Haaaaa...."He said softly after a soft inhale of the air. Nothing has changed, it would seem.

Heading into a Starbucks, he grabbed himself his usual, a grande caramel latte and headed for the takoyaki stand. It has become almost a tradition for at least himself to grab a coffee and an order of takoyaki before boarding the train. Taking a small sip of his hot beverage, he waited and then received his order. As he received his order of takoyaki and walked away, he looked up at the display board and noticed that there were about 15 minutes before he needs to board the train. Plenty of time for him to sit down and eat.

Looking around slightly, he saw a spot on the bench. He approached, taking out his earbuds to take in the sounds of the platform. "Hello~"He said in a friendly tone to the girl who seems to be burning from the inside out from the piping hot takoyaki. "What are you, a first year..? Everyone knows to not eat these like that... He thought to himself. He poked into one of his takoyaki with the toothpick that was supplied, took a small bite to allow the semi-soft contents on the inside to cool down before continuing...

@Scarescrow Well, let's hope the school will be a good place for him as he seems like he could use some positive things in his life. And at such a young age too.

@Pirouette With that I believe all the captain slots are filled? I'll have to give another read through but Quidditch is going to be interesting. Put 'er in the tab.

It is my intention to start this RP up and proper no later than Sunday March 11, 2018. I will not be closing off applications so people that are lurking or come into it later are more than welcome to join. This has attracted a fair amount of interest and for that I thank each and every one of you. I will not be implementing a posting limit yet unless I feel things are moving a bit too fast. For those of you who like to start planning things early, the first few posts will be on the underwater train to the school as a way to have more focused and individual interactions as well as set the tone. The first 'arc' if you want to call it that will mostly be centered on readjusting (or adjusting in the case of the first years) to school life. A sorting, a welcome banquet, some blurbs about classes, Quidditch practice, etc.

I suspect the first bits will be more free form but the guiding hand of interaction lurks ever in the background.

Again, thanks everyone for joining thus far and let's have fun with it.

But are the odds ever in our favor?
Alright, time to actually be a GM.

@GingerBoi123 By transmutation, do you mean Transfiguration? Also you say he's in his fifth year but have it as his third year elsewhere on the sheet. Other than that ACCEPTED

@Syn Alright flower boy, consider yourself ACCEPTED

@Hero Both of them are ACCEPTED and I appreciate the aside about Kalder getting those foreign looks.

@Dirty Pretty Lies Quidditch rivals, foreign transfers, bound to be interesting times ahead. ACCEPTED

@Inkarnate My bias towards Korea made me gloss over the entire sheet which is a lie of course but I wanted to sound aloof. ACCEPTED

@Ejected You had me at 'androgyny' and then had me again at 'master procrastinator'. ACCEPTED

@Bee He's in for quite an interesting, if not overwhelming, journey. ACCEPTED

@SleepingSilence Well it wouldn't be an RP without the appropriate tragic backstory! I'm going on faith here and trusting that you won't delve too deep into some kinda chosen one thing or whatever - also sup with the tattoos? Suppose that'll come up. Still, gonna say you're ACCEPTED.

@Apoalo I've just got two comments, one of which is probably my own self being confused but both are related to Eko. The first is more a statement that his being part of the Quidditch club as a first year essentially makes him like a cheerleader of sorts since, assuming he intends to try for the team, he wouldn't be able to play for the school until second year. The second is more a question and maybe it's different in that corner of the world, but fluent in five languages at age 11? I'm not saying it's impossible or anything but kid's been busy. Just tossing that in there. Anyway, ACCEPTED

@Kitty I don't have a problem with people wishing to be Gold Robe students so it is certainly allowed. However, Seon is walking a very fine line here that I'm sure is unintentional. My major concern here is the workload she has, it feels sort of like she does a little bit of everything from the Quidditch to the foundation of a club to tutoring and that's in addition to making the grade enough to be one of the top eight students. That is a tall order for even the most studious of students and there aren't any time tuners in this neck of the woods. While she's no longer the leader of the Baking Club, that still has a rather full workload, Quidditch practice is demanding and a seventh year has end of school exams and careers looming. I'm not opposed to the character, but maybe just a bit dialed back say on the tutoring bits? If only because she kind of does it all and I'm worried for the poor girl's health.

@Sailorsadie Well who doesn't love romance novels? ACCEPTED

@Regitnui I've got a soft spot for newspaper folk, blame it on His Girl Friday. ACCEPTED

@Symphoni Chi could certainly use the support and I'm sure she'll fit right in there! ACCEPTED

@shylarah Pretty much the Pottermore canon stuff is the colored robes, the location of the school, and the highly competitive and serious Quidditch nature. Everything else? Yeah that's all just written in and trying to take the Pottermore concept and flesh it out into something. You're certainly welcome to lurk!

@KillBox Here's hoping he can help continue the Ka's winning streak. The competition this year seems particularly fierce. ACCEPTED

Can we get a team roster just so we all know who is where...?

Also, team mascots?

Done. Thanks.

In the interest of presenting my interest in this RP and the purpose of not making a mess in the OOC, I will post my CS here ^_^
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